# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the (LGPL) GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library Lesser General Public License for more details at # ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # written by: Jeff Ortel ( jortel@redhat.com ) """ The I{2nd generation} service proxy provides access to web services. See I{README.txt} """ import suds import suds.metrics as metrics from cookielib import CookieJar from suds import * from suds.reader import DefinitionsReader from suds.transport import TransportError, Request from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated from suds.servicedefinition import ServiceDefinition from suds import sudsobject from sudsobject import Factory as InstFactory from sudsobject import Object from suds.resolver import PathResolver from suds.builder import Builder from suds.wsdl import Definitions from suds.cache import ObjectCache from suds.sax.document import Document from suds.sax.parser import Parser from suds.options import Options from suds.properties import Unskin from urlparse import urlparse from copy import deepcopy from suds.plugin import PluginContainer from logging import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) class Client(object): """ A lightweight web services client. I{(2nd generation)} API. @ivar wsdl: The WSDL object. @type wsdl:L{Definitions} @ivar service: The service proxy used to invoke operations. @type service: L{Service} @ivar factory: The factory used to create objects. @type factory: L{Factory} @ivar sd: The service definition @type sd: L{ServiceDefinition} @ivar messages: The last sent/received messages. @type messages: str[2] """ @classmethod def items(cls, sobject): """ Extract the I{items} from a suds object much like the items() method works on I{dict}. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A list of items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: [(key, value),...] """ return sudsobject.items(sobject) @classmethod def dict(cls, sobject): """ Convert a sudsobject into a dictionary. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: A python dictionary containing the items contained in I{sobject}. @rtype: dict """ return sudsobject.asdict(sobject) @classmethod def metadata(cls, sobject): """ Extract the metadata from a suds object. @param sobject: A suds object @type sobject: L{Object} @return: The object's metadata @rtype: L{sudsobject.Metadata} """ return sobject.__metadata__ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): """ @param url: The URL for the WSDL. @type url: str @param kwargs: keyword arguments. @see: L{Options} """ options = Options() options.transport = HttpAuthenticated() self.options = options options.cache = ObjectCache(days=1) self.set_options(**kwargs) reader = DefinitionsReader(options, Definitions) self.wsdl = reader.open(url) plugins = PluginContainer(options.plugins) plugins.initialized(wsdl=self.wsdl) self.factory = Factory(self.wsdl) self.service = ServiceSelector(self, self.wsdl.services) self.sd = [] for s in self.wsdl.services: sd = ServiceDefinition(self.wsdl, s) self.sd.append(sd) self.messages = dict(tx=None, rx=None) def set_options(self, **kwargs): """ Set options. @param kwargs: keyword arguments. @see: L{Options} """ p = Unskin(self.options) p.update(kwargs) def add_prefix(self, prefix, uri): """ Add I{static} mapping of an XML namespace prefix to a namespace. This is useful for cases when a wsdl and referenced schemas make heavy use of namespaces and those namespaces are subject to changed. @param prefix: An XML namespace prefix. @type prefix: str @param uri: An XML namespace URI. @type uri: str @raise Exception: when prefix is already mapped. """ root = self.wsdl.root mapped = root.resolvePrefix(prefix, None) if mapped is None: root.addPrefix(prefix, uri) return if mapped[1] != uri: raise Exception('"%s" already mapped as "%s"' % (prefix, mapped)) def last_sent(self): """ Get last sent I{soap} message. @return: The last sent I{soap} message. @rtype: L{Document} """ return self.messages.get('tx') def last_received(self): """ Get last received I{soap} message. @return: The last received I{soap} message. @rtype: L{Document} """ return self.messages.get('rx') def clone(self): """ Get a shallow clone of this object. The clone only shares the WSDL. All other attributes are unique to the cloned object including options. @return: A shallow clone. @rtype: L{Client} """ class Uninitialized(Client): def __init__(self): pass clone = Uninitialized() clone.options = Options() cp = Unskin(clone.options) mp = Unskin(self.options) cp.update(deepcopy(mp)) clone.wsdl = self.wsdl clone.factory = self.factory clone.service = ServiceSelector(clone, self.wsdl.services) clone.sd = self.sd clone.messages = dict(tx=None, rx=None) return clone def __str__(self): return unicode(self) def __unicode__(self): s = ['\n'] build = suds.