from __future__ import with_statement import sys, os import codecs import py import tox from tox._config import DepConfig class CreationConfig: def __init__(self, md5, python, version, distribute, sitepackages, develop, deps): self.md5 = md5 self.python = python self.version = version self.distribute = distribute self.sitepackages = sitepackages self.develop = develop self.deps = deps def writeconfig(self, path): lines = ["%s %s" % (self.md5, self.python)] lines.append("%s %d %d %d" % (self.version, self.distribute, self.sitepackages, self.develop)) for dep in self.deps: lines.append("%s %s" % dep) path.ensure() path.write("\n".join(lines)) @classmethod def readconfig(cls, path): try: lines = path.readlines(cr=0) value = lines.pop(0).split(None, 1) md5, python = value version, distribute, sitepackages, develop = lines.pop(0).split( None, 3) distribute = bool(int(distribute)) sitepackages = bool(int(sitepackages)) develop = bool(int(develop)) deps = [] for line in lines: md5, depstring = line.split(None, 1) deps.append((md5, depstring)) return CreationConfig(md5, python, version, distribute, sitepackages, develop, deps) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: return None def matches(self, other): return (other and self.md5 == other.md5 and self.python == other.python and self.version == other.version and self.distribute == other.distribute and self.sitepackages == other.sitepackages and self.develop == other.develop and self.deps == other.deps) class VirtualEnv(object): def __init__(self, envconfig=None, session=None): self.envconfig = envconfig self.session = session self.path = envconfig.envdir self.path_config = self.path.join(".tox-config1") @property def name(self): return self.envconfig.envname def __repr__(self): return "" %(self.path) def getcommandpath(self, name=None, venv=True, cwd=None): if name is None: return self.envconfig.envpython name = str(name) if os.path.isabs(name): return name if os.path.split(name)[0] == ".": p = cwd.join(name) if p.check(): return str(p) p = None if venv: p = py.path.local.sysfind(name, paths=[self.envconfig.envbindir]) if p is not None: return p p = py.path.local.sysfind(name) if p is None: raise tox.exception.InvocationError( "could not find executable %r" % (name,)) # p is not found in virtualenv script/bin dir if venv: if not self.is_allowed_external(p): "test command found but not installed in testenv\n" " cmd: %s\n" " env: %s\n" "Maybe forgot to specify a dependency?" % (p, self.envconfig.envdir)) return str(p) # will not be rewritten for reporting def is_allowed_external(self, p): tryadd = [""] if sys.platform == "win32": tryadd += [os.path.normcase(x) for x in os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(os.pathsep)] p = py.path.local(os.path.normcase(str(p))) for x in self.envconfig.whitelist_externals: for add in tryadd: if p.fnmatch(x + add): return True return False def _ispython3(self): return "python3" in str(self.envconfig.basepython) def update(self, action=None): """ return status string for updating actual venv to match configuration. if status string is empty, all is ok. """ if action is None: action = self.session.newaction(self, "update") rconfig = CreationConfig.readconfig(self.path_config) if not self.envconfig.recreate and rconfig and \ rconfig.matches(self._getliveconfig()):"reusing", self.envconfig.envdir) return if rconfig is None: action.setactivity("create", self.envconfig.envdir) else: action.setactivity("recreate", self.envconfig.envdir) try: self.create(action) except tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter: return sys.exc_info()[1] except tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound: return sys.exc_info()[1] try: self.install_deps(action) except tox.exception.InvocationError: v = sys.exc_info()[1] return "could not install deps %s; v = %r" % ( self.envconfig.deps, v) def _getliveconfig(self): python = self.envconfig._basepython_info.executable md5 = getdigest(python) version = tox.__version__ distribute = self.envconfig.distribute sitepackages = self.envconfig.sitepackages develop = self.envconfig.develop deps = [] for dep in self._getresolvedeps(): raw_dep = md5 = getdigest(raw_dep) deps.append((md5, raw_dep)) return CreationConfig(md5, python, version, distribute, sitepackages, develop, deps) def _getresolvedeps(self): l = [] for dep in self.envconfig.deps: if dep.indexserver is None: res = self.session._resolve_pkg( if res != dep = dep.__class__(res) l.append(dep) return l def getsupportedinterpreter(self): return self.envconfig.getsupportedinterpreter() def create(self, action=None): #if self.getcommandpath("activate").dirpath().check(): # return if action is None: action = self.session.newaction(self, "create") config_interpreter = self.getsupportedinterpreter() args = [sys.executable, '-mvirtualenv'] if self.envconfig.distribute: args.append("--distribute") else: args.append("--setuptools") if self.envconfig.sitepackages: args.append('--system-site-packages') # add interpreter explicitly, to prevent using # default (virtualenv.ini) args.extend(['--python', str(config_interpreter)]) #if sys.platform == "win32": # f, path, _ = py.std.imp.find_module("virtualenv") # f.close() # args[:1] = [str(config_interpreter), str(path)] #else: self.session.make_emptydir(self.path) basepath = self.path.dirpath() basepath.ensure(dir=1) args.append(self.path.basename) self._pcall(args, venv=False, action=action, cwd=basepath) self.just_created = True def finish(self): self._getliveconfig().writeconfig(self.path_config) def _needs_reinstall(self, setupdir, action): setup_py = setupdir.join('') setup_cfg = setupdir.join('setup.cfg') args = [self.envconfig.envpython, str(setup_py), '--name'] output = action.popen(args, cwd=setupdir, redirect=False, returnout=True) name = output.strip() egg_info = setupdir.join('.'