Method test_no_tags Undocumented
Method test_add_tag Undocumented
Method test_add_tag_twice Undocumented
Method test_change_tags_returns_tags Undocumented
Method test_remove_tag Undocumented
Method test_child_context Undocumented
Method test_add_to_child Undocumented
Method test_remove_in_child Undocumented
Method test_parent Undocumented

Inherited from TestCase:

Instance Variable exception_handlers Exceptions to catch from setUp, runTest and tearDown. This list is able to be modified at any time and consists of (exception_class, handler(case, result, exception_value)) pairs.
Instance Variable force_failure Force testtools.RunTest to fail the test after the test has completed.
Class Variable run_tests_with A factory to make the RunTest to run tests with. Defaults to RunTest. The factory is expected to take a test case and an optional list of exception handlers.
Method __init__ Construct a TestCase.
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method addDetail Add a detail to be reported with this test's outcome.
Method getDetails Get the details dict that will be reported with this test's outcome.
Method patch Monkey-patch 'obj.attribute' to 'value' while the test is running.
Method shortDescription Undocumented
Method skipTest Cause this test to be skipped.
Method addCleanup Add a cleanup function to be called after tearDown.
Method addOnException Add a handler to be called when an exception occurs in test code.
Method assertEqual Assert that 'expected' is equal to 'observed'.
Method assertIn Assert that needle is in haystack.
Method assertIsNone Assert that 'observed' is equal to None.
Method assertIsNotNone Assert that 'observed' is not equal to None.
Method assertIs Assert that 'expected' is 'observed'.
Method assertIsNot Assert that 'expected' is not 'observed'.
Method assertNotIn Assert that needle is not in haystack.
Method assertIsInstance Undocumented
Method assertRaises No summary
Method assertThat Assert that matchee is matched by matcher.
Method addDetailUniqueName Add a detail to the test, but ensure it's name is unique.
Method expectThat Check that matchee is matched by matcher, but delay the assertion failure.
Method defaultTestResult Undocumented
Method expectFailure Check that a test fails in a particular way.
Method getUniqueInteger Get an integer unique to this test.
Method getUniqueString Get a string unique to this test.
Method onException Called when an exception propogates from test code.
Method run Undocumented
Method useFixture Use fixture in a test case.
Method setUp Undocumented
Method tearDown Undocumented
Method _formatTypes Format a class or a bunch of classes for display in an error.
Method _add_reason Undocumented
Method _matchHelper Undocumented
Static Method _report_error Undocumented
Static Method _report_expected_failure Undocumented
Static Method _report_failure Undocumented
Static Method _report_skip Undocumented
Method _report_traceback Undocumented
Static Method _report_unexpected_success Undocumented
Method _run_setup Run the setUp function for this test.
Method _run_teardown Run the tearDown function for this test.
Method _get_test_method Undocumented
Method _run_test_method Run the test method for this test.
def test_no_tags(self):
def test_add_tag(self):
def test_add_tag_twice(self):
def test_change_tags_returns_tags(self):
def test_remove_tag(self):
def test_child_context(self):
def test_add_to_child(self):
def test_remove_in_child(self):
def test_parent(self):
API Documentation for testtools, generated by pydoctor at 2015-07-01 16:11:28.