User Guide ========== Overview -------- tox is an environment orchestrator. Use it to define how to setup and execute various tools on your projects. The tool can set up environments for and invoke: - test runners (such as :pypi:`pytest`), - linters (e.g., :pypi:`flake8`), - formatters (for example :pypi:`black` or :pypi:`isort`), - documentation generators (e.g., :pypi:`Sphinx`), - build and publishing tools (e.g., :pypi:`build` with :pypi:`twine`), - ... Configuration ------------- *tox* needs a configuration file where you define what tools you need to run and how to provision a test environment for these. The canonical file for this is the ``tox.ini`` file. For example: .. code-block:: ini [tox] requires = tox>=4 env_list = lint, type, py{38,39,310,311} [testenv] description = run unit tests deps = pytest>=7 pytest-sugar commands = pytest {posargs:tests} [testenv:lint] description = run linters skip_install = true deps = black==22.12 commands = black {posargs:.} [testenv:type] description = run type checks deps = mypy>=0.991 commands = mypy {posargs:src tests} .. tip:: You can also generate a ``tox.ini`` file automatically by running ``tox quickstart`` and then answering a few questions. The configuration is split into two type of configuration: core settings are hosted under a core ``tox`` section while per run environment settings hosted under ``testenv`` and ``testenv:`` sections. Core settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Core settings that affect all test environments or configure how tox itself is invoked are defined under the ``tox`` section. .. code-block:: ini [tox] requires = tox>=4 env_list = lint, type, py{38,39,310,311} We can use it to specify things such as the minimum version of *tox* required or the location of the package under test. A list of all supported configuration options for the ``tox`` section can be found in the :ref:`configuration guide `. Test environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test environments are defined under the ``testenv`` section and individual ``testenv:`` sections, where ```` is the name of a specific environment. .. code-block:: ini [testenv] description = run unit tests deps = pytest>=7 pytest-sugar commands = pytest {posargs:tests} [testenv:lint] description = run linters skip_install = true deps = black==22.12 commands = black {posargs:.} [testenv:type] description = run type checks deps = mypy>=0.991 commands = mypy {posargs:src tests} Settings defined in the top-level ``testenv`` section are automatically inherited by individual environments unless overridden. Test environment names can consist of alphanumeric characters and dashes; for example: ``py311-django42``. The name will be split on dashes into multiple factors, meaning ``py311-django42`` will be split into two factors: ``py311`` and ``django42``. *tox* defines a number of default factors, which correspond to various versions and implementations of Python and provide default values for ``base_python``: - ``pyNM``: configures ``basepython = pythonN.M`` - ``pypyNM``: configures ``basepython = pypyN.M`` - ``jythonNM``: configures ``basepython = jythonN.M`` - ``cpythonNM``: configures ``basepython = cpythonN.M`` - ``ironpythonNM``: configures ``basepython = ironpythonN.M`` - ``rustpythonNM``: configures ``basepython = rustpythonN.M`` You can also specify these factors with a period between the major and minor versions (e.g. ``pyN.M``), without a minor version (e.g. ``pyN``), or without any version information whatsoever (e.g. ``py``) A list of all supported configuration options for the ``testenv`` and ``testenv:`` sections can be found in the :ref:`configuration guide `. Basic example ------------- .. code-block:: ini [tox] env_list = format py310 [testenv:format] description = install black in a virtual environment and invoke it on the current folder deps = black==22.3.0 skip_install = true commands = black . [testenv:py310] description = install pytest in a virtual environment and invoke it on the tests folder deps = pytest>=7 pytest-sugar commands = pytest tests {posargs} This example contains a global ``tox`` section as well as two test environments. Taking the core section first, we use the :ref:`env_list` setting to indicate that this project has two run environments named ``format`` and ``py310`` that should be run by default when ``tox run`` is invoked without a specific environment. The formatting environment and test environment are defined separately via the ``testenv:format`` and ``testenv:py310`` sections, respectively. For example to format the project we: - add a description (visible when you type ``tox list`` into the command line) via the :ref:`description` setting - define that it requires the :pypi:`black` dependency with version ``22.3.0`` via the :ref:`deps` setting - disable installation of the project under test into the test environment via the :ref:`skip_install` setting - ``black`` does not need it installed - indicate the commands to be run via the :ref:`commands` setting For testing the project we use the ``py310`` environment. For this environment we: - define a text description of the environment via the :ref:`description` setting - specify that we should install :pypi:`pytest` v7.0 or later together with the :pypi:`pytest-sugar` project via the :ref:`deps` setting - indicate the command(s) to be run - in this case ``pytest tests`` - via the :ref:`commands` setting ``{posargs}`` is a place holder part for the CLI command that allows us to pass additional flags to the pytest invocation, for example if we'd want to run ``pytest tests -v`` as a one off, instead of ``tox run -e py310`` we'd type ``tox run -e py310 -- -v``. The ``--`` delimits flags for the tox tool and what should be forwarded to the tool within. tox, by default, always creates a fresh virtual environment