from __future__ import annotations import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, cast from .loader.convert import Factory from .loader.section import Section from .of_type import ConfigConstantDefinition, ConfigDefinition, ConfigDynamicDefinition, ConfigLoadArgs from .set_env import SetEnv from .types import EnvList if TYPE_CHECKING: from tox.config.loader.api import Loader from tox.config.main import Config V = TypeVar("V") class ConfigSet(ABC): """A set of configuration that belong together (such as a tox environment settings, core tox settings)""" def __init__(self, conf: Config, section: Section, env_name: str | None): self._section = section self._env_name = env_name self._conf = conf self.loaders: list[Loader[Any]] = [] #: active configuration loaders, can alter to change configuration values self._defined: dict[str, ConfigDefinition[Any]] = {} self._keys: dict[str, None] = {} self._alias: dict[str, str] = {} self._final = False self.register_config() @abstractmethod def register_config(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def mark_finalized(self) -> None: self._final = True def add_config( self, keys: str | Sequence[str], of_type: type[V], default: Callable[[Config, str | None], V] | V, desc: str, post_process: Callable[[V], V] | None = None, factory: Factory[Any] = None, ) -> ConfigDynamicDefinition[V]: """ Add configuration value. :param keys: the keys under what to register the config (first is primary key) :param of_type: the type of the config value :param default: the default value of the config value :param desc: a help message describing the configuration :param post_process: a callback to post-process the configuration value after it has been loaded :param factory: factory method used to build contained objects (if ``of_type`` is a container type it should perform the contained item creation, otherwise creates objects that match the type) :return: the new dynamic config definition """ if self._final: raise RuntimeError("config set has been marked final and cannot be extended") keys_ = self._make_keys(keys) definition = ConfigDynamicDefinition(keys_, desc, of_type, default, post_process, factory) result = self._add_conf(keys_, definition) return cast(ConfigDynamicDefinition[V], result) def add_constant(self, keys: str | Sequence[str], desc: str, value: V) -> ConfigConstantDefinition[V]: """ Add a constant value. :param keys: the keys under what to register the config (first is primary key) :param desc: a help message describing the configuration :param value: the config value to use :return: the new constant config value """ if self._final: raise RuntimeError("config set has been marked final and cannot be extended") keys_ = self._make_keys(keys) definition = ConfigConstantDefinition(keys_, desc, value) result = self._add_conf(keys_, definition) return cast(ConfigConstantDefinition[V], result) @staticmethod def _make_keys(keys: str | Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: return (keys,) if isinstance(keys, str) else keys def _add_conf(self, keys: Sequence[str], definition: ConfigDefinition[V]) -> ConfigDefinition[V]: key = keys[0] if key in self._defined: self._on_duplicate_conf(key, definition) else: self._keys[key] = None for item in keys: self._alias[item] = key for key in keys: self._defined[key] = definition return definition def _on_duplicate_conf(self, key: str, definition: ConfigDefinition[V]) -> None: earlier = self._defined[key] if definition != earlier: # pragma: no branch raise ValueError(f"config {key} already defined") def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: """ Get the config value for a given key (will materialize in case of dynamic config). :param item: the config key :return: the configuration value """ return self.load(item) def load(self, item: str, chain: list[str] | None = None) -> Any: """ Get the config value for a given key (will materialize in case of dynamic config). :param item: the config key :param chain: a chain of configuration keys already loaded for this load operation (used to detect circles) :return: the configuration value """ config_definition = self._defined[item] return config_definition.__call__(self._conf, self.loaders, ConfigLoadArgs(chain,, self.env_name)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(loaders={self.loaders!r})" def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """:return: iterate through the defined config keys (primary keys used)""" return iter(self._keys.keys()) def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: """ Check if a configuration key is within the config set. :param item: the configuration value :return: a boolean indicating the truthiness of the statement """ return item in self._alias def unused(self) -> list[str]: """:return: Return a list of keys present in the config source but not used""" found: set[str] = set() # keys within loaders (only if the loader is not a parent too) parents = {id(i.parent) for i in self.loaders if i.parent is not None} for loader in self.loaders: if id(loader) not in parents: found.update(loader.found_keys()) found -= self._defined.keys() return sorted(found) def primary_key(self, key: str) -> str: """ Get the primary key for a config key. :param key: the config key :return: the key that's considered the primary for the input key """ return self._alias[key] @property def name(self) -> str: return @property def env_name(self) -> str | None: return self._env_name class CoreConfigSet(ConfigSet): """Configuration set for the core tox config""" def __init__(self, conf: Config, section: Section, root: Path, src_path: Path) -> None: self._root = root self._src_path = src_path super().__init__(conf, section=section, env_name=None) desc = "define environments to automatically run" self.add_config(keys=["env_list", "envlist"], of_type=EnvList, default=EnvList([]), desc=desc) def _default_work_dir(self, conf: Config, env_name: str | None) -> Path: # noqa: U100 return cast(Path, self["tox_root"] / ".tox") def _default_temp_dir(self, conf: Config, env_name: str | None) -> Path: # noqa: U100 return cast(Path, self["work_dir"] / ".tmp") def _work_dir_post_process(self, dir: Path) -> Path: return self._conf.work_dir if self._conf.options.work_dir else dir def register_config(self) -> None: self.add_constant(keys=["config_file_path"], desc="path to the configuration file", value=self._src_path) self.add_config( keys=["tox_root", "toxinidir"], of_type=Path, default=self._root, desc="the root directory (where the configuration file is found)", ) self.add_config( keys=["work_dir", "toxworkdir"], of_type=Path, default=self._default_work_dir, post_process=self._work_dir_post_process, desc="working directory", ) self.add_config( keys=["temp_dir"], of_type=Path, default=self._default_temp_dir, desc="a folder for temporary files (is not cleaned at start)", ) self.add_constant("host_python", "the host python executable path", sys.executable) def _on_duplicate_conf(self, key: str, definition: ConfigDefinition[V]) -> None: # noqa: U100 pass # core definitions may be defined multiple times as long as all their options match, first defined wins class EnvConfigSet(ConfigSet): """Configuration set for a tox environment""" def __init__(self, conf: Config, section: Section, env_name: str) -> None: super().__init__(conf, section, env_name) self.default_set_env_loader: Callable[[], Mapping[str, str]] = lambda: {} def register_config(self) -> None: def set_env_post_process(values: SetEnv) -> SetEnv: values.update(self.default_set_env_loader(), override=False) values.update({"PYTHONIOENCODING": "utf-8"}, override=True) return values def set_env_factory(raw: object) -> SetEnv: if not isinstance(raw, str): raise TypeError(raw) return SetEnv(raw,, self.env_name, root) root = self._conf.core["tox_root"] self.add_config( keys=["set_env", "setenv"], of_type=SetEnv, factory=set_env_factory, default=SetEnv("",, self.env_name, root), desc="environment variables to set when running commands in the tox environment", post_process=set_env_post_process, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name={self._env_name!r}, loaders={self.loaders!r})" __all__ = ( "ConfigSet", "CoreConfigSet", "EnvConfigSet", )