.join((name, 'egg-info'))) for conf_file in (setup_py, setup_cfg): if (not egg_info.check() or (conf_file.check() and conf_file.mtime() > egg_info.mtime())): return True return False def developpkg(self, setupdir, action): assert action is not None if getattr(self, 'just_created', False): action.setactivity("develop-inst", setupdir) self.finish() extraopts = [] else: if not self._needs_reinstall(setupdir, action): action.setactivity("develop-inst-noop", setupdir) return action.setactivity("develop-inst-nodeps", setupdir) extraopts = ['--no-deps'] self._install(['-e', setupdir], extraopts=extraopts, action=action) def installpkg(self, sdistpath, action): assert action is not None if getattr(self, 'just_created', False): action.setactivity("inst", sdistpath) self.finish() extraopts = [] else: action.setactivity("inst-nodeps", sdistpath) extraopts = ['-U', '--no-deps'] self._install([sdistpath], extraopts=extraopts, action=action) def install_deps(self, action=None): if action is None: action = self.session.newaction(self, "install_deps") deps = self._getresolvedeps() if deps: depinfo = ", ".join(map(str, deps)) action.setactivity("installdeps", "%s" % depinfo) self._install(deps, action=action) def _installopts(self, indexserver): l = [] if indexserver: l += ["-i", indexserver] if self.envconfig.downloadcache: self.envconfig.downloadcache.ensure(dir=1) l.append("--download-cache=%s" % self.envconfig.downloadcache) return l def run_install_command(self, packages, options=(), indexserver=None, action=None, extraenv=None): argv = self.envconfig.install_command[:] # use pip-script on win32 to avoid the executable locking i = argv.index('{packages}') argv[i:i+1] = packages if '{opts}' in argv: i = argv.index('{opts}') argv[i:i+1] = list(options) for x in ('PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV', 'PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV', '__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'): try: del os.environ[x] except KeyError: pass old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) if extraenv is None: extraenv = {} self._pcall(argv, cwd=self.envconfig.config.toxinidir, extraenv=extraenv, action=action) sys.stdout = old_stdout def _install(self, deps, extraopts=None, action=None): if not deps: return d = {} l = [] for dep in deps: if isinstance(dep, (str, py.path.local)): dep = DepConfig(str(dep), None) assert isinstance(dep, DepConfig), dep if dep.indexserver is None: ixserver = self.envconfig.config.indexserver['default'] else: ixserver = dep.indexserver d.setdefault(ixserver, []).append( if ixserver not in l: l.append(ixserver) assert ixserver.url is None or isinstance(ixserver.url, str) for ixserver in l: if self.envconfig.config.option.sethome: extraenv = hack_home_env( homedir=self.envconfig.envtmpdir.join("pseudo-home"), index_url = ixserver.url) else: extraenv = {} packages = d[ixserver] options = self._installopts(ixserver.url) if extraopts: options.extend(extraopts) self.run_install_command(packages=packages, options=options, action=action, extraenv=extraenv) def _getenv(self, extraenv={}): env = os.environ.copy() setenv = self.envconfig.setenv if setenv: env.update(setenv) env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = str(self.path) env.update(extraenv) return env def test(self, redirect=False): action = self.session.newaction(self, "runtests") with action: self.status = 0 self.session.make_emptydir(self.envconfig.envtmpdir) cwd = self.envconfig.changedir env = self._getenv() # Display PYTHONHASHSEED to assist with reproducibility. action.setactivity("runtests", "PYTHONHASHSEED=%r" % env.get('PYTHONHASHSEED')) for i, argv in enumerate(self.envconfig.commands): # have to make strings as _pcall changes argv[0] to a local() # happens if the same environment is invoked twice message = "commands[%s] | %s" % (i, ' '.join( [str(x) for x in argv])) action.setactivity("runtests", message) try: self._pcall(argv, cwd=cwd, action=action, redirect=redirect) except tox.exception.InvocationError: val = sys.exc_info()[1] self.status = "commands failed" except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status = "keyboardinterrupt" raise def _pcall(self, args, venv=True, cwd=None, extraenv={}, action=None, redirect=True): for name in ("VIRTUALENV_PYTHON", "PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE"): try: del os.environ[name] except KeyError: pass assert cwd cwd.ensure(dir=1) old = self.patchPATH() try: args[0] = self.getcommandpath(args[0], venv, cwd) env = self._getenv(extraenv) return action.popen(args, cwd=cwd, env=env, redirect=redirect) finally: os.environ['PATH'] = old def patchPATH(self): oldPATH = os.environ['PATH'] bindir = str(self.envconfig.envbindir) os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([bindir, oldPATH])"setting PATH=%s" % os.environ["PATH"]) return oldPATH def getdigest(path): path = py.path.local(path) if not path.check(file=1): return "0" * 32 return path.computehash() def hack_home_env(homedir, index_url=None): # XXX HACK (this could also live with tox itself, consider) # if tox uses pip on a package that requires setup_requires # the index url set with pip is usually not recognized # because it is setuptools executing very early. # We therefore run the tox command in an artifical home # directory and set .pydistutils.cfg and pip.conf files # accordingly. if not homedir.check(): homedir.ensure(dir=1) d = dict(HOME=str(homedir)) if not index_url: index_url = os.environ.get("TOX_INDEX_URL") if index_url: homedir.join(".pydistutils.cfg").write( "[easy_install]\n" "index_url = %s\n" % index_url) d["PIP_INDEX_URL"] = index_url d["TOX_INDEX_URL"] = index_url return d