for every run environment. The Python version to use for a given environment can be controlled via the :ref:`base_python` configuration, however if not set will try to use the environment name to determine something sensible: if the name is in the format of ``pyxy`` then tox will create an environment with CPython with version ``x.y`` (for example ``py310`` means CPython ``3.10``). If the name does not match this pattern it will use a virtual environment with the same Python version as the one tox is installed into (this is the case for ``format``). tox environments are reused between runs, so while the first ``tox run -e py310`` will take a while as tox needs to create a virtual environment and install ``pytest`` and ``pytest-sugar`` in it, subsequent runs only need to reinstall your project, as long as the environments dependency list does not change. Almost every step and aspect of virtual environments and command execution can be customized. You'll find an exhaustive list of configuration flags (together with what it does and detailed explanation of what values are accepted) at our :ref:`configuration page `. System overview --------------- Below is a graphical representation of the tox states and transition pathways between them: .. image:: img/overview_light.svg :align: center :class: only-light .. image:: img/overview_dark.svg :align: center :class: only-dark The primary tox states are: #. **Configuration:** load tox configuration files (such as ``tox.ini``, ``pyproject.toml`` and ````) and merge it with options from the command line plus the operating system environment variables. #. **Environment**: for each selected tox environment (e.g. ``py310``, ``format``) do: #. **Creation**: create a fresh environment; by default :pypi:`virtualenv` is used, but configurable via :ref:`runner`. For `virtualenv` tox will use the `virtualenv discovery logic `_ where the python specification is defined by the tox environments :ref:`base_python` (if not set will default to the environments name). This is created at first run only to be re-used at subsequent runs. If certain aspects of the project change (python version, dependencies removed, etc.), a re-creation of the environment is automatically triggered. To force the recreation tox can be invoked with the :ref:`recreate` flag (``-r``). #. **Install dependencies** (optional): install the environment dependencies specified inside the ``deps`` configuration section, and then the earlier packaged source distribution. By default ``pip`` is used to install packages, however one can customize this via ``install_command``. Note ``pip`` will not update project dependencies (specified either in the ``install_requires`` or the ``extras`` section of the ````) if any version already exists in the virtual environment; therefore we recommend to recreate your environments whenever your project dependencies change. #. **Packaging** (optional): create a distribution of the current project. #. **Build**: If the tox environment has a package configured tox will build a package from the current source tree. If multiple tox environments are run and the package built are compatible in between them then it will be reused. This is to ensure that we build the package as rare as needed. By default for Python a source distribution is built as defined via the ``pyproject.toml`` style build (see PEP-517 and PEP-518). #. **Install the package dependencies**. If this has not changed since the last run this step will be skipped. #. **Install the package**. This operation will force reinstall the package without its dependencies. #. **Commands**: run the specified commands in the specified order. Whenever the exit code of any of them is not zero, stop and mark the environment failed. When you start a command with a dash character, the exit code will be ignored. #. **Report** print out a report of outcomes for each tox environment: .. code:: bash ____________________ summary ____________________ py37: commands succeeded ERROR: py38: commands failed Only if all environments ran successfully tox will return exit code ``0`` (success). In this case you'll also see the message ``congratulations :)``. tox will take care of environment variable isolation for you. That means it will remove system environment variables not specified via ``passenv``. Furthermore, it will also alter the ``PATH`` variable so that your commands resolve within the current active tox environment. In general, all executables outside of the tox environment are available in ``commands``, but external commands need to be explicitly allowed via the :ref:`allowlist_externals` configuration. Main features ------------- * **automation of tedious Python related test activities** * **test your Python package against many interpreter and dependency configurations** - automatic customizable (re)creation of :pypi:`virtualenv` test environments - installs your project into each virtual environment - test-tool agnostic: runs pytest, nose or unittest in a uniform manner * ``plugin system`` to modify tox execution with simple hooks. * uses :pypi:`pip` and :pypi:`virtualenv` by default. Support for plugins replacing it with their own. * **cross-Python compatible**: tox requires CPython 3.7 and higher, but it can create environments 2.7 or later * **cross-platform**: Windows, macOS and Unix style environments * **full interoperability with devpi**: is integrated with and is used for testing in the :pypi:`devpi` system, a versatile PyPI index server and release managing tool * **driven by a simple (but flexible to allow expressing more complicated variants) ini-style config file** * **documented** examples and configuration * **concise reporting** about tool invocations and configuration errors * supports using different / multiple PyPI index servers Related projects ---------------- tox