import itertools from operator import itemgetter import re import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import BigInteger from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import exc from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy import Identity from sqlalchemy import Index from sqlalchemy import inspect from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import join from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy import PrimaryKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy import Sequence from sqlalchemy import SmallInteger from sqlalchemy import String from sqlalchemy import Table from sqlalchemy import testing from sqlalchemy import Text from sqlalchemy import UniqueConstraint from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ARRAY from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base as postgresql from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import ExcludeConstraint from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import INTEGER from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import INTERVAL from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import pg_catalog from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSRANGE from sqlalchemy.engine import ObjectKind from sqlalchemy.engine import ObjectScope from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateIndex from sqlalchemy.sql import ddl as sa_ddl from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import CheckConstraint from sqlalchemy.testing import AssertsCompiledSQL from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures from sqlalchemy.testing import mock from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import assert_warns from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import AssertsExecutionResults from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import ComparesIndexes from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import eq_ from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import expect_raises from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import expect_warnings from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_ from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_false from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_true from sqlalchemy.types import NullType class ReflectionFixtures: @testing.fixture( params=[ ("engine", True), ("connection", True), ("engine", False), ("connection", False), ] ) def inspect_fixture(self, request, metadata, testing_engine): engine, future = request.param eng = testing_engine(future=future) conn = eng.connect() if engine == "connection": yield inspect(eng), conn else: yield inspect(conn), conn conn.close() class ForeignTableReflectionTest( ReflectionFixtures, fixtures.TablesTest, AssertsExecutionResults ): """Test reflection on foreign tables""" __requires__ = ("postgresql_test_dblink",) __only_on__ = "postgresql >= 9.3" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): from sqlalchemy.testing import config dblink = config.file_config.get( "sqla_testing", "postgres_test_db_link" ) Table( "testtable", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(30)), ) for ddl in [ "CREATE SERVER test_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw " "OPTIONS (dbname 'test', host '%s')" % dblink, "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public \ SERVER test_server options (user 'scott', password 'tiger')", "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE test_foreigntable ( " " id INT, " " data VARCHAR(30) " ") SERVER test_server OPTIONS (table_name 'testtable')", ]: sa.event.listen(metadata, "after_create", sa.DDL(ddl)) for ddl in [ "DROP FOREIGN TABLE test_foreigntable", "DROP USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER test_server", "DROP SERVER test_server", ]: sa.event.listen(metadata, "before_drop", sa.DDL(ddl)) def test_foreign_table_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("test_foreigntable", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_( set(table.columns.keys()), {"id", "data"}, "Columns of reflected foreign table didn't equal expected columns", ) def test_get_foreign_table_names(self, inspect_fixture): inspector, conn = inspect_fixture ft_names = inspector.get_foreign_table_names() eq_(ft_names, ["test_foreigntable"]) def test_get_table_names_no_foreign(self, connection): inspector = inspect(connection) names = inspector.get_table_names() eq_(names, ["testtable"]) class PartitionedReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest, AssertsExecutionResults): # partitioned table reflection, issue #4237 __only_on__ = "postgresql >= 10" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): # the actual function isn't reflected yet dv = Table( "data_values", metadata, Column("modulus", Integer, nullable=False), Column("data", String(30)), Column("q", Integer), postgresql_partition_by="range(modulus)", ) # looks like this is reflected prior to #4237 sa.event.listen( dv, "after_create", sa.DDL( "CREATE TABLE data_values_4_10 PARTITION OF data_values " "FOR VALUES FROM (4) TO (10)" ), ) if testing.against("postgresql >= 11"): Index("my_index", dv.c.q) def test_get_tablenames(self, connection): assert {"data_values", "data_values_4_10"}.issubset( inspect(connection).get_table_names() ) def test_reflect_cols(self, connection): cols = inspect(connection).get_columns("data_values") eq_([c["name"] for c in cols], ["modulus", "data", "q"]) def test_reflect_cols_from_partition(self, connection): cols = inspect(connection).get_columns("data_values_4_10") eq_([c["name"] for c in cols], ["modulus", "data", "q"]) @testing.only_on("postgresql >= 11") def test_reflect_index(self, connection): idx = inspect(connection).get_indexes("data_values") eq_( idx, [ { "name": "my_index", "unique": False, "column_names": ["q"], "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": []}, } ], ) @testing.only_on("postgresql >= 11") def test_reflect_index_from_partition(self, connection): idx = inspect(connection).get_indexes("data_values_4_10") # note the name appears to be generated by PG, currently # 'data_values_4_10_q_idx' eq_( idx, [ { "column_names": ["q"], "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": []}, "name": mock.ANY, "unique": False, } ], ) class MaterializedViewReflectionTest( ReflectionFixtures, fixtures.TablesTest, AssertsExecutionResults ): """Test reflection on materialized views""" __only_on__ = "postgresql >= 9.3" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): testtable = Table( "testtable", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data", String(30)), ) # insert data before we create the view @sa.event.listens_for(testtable, "after_create") def insert_data(target, connection, **kw): connection.execute(target.insert(), {"id": 89, "data": "d1"}) materialized_view = sa.DDL( "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW test_mview AS SELECT * FROM testtable" ) plain_view = sa.DDL( "CREATE VIEW test_regview AS SELECT data FROM testtable" ) sa.event.listen(testtable, "after_create", plain_view) sa.event.listen(testtable, "after_create", materialized_view) sa.event.listen( testtable, "after_create", sa.DDL("COMMENT ON VIEW test_regview IS 'regular view comment'"), ) sa.event.listen( testtable, "after_create", sa.DDL( "COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW test_mview " "IS 