from __future__ import annotations from abc import abstractmethod from argparse import ArgumentTypeError from concurrent.futures import Future from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generator, List, Mapping, TypeVar from tox.plugin import impl from .convert import Convert, Factory from .section import Section from .str_convert import StrConvert if TYPE_CHECKING: from tox.config.cli.parser import ToxParser from tox.config.main import Config class Override: """ An override for config definitions. """ def __init__(self, value: str) -> None: key, equal, self.value = value.partition("=") if not equal: raise ArgumentTypeError(f"override {value} has no = sign in it") self.namespace, _, self.key = key.rpartition(".") def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{self}')" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.namespace}{'.' if self.namespace else ''}{self.key}={self.value}" def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if type(self) != type(other): return False return (self.namespace, self.key, self.value) == (other.namespace, other.key, other.value) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return not (self == other) class ConfigLoadArgs: """Arguments that help loading a configuration value.""" def __init__(self, chain: list[str] | None, name: str | None, env_name: str | None): """ :param chain: the configuration chain (useful to detect circular references) :param name: the name of the configuration :param env_name: the tox environment this load is for """ self.chain: list[str] = chain or [] = name self.env_name = env_name def copy(self) -> ConfigLoadArgs: """:return: create a copy of the object""" return ConfigLoadArgs(self.chain.copy(),, self.env_name) OverrideMap = Mapping[str, List[Override]] T = TypeVar("T") V = TypeVar("V") class Loader(Convert[T]): """Loader loads a configuration value and converts it.""" def __init__(self, section: Section, overrides: list[Override]) -> None: self._section = section self.overrides = {o.key: o for o in overrides} self.parent: Loader[Any] | None = None @property def section(self) -> Section: return self._section @abstractmethod def load_raw(self, key: str, conf: Config | None, env_name: str | None) -> T: """ Load the raw object from the config store. :param key: the key under what we want the configuration :param env_name: load for env name :param conf: the global config object """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def found_keys(self) -> set[str]: """A list of configuration keys found within the configuration.""" raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}" def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: return item in self.found_keys() def load( self, key: str, of_type: type[V], factory: Factory[V], conf: Config | None, args: ConfigLoadArgs, ) -> V: """ Load a value (raw and then convert). :param key: the key under it lives :param of_type: the type to convert to :param factory: factory method to build the object :param conf: the configuration object of this tox session (needed to manifest the value) :param args: the config load arguments :return: the converted type """ if key in self.overrides: return[key].value, of_type, factory) raw = self.load_raw(key, conf, args.env_name) future: Future[V] = Future() with, key, of_type, conf, raw, args) as prepared: converted =, of_type, factory) future.set_result(converted) return converted @contextmanager def build( self, future: Future[V], # noqa: U100 key: str, # noqa: U100 of_type: type[V], # noqa: U100 conf: Config | None, # noqa: U100 raw: T, args: ConfigLoadArgs, # noqa: U100 ) -> Generator[T, None, None]: """ Materialize the raw configuration value from the loader. :param future: a future which when called will provide the converted config value :param key: the config key :param of_type: the config type :param conf: the global config :param raw: the raw value :param args: env args """ yield raw @impl def tox_add_option(parser: ToxParser) -> None: parser.add_argument( "-x", "--override", action="append", type=Override, default=[], dest="override", help="configuration override(s)", ) _STR_CONVERT = StrConvert()