has influenced several other projects in the Python test automation space. If tox doesn't quite fit your needs or you want to do more research, we recommend taking a look at these projects: - `nox `__ is a project similar in spirit to tox but different in approach. The primary key difference is that it uses Python scripts instead of a configuration file. It might be useful if you find tox configuration too limiting but aren't looking to move to something as general-purpose as ``Invoke`` or ``make``. Please note that tox will support defining configuration in a Python file soon, too. - `Invoke `__ is a general-purpose task execution library, similar to Make. Invoke is far more general-purpose than tox but it does not contain the Python testing-specific features that tox specializes in. Auto-provisioning ----------------- In case the installed tox version does not satisfy either the :ref:`min_version` or the :ref:`requires`, tox will automatically create a virtual environment under :ref:`provision_tox_env` name that satisfies those constraints and delegate all calls to this meta environment. This should allow satisfying constraints on your tox environment automatically, given you have at least version ``3.8.0`` of tox. For example given: .. code-block:: ini [tox] min_version = 4 requires = tox-docker>=1 if the user runs it with tox ``3.8`` or later the installed tox application will automatically ensure that both the minimum version and requires constraints are satisfied, by creating a virtual environment under ``.tox`` folder, and then installing into it ``tox>=4`` and ``tox-docker>=1``. Afterwards all tox invocations are forwarded to the tox installed inside ``.tox\.tox`` folder (referred to as meta-tox or auto-provisioned tox). This allows tox to automatically setup itself with all its plugins for the current project. If the host tox satisfies the constraints expressed with the :ref:`requires` and :ref:`min_version` no such provisioning is done (to avoid setup cost and indirection when it's not explicitly needed). Cheat sheet ------------ This section details information that you'll use most often in short form. CLI ~~~ - Each tox subcommand has a 1 (or 2) letter shortcut form too, e.g. ``tox run`` can also be written as ``tox r`` or ``tox config`` can be shortened to ``tox c``. - To run all tox environments defined in the :ref:`env_list` run tox without any flags: ``tox``. - To run a single tox environment use the ``-e`` flag for the ``run`` sub-command as in ``tox run -e py310``. - To run two or more tox environment pass comma separated values, e.g. ``tox run -e format,py310``. The run command will run the tox environments sequentially, one at a time, in the specified order. - To run two or more tox environment in parallel use the ``parallel`` sub-command , e.g. ``tox parallel -e py39,py310``. The ``--parallel`` flag for this sub-command controls the degree of parallelism. - To view the configuration value for a given environment and a given configuration key use the config sub-command with the ``-k`` flag to filter for targeted configuration values: ``tox config -e py310 -k pass_env``. - tox tries to automatically detect changes to your project dependencies and force a recreation when needed. Unfortunately the detection is not always accurate, and it also won't detect changes on the PyPI index server. You can force a fresh start for the tox environments by passing the ``-r`` flag to your run command. Whenever you see something that should work but fails with some esoteric error it's recommended to use this flag to make sure you don't have a stale Python environment; e.g. ``tox run -e py310 -r`` would clean the run environment and recreate it from scratch. Config files ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Every tox environment has its own configuration section (e.g. in case of ``tox.ini`` configuration method the ``py310`` tox environments configuration is read from the ``testenv:py310`` section). If the section is missing or does not contain that configuration value, it will fall back to the section defined by the :ref:`base` configuration (for ``tox.ini`` this is the ``testenv`` section). For example: .. code-block:: ini [testenv] commands = pytest tests [testenv:test] description = run the test suite with pytest Here the environment description for ``test`` is taken from ``testenv:test``. As ``commands`` is not specified, the value defined under the ``testenv`` section will be used. If the base environment is also missing a configuration value then the configuration default will be used (e.g. in case of the ``pass_env`` configuration here). - To change the current working directory for the commands run use :ref:`change_dir` (note this will make the change for all install commands too - watch out if you have relative paths in your project dependencies). - Environment variables: - To view environment variables set and passed down use ``tox c -e py310 -k set_env pass_env``. - To pass through additional environment variables use :ref:`pass_env`. - To set environment variables use :ref:`set_env`. - Setup operation can be configured via the :ref:`commands_pre`, while teardown commands via the :ref:`commands_post`. - Configurations may be set conditionally within the ``tox.ini`` file. If a line starts with an environment name or names, separated by a comma, followed by ``:`` the configuration will only be used if the environment name(s) matches the executed tox environment. For example: .. code-block:: ini [testenv] deps = pip format: black py310,py39: pytest Here pip will be always installed as the configuration value is not conditional. black is only used for the ``format`` environment, while ``pytest`` is only installed for the ``py310`` and ``py39`` environments. .. _`parallel_mode`: Parallel mode ------------- ``tox`` allows