'materialized view comment'" ), ) sa.event.listen( testtable, "after_create", sa.DDL("CREATE INDEX mat_index ON test_mview(data DESC)"), ) sa.event.listen( testtable, "before_drop", sa.DDL("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW test_mview"), ) sa.event.listen( testtable, "before_drop", sa.DDL("DROP VIEW test_regview") ) def test_has_type(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) is_true(insp.has_type("test_mview")) is_true(insp.has_type("test_regview")) is_true(insp.has_type("testtable")) def test_mview_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("test_mview", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_( set(table.columns.keys()), {"id", "data"}, "Columns of reflected mview didn't equal expected columns", ) def test_mview_select(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("test_mview", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_(connection.execute(, [(89, "d1")]) def test_get_view_names(self, inspect_fixture): insp, conn = inspect_fixture eq_(set(insp.get_view_names()), {"test_regview"}) def test_get_materialized_view_names(self, inspect_fixture): insp, conn = inspect_fixture eq_(set(insp.get_materialized_view_names()), {"test_mview"}) def test_get_view_names_reflection_cache_ok(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) eq_(set(insp.get_view_names()), {"test_regview"}) eq_( set(insp.get_materialized_view_names()), {"test_mview"}, ) eq_( set(insp.get_view_names()).union( insp.get_materialized_view_names() ), {"test_regview", "test_mview"}, ) def test_get_view_definition(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) def normalize(definition): return re.sub(r"[\n\t ]+", " ", definition.strip()) eq_( normalize(insp.get_view_definition("test_mview")), "SELECT, FROM testtable;", ) eq_( normalize(insp.get_view_definition("test_regview")), "SELECT FROM testtable;", ) def test_get_view_comment(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) eq_( insp.get_table_comment("test_regview"), {"text": "regular view comment"}, ) eq_( insp.get_table_comment("test_mview"), {"text": "materialized view comment"}, ) def test_get_multi_view_comment(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) eq_( insp.get_multi_table_comment(), {(None, "testtable"): {"text": None}}, ) plain = {(None, "test_regview"): {"text": "regular view comment"}} mat = {(None, "test_mview"): {"text": "materialized view comment"}} eq_(insp.get_multi_table_comment(kind=ObjectKind.VIEW), plain) eq_( insp.get_multi_table_comment(kind=ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW), mat, ) eq_( insp.get_multi_table_comment(kind=ObjectKind.ANY_VIEW), {**plain, **mat}, ) eq_( insp.get_multi_table_comment( kind=ObjectKind.ANY_VIEW, scope=ObjectScope.TEMPORARY ), {}, ) def test_get_multi_view_indexes(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) eq_(insp.get_multi_indexes(), {(None, "testtable"): []}) exp = { "name": "mat_index", "unique": False, "column_names": ["data"], "column_sorting": {"data": ("desc",)}, } if connection.dialect.server_version_info >= (11, 0): exp["include_columns"] = [] exp["dialect_options"] = {"postgresql_include": []} plain = {(None, "test_regview"): []} mat = {(None, "test_mview"): [exp]} eq_(insp.get_multi_indexes(kind=ObjectKind.VIEW), plain) eq_(insp.get_multi_indexes(kind=ObjectKind.MATERIALIZED_VIEW), mat) eq_(insp.get_multi_indexes(kind=ObjectKind.ANY_VIEW), {**plain, **mat}) eq_( insp.get_multi_indexes( kind=ObjectKind.ANY_VIEW, scope=ObjectScope.TEMPORARY ), {}, ) class DomainReflectionTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsExecutionResults): """Test PostgreSQL domains""" __only_on__ = "postgresql > 8.3" __backend__ = True @classmethod def setup_test_class(cls): with testing.db.begin() as con: for ddl in [ 'CREATE SCHEMA "SomeSchema"', "CREATE DOMAIN testdomain INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 42", "CREATE DOMAIN test_schema.testdomain INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "CREATE TYPE testtype AS ENUM ('test')", "CREATE DOMAIN enumdomain AS testtype", "CREATE DOMAIN arraydomain AS INTEGER[]", 'CREATE DOMAIN "SomeSchema"."Quoted.Domain" INTEGER DEFAULT 0', "CREATE DOMAIN nullable_domain AS TEXT CHECK " "(VALUE IN('FOO', 'BAR'))", "CREATE DOMAIN not_nullable_domain AS TEXT NOT NULL", "CREATE DOMAIN my_int AS int CONSTRAINT b_my_int_one CHECK " "(VALUE > 1) CONSTRAINT a_my_int_two CHECK (VALUE < 42) " "CHECK(VALUE != 22)", ]: try: con.exec_driver_sql(ddl) except exc.DBAPIError as e: if "already exists" not in str(e): raise e con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE testtable (question integer, answer " "testdomain)" ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE test_schema.testtable(question " "integer, answer test_schema.testdomain, anything " "integer)" ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE crosschema (question integer, answer " "test_schema.testdomain)" ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE enum_test (id integer, data enumdomain)" ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE array_test (id integer, data arraydomain)" ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE quote_test " '(id integer, data "SomeSchema"."Quoted.Domain")' ) con.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE nullable_domain_test " "(not_nullable_domain_col nullable_domain not null," "nullable_local not_nullable_domain)" ) @classmethod def teardown_test_class(cls): with testing.db.begin() as con: con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE testtable") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE test_schema.testtable") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE crosschema") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE quote_test") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN testdomain") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN test_schema.testdomain") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE enum_test") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN enumdomain") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TYPE testtype") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE array_test") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN arraydomain") con.exec_driver_sql('DROP DOMAIN "SomeSchema"."Quoted.Domain"') con.exec_driver_sql('DROP SCHEMA "SomeSchema"') con.