__build__.split() s.append('Suds ( https://fedorahosted.org/suds/ )') s.append(' version: %s' % suds.__version__) s.append(' %s build: %s' % (build[0], build[1])) for sd in self.sd: s.append('\n\n%s' % unicode(sd)) return ''.join(s) class Factory: """ A factory for instantiating types defined in the wsdl @ivar resolver: A schema type resolver. @type resolver: L{PathResolver} @ivar builder: A schema object builder. @type builder: L{Builder} """ def __init__(self, wsdl): """ @param wsdl: A schema object. @type wsdl: L{wsdl.Definitions} """ self.wsdl = wsdl self.resolver = PathResolver(wsdl) self.builder = Builder(self.resolver) def create(self, name): """ create a WSDL type by name @param name: The name of a type defined in the WSDL. @type name: str @return: The requested object. @rtype: L{Object} """ timer = metrics.Timer() timer.start() type = self.resolver.find(name) if type is None: raise TypeNotFound(name) if type.enum(): result = InstFactory.object(name) for e, a in type.children(): setattr(result, e.name, e.name) else: try: result = self.builder.build(type) except Exception, e: log.error("create '%s' failed", name, exc_info=True) raise BuildError(name, e) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug('%s created: %s', name, timer) return result def separator(self, ps): """ Set the path separator. @param ps: The new path separator. @type ps: char """ self.resolver = PathResolver(self.wsdl, ps) class ServiceSelector: """ The B{service} selector is used to select a web service. In most cases, the wsdl only defines (1) service in which access by subscript is passed through to a L{PortSelector}. This is also the behavior when a I{default} service has been specified. In cases where multiple services have been defined and no default has been specified, the service is found by name (or index) and a L{PortSelector} for the service is returned. In all cases, attribute access is forwarded to the L{PortSelector} for either the I{first} service or the I{default} service (when specified). @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __services: A list of I{wsdl} services. @type __services: list """ def __init__(self, client, services): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param services: A list of I{wsdl} services. @type services: list """ self.__client = client self.__services = services def __getattr__(self, name): """ Request to access an attribute is forwarded to the L{PortSelector} for either the I{first} service or the I{default} service (when specified). @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: A L{PortSelector}. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ default = self.__ds() if default is None: port = self.__find(0) else: port = default return getattr(port, name) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Provides selection of the I{service} by name (string) or index (integer). In cases where only (1) service is defined or a I{default} has been specified, the request is forwarded to the L{PortSelector}. @param name: The name (or index) of a service. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{PortSelector} for the specified service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ if len(self.__services) == 1: port = self.__find(0) return port[name] default = self.__ds() if default is not None: port = default return port[name] return self.__find(name) def __find(self, name): """ Find a I{service} by name (string) or index (integer). @param name: The name (or index) of a service. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{PortSelector} for the found service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ service = None if not len(self.__services): raise Exception, 'No services defined' if isinstance(name, int): try: service = self.__services[name] name = service.name except IndexError: raise ServiceNotFound, 'at [%d]' % name else: for s in self.__services: if name == s.name: service = s break if service is None: raise ServiceNotFound, name return PortSelector(self.__client, service.ports, name) def __ds(self): """ Get the I{default} service if defined in the I{options}. @return: A L{PortSelector} for the I{default} service. @rtype: L{PortSelector}. """ ds = self.__client.options.service if ds is None: return None else: return self.__find(ds) class PortSelector: """ The B{port} selector is used to select a I{web service} B{port}. In cases where multiple ports have been defined and no default has been specified, the port is found by name (or index) and a L{MethodSelector} for the port is returned. In all cases, attribute access is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector} for either the I{first} port or the I{default} port (when specified). @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __ports: A list of I{service} ports. @type __ports: list @ivar __qn: The I{qualified} name of the port (used for logging). @type __qn: str """ def __init__(self, client, ports, qn): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param ports: A list of I{service} ports. @type ports: list @param qn: The name of the service. @type qn: str """ self.