from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import pytest from colorama import Style, deinit from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from tox.pytest import CaptureFixture from import setup_report @pytest.mark.parametrize("color", [True, False], ids=["on", "off"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("verbosity", range(7)) def test_setup_report(mocker: MockerFixture, capsys: CaptureFixture, verbosity: int, color: bool) -> None: color_init = mocker.patch("") setup_report(verbosity=verbosity, is_colored=color) try: logging.critical("critical") logging.error("error") # special warning line that should be auto-colored logging.warning("%s%s> %s", "warning", "foo", "bar")"info") logging.debug("debug") logging.log(logging.NOTSET, "not-set") # this should not be logged lowered = "distlib.util", "filelock" for name in lowered: logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.warning(f"{name}-warn")"{name}-info") logger.debug(f"{name}-debug") logger.log(logging.NOTSET, f"{name}-notset") finally: deinit() assert color_init.call_count == (1 if color else 0) msg_count = min(verbosity + 1, 5) msg_count += (1 if verbosity >= 2 else 0) * len(lowered) # warning lowered is_debug_or_more = verbosity >= 4 if is_debug_or_more: msg_count += 1 # we log at debug level setting up the logger msg_count += (2 if verbosity >= 4 else 1) * len(lowered) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not err assert out lines = out.splitlines() assert len(lines) == msg_count, out if is_debug_or_more and lines: # assert we start with relative created, contain path line = lines[0] int(line.split(" ")[1]) # first element is an int number assert f"[tox{os.sep}" in line # relative file location if color: assert f"{Style.RESET_ALL}" in out # check that our Warning line using special format was colored expected_warning_text = "W\x1b[0m\x1b[36m warning\x1b[22mfoo\x1b[2m>\x1b[0m bar\x1b[0m\x1b[2m" else: assert f"{Style.RESET_ALL}" not in out expected_warning_text = "warningfoo> bar" if verbosity >= 4: # where warnings are logged assert expected_warning_text in lines[3]