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE nullable_domain_test") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN nullable_domain") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN not_nullable_domain") con.exec_driver_sql("DROP DOMAIN my_int") def test_table_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("testtable", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_( set(table.columns.keys()), {"question", "answer"}, "Columns of reflected table didn't equal expected columns", ) assert isinstance(table.c.answer.type, Integer) def test_nullable_from_domain(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table( "nullable_domain_test", metadata, autoload_with=connection ) is_(table.c.not_nullable_domain_col.nullable, False) is_(table.c.nullable_local.nullable, False) def test_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("testtable", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_( str(table.columns.answer.server_default.arg), "42", "Reflected default value didn't equal expected value", ) assert ( not table.columns.answer.nullable ), "Expected reflected column to not be nullable." def test_enum_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("enum_test", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_(, ["test"]) def test_array_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("array_test", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_(, ARRAY) eq_(, INTEGER) def test_quoted_remote_schema_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("quote_test", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_(, INTEGER) def test_table_is_reflected_test_schema(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table( "testtable", metadata, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema", ) eq_( set(table.columns.keys()), {"question", "answer", "anything"}, "Columns of reflected table didn't equal expected columns", ) assert isinstance(table.c.anything.type, Integer) def test_schema_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table( "testtable", metadata, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema", ) eq_( str(table.columns.answer.server_default.arg), "0", "Reflected default value didn't equal expected value", ) assert ( table.columns.answer.nullable ), "Expected reflected column to be nullable." def test_crosschema_domain_is_reflected(self, connection): metadata = MetaData() table = Table("crosschema", metadata, autoload_with=connection) eq_( str(table.columns.answer.server_default.arg), "0", "Reflected default value didn't equal expected value", ) assert ( table.columns.answer.nullable ), "Expected reflected column to be nullable." def test_unknown_types(self, connection): from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import base ischema_names = base.PGDialect.ischema_names base.PGDialect.ischema_names = {} try: m2 = MetaData() assert_warns( exc.SAWarning, Table, "testtable", m2, autoload_with=connection ) @testing.emits_warning("Did not recognize type") def warns(): m3 = MetaData() t3 = Table("testtable", m3, autoload_with=connection) assert t3.c.answer.type.__class__ == sa.types.NullType finally: base.PGDialect.ischema_names = ischema_names @property def all_domains(self): return { "public": [ { "visible": True, "name": "arraydomain", "schema": "public", "nullable": True, "type": "integer[]", "default": None, "constraints": [], }, { "visible": True, "name": "enumdomain", "schema": "public", "nullable": True, "type": "testtype", "default": None, "constraints": [], }, { "visible": True, "name": "my_int", "schema": "public", "nullable": True, "type": "integer", "default": None, "constraints": [ {"check": "VALUE < 42", "name": "a_my_int_two"}, {"check": "VALUE > 1", "name": "b_my_int_one"}, # autogenerated name by pg {"check": "VALUE <> 22", "name": "my_int_check"}, ], }, { "visible": True, "name": "not_nullable_domain", "schema": "public", "nullable": False, "type": "text", "default": None, "constraints": [], }, { "visible": True, "name": "nullable_domain", "schema": "public", "nullable": True, "type": "text", "default": None, "constraints": [ { "check": "VALUE = ANY (ARRAY['FOO'::text, " "'BAR'::text])", # autogenerated name by pg "name": "nullable_domain_check", } ], }, { "visible": True, "name": "testdomain", "schema": "public", "nullable": False, "type": "integer", "default": "42", "constraints": [], }, ], "test_schema": [ { "visible": False, "name": "testdomain", "schema": "test_schema", "nullable": True, "type": "integer", "default": "0", "constraints": [], } ], "SomeSchema": [ { "visible": False, "name": "Quoted.Domain", "schema": "SomeSchema", "nullable": True, "type": "integer", "default": "0", "constraints": [], } ], } def test_inspect_domains(self, connection): inspector = inspect(connection) eq_(inspector.get_domains(), self.all_domains["public"]) def test_inspect_domains_schema(self, connection): inspector = inspect(connection) eq_( inspector.get_domains("test_schema"), self.all_domains["test_schema"], ) eq_( inspector.get_domains("SomeSchema"), self.all_domains["SomeSchema"] ) def test_inspect_domains_star(self, connection): inspector = inspect(connection) all_ = [d for dl in self.all_domains.values() for d in dl] all_ += inspector.get_domains("information_schema") exp = sorted(all_, key=lambda d: (d["schema"], d["name"])) eq_(inspector.get_domains("*"), exp) class ReflectionTest( ReflectionFixtures, AssertsCompiledSQL, ComparesIndexes, fixtures.TestBase ): __only_on__ = "postgresql" __backend__ = True def test_reflected_primary_key_order(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("p1", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("p2", Integer, primary_key=True), PrimaryKeyConstraint("p2", "p1"), ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table("subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection) eq_(subject.primary_key.columns.keys(), ["p2", "p1"]) def test_pg_weirdchar_reflection(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("id$", Integer, primary_key=True) ) referer = Table( "referer", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("ref", Integer, ForeignKey("$")), ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table("subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection) referer = Table("referer", meta2, autoload_with=connection) self.assert_( (subject.c["id$"] == referer.c.ref).compare( subject.join(referer).onclause ) ) def test_reflect_default_over_128_chars(self, metadata, connection): Table( "t", metadata, Column("x", String(200), server_default="abcd" * 40), ).create(connection) m = MetaData() t = Table("t", m, autoload_with=connection) eq_( t.c.x.server_default.arg.text, "'%s'::character varying" % ("abcd" * 40), ) def test_renamed_sequence_reflection(self, metadata, connection): Table("t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)) metadata.create_all(connection) m2 = MetaData() t2 = Table("t", m2, autoload_with=connection, implicit_returning=False) eq_(, "nextval('t_id_seq'::regclass)") r = connection.execute(t2.insert()) eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, (1,)) connection.exec_driver_sql( "alter table t_id_seq rename to foobar_id_seq" ) m3 = MetaData() t3 = Table("t", m3, autoload_with=connection, implicit_returning=False) eq_(, "nextval('foobar_id_seq'::regclass)", ) r = connection.execute(t3.insert()) eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, (2,)) def test_altered_type_autoincrement_pk_reflection( self, metadata, connection ): metadata = metadata Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql( "alter table t alter column id type varchar(50)" ) m2 = MetaData() t2 = Table("t", m2, autoload_with=connection) eq_(, False) eq_(t2.c.x.autoincrement, False) def test_renamed_pk_reflection(self, metadata, connection): metadata = metadata Table("t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True)) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql("alter table t rename id to t_id") m2 = MetaData() t2 = Table("t", m2, autoload_with=connection) eq_([ for c in t2.primary_key], ["t_id"]) def test_has_temporary_table(self, metadata, connection): assert not inspect(connection).has_table("some_temp_table") user_tmp = Table( "some_temp_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(50)), prefixes=["TEMPORARY"], ) user_tmp.create(connection) assert inspect(connection).has_table("some_temp_table") def