__client = client self.__ports = ports self.__qn = qn def __getattr__(self, name): """ Request to access an attribute is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector} for either the I{first} port or the I{default} port (when specified). @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: A L{MethodSelector}. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ default = self.__dp() if default is None: m = self.__find(0) else: m = default return getattr(m, name) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Provides selection of the I{port} by name (string) or index (integer). In cases where only (1) port is defined or a I{default} has been specified, the request is forwarded to the L{MethodSelector}. @param name: The name (or index) of a port. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the specified port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ default = self.__dp() if default is None: return self.__find(name) else: return default def __find(self, name): """ Find a I{port} by name (string) or index (integer). @param name: The name (or index) of a port. @type name: (int|str) @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the found port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ port = None if not len(self.__ports): raise Exception, 'No ports defined: %s' % self.__qn if isinstance(name, int): qn = '%s[%d]' % (self.__qn, name) try: port = self.__ports[name] except IndexError: raise PortNotFound, qn else: qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, name)) for p in self.__ports: if name == p.name: port = p break if port is None: raise PortNotFound, qn qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, port.name)) return MethodSelector(self.__client, port.methods, qn) def __dp(self): """ Get the I{default} port if defined in the I{options}. @return: A L{MethodSelector} for the I{default} port. @rtype: L{MethodSelector}. """ dp = self.__client.options.port if dp is None: return None else: return self.__find(dp) class MethodSelector: """ The B{method} selector is used to select a B{method} by name. @ivar __client: A suds client. @type __client: L{Client} @ivar __methods: A dictionary of methods. @type __methods: dict @ivar __qn: The I{qualified} name of the method (used for logging). @type __qn: str """ def __init__(self, client, methods, qn): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param methods: A dictionary of methods. @type methods: dict @param qn: The I{qualified} name of the port. @type qn: str """ self.__client = client self.__methods = methods self.__qn = qn def __getattr__(self, name): """ Get a method by name and return it in an I{execution wrapper}. @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: An I{execution wrapper} for the specified method name. @rtype: L{Method} """ return self[name] def __getitem__(self, name): """ Get a method by name and return it in an I{execution wrapper}. @param name: The name of a method. @type name: str @return: An I{execution wrapper} for the specified method name. @rtype: L{Method} """ m = self.__methods.get(name) if m is None: qn = '.'.join((self.__qn, name)) raise MethodNotFound, qn return Method(self.__client, m) class Method: """ The I{method} (namespace) object. @ivar client: A client object. @type client: L{Client} @ivar method: A I{wsdl} method. @type I{wsdl} Method. """ def __init__(self, client, method): """ @param client: A client object. @type client: L{Client} @param method: A I{raw} method. @type I{raw} Method. """ self.client = client self.method = method def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Invoke the method. """ clientclass = self.clientclass(kwargs) client = clientclass(self.client, self.method) if not self.faults(): try: return client.invoke(args, kwargs) except WebFault, e: return (500, e) else: return client.invoke(args, kwargs) def faults(self): """ get faults option """ return self.client.options.faults def clientclass(self, kwargs): """ get soap client class """ if SimClient.simulation(kwargs): return SimClient else: return SoapClient class SoapClient: """ A lightweight soap based web client B{**not intended for external use} @ivar service: The target method. @type service: L{Service} @ivar method: A target method. @type method: L{Method} @ivar options: A dictonary of options. @type options: dict @ivar cookiejar: A cookie jar. @type cookiejar: libcookie.CookieJar """ def __init__(self, client, method): """ @param client: A suds client. @type client: L{Client} @param method: A target method. @type method: L{Method} """ self.client = client self.method = method self.options = client.options