# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ test_build_latex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test the build process with LaTeX builder with the test root. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2013 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import os import re import sys from StringIO import StringIO from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from sphinx.writers.latex import LaTeXTranslator from util import test_root, SkipTest, remove_unicode_literals, with_app from test_build_html import ENV_WARNINGS def teardown_module(): (test_root / '_build').rmtree(True) latex_warnfile = StringIO() LATEX_WARNINGS = ENV_WARNINGS + """\ None:None: WARNING: citation not found: missing None:None: WARNING: no matching candidate for image URI u'foo.\\*' WARNING: invalid pair index entry u'' WARNING: invalid pair index entry u'keyword; ' """ if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): LATEX_WARNINGS = remove_unicode_literals(LATEX_WARNINGS) @with_app(buildername='latex', warning=latex_warnfile, cleanenv=True) def test_latex(app): LaTeXTranslator.ignore_missing_images = True app.builder.build_all() latex_warnings = latex_warnfile.getvalue().replace(os.sep, '/') latex_warnings_exp = LATEX_WARNINGS % { 'root': re.escape(app.srcdir.replace(os.sep, '/'))} assert re.match(latex_warnings_exp + '$', latex_warnings), \ 'Warnings don\'t match:\n' + \ '--- Expected (regex):\n' + latex_warnings_exp + \ '--- Got:\n' + latex_warnings # file from latex_additional_files assert (app.outdir / 'svgimg.svg').isfile() # only run latex if all needed packages are there def kpsetest(filename): try: p = Popen(['kpsewhich', filename], stdout=PIPE) except OSError: # no kpsewhich... either no tex distribution is installed or it is # a "strange" one -- don't bother running latex return None else: p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: # not found return False # found return True if kpsetest('article.sty') is None: raise SkipTest('not running latex, it doesn\'t seem to be installed') for filename in ['fancyhdr.sty', 'fancybox.sty', 'titlesec.sty', 'amsmath.sty', 'framed.sty', 'color.sty', 'fancyvrb.sty', 'threeparttable.sty']: if not kpsetest(filename): raise SkipTest('not running latex, the %s package doesn\'t ' 'seem to be installed' % filename) # now, try to run latex over it cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(app.outdir) try: try: p = Popen(['pdflatex', '--interaction=nonstopmode', 'SphinxTests.tex'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError: raise SkipTest # most likely pdflatex was not found else: stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: print stdout print stderr del app.cleanup_trees[:] assert False, 'latex exited with return code %s' % p.returncode finally: os.chdir(cwd)