""" PEP386-version comparison algorithm. (c) Tarek Ziade and others extracted unmodified from https://bitbucket.org/tarek/distutilsversion licensed under the PSF license (i guess) UPDATE 2017-09-06: removed suggest_normalized_version function as it is not needed by the project """ import re class IrrationalVersionError(Exception): """This is an irrational version.""" pass class HugeMajorVersionNumError(IrrationalVersionError): """An irrational version because the major version number is huge (often because a year or date was used). See `error_on_huge_major_num` option in `NormalizedVersion` for details. This guard can be disabled by setting that option False. """ pass # A marker used in the second and third parts of the `parts` tuple, for # versions that don't have those segments, to sort properly. An example # of versions in sort order ('highest' last): # 1.0b1 ((1,0), ('b',1), ('f',)) # 1.0.dev345 ((1,0), ('f',), ('dev', 345)) # 1.0 ((1,0), ('f',), ('f',)) # 1.0.post256.dev345 ((1,0), ('f',), ('f', 'post', 256, 'dev', 345)) # 1.0.post345 ((1,0), ('f',), ('f', 'post', 345, 'f')) # ^ ^ ^ # 'b' < 'f' ---------------------/ | | # | | # 'dev' < 'f' < 'post' -------------------/ | # | # 'dev' < 'f' ----------------------------------------------/ # Other letters would do, but 'f' for 'final' is kind of nice. FINAL_MARKER = ('f',) VERSION_RE = re.compile(r''' ^ (?P\d+\.\d+) # minimum 'N.N' (?P(?:\.\d+)*) # any number of extra '.N' segments (?: (?P[abc]|rc) # 'a'=alpha, 'b'=beta, 'c'=release candidate # 'rc'= alias for release candidate (?P\d+(?:\.\d+)*) )? (?P(\.post(?P\d+))?(\.dev(?P\d+))?)? $''', re.VERBOSE) class NormalizedVersion(object): """A rational version. Good: 1.2 # equivalent to "1.2.0" 1.2.0 1.2a1 1.2.3a2 1.2.3b1 1.2.3c1 TODO: fill this out Bad: 1 # mininum two numbers 1.2a # release level must have a release serial 1.2.3b """ def __init__(self, s, error_on_huge_major_num=True): """Create a NormalizedVersion instance from a version string. @param s {str} The version string. @param error_on_huge_major_num {bool} Whether to consider an apparent use of a year or full date as the major version number an error. Default True. One of the observed patterns on PyPI before the introduction of `NormalizedVersion` was version numbers like this: 2009.01.03 20040603 2005.01 This guard is here to strongly encourage the package author to use an alternate version, because a release deployed into PyPI and, e.g. downstream Linux package managers, will forever remove the possibility of using a version number like "1.0" (i.e. where the major number is less than that huge major number). """ self._parse(s, error_on_huge_major_num) @classmethod def from_parts(cls, version, prerelease=FINAL_MARKER, devpost=FINAL_MARKER): return cls(cls.parts_to_str((version, prerelease, devpost))) def _parse(self, s, error_on_huge_major_num=True): """Parses a string version into parts.""" match = VERSION_RE.search(s) if not match: raise IrrationalVersionError(s) groups = match.groupdict() parts = [] # main version block = self._parse_numdots(groups['version'], s, False, 2) extraversion = groups.get('extraversion') if extraversion not in ('', None): block += self._parse_numdots(extraversion[1:], s) parts.append(tuple(block)) # prerelease prerel = groups.get('prerel') if prerel is not None: block = [prerel] block += self._parse_numdots(groups.get('prerelversion'), s, pad_zeros_length=1) parts.append(tuple(block)) else: parts.append(FINAL_MARKER) # postdev if groups.get('postdev'): post = groups.get('post') dev = groups.get('dev') postdev = [] if post is not None: postdev.extend([FINAL_MARKER[0], 'post', int(post)]) if dev is None: postdev.append(FINAL_MARKER[0]) if dev is not None: postdev.extend(['dev', int(dev)]) parts.append(tuple(postdev)) else: parts.append(FINAL_MARKER) self.parts = tuple(parts) if error_on_huge_major_num and self.parts[0][0] > 1980: raise HugeMajorVersionNumError( "huge major version number, %r, " "which might cause future problems: %r" % (self.parts[0][0], s)) def _parse_numdots(self, s, full_ver_str, drop_trailing_zeros=True, pad_zeros_length=0): """Parse 'N.N.N' sequences, return a list of ints. @param s {str} 'N.N.N..." sequence to be parsed @param full_ver_str {str} The full version string from which this comes. Used for error strings. @param drop_trailing_zeros {bool} Whether to drop trailing zeros from the returned list. Default True. @param pad_zeros_length {int} The length to which to pad the returned list with zeros, if necessary. Default 0. """ nums = [] for n in s.split("."): if len(n) > 1 and n[0] == '0': raise IrrationalVersionError( "cannot have leading zero in " "version number segment: '%s' in %r" % (n, full_ver_str)) nums.append(int(n)) if drop_trailing_zeros: while nums and nums[-1] == 0: nums.pop() while len(nums) < pad_zeros_length: nums.append(0) return nums def __str__(self): return self.parts_to_str(self.parts) @classmethod def parts_to_str(cls, parts): """Transforms a version expressed in tuple into its string representation.""" # XXX This doesn't check for invalid tuples main, prerel, postdev = parts s = '.'.join(str(v) for v in main) if prerel is not FINAL_MARKER: s += prerel[0] s += '.'.join(str(v) for v in prerel[1:]) if postdev and postdev is not FINAL_MARKER: if postdev[0] == 'f': postdev = postdev[1:] i = 0 while i < len(postdev): if i % 2 == 0: s += '.' s += str(postdev[i]) i += 1 return s def __repr__(self): return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self) def _cannot_compare(self, other): raise TypeError("cannot compare %s and %s" % (type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, NormalizedVersion): self._cannot_compare(other) return self.parts == other.parts def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, NormalizedVersion): self._cannot_compare(other) return self.parts < other.parts def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return not (self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)) def __le__(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other)