self.cookiejar = CookieJar() def invoke(self, args, kwargs): """ Send the required soap message to invoke the specified method @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The result of the method invocation. @rtype: I{builtin}|I{subclass of} L{Object} """ timer = metrics.Timer() timer.start() result = None binding = self.method.binding.input msg = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug( "message for '%s' created: %s", self.method.name, timer) timer.start() result = self.send(msg) timer.stop() metrics.log.debug( "method '%s' invoked: %s", self.method.name, timer) return result def send(self, msg): """ Send soap message. @param msg: A soap message to send. @type msg: basestring @return: The reply to the sent message. @rtype: I{builtin} or I{subclass of} L{Object} """ result = None location = self.location() binding = self.method.binding.input transport = self.options.transport retxml = self.options.retxml log.debug('sending to (%s)\nmessage:\n%s', location, msg) try: self.last_sent(Document(msg)) plugins = PluginContainer(self.options.plugins) plugins.sending(envelope=msg.root()) request = Request(location, str(msg)) request.headers = self.headers() reply = transport.send(request) if retxml: result = reply.message else: result = self.succeeded(binding, reply.message) except TransportError, e: if e.httpcode in (202,204): result = None else: log.error(self.last_sent()) result = self.failed(binding, e) return result def headers(self): """ Get http headers or the http/https request. @return: A dictionary of header/values. @rtype: dict """ action = self.method.soap.action stock = { 'Content-Type' : 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'SOAPAction': action } result = dict(stock, **self.options.headers) log.debug('headers = %s', result) return result def succeeded(self, binding, reply): """ Request succeeded, process the reply @param binding: The binding to be used to process the reply. @type binding: L{bindings.binding.Binding} @return: The method result. @rtype: I{builtin}, L{Object} @raise WebFault: On server. """ log.debug('http succeeded:\n%s', reply) plugins = PluginContainer(self.options.plugins) ctx = plugins.received(reply=reply) reply = ctx.reply if len(reply) > 0: r, p = binding.get_reply(self.method, reply) self.last_received(r) if self.options.faults: return p else: return (200, p) else: if self.options.faults: return None else: return (200, None) def failed(self, binding, error): """ Request failed, process reply based on reason @param binding: The binding to be used to process the reply. @type binding: L{suds.bindings.binding.Binding} @param error: The http error message @type error: L{transport.TransportError} """ status, reason = (error.httpcode, tostr(error)) reply = error.fp.read() log.debug('http failed:\n%s', reply) if status == 500: if len(reply) > 0: r, p = binding.get_fault(reply) self.last_received(r) return (status, p) else: return (status, None) if self.options.faults: raise Exception((status, reason)) else: return (status, None) def location(self): p = Unskin(self.options) return p.get('location', self.method.location) def last_sent(self, d=None): key = 'tx' messages = self.client.messages if d is None: return messages.get(key) else: messages[key] = d def last_received(self, d=None): key = 'rx' messages = self.client.messages if d is None: return messages.get(key) else: messages[key] = d class SimClient(SoapClient): """ Loopback client used for message/reply simulation. """ injkey = '__inject' @classmethod def simulation(cls, kwargs): """ get whether loopback has been specified in the I{kwargs}. """ return kwargs.has_key(SimClient.injkey) def invoke(self, args, kwargs): """ Send the required soap message to invoke the specified method @param args: A list of args for the method invoked. @type args: list @param kwargs: Named (keyword) args for the method invoked. @type kwargs: dict @return: The result of the method invocation. @rtype: I{builtin} or I{subclass of} L{Object} """ simulation = kwargs[self.injkey] msg = simulation.get('msg') reply = simulation.get('reply') fault = simulation.get('fault') if msg is None: if reply is not None: return self.__reply(reply, args, kwargs) if fault is not None: return self.__fault(fault) raise Exception('(reply|fault) expected when msg=None') sax = Parser() msg = sax.parse(string=msg) return self.send(msg) def __reply(self, reply, args, kwargs): """ simulate the reply """ binding = self.method.binding.input msg = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs) log.debug('inject (simulated) send message:\n%s', msg) binding = self.method.binding.output return self.succeeded(binding, reply) def __fault(self, reply): """ simulate the (fault) reply """ binding = self.method.binding.output if self.options.faults: r, p = binding.get_fault(reply) self.last_received(r) return (500, p) else: return (500, None)