from __future__ import annotations import json import os import sys import time from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from subprocess import check_call from typing import Callable, Iterator from unittest import mock from zipfile import ZipFile import pytest from devpi_process import Index, IndexServer from filelock import FileLock from packaging.requirements import Requirement from tox.pytest import MonkeyPatch, TempPathFactory, ToxProjectCreator if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # pragma: no cover (py38+) from importlib.metadata import Distribution else: # pragma: no cover ( Iterator[None]: start = time.monotonic() try: yield finally: print(f"done in {time.monotonic() - start}s {msg}") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def tox_wheel( tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory, worker_id: str, pkg_builder: Callable[[Path, Path, list[str], bool], Path], ) -> Path: if worker_id == "master": # if not running under xdist we can just return return _make_tox_wheel(tmp_path_factory, pkg_builder) # pragma: no cover # otherwise we need to ensure only one worker creates the wheel, and the rest reuses root_tmp_dir = tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp().parent cache_file = root_tmp_dir / "tox_wheel.json" with FileLock(f"{cache_file}.lock"): if cache_file.is_file(): data = Path(json.loads(cache_file.read_text())) # pragma: no cover else: data = _make_tox_wheel(tmp_path_factory, pkg_builder) cache_file.write_text(json.dumps(str(data))) return data def _make_tox_wheel( tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory, pkg_builder: Callable[[Path, Path, list[str], bool], Path], ) -> Path: with elapsed("acquire current tox wheel"): # takes around 3.2s on build into = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dist") # pragma: no cover from tox.version import version_tuple version = f"{version_tuple[0]}.{version_tuple[1]}.{version_tuple[2] +1}" with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION": version}): package = pkg_builder(into, Path(__file__).parents[1], ["wheel"], False) # pragma: no cover return package @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def tox_wheels(tox_wheel: Path, tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> list[Path]: with elapsed("acquire dependencies for current tox"): # takes around 1.5s if already cached result: list[Path] = [tox_wheel] info = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("info") with ZipFile(str(tox_wheel), "r") as zip_file: zip_file.extractall(path=info) dist_info = next((i for i in info.iterdir() if i.suffix == ".dist-info"), None) if dist_info is None: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"no tox.dist-info inside {tox_wheel}") distribution = wheel_cache = ROOT / ".wheel_cache" / f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" wheel_cache.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cmd = [sys.executable, "-I", "-m", "pip", "download", "-d", str(wheel_cache)] assert distribution.requires is not None for req in distribution.requires: requirement = Requirement(req) if not requirement.extras: # pragma: no branch # we don't need to install any extras (tests/docs/etc) cmd.append(req) check_call(cmd) result.extend(wheel_cache.iterdir()) return result @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def pypi_index_self(pypi_server: IndexServer, tox_wheels: list[Path], demo_pkg_inline_wheel: Path) -> Index: with elapsed("start devpi and create index"): # takes around 1s self_index = pypi_server.create_index("self", "volatile=False") with elapsed("upload tox and its wheels to devpi"): # takes around 3.2s on build self_index.upload(*tox_wheels, demo_pkg_inline_wheel) return self_index @pytest.fixture() def _pypi_index_self(pypi_index_self: Index, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: pypi_index_self.use() monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_INDEX_URL", pypi_index_self.url) monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_RETRIES", str(2)) monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_TIMEOUT", str(5)) def test_provision_requires_nok(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: ini = "[tox]\nrequires = pkg-does-not-exist\n setuptools==1\nskipsdist=true\n" outcome = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}).run("c", "-e", "py") outcome.assert_failed() outcome.assert_out_err( r".*will run in automatically provisioned tox, host .* is missing \[requires \(has\)\]:" r" pkg-does-not-exist, setuptools==1 \(.*\).*", r".*", regex=True, ) @pytest.mark.integration() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("_pypi_index_self") def test_provision_requires_ok(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator, tmp_path: Path) -> None: proj = tox_project({"tox.ini": "[tox]\nrequires=demo-pkg-inline\n[testenv]\npackage=skip"}) log = tmp_path / "out.log" # initial run result_first ="r", "--result-json", str(log)) result_first.assert_success() prov_msg = ( f"ROOT: will run in automatically provisioned tox, host {sys.executable} is missing" f" [requires (has)]: demo-pkg-inline" ) assert prov_msg in result_first.out with"rt") as file_handler: log_report = json.load(file_handler) assert "py" in log_report["testenvs"] # recreate without recreating the provisioned env provision_env = result_first.env_conf(".tox")["env_dir"] result_recreate_no_pr ="r", "--recreate", "--no-recreate-provision") result_recreate_no_pr.assert_success() assert prov_msg in result_recreate_no_pr.out assert f"ROOT: remove tox env folder {provision_env}" not in result_recreate_no_pr.out, result_recreate_no_pr.out # recreate with recreating the provisioned env result_recreate ="r", "--recreate") result_recreate.assert_success() assert prov_msg in result_recreate.out assert f"ROOT: remove tox env folder {provision_env}" in result_recreate.out, result_recreate.out @pytest.mark.integration() @pytest.mark.usefixtures("_pypi_index_self") def test_provision_platform_check(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: ini = "[tox]\nrequires=demo-pkg-inline\n[testenv]\npackage=skip\n[testenv:.tox]\nplatform=wrong_platform" proj = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}) result ="r") result.assert_failed(-2) msg = f"cannot provision tox environment .tox because platform {sys.platform} does not match wrong_platform" assert msg in result.out def test_provision_no_recreate(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: ini = "[tox]\nrequires = p\nskipsdist=true\n" result = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}).run("c", "-e", "py", "--no-provision") result.assert_failed() assert f"provisioning explicitly disabled within {sys.executable}, but is missing [requires (has)]: p" in result.out def test_provision_no_recreate_json(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: ini = "[tox]\nrequires = p\nskipsdist=true\n" project = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}) result ="c", "-e", "py", "--no-provision", "out.json") result.assert_failed() msg = ( f"provisioning explicitly disabled within {sys.executable}, " f"but is missing [requires (has)]: p and wrote to out.json" ) assert msg in result.out with (project.path / "out.json").open() as file_handler: requires = json.load(file_handler) assert requires == {"minversion": None, "requires": ["p", "tox"]}