running environments in parallel mode via the ``parallel`` sub-command: - After the packaging phase completes tox will run the tox environments in parallel processes (multi-thread based). - the ``--parallel`` flag takes an argument specifying the degree of parallelization, defaulting to ``auto``: - ``all`` to run all invoked environments in parallel, - ``auto`` to limit it to CPU count, - or pass an integer to set that limit. - Parallel mode displays a progress spinner while running tox environments in parallel, and reports outcome of these as soon as they have been completed with a human readable duration timing attached. This spinner can be disabled via the ``--parallel-no-spinner`` flag. - Parallel mode by default shows output only of failed environments and ones marked as :ref:`parallel_show_output` ``=True``. - There's now a concept of dependency between environments (specified via :ref:`depends`), tox will re-order the environment list to be run to satisfy these dependencies, also for sequential runs. Furthermore, in parallel mode, tox will only schedule a tox environment to run once all of its dependencies have finished (independent of their outcome). .. warning:: ``depends`` does not pull in dependencies into the run target, for example if you select ``py310,py39,coverage`` via the ``-e`` tox will only run those three (even if ``coverage`` may specify as ``depends`` other targets too - such as ``py310, py39, py38, py37``). - ``--parallel-live``/``-o`` allows showing the live output of the standard output and error, also turns off reporting as described above. - Note: parallel evaluation disables standard input. Use non parallel invocation if you need standard input. Example final output: .. code-block:: bash $ tox -e py310,py39,coverage -p all ✔ OK py39 in 9.533 seconds ✔ OK py310 in 9.96 seconds ✔ OK coverage in 2.0 seconds ___________________________ summary ______________________________________________________ py310: commands succeeded py39: commands succeeded coverage: commands succeeded congratulations :) Example progress bar, showing a rotating spinner, the number of environments running and their list (limited up to 120 characters): .. code-block:: bash ⠹ [2] py310 | py39 Packaging --------- tox always builds projects in a PEP-518 compatible virtual environment and communicates with the build backend according to the interface defined in PEP-517 and PEP-660. To define package build dependencies and specify the build backend to use create a ``pyproject.toml`` at the root of the project. For example to use hatch: .. code-block:: toml [build-system] build-backend = "" requires = ["hatchling>=0.22", "hatch-vcs>=0.2"] By default tox will create and install a source distribution. You can configure to build a wheel instead by setting the :ref:`package` configuration to ``wheel``. Wheels are much faster to install than source distributions. To query the projects dependencies tox will use a virtual environment whose name is defined under the :ref:`package_env` configuration (by default ``.pkg``). The virtual environment used for building the package depends on the artifact built: - for source distribution the :ref:`package_env`, - for wheels the name defined under :ref:`wheel_build_env` (this depends on the Python version defined by the target tox environment under :ref:`base_python`, if the environment targets CPython 3.10 it will be ``.pkg-cpython310`` or for PyPy 3.9 it will be ``.pkg-pypy39``). For pure Python projects (non C-Extension ones) it's recommended to set :ref:`wheel_build_env` to the same as the :ref:`package_env`. This way you'll build the wheel once and install the same wheel for all tox environments. Advanced features ----------------- tox supports these features that 90 percent of the time you'll not need, but are very useful the other ten percent. Generative environments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generative environment list +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you have a large matrix of dependencies, python versions and/or environments you can use a generative :ref:`env_list` and conditional settings to express that in a concise form: .. code-block:: ini [tox] env_list = py{311,310,39}-django{41,40}-{sqlite,mysql} [testenv] deps = django41: Django>=4.1,<4.2 django40: Django>=4.0,<4.1 # use PyMySQL if factors "py311" and "mysql" are present in env name py311-mysql: PyMySQL # use urllib3 if any of "py311" or "py310" are present in env name py311,py310: urllib3 # mocking sqlite on 3.11 and 3.10 if factor "sqlite" is present py{311,310}-sqlite: mock This will generate the following tox environments: .. code-block:: shell > tox l default environments: py311-django41-sqlite -> [no description] py311-django41-mysql -> [no description] py311-django40-sqlite -> [no description] py311-django40-mysql -> [no description] py310-django41-sqlite -> [no description] py310-django41-mysql -> [no description] py310-django40-sqlite -> [no description] py310-django40-mysql -> [no description] py39-django41-sqlite -> [no description] py39-django41-mysql -> [no description] py39-django40-sqlite -> [no description] py39-django40-mysql -> [no description] Generative section names ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Suppose you have some binary packages, and need to run tests both in 32 and 64 bits. You also want an environment to create your virtual env for the developers. .. code-block:: ini [testenv] base_python = py311-x86: python3.11-32 py311-x64: python3.11-64 commands = pytest [testenv:py311-{x86,x64}-venv] envdir = x86: .venv-x86 x64: .venv-x64 .. code-block:: shell > tox l default environments: py -> [no description] additional environments: py310-black -> [no description] py310-lint -> [no description] py311-black -> [no description] py311-lint -> [no description]