from __future__ import annotations import sys from argparse import ArgumentTypeError from pathlib import Path from signal import SIGINT from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from time import sleep import pytest from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from tox.pytest import MonkeyPatch, ToxProjectCreator from import parse_num_processes from tox.tox_env.api import ToxEnv from tox.tox_env.errors import Fail def test_parse_num_processes_all() -> None: assert parse_num_processes("all") is None def test_parse_num_processes_auto() -> None: auto = parse_num_processes("auto") assert isinstance(auto, int) assert auto > 0 def test_parse_num_processes_exact() -> None: assert parse_num_processes("3") == 3 def test_parse_num_processes_not_number() -> None: with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError, match="value must be a positive number"): parse_num_processes("3df") def test_parse_num_processes_minus_one() -> None: with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError, match="value must be positive"): parse_num_processes("-1") def test_parallel_general(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: def setup(self: ToxEnv) -> None: if == "f": raise Fail("something bad happened") return prev_setup(self) prev_setup = ToxEnv._setup_env mocker.patch.object(ToxEnv, "_setup_env", autospec=True, side_effect=setup) monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", "") ini = """ [tox] no_package=true skip_missing_interpreters = true env_list= a, b, c, d, e, f [testenv] commands=python -c 'print("run {env_name}")' depends = !c: c parallel_show_output = c: true [testenv:d] base_python = missing_skip [testenv:e] commands=python -c 'import sys; print("run {env_name}"); sys.exit(1)' """ project = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}) outcome ="p", "-p", "all") outcome.assert_failed() out = outcome.out oks, skips, fails = {"a", "b", "c"}, {"d"}, {"e", "f"} missing = set() for env in "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f": if env in ("c", "e"): assert "run c" in out, out elif env == "f": assert "f: failed with something bad happened" in out, out else: assert f"run {env}" not in out, out of_type = "OK" if env in oks else ("SKIP" if env in skips else "FAIL") of_type_icon = "✔" if env in oks else ("⚠" if env in skips else "✖") env_done = f"{env}: {of_type} {of_type_icon}" is_missing = env_done not in out if is_missing: missing.add(env_done) env_report = f" {env}: {of_type} {'code 1 ' if env in fails else ''}(" assert env_report in out, out if not is_missing: assert out.index(env_done) < out.index(env_report), out assert len(missing) == 1, out def test_parallel_run_live_out(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: ini = """ [tox] no_package=true env_list= a, b [testenv] commands=python -c 'print("run {env_name}")' """ project = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}) outcome ="p", "-p", "2", "--parallel-live") outcome.assert_success() assert "python -c" in outcome.out assert "run a" in outcome.out assert "run b" in outcome.out def test_parallel_show_output_with_pkg(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator, demo_pkg_inline: Path) -> None: ini = "[testenv]\nparallel_show_output=True\ncommands=python -c 'print(\"r {env_name}\")'" project = tox_project({"tox.ini": ini}) result ="p", "--root", str(demo_pkg_inline)) assert "r py" in result.out @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="You need a conhost shell for keyboard interrupt") def test_keyboard_interrupt(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator, demo_pkg_inline: Path, tmp_path: Path) -> None: marker = tmp_path / "a" ini = f""" [testenv] package=wheel commands=python -c 'from time import sleep; from pathlib import Path; \ p = Path("{str(marker)}"); p.write_text(""); sleep(100)' [testenv:dep] depends=py """ proj = tox_project( { "tox.ini": ini, "pyproject.toml": (demo_pkg_inline / "pyproject.toml").read_text(), "": (demo_pkg_inline / "").read_text(), }, ) cmd = ["-c", str(proj.path / "tox.ini"), "p", "-p", "1", "-e", f"py,py{sys.version_info[0]},dep"] process = Popen([sys.executable, "-m", "tox"] + cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) while not marker.exists(): sleep(0.05) process.send_signal(SIGINT) out, err = process.communicate() assert process.returncode != 0 assert "KeyboardInterrupt" in err, err assert "KeyboardInterrupt - teardown started\n" in out, out assert "interrupt tox environment: py\n" in out, out assert "requested interrupt of" in out, out assert "send signal SIGINT" in out, out assert "interrupt finished with success" in out, out assert "interrupt tox environment: .pkg" in out, out def test_parallels_help(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: outcome = tox_project({"tox.ini": ""}).run("p", "-h") outcome.assert_success() def test_parallel_legacy_accepts_no_arg(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: outcome = tox_project({"tox.ini": ""}).run("-p", "-h") outcome.assert_success() def test_parallel_requires_arg(tox_project: ToxProjectCreator) -> None: outcome = tox_project({"tox.ini": ""}).run("p", "-p", "-h") outcome.assert_failed() assert "argument -p/--parallel: expected one argument" in outcome.err