test_cross_schema_reflection_one(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata users = Table( "users", meta1, Column("user_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("user_name", String(30), nullable=False), schema="test_schema", ) addresses = Table( "email_addresses", meta1, Column("address_id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("remote_user_id", Integer, ForeignKey(users.c.user_id)), Column("email_address", String(20)), schema="test_schema", ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() addresses = Table( "email_addresses", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema", ) users = Table("users", meta2, must_exist=True, schema="test_schema") j = join(users, addresses) self.assert_( (users.c.user_id == addresses.c.remote_user_id).compare(j.onclause) ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_two(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True) ) referer = Table( "referer", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("ref", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema", ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table("subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection) referer = Table( "referer", meta2, schema="test_schema", autoload_with=connection ) self.assert_( ( == referer.c.ref).compare( subject.join(referer).onclause ) ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_three(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), schema="test_schema_2", ) referer = Table( "referer", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("ref", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema", ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table( "subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema_2" ) referer = Table( "referer", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema" ) self.assert_( ( == referer.c.ref).compare( subject.join(referer).onclause ) ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_four(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), schema="test_schema_2", ) referer = Table( "referer", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("ref", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema", ) meta1.create_all(connection) connection.detach() connection.exec_driver_sql( "SET search_path TO test_schema, test_schema_2" ) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table( "subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema_2", postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) referer = Table( "referer", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema="test_schema", postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) self.assert_( ( == referer.c.ref).compare( subject.join(referer).onclause ) ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_five(self, metadata, connection): meta1 = metadata # we assume 'public' default_schema = connection.dialect.default_schema_name subject = Table( "subject", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True) ) referer = Table( "referer", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("ref", Integer, ForeignKey("")), ) meta1.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData() subject = Table( "subject", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema=default_schema, postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) referer = Table( "referer", meta2, autoload_with=connection, schema=default_schema, postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) assert subject.schema == default_schema self.assert_( ( == referer.c.ref).compare( subject.join(referer).onclause ) ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_six(self, metadata, connection): # test that the search path *is* taken into account # by default meta1 = metadata Table( "some_table", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), schema="test_schema", ) Table( "some_other_table", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("sid", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema_2", ) meta1.create_all(connection) connection.detach() connection.exec_driver_sql( "set search_path to test_schema_2, test_schema, public" ) m1 = MetaData() Table("some_table", m1, schema="test_schema", autoload_with=connection) t2_schema = Table( "some_other_table", m1, schema="test_schema_2", autoload_with=connection, ) t2_no_schema = Table("some_other_table", m1, autoload_with=connection) t1_no_schema = Table("some_table", m1, autoload_with=connection) m2 = MetaData() t1_schema_isp = Table( "some_table", m2, schema="test_schema", autoload_with=connection, postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) t2_schema_isp = Table( "some_other_table", m2, schema="test_schema_2", autoload_with=connection, postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) # t2_schema refers to t1_schema, but since "test_schema" # is in the search path, we instead link to t2_no_schema assert t2_schema.c.sid.references( # the two no_schema tables refer to each other also. assert t2_no_schema.c.sid.references( # but if we're ignoring search path, then we maintain # those explicit schemas vs. what the "default" schema is assert t2_schema_isp.c.sid.references( def test_cross_schema_reflection_seven(self, metadata, connection): # test that the search path *is* taken into account # by default meta1 = metadata Table( "some_table", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), schema="test_schema", ) Table( "some_other_table", meta1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("sid", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema_2", ) meta1.create_all(connection) connection.detach() connection.exec_driver_sql( "set search_path to test_schema_2, test_schema, public" ) meta2 = MetaData() meta2.reflect(connection, schema="test_schema_2") eq_( set(meta2.tables), {"test_schema_2.some_other_table", "some_table"}, ) meta3 = MetaData() meta3.reflect( connection, schema="test_schema_2", postgresql_ignore_search_path=True, ) eq_( set(meta3.tables), { "test_schema_2.some_other_table", "test_schema.some_table", }, ) def test_cross_schema_reflection_metadata_uses_schema( self, metadata, connection ): # test [ticket:3716] Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("sid", Integer, ForeignKey("")), schema="test_schema", ) Table( "some_other_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), schema=None, ) metadata.create_all(connection) meta2 = MetaData(schema="test_schema") meta2.reflect(connection) eq_( set(meta2.tables), {"some_other_table", "test_schema.some_table"}, ) def test_uppercase_lowercase_table(self, metadata, connection): a_table = Table("a", metadata, Column("x", Integer)) A_table = Table("A", metadata, Column("x", Integer)) a_table.create(connection) assert inspect(connection).has_table("a") assert not inspect(connection).has_table("A") A_table.create(connection, checkfirst=True) assert inspect(connection).has_table("A") def test_uppercase_lowercase_sequence(self, connection): a_seq = Sequence("a") A_seq = Sequence("A") a_seq.create(connection) assert connection.dialect.has_sequence(connection, "a") assert not connection.dialect.has_sequence(connection, "A") A_seq.create(connection, checkfirst=True) assert connection.dialect.has_sequence(connection, "A") a_seq.drop(connection) A_seq.drop(connection) def test_index_reflection(self, metadata, connection): """Reflecting expression-based indexes