path: root/azure-pipelines.yml
diff options
authorBernát Gábor <>2019-05-01 05:53:35 -0400
committerBernat Gabor <>2019-05-01 06:17:20 -0400
commitd33b803d5b17809d64644996eb4803890786a03e (patch)
tree7fee78a4ad66c1426b2bbc88a59e98aa93c72381 /azure-pipelines.yml
parent18147f4c5af75caf40c3c2f95a0907da2db83deb (diff)
simplify CI/remove code climate (#1277)
Diffstat (limited to 'azure-pipelines.yml')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 6dda9858..279df065 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
name: $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
- "System.PreferGit": true
- CI_NAME: Azure Pipelines
- CI_BUILD_ID: $(Build.BuildId)
- CI_BUILD_URL: "$(Build.BuildId)"
- GIT_BRANCH: $[ coalesce(variables['System.PullRequest.SourceBranch'], variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'not-found') ]
- GIT_COMMIT_SHA: $[ coalesce(variables['System.PullRequest.SourceCommitId'], variables['Build.SourceVersion'], 'not-found') ]
- PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "-v -v -ra --showlocals"
+ repositories:
+ - repository: tox
+ type: github
+ endpoint: toxdevorg
+ name: tox-dev/azure-pipelines-template
+ ref: master
batch: true
@@ -18,186 +14,59 @@ trigger:
- master
- refs/tags/*
- paths:
- exclude:
- - readthedocs.yml
- -
- - .gitignore
- - .github/*
- - tasks/*
-- job: notify_build_start
- pool: {vmImage: "Ubuntu-16.04"}
- steps:
- - script: |
- printenv && \
- curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter && \
- chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter && \
- ./cc-test-reporter before-build -d
- displayName: notify code climate of new build
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: fix_lint, python: 3.7}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: docs, python: 3.7}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: package_description, python: 3.7}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: pypy, python: pypy, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: pypy3, python: pypy3, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py37, python: 3.7, os: windows}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py36, python: 3.6, os: windows}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py35, python: 3.5, os: windows}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py34, python: 3.4, os: windows}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py27, python: 2.7, os: windows}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py37, python: 3.7, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py36, python: 3.6, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py35, python: 3.5, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py34, python: 3.4, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py27, python: 2.7, os: linux}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py37, python: 3.7, os: macOs}
-- template: azure-run-tox-env.yml
- parameters: {tox: py27, python: 2.7, os: macOs}
-- job: report_coverage
- pool: {vmImage: "Ubuntu-16.04"}
- condition: always()
- dependsOn:
- - windows_py37
- - windows_py36
- - windows_py35
- - windows_py34
- - windows_py27
- - linux_py37
- - linux_py36
- - linux_py35
- - linux_py34
- - linux_py27
- - linux_pypy3
- - linux_pypy
- - macOS_py37
- - macOS_py27
- steps:
- - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
- displayName: download coverage files for run
- inputs:
- buildType: current
- downloadType: specific
- itemPattern: coverage-*/*
- downloadPath: $(Build.StagingDirectory)
- - task: UsePythonVersion@0
- displayName: setup python
- inputs:
- versionSpec: 3.7
- - script: |
- python -c '
- from pathlib import Path
- import shutil
- from_folder = Path("$(Build.StagingDirectory)")
- destination_folder = Path("$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)") / ".tox"
- destination_folder.mkdir()
- for coverage_file in from_folder.glob("*/.coverage"):
- destination = destination_folder / f".coverage.{[9:]}"
- print(f"{coverage_file} copy to {destination}")
- shutil.copy(str(coverage_file), str(destination))'
- displayName: move coverage files into .tox
- - script: "python -m pip install -U pip setuptools --user"
- displayName: upgrade pip
- - script: 'python -m pip install . -U --user'
- displayName: install tox - eat our own dog food
- - script: 'python -m tox -e py --sdistonly'
- displayName: generate
- - script: 'python -m tox -e coverage'
- displayName: create coverag report via tox
- - task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
- displayName: publish overall coverage report to Azure
- inputs:
- codeCoverageTool: 'Cobertura'
- summaryFileLocation: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.tox/coverage.xml"
- failIfCoverageEmpty: true
+ branches:
+ include:
+ - master
- - script: |
- curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter && \
- chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter && \
- python -c '
- from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
- from pathlib import Path
- import subprocess
+ PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "-v -v -ra --showlocals"
- from_folder = Path("$(Build.StagingDirectory)")
- for counter, coverage_file in enumerate(from_folder.glob("*/coverage.xml")):
- key =[9:]
- print(f"{counter}) {coverage_file}")
- try:
- cmd = ["$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/cc-test-reporter", "format-coverage",
- str(coverage_file),
- "-d", "-t", "",
- "-o", f"$(Build.StagingDirectory)/code-climate.{key}.json"]
- print(f"\t{cmd}")
- log = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
- code = 0
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception:
- log, code = exception.output, exception.returncode
- finally:
- print(code, log, "\n", sep="\n")' && \
- ./cc-test-reporter sum-coverage -d --output - \
- --parts $(ls -1 $(Build.StagingDirectory)/code-climate.*.json | wc -l) \
- $(Build.StagingDirectory)/code-climate.*.json | \
- ./cc-test-reporter -d -r d24f105984ab5e087773a21b8668acb0b36cb8311fc2637f78a2d9451e531e08 \
- upload-coverage --input -
- displayName: publish code climate
- condition: succeededOrFailed()
+- template: run-tox-env.yml@tox
+ parameters:
+ jobs:
+ check:
+ py: '3.7'
+ toxenvs:
+ - fix_lint
+ - docs
+ - package_description
+ windows:
+ coverage: 'coverage'
+ toxenvs:
+ - py37
+ - py36
+ - py35
+ - py34
+ - py27
+ linux:
+ coverage: 'coverage'
+ toxenvs:
+ - py38
+ - py37
+ - py36
+ - py35
+ - py34
+ - py27
+ macOs:
+ coverage: 'coverage'
+ toxenvs:
+ - py37
+ - py27
+- template: merge-coverage.yml@tox
+ parameters:
+ dependsOn:
+ - windows
+ - linux
+ - macOs
- ${{ if startsWith(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/tags/') }}:
- - job: publish
- dependsOn:
- - report_coverage
- - linux_fix_lint
- - linux_docs
- - linux_package_description
- condition: succeeded()
- pool: {vmImage: "Ubuntu-16.04"}
- steps:
- - task: UsePythonVersion@0
- displayName: setup python3.7
- inputs: {versionSpec: '3.7'}
- - task: TwineAuthenticate@0
- inputs:
- externalFeeds: 'toxdev'
- - script: 'python3.7 -m pip install -U twine pip . --user'
- displayName: "acquire build tools"
- - script: 'python3.7 -m pip wheel -w "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/w" --no-deps .'
- displayName: "build wheel"
- - script: 'python3.7 -m tox -e py --sdistonly'
- displayName: "build sdist"
- - script: 'python3.7 -m twine upload -r pypi-toxdev --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH) $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/w/* .tox/dist/*'
- displayName: "upload sdist and wheel to PyPi"
+ - template: publish-pypi.yml@tox
+ parameters:
+ - external_feed: 'toxdev'
+ - pypi_remote: 'pypi-toxdev'
+ - dependsOn:
+ - check
+ - report_coverage