""" Schema differencing support. """ import logging import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy.types import Float log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def getDiffOfModelAgainstDatabase(metadata, engine, excludeTables=None): """ Return differences of model against database. :return: object which will evaluate to :keyword:`True` if there \ are differences else :keyword:`False`. """ db_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(engine, reflect=True) # sqlite will include a dynamically generated 'sqlite_sequence' table if # there are autoincrement sequences in the database; this should not be # compared. if engine.dialect.name == 'sqlite': if 'sqlite_sequence' in db_metadata.tables: db_metadata.remove(db_metadata.tables['sqlite_sequence']) return SchemaDiff(metadata, db_metadata, labelA='model', labelB='database', excludeTables=excludeTables) def getDiffOfModelAgainstModel(metadataA, metadataB, excludeTables=None): """ Return differences of model against another model. :return: object which will evaluate to :keyword:`True` if there \ are differences else :keyword:`False`. """ return SchemaDiff(metadataA, metadataB, excludeTables) class ColDiff(object): """ Container for differences in one :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` between two :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` instances, ``A`` and ``B``. .. attribute:: col_A The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object for A. .. attribute:: col_B The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object for B. .. attribute:: type_A The most generic type of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object in A. .. attribute:: type_B The most generic type of the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object in A. """ diff = False def __init__(self,col_A,col_B): self.col_A = col_A self.col_B = col_B self.type_A = col_A.type self.type_B = col_B.type self.affinity_A = self.type_A._type_affinity self.affinity_B = self.type_B._type_affinity if self.affinity_A is not self.affinity_B: self.diff = True return if isinstance(self.type_A,Float) or isinstance(self.type_B,Float): if not (isinstance(self.type_A,Float) and isinstance(self.type_B,Float)): self.diff=True return for attr in ('precision','scale','length'): A = getattr(self.type_A,attr,None) B = getattr(self.type_B,attr,None) if not (A is None or B is None) and A!=B: self.diff=True return def __nonzero__(self): return self.diff class TableDiff(object): """ Container for differences in one :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` between two :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` instances, ``A`` and ``B``. .. attribute:: columns_missing_from_A A sequence of column names that were found in B but weren't in A. .. attribute:: columns_missing_from_B A sequence of column names that were found in A but weren't in B. .. attribute:: columns_different A dictionary containing information about columns that were found to be different. It maps column names to a :class:`ColDiff` objects describing the differences found. """ __slots__ = ( 'columns_missing_from_A', 'columns_missing_from_B', 'columns_different', ) def __nonzero__(self): return bool( self.columns_missing_from_A or self.columns_missing_from_B or self.columns_different ) class SchemaDiff(object): """ Compute the difference between two :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` objects. The string representation of a :class:`SchemaDiff` will summarise the changes found between the two :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` objects. The length of a :class:`SchemaDiff` will give the number of changes found, enabling it to be used much like a boolean in expressions. :param metadataA: First :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` to compare. :param metadataB: Second :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` to compare. :param labelA: The label to use in messages about the first :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. :param labelB: The label to use in messages about the second :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. :param excludeTables: A sequence of table names to exclude. .. attribute:: tables_missing_from_A A sequence of table names that were found in B but weren't in A. .. attribute:: tables_missing_from_B A sequence of table names that were found in A but weren't in B. .. attribute:: tables_different A dictionary containing information about tables that were found to be different. It maps table names to a :class:`TableDiff` objects describing the differences found. """ def __init__(self, metadataA, metadataB, labelA='metadataA', labelB='metadataB', excludeTables=None): self.metadataA, self.metadataB = metadataA, metadataB self.labelA, self.labelB = labelA, labelB self.label_width = max(len(labelA),len(labelB)) excludeTables = set(excludeTables or []) A_table_names = set(metadataA.tables.keys()) B_table_names = set(metadataB.tables.keys()) self.tables_missing_from_A = sorted( B_table_names - A_table_names - excludeTables ) self.tables_missing_from_B = sorted( A_table_names - B_table_names - excludeTables ) self.tables_different = {} for table_name in A_table_names.intersection(B_table_names): td = TableDiff() A_table = metadataA.tables[table_name] B_table = metadataB.tables[table_name] A_column_names = set(A_table.columns.keys()) B_column_names = set(B_table.columns.keys()) td.columns_missing_from_A = sorted( B_column_names - A_column_names ) td.columns_missing_from_B = sorted( A_column_names - B_column_names ) td.columns_different = {} for col_name in A_column_names.intersection(B_column_names): cd = ColDiff( A_table.columns.get(col_name), B_table.columns.get(col_name) ) if cd: td.columns_different[col_name]=cd # XXX - index and constraint differences should # be checked for here if td: self.tables_different[table_name]=td def __str__(self): ''' Summarize differences. ''' out = [] column_template =' %%%is: %%r' % self.label_width for names,label in ( (self.tables_missing_from_A,self.labelA), (self.tables_missing_from_B,self.labelB), ): if names: out.append( ' tables missing from %s: %s' % ( label,', '.join(sorted(names)) ) ) for name,td in sorted(self.tables_different.items()): out.append( ' table with differences: %s' % name ) for names,label in ( (td.columns_missing_from_A,self.labelA), (td.columns_missing_from_B,self.labelB), ): if names: out.append( ' %s missing these columns: %s' % ( label,', '.join(sorted(names)) ) ) for name,cd in td.columns_different.items(): out.append(' column with differences: %s' % name) out.append(column_template % (self.labelA,cd.col_A)) out.append(column_template % (self.labelB,cd.col_B)) if out: out.insert(0, 'Schema diffs:') return '\n'.join(out) else: return 'No schema diffs' def __len__(self): """ Used in bool evaluation, return of 0 means no diffs. """ return ( len(self.tables_missing_from_A) + len(self.tables_missing_from_B) + len(self.tables_different) )