works""" Table( "party", metadata, Column("id", String(10), nullable=False), Column("name", String(20), index=True), Column("aname", String(20)), Column("other", String(20)), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx3 on party (lower(name::text), other, lower(aname::text)) """ ) connection.exec_driver_sql( "create index idx1 on party ((id || name), (other || id::text))" ) connection.exec_driver_sql( "create unique index idx2 on party (id) where name = 'test'" ) connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx4 on party using btree (name nulls first, lower(other), aname desc) where name != 'foo' """ ) expected = [ { "name": "idx1", "column_names": [None, None], "expressions": [ "(id::text || name::text)", "(other::text || id::text)", ], "unique": False, "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": []}, }, { "name": "idx2", "column_names": ["id"], "unique": True, "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": { "postgresql_include": [], "postgresql_where": "((name)::text = 'test'::text)", }, }, { "name": "idx3", "column_names": [None, "other", None], "expressions": [ "lower(name::text)", "other", "lower(aname::text)", ], "unique": False, "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": []}, }, { "name": "idx4", "column_names": ["name", None, "aname"], "expressions": ["name", "lower(other::text)", "aname"], "unique": False, "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": { "postgresql_include": [], "postgresql_where": "((name)::text <> 'foo'::text)", }, "column_sorting": { "aname": ("desc",), "name": ("nulls_first",), }, }, { "name": "ix_party_name", "column_names": ["name"], "unique": False, "include_columns": [], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": []}, }, ] if connection.dialect.server_version_info < (11,): for index in expected: index.pop("include_columns") index["dialect_options"].pop("postgresql_include") if not index["dialect_options"]: index.pop("dialect_options") insp = inspect(connection) eq_(insp.get_indexes("party"), expected) m2 = MetaData() t2 = Table("party", m2, autoload_with=connection) self.compare_table_index_with_expected(t2, expected, "postgresql") def test_index_reflection_partial(self, metadata, connection): """Reflect the filter definition on partial indexes""" metadata = metadata t1 = Table( "table1", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(20)), Column("x", Integer), ) Index("idx1",, == "test") Index("idx2",, postgresql_where=t1.c.x >= 5) metadata.create_all(connection) ind = connection.dialect.get_indexes(connection,, None) partial_definitions = [] for ix in ind: if "dialect_options" in ix: partial_definitions.append( ix["dialect_options"]["postgresql_where"] ) eq_( sorted(partial_definitions), ["((name)::text = 'test'::text)", "(x >= 5)"], ) t2 = Table("table1", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) idx = list(sorted(t2.indexes, key=lambda idx:[0] self.assert_compile( CreateIndex(idx), "CREATE INDEX idx1 ON table1 (id) " "WHERE ((name)::text = 'test'::text)", ) def test_index_reflection_with_sorting(self, metadata, connection): """reflect indexes with sorting options set""" t1 = Table( "party", metadata, Column("id", String(10), nullable=False), Column("name", String(20)), Column("aname", String(20)), ) t1.create(connection) # check ASC, DESC options alone connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx1 on party (id, name ASC, aname DESC) """ ) # check DESC w/ NULLS options connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx2 on party (name DESC NULLS FIRST, aname DESC NULLS LAST) """ ) # check ASC w/ NULLS options connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx3 on party (name ASC NULLS FIRST, aname ASC NULLS LAST) """ ) # reflect data m2 = MetaData() t2 = Table("party", m2, autoload_with=connection) eq_(len(t2.indexes), 3) # Make sure indexes are in the order we expect them in r1, r2, r3 = sorted(t2.indexes, key=lambda idx: eq_(, "idx1") eq_(, "idx2") eq_(, "idx3") # "ASC NULLS LAST" is implicit default for indexes, # and "NULLS FIRST" is implicit default for "DESC". # ( def compile_exprs(exprs): return list(map(str, exprs)) eq_( compile_exprs([,, t2.c.aname.desc()]), compile_exprs(r1.expressions), ) eq_( compile_exprs([, t2.c.aname.desc().nulls_last()]), compile_exprs(r2.expressions), ) eq_( compile_exprs([, t2.c.aname]), compile_exprs(r3.expressions), ) def test_index_reflection_modified(self, metadata, connection): """reflect indexes when a column name has changed - PG 9 does not update the name of the column in the index def. [ticket:2141] """ metadata = metadata Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql("CREATE INDEX idx1 ON t (x)") connection.exec_driver_sql("ALTER TABLE t RENAME COLUMN x to y") ind = connection.dialect.get_indexes(connection, "t", None) expected = [{"name": "idx1", "unique": False, "column_names": ["y"]}] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] expected[0]["dialect_options"] = {"postgresql_include": []} eq_(ind, expected) def test_index_reflection_with_storage_options(self, metadata, connection): """reflect indexes with storage options set""" metadata = metadata Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql( "CREATE INDEX idx1 ON t (x) WITH (fillfactor = 50)" ) ind = testing.db.dialect.get_indexes(connection, "t", None) expected = [ { "unique": False, "column_names": ["x"], "name": "idx1", "dialect_options": {"postgresql_with": {"fillfactor": "50"}}, } ] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] expected[0]["dialect_options"]["postgresql_include"] = [] eq_(ind, expected) m = MetaData() t1 = Table("t", m, autoload_with=connection) eq_( list(t1.indexes)[0].dialect_options["postgresql"]["with"], {"fillfactor": "50"}, ) def test_index_reflection_with_access_method(self, metadata, connection): """reflect indexes with storage options set""" Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", ARRAY(Integer)), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql("CREATE INDEX idx1 ON t USING gin (x)") ind = testing.db.dialect.get_indexes(connection, "t", None) expected = [ { "unique": False, "column_names": ["x"], "name": "idx1", "dialect_options": {"postgresql_using": "gin"}, } ] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] expected[0]["dialect_options"]["postgresql_include"] = [] eq_(ind, expected) m = MetaData() t1 = Table("t", m, autoload_with=connection) eq_( list(t1.indexes)[0].dialect_options["postgresql"]["using"], "gin", ) @testing.skip_if("postgresql < 11.0", "indnkeyatts not supported") def test_index_reflection_with_include(self, metadata, connection): """reflect indexes with include set""" Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", ARRAY(Integer)), Column("name", String(20)), Column("aname", String(20)), Column("other", Text()), ) metadata.create_all(connection) connection.exec_driver_sql("CREATE INDEX idx1 ON t (x) INCLUDE (name)") connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create index idx3 on t (lower(name::text), other desc nulls last, lower(aname::text)) include (id, x) """ ) connection.exec_driver_sql( """ create unique index idx2 on t using btree (lower(other), (id * id)) include (id) """ ) ind = connection.dialect.get_indexes(connection, "t", None) eq_( ind, [ { "unique": False, "column_names": ["x"], "include_columns": ["name"], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": ["name"]}, "name": "idx1", }, { "name": "idx2", "column_names": [None, None], "expressions": ["lower(other)", "(id * id)"], "unique": True, "include_columns": ["id"], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": ["id"]}, }, { "name": "idx3", "column_names": [None, "other", None], "expressions": [ "lower(name::text)", "other", "lower(aname::text)", ], "unique": False, "include_columns": ["id", "x"], "dialect_options": {"postgresql_include": ["id", "x"]}, "column_sorting": { "other": ("desc", "nulls_last"), }, }, ], ) def test_foreign_key_option_inspection(self, metadata, connection): Table( "person", metadata, Column("id", String(length=32), nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column( "company_id", ForeignKey( "", name="person_company_id_fkey", match="FULL", onupdate="RESTRICT", ondelete="RESTRICT", deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED", ), ), ) Table( "company", metadata, Column("id", String(length=32), nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(length=255)), Column( "industry_id", ForeignKey( "", name="company_industry_id_fkey", onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE", deferrable=False, # PG default # PG default initially="IMMEDIATE", ), ), ) Table( "industry", metadata, Column("id", Integer(), nullable=False, primary_key=True), Column("name", String(length=255)), ) fk_ref = { "person_company_id_fkey": { "name": "person_company_id_fkey", "constrained_columns": ["company_id"], "referred_columns": ["id"], "referred_table": "company", "referred_schema": None, "options": { "onupdate": "RESTRICT", "deferrable": True, "ondelete": "RESTRICT", "initially": "DEFERRED", "match": "FULL", }, "comment": None, }, "company_industry_id_fkey": { "name": "company_industry_id_fkey", "constrained_columns": ["industry_id"], "referred_columns": ["id"], "referred_table": "industry", "referred_schema": None, "options": {"onupdate": "CASCADE", "ondelete": "CASCADE"}, "comment": None, }, } metadata.create_all(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) fks = inspector.get_foreign_keys( "person" ) + inspector.get_foreign_keys("company") for fk in fks: eq_(fk, fk_ref[fk["name"]]) def test_inspect_enums_schema(self, metadata, connection): enum_type = postgresql.ENUM( "sad", "ok", "happy", name="mood", schema="test_schema", metadata=metadata, ) enum_type.create(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) eq_( inspector.get_enums("test_schema"), [ { "visible": False, "name": "mood", "schema": "test_schema", "labels": ["sad", "ok", "happy"], } ], ) is_true(inspector.has_type("mood", "test_schema")) is_true(inspector.has_type("mood", "*")) is_false(inspector.has_type("mood")) def test_inspect_enums(self, metadata, inspect_fixture): inspector, conn = inspect_fixture enum_type = postgresql.ENUM( "cat", "dog", "rat", name="pet", metadata=metadata ) enum_type.create(conn) conn.commit() res = [ { "visible": True, "labels": ["cat", "dog", "rat"], "name": "pet", "schema": "public", } ] eq_(inspector.get_enums(), res) is_true(inspector.has_type("pet", "*")) is_true(inspector.has_type("pet")) is_false(inspector.has_type("pet", "test_schema")) enum_type.drop(conn) conn.commit() eq_(inspector.get_enums(), res) is_true(inspector.has_type("pet")) inspector.clear_cache() eq_(inspector.get_enums(), []) is_false(inspector.has_type("pet")) def test_get_table_oid(self, metadata, connection): Table("t1", metadata, Column("col", Integer)) Table("t1", metadata, Column("col", Integer), schema="test_schema") metadata.create_all(connection) insp = inspect(connection) oid = insp.get_table_oid("t1") oid_schema = insp.get_table_oid("t1", schema="test_schema") is_true(isinstance(oid, int)) is_true(isinstance(oid_schema, int)) is_true(oid != oid_schema) with expect_raises(exc.NoSuchTableError): insp.get_table_oid("does_not_exist") metadata.tables["t1"].drop(connection) eq_(insp.get_table_oid("t1"), oid) insp.clear_cache() with expect_raises(exc.NoSuchTableError): insp.get_table_oid("t1") def test_inspect_enums_case_sensitive(self, metadata, connection): sa.event.listen( metadata, "before_create", sa.DDL('create schema "TestSchema"'), ) sa.event.listen( metadata, "after_drop", sa.DDL('drop schema if exists "TestSchema" cascade'), ) for enum in "lower_case", "UpperCase", "Name.With.Dot": for schema in None, "test_schema", "TestSchema": postgresql.ENUM( "CapsOne", "CapsTwo", name=enum, schema=schema, metadata=metadata, ) metadata.create_all(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) for schema in None, "test_schema", "TestSchema": eq_( sorted( inspector.get_enums(schema=schema), key=itemgetter("name") ), [ { "visible": schema is None, "labels": ["CapsOne", "CapsTwo"], "name": "Name.With.Dot", "schema": "public" if schema is None else schema, }, { "visible": schema is None, "labels": ["CapsOne", "CapsTwo"], "name": "UpperCase", "schema": "public" if schema is None else schema, }, { "visible": schema is None, "labels": ["CapsOne", "CapsTwo"], "name": "lower_case", "schema": "public" if schema is None else schema, }, ], ) def test_inspect_enums_case_sensitive_from_table( self, metadata, connection ): sa.event.listen( metadata, "before_create", sa.DDL('create schema "TestSchema"'), ) sa.event.listen( metadata, "after_drop", sa.DDL('drop schema if exists "TestSchema" cascade'), ) counter = itertools.count() for enum in "lower_case", "UpperCase", "Name.With.Dot": for schema in None, "test_schema", "TestSchema": enum_type = postgresql.ENUM( "CapsOne", "CapsTwo", name=enum, metadata=metadata, schema=schema, ) Table( "t%d" % next(counter), metadata, Column("q", enum_type), ) metadata.create_all(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) counter = itertools.count() for enum in "lower_case", "UpperCase", "Name.With.Dot": for schema in None, "test_schema", "TestSchema": cols = inspector.get_columns("t%d" % next(counter)) cols[0]["type"] = ( cols[0]["type"].schema, cols[0]["type"].name, cols[0]["type"].enums, ) eq_( cols, [ { "name": "q", "type": (schema, enum, ["CapsOne", "CapsTwo"]), "nullable": True, "default": None, "autoincrement": False, "comment": None, } ], ) def test_inspect_enums_star(self, metadata, connection): enum_type = postgresql.ENUM( "cat", "dog", "rat", name="pet", metadata=metadata ) schema_enum_type = postgresql.ENUM( "sad", "ok", "happy", name="mood", schema="test_schema", metadata=metadata, ) enum_type.create(connection) schema_enum_type.create(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) eq_( inspector.get_enums(), [ { "visible": True, "labels": ["cat", "dog", "rat"], "name": "pet", "schema": "public", } ], ) eq_( inspector.get_enums("*"), [ { "visible": True, "labels": ["cat", "dog", "rat"], "name": "pet", "schema": "public", }, { "visible": False, "name": "mood", "schema": "test_schema", "labels": ["sad", "ok", "happy"], }, ], ) def test_inspect_enum_empty(self, metadata, connection): enum_type = postgresql.ENUM(name="empty", metadata=metadata) enum_type.create(connection) inspector = inspect(connection) eq_( inspector.get_enums(), [ { "visible": True, "labels": [], "name": "empty", "schema": "public", } ], ) def test_inspect_enum_empty_from_table(self, metadata, connection): Table( "t", metadata, Column("x", postgresql.ENUM(name="empty")) ).create(connection) t = Table("t", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) eq_(t.c.x.type.enums, []) def test_reflection_with_unique_constraint(self, metadata, connection): insp = inspect(connection) meta = metadata uc_table = Table( "pgsql_uc", meta, Column("a", String(10)), UniqueConstraint("a", name="uc_a"), ) uc_table.create(connection) # PostgreSQL will create an implicit index for a unique # constraint. Separately we get both indexes = {i["name"] for i in insp.get_indexes("pgsql_uc")} constraints = { i["name"] for i in insp.get_unique_constraints("pgsql_uc") } self.assert_("uc_a" in indexes) self.assert_("uc_a" in constraints) # reflection corrects for the dupe reflected = Table("pgsql_uc", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) indexes = { for i in reflected.indexes} constraints = { for uc in reflected.constraints} self.assert_("uc_a" not in indexes) self.assert_("uc_a" in constraints) @testing.requires.btree_gist def test_reflection_with_exclude_constraint(self, metadata, connection): m = metadata Table( "t", m, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("period", TSRANGE), ExcludeConstraint(("period", "&&"), name="quarters_period_excl"), ) m.create_all(connection) insp = inspect(connection) # PostgreSQL will create an implicit index for an exclude constraint. # we don't reflect the EXCLUDE yet. expected = [ { "unique": False, "name": "quarters_period_excl", "duplicates_constraint": "quarters_period_excl", "dialect_options": {"postgresql_using": "gist"}, "column_names": ["period"], } ] if testing.requires.index_reflects_included_columns.enabled: expected[0]["include_columns"] = [] expected[0]["dialect_options"]["postgresql_include"] = [] eq_(insp.get_indexes("t"), expected) # reflection corrects for the dupe reflected = Table("t", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) eq_(set(reflected.indexes), set()) def test_reflect_unique_index(self, metadata, connection): insp = inspect(connection) meta = metadata # a unique index OTOH we are able to detect is an index # and not a unique constraint uc_table = Table( "pgsql_uc", meta, Column("a", String(10)), Index("ix_a", "a", unique=True), ) uc_table.create(connection) indexes = {i["name"]: i for i in insp.get_indexes("pgsql_uc")} constraints = { i["name"] for i in insp.get_unique_constraints("pgsql_uc") } self.assert_("ix_a" in indexes) assert indexes["ix_a"]["unique"] self.assert_("ix_a" not in constraints) reflected = Table("pgsql_uc", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) indexes = { i for i in reflected.indexes} constraints = { for uc in reflected.constraints} self.assert_("ix_a" in indexes) assert indexes["ix_a"].unique self.assert_("ix_a" not in constraints) def test_reflect_check_constraint(self, metadata, connection): meta = metadata udf_create = """\ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_positive( x integer DEFAULT '-1'::integer) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$BEGIN RETURN x > 0; END;$BODY$; """ sa.event.listen(meta, "before_create", sa.DDL(udf_create)) sa.event.listen( meta, "after_drop", sa.DDL("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS is_positive(integer)"), ) Table( "pgsql_cc", meta, Column("a", Integer()), Column("b", String), CheckConstraint("a > 1 AND a < 5", name="cc1"), CheckConstraint("a = 1 OR (a > 2 AND a < 5)", name="cc2"), CheckConstraint("is_positive(a)", name="cc3"), CheckConstraint("b != 'hi\nim a name \nyup\n'", name="cc4"), ) meta.create_all(connection) reflected = Table("pgsql_cc", MetaData(), autoload_with=connection) check_constraints = { uc.sqltext.text for uc in reflected.constraints if isinstance(uc, CheckConstraint) } eq_( check_constraints, { "cc1": "a > 1 AND a < 5", "cc2": "a = 1 OR a > 2 AND a < 5", "cc3": "is_positive(a)", "cc4": "b::text <> 'hi\nim a name \nyup\n'::text", }, ) def test_reflect_check_warning(self): rows = [("foo", "some name", "NOTCHECK foobar", None)] conn = mock.Mock( execute=lambda *arg, **kw: mock.MagicMock( fetchall=lambda: rows, __iter__=lambda self: iter(rows) ) ) with testing.expect_warnings( "Could not parse CHECK constraint text: 'NOTCHECK foobar'" ): testing.db.dialect.get_check_constraints(conn, "foo") def test_reflect_extra_newlines(self): rows = [ ( "foo", "some name", "CHECK (\n(a \nIS\n NOT\n\n NULL\n)\n)", None, ), ("foo", "some other name", "CHECK ((b\nIS\nNOT\nNULL))", None), ( "foo", "some CRLF name", "CHECK ((c\r\n\r\nIS\r\nNOT\r\nNULL))", None, ), ("foo", "some name", "CHECK (c != 'hi\nim a name\n')", None), ] conn = mock.Mock( execute=lambda *arg, **kw: mock.MagicMock( fetchall=lambda: rows, __iter__=lambda self: iter(rows) ) ) check_constraints = testing.db.dialect.get_check_constraints( conn, "foo" ) eq_( check_constraints, [ { "name": "some name", "sqltext": "a \nIS\n NOT\n\n NULL\n", "comment": None, }, { "name": "some other name", "sqltext": "b\nIS\nNOT\nNULL", "comment": None, }, { "name": "some CRLF name", "sqltext": "c\r\n\r\nIS\r\nNOT\r\nNULL", "comment": None, }, { "name": "some name", "sqltext": "c != 'hi\nim a name\n'", "comment": None, }, ], ) def test_reflect_with_not_valid_check_constraint(self): rows = [ ("foo", "some name", "CHECK ((a IS NOT NULL)) NOT VALID", None) ] conn = mock.Mock( execute=lambda *arg, **kw: mock.MagicMock( fetchall=lambda: rows, __iter__=lambda self: iter(rows) ) ) check_constraints = testing.db.dialect.get_check_constraints( conn, "foo" ) eq_( check_constraints, [ { "name": "some name", "sqltext": "a IS NOT NULL", "dialect_options": {"not_valid": True}, "comment": None, } ], ) def _apply_stm(self, connection, use_map): if use_map: return connection.execution_options( schema_translate_map={ None: "foo", testing.config.test_schema: "bar", } ) else: return connection @testing.combinations(True, False, argnames="use_map") @testing.combinations(True, False, argnames="schema") def test_schema_translate_map(self, metadata, connection, use_map, schema): schema = testing.config.test_schema if schema else None Table( "foo", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("a", Integer, index=True), Column( "b", ForeignKey(f"{schema}" if schema else ""), unique=True, ), CheckConstraint("a>10", name="foo_check"), comment="comm", schema=schema, ) metadata.create_all(connection) if use_map: connection = connection.execution_options( schema_translate_map={ None: "foo", testing.config.test_schema: "bar", } ) insp = inspect(connection) eq_( [c["name"] for c in insp.get_columns("foo", schema=schema)], ["id", "a", "b"], ) eq_( [ i["column_names"] for i in insp.get_indexes("foo", schema=schema) ], [["b"], ["a"]], ) eq_( insp.get_pk_constraint("foo", schema=schema)[ "constrained_columns" ], ["id"], ) eq_(insp.get_table_comment("foo", schema=schema), {"text": "comm"}) eq_( [ f["constrained_columns"] for f in insp.get_foreign_keys("foo", schema=schema) ], [["b"]], ) eq_( [ c["name"] for c in insp.get_check_constraints("foo", schema=schema) ], ["foo_check"], ) eq_( [ u["column_names"] for u in insp.get_unique_constraints("foo", schema=schema) ], [["b"]], ) def test_reflection_constraint_comments(self, connection, metadata): t = Table( "foo", metadata, Column("id", Integer), Column("foo_id", ForeignKey("", name="fk_1")), Column("foo_other_id", ForeignKey("", name="fk_2")), CheckConstraint("id>0", name="ch_1"), CheckConstraint("id<1000", name="ch_2"), PrimaryKeyConstraint("id", name="foo_pk"), UniqueConstraint("id", "foo_id", name="un_1"), UniqueConstraint("id", "foo_other_id", name="un_2"), ) metadata.create_all(connection) def check(elements, exp): elements = {c["name"]: c["comment"] for c in elements} eq_(elements, exp) def