import sys import py import re import inspect class Interpreters: def __init__(self): self.name2executable = {} self.executable2info = {} def get_executable(self, name): """ return path object to the executable for the given name (e.g. python2.6, python2.7, python etc.) if name is already an existing path, return name. If an interpreter cannot be found, return None. """ try: return self.name2executable[name] except KeyError: self.name2executable[name] = e = find_executable(name) return e def get_info(self, name=None, executable=None): if name is None and executable is None: raise ValueError("need to specify name or executable") if name: if executable is not None: raise ValueError("cannot specify both name, executable") executable = self.get_executable(name) if not executable: return NoInterpreterInfo(name=name) try: return self.executable2info[executable] except KeyError: info = run_and_get_interpreter_info(name, executable) self.executable2info[executable] = info return info def get_sitepackagesdir(self, info, envdir): if not info.executable: return "" envdir = str(envdir) try: res = exec_on_interpreter(info.executable, [inspect.getsource(sitepackagesdir), "print (sitepackagesdir(%r))" % envdir]) except ExecFailed: val = sys.exc_info()[1] print ("execution failed: %s -- %s" %(val.out, val.err)) return "" else: return res["dir"] def run_and_get_interpreter_info(name, executable): assert executable try: result = exec_on_interpreter(executable, [inspect.getsource(pyinfo), "print (pyinfo())"]) except ExecFailed: val = sys.exc_info()[1] return NoInterpreterInfo(name, executable=val.executable, out=val.out, err=val.err) else: return InterpreterInfo(name, executable, **result) def exec_on_interpreter(executable, source): if isinstance(source, list): source = "\n".join(source) from subprocess import Popen, PIPE args = [str(executable)] popen = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) popen.stdin.write(source.encode("utf8")) out, err = popen.communicate() if popen.returncode: raise ExecFailed(executable, source, out, err) try: result = eval(out.strip()) except Exception: raise ExecFailed(executable, source, out, "could not decode %r" % out) return result class ExecFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, executable, source, out, err): self.executable = executable self.source = source self.out = out self.err = err class InterpreterInfo: runnable = True def __init__(self, name, executable, version_info): assert executable and version_info = name self.executable = executable self.version_info = version_info def __str__(self): return "" % ( self.executable, self.version_info) class NoInterpreterInfo: runnable = False def __init__(self, name, executable=None, out=None, err="not found"): = name self.executable = executable self.version_info = None self.out = out self.err = err def __str__(self): if self.executable: return "" else: return "" % if sys.platform != "win32": def find_executable(name): return py.path.local.sysfind(name) else: # Exceptions to the usual windows mapping win32map = { 'python': sys.executable, 'jython': "c:\jython2.5.1\jython.bat", } def locate_via_py(v_maj, v_min): ver = "-%s.%s" % (v_maj, v_min) script = "import sys; print(sys.executable)" py_exe = py.path.local.sysfind('py') if py_exe: try: exe = py_exe.sysexec(ver, '-c', script).strip() except py.process.cmdexec.Error: exe = None if exe: exe = py.path.local(exe) if exe.check(): return exe def find_executable(name): p = py.path.local.sysfind(name) if p: return p actual = None # Is this a standard PythonX.Y name? m = re.match(r"python(\d)\.(\d)", name) if m: # The standard names are in predictable places. actual = r"c:\python%s%s\python.exe" % m.groups() if not actual: actual = win32map.get(name, None) if actual: actual = py.path.local(actual) if actual.check(): return actual # The standard executables can be found as a last resort via the # Python launcher py.exe if m: return locate_via_py(*m.groups()) def pyinfo(): import sys return dict(version_info=tuple(sys.version_info)) def sitepackagesdir(envdir): from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib return dict(dir=get_python_lib(prefix=envdir))