# Copyright (C) 2008 Andi Albrecht, albrecht.andi@gmail.com # # This module is part of python-sqlparse and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. """Parse SQL statements.""" __version__ = '0.1.17-dev' # Setup namespace from sqlparse import compat from sqlparse import engine from sqlparse import filters from sqlparse import formatter def parse(sql, encoding=None): """Parse sql and return a list of statements. :param sql: A string containting one or more SQL statements. :param encoding: The encoding of the statement (optional). :returns: A tuple of :class:`~sqlparse.sql.Statement` instances. """ return tuple(parsestream(sql, encoding)) def parsestream(stream, encoding=None): """Parses sql statements from file-like object. :param stream: A file-like object. :param encoding: The encoding of the stream contents (optional). :returns: A generator of :class:`~sqlparse.sql.Statement` instances. """ stack = engine.FilterStack() stack.full_analyze() return stack.run(stream, encoding) def format(sql, **options): """Format *sql* according to *options*. Available options are documented in :ref:`formatting`. In addition to the formatting options this function accepts the keyword "encoding" which determines the encoding of the statement. :returns: The formatted SQL statement as string. """ encoding = options.pop('encoding', None) stack = engine.FilterStack() options = formatter.validate_options(options) stack = formatter.build_filter_stack(stack, options) stack.postprocess.append(filters.SerializerUnicode()) return ''.join(stack.run(sql, encoding)) def split(sql, encoding=None): """Split *sql* into single statements. :param sql: A string containting one or more SQL statements. :param encoding: The encoding of the statement (optional). :returns: A list of strings. """ stack = engine.FilterStack() stack.split_statements = True return [compat.text_type(stmt).strip() for stmt in stack.run(sql, encoding)] from sqlparse.engine.filter import StatementFilter def split2(stream): splitter = StatementFilter() return list(splitter.process(None, stream))