all_none(): insp = inspect(connection) is_(insp.get_pk_constraint("foo")["comment"], None) check( insp.get_check_constraints("foo"), {"ch_1": None, "ch_2": None} ) check( insp.get_unique_constraints("foo"), {"un_1": None, "un_2": None}, ) check(insp.get_foreign_keys("foo"), {"fk_1": None, "fk_2": None}) all_none() c = next(c for c in t.constraints if == "ch_1") u = next(c for c in t.constraints if == "un_1") f = next(c for c in t.foreign_key_constraints if == "fk_1") p = t.primary_key c.comment = "cc comment" u.comment = "uc comment" f.comment = "fc comment" p.comment = "pk comment" for cst in [c, u, f, p]: connection.execute(sa_ddl.SetConstraintComment(cst)) insp = inspect(connection) eq_(insp.get_pk_constraint("foo")["comment"], "pk comment") check( insp.get_check_constraints("foo"), {"ch_1": "cc comment", "ch_2": None}, ) check( insp.get_unique_constraints("foo"), {"un_1": "uc comment", "un_2": None}, ) check( insp.get_foreign_keys("foo"), {"fk_1": "fc comment", "fk_2": None} ) for cst in [c, u, f, p]: connection.execute(sa_ddl.DropConstraintComment(cst)) all_none() class CustomTypeReflectionTest(fixtures.TestBase): class CustomType: def __init__(self, arg1=None, arg2=None): self.arg1 = arg1 self.arg2 = arg2 ischema_names = None def setup_test(self): ischema_names = postgresql.PGDialect.ischema_names postgresql.PGDialect.ischema_names = ischema_names.copy() self.ischema_names = ischema_names def teardown_test(self): postgresql.PGDialect.ischema_names = self.ischema_names self.ischema_names = None def _assert_reflected(self, dialect): for sch, args in [ ("my_custom_type", (None, None)), ("my_custom_type()", (None, None)), ("my_custom_type(ARG1)", ("ARG1", None)), ("my_custom_type(ARG1, ARG2)", ("ARG1", "ARG2")), ]: row_dict = { "name": "colname", "table_name": "tblname", "format_type": sch, "default": None, "not_null": False, "comment": None, "generated": "", "identity_options": None, } column_info = dialect._get_columns_info( [row_dict], {}, {}, "public" ) assert ("public", "tblname") in column_info column_info = column_info[("public", "tblname")] assert len(column_info) == 1 column_info = column_info[0] assert isinstance(column_info["type"], self.CustomType) eq_(column_info["type"].arg1, args[0]) eq_(column_info["type"].arg2, args[1]) def test_clslevel(self): postgresql.PGDialect.ischema_names["my_custom_type"] = self.CustomType dialect = postgresql.PGDialect() self._assert_reflected(dialect) def test_instancelevel(self): dialect = postgresql.PGDialect() dialect.ischema_names = dialect.ischema_names.copy() dialect.ischema_names["my_custom_type"] = self.CustomType self._assert_reflected(dialect) def test_no_format_type(self): """test #8748""" dialect = postgresql.PGDialect() dialect.ischema_names = dialect.ischema_names.copy() dialect.ischema_names["my_custom_type"] = self.CustomType with expect_warnings( r"PostgreSQL format_type\(\) returned NULL for column 'colname'" ): row_dict = { "name": "colname", "table_name": "tblname", "format_type": None, "default": None, "not_null": False, "comment": None, "generated": "", "identity_options": None, } column_info = dialect._get_columns_info( [row_dict], {}, {}, "public" ) assert ("public", "tblname") in column_info column_info = column_info[("public", "tblname")] assert len(column_info) == 1 column_info = column_info[0] assert isinstance(column_info["type"], NullType) class IntervalReflectionTest(fixtures.TestBase): __only_on__ = "postgresql" __backend__ = True @testing.combinations( ("YEAR",), ("MONTH",), ("DAY",), ("HOUR",), ("MINUTE",), ("SECOND",), ("YEAR TO MONTH",), ("DAY TO HOUR",), ("DAY TO MINUTE",), ("DAY TO SECOND",), ("HOUR TO MINUTE",), ("HOUR TO SECOND",), ("MINUTE TO SECOND",), argnames="sym", ) def test_interval_types(self, sym, metadata, connection): t = Table( "i_test", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data1", INTERVAL(fields=sym)), ) t.create(connection) columns = { rec["name"]: rec for rec in inspect(connection).get_columns("i_test") } assert isinstance(columns["data1"]["type"], INTERVAL) eq_(columns["data1"]["type"].fields, sym.lower()) eq_(columns["data1"]["type"].precision, None) def test_interval_precision(self, metadata, connection): t = Table( "i_test", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("data1", INTERVAL(precision=6)), ) t.create(connection) columns = { rec["name"]: rec for rec in inspect(connection).get_columns("i_test") } assert isinstance(columns["data1"]["type"], INTERVAL) eq_(columns["data1"]["type"].fields, None) eq_(columns["data1"]["type"].precision, 6) class IdentityReflectionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): __only_on__ = "postgresql" __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("identity_columns",) _names = ("t1", "T2", "MiXeDCaSe!") @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): for name in cls._names: Table( name, metadata, Column( "id1", Integer, Identity( always=True, start=2, increment=3, minvalue=-2, maxvalue=42, cycle=True, cache=4, ), ), Column("id2", Integer, Identity()), Column("id3", BigInteger, Identity()), Column("id4", SmallInteger, Identity()), ) @testing.combinations(*_names, argnames="name") def test_reflect_identity(self, connection, name): insp = inspect(connection) default = dict( always=False, start=1, increment=1, minvalue=1, cycle=False, cache=1, ) cols = insp.get_columns(name) for col in cols: if col["name"] == "id1": is_true("identity" in col) eq_( col["identity"], dict( always=True, start=2, increment=3, minvalue=-2, maxvalue=42, cycle=True, cache=4, ), ) elif col["name"] == "id2": is_true("identity" in col) exp = default.copy() exp.update(maxvalue=2**31 - 1) eq_(col["identity"], exp) elif col["name"] == "id3": is_true("identity" in col) exp = default.copy() exp.update(maxvalue=2**63 - 1) eq_(col["identity"], exp) elif col["name"] == "id4": is_true("identity" in col) exp = default.copy() exp.update(maxvalue=2**15 - 1) eq_(col["identity"], exp) class TestReflectDifficultColTypes(fixtures.TablesTest): __only_on__ = "postgresql" __backend__ = True def define_tables(metadata): Table( "sample_table", metadata, Column("c1", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("c2", Integer, unique=True), Column("c3", Integer), Index("sample_table_index", "c2", "c3"), ) def check_int_list(self, row, key): value = row[key] is_true(isinstance(value, list)) is_true(len(value) > 0) is_true(all(isinstance(v, int) for v in value)) def test_pg_index(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) pgc_oid = insp.get_table_oid("sample_table") cols = [ col for col in pg_catalog.pg_index.c if testing.db.dialect.server_version_info >="server_version", (0,)) ] stmt =*cols).filter_by(indrelid=pgc_oid) rows = connection.execute(stmt).mappings().all() is_true(len(rows) > 0) cols = [ col for col in ["indkey", "indoption", "indclass", "indcollation"] if testing.db.dialect.server_version_info >= pg_catalog.pg_index.c[col].info.get("server_version", (0,)) ] for row in rows: for col in cols: self.check_int_list(row, col) def test_pg_constraint(self, connection): insp = inspect(connection) pgc_oid = insp.get_table_oid("sample_table") cols = [ col for col in pg_catalog.pg_constraint.c if testing.db.dialect.server_version_info >="server_version", (0,)) ] stmt =*cols).filter_by(conrelid=pgc_oid) rows = connection.execute(stmt).mappings().all() is_true(len(rows) > 0) for row in rows: self.check_int_list(row, "conkey")