# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.setup_command ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setuptools/distutils commands to assist the building of sphinx documentation. :author: Sebastian Wiesner :contact: basti.wiesner@gmx.net :copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import types from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError import six from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.util.console import darkred, nocolor, color_terminal from sphinx.util.osutil import abspath class BuildDoc(Command): """ Distutils command to build Sphinx documentation. The Sphinx build can then be triggered from distutils, and some Sphinx options can be set in ``setup.py`` or ``setup.cfg`` instead of Sphinx own configuration file. For instance, from `setup.py`:: # this is only necessary when not using setuptools/distribute from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc cmdclass = {'build_sphinx': BuildDoc} name = 'My project' version = '1.2' release = '1.2.0' setup( name=name, author='Bernard Montgomery', version=release, cmdclass=cmdclass, # these are optional and override conf.py settings command_options={ 'build_sphinx': { 'project': ('setup.py', name), 'version': ('setup.py', version), 'release': ('setup.py', release)}}, ) Or add this section in ``setup.cfg``:: [build_sphinx] project = 'My project' version = 1.2 release = 1.2.0 """ description = 'Build Sphinx documentation' user_options = [ ('fresh-env', 'E', 'discard saved environment'), ('all-files', 'a', 'build all files'), ('source-dir=', 's', 'Source directory'), ('build-dir=', None, 'Build directory'), ('config-dir=', 'c', 'Location of the configuration directory'), ('builder=', 'b', 'The builder to use. Defaults to "html"'), ('project=', None, 'The documented project\'s name'), ('version=', None, 'The short X.Y version'), ('release=', None, 'The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags'), ('today=', None, 'How to format the current date, used as the ' 'replacement for |today|'), ('link-index', 'i', 'Link index.html to the master doc'), ] boolean_options = ['fresh-env', 'all-files', 'link-index'] def initialize_options(self): self.fresh_env = self.all_files = False self.source_dir = self.build_dir = None self.builder = 'html' self.project = '' self.version = '' self.release = '' self.today = '' self.config_dir = None self.link_index = False def _guess_source_dir(self): for guess in ('doc', 'docs'): if not os.path.isdir(guess): continue for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(guess): if 'conf.py' in filenames: return root return None # Overriding distutils' Command._ensure_stringlike which doesn't support # unicode, causing finalize_options to fail if invoked again. Workaround # for http://bugs.python.org/issue19570 def _ensure_stringlike(self, option, what, default=None): val = getattr(self, option) if val is None: setattr(self, option, default) return default elif not isinstance(val, types.StringTypes): raise DistutilsOptionError("'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" % (option, what, val)) return val def finalize_options(self): if self.source_dir is None: self.source_dir = self._guess_source_dir() self.announce('Using source directory %s' % self.source_dir) self.ensure_dirname('source_dir') if self.source_dir is None: self.source_dir = os.curdir self.source_dir = abspath(self.source_dir) if self.config_dir is None: self.config_dir = self.source_dir self.config_dir = abspath(self.config_dir) if self.build_dir is None: build = self.get_finalized_command('build') self.build_dir = os.path.join(abspath(build.build_base), 'sphinx') self.mkpath(self.build_dir) self.build_dir = abspath(self.build_dir) self.doctree_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'doctrees') self.mkpath(self.doctree_dir) self.builder_target_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, self.builder) self.mkpath(self.builder_target_dir) def run(self): if not color_terminal(): # Windows' poor cmd box doesn't understand ANSI sequences nocolor() if not self.verbose: status_stream = six.StringIO() else: status_stream = sys.stdout confoverrides = {} if self.project: confoverrides['project'] = self.project if self.version: confoverrides['version'] = self.version if self.release: confoverrides['release'] = self.release if self.today: confoverrides['today'] = self.today app = Sphinx(self.source_dir, self.config_dir, self.builder_target_dir, self.doctree_dir, self.builder, confoverrides, status_stream, freshenv=self.fresh_env) try: app.build(force_all=self.all_files) except Exception as err: from docutils.utils import SystemMessage if isinstance(err, SystemMessage): print(darkred('reST markup error:'), file=sys.stderr) print(err.args[0].encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'), file=sys.stderr) else: raise if self.link_index: src = app.config.master_doc + app.builder.out_suffix dst = app.builder.get_outfilename('index') os.symlink(src, dst)