# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.make_mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sphinx-build -M command-line handling. This replaces the old, platform-dependent and once-generated content of Makefile / make.bat. This is in its own module so that importing it is fast. It should not import the main Sphinx modules (like sphinx.applications, sphinx.builders). :copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import os import sys import shutil from os import path from subprocess import call import sphinx from sphinx.util.console import bold, blue proj_name = os.getenv('SPHINXPROJ', '') BUILDERS = [ ("", "html", "to make standalone HTML files"), ("", "dirhtml", "to make HTML files named index.html in directories"), ("", "singlehtml","to make a single large HTML file"), ("", "pickle", "to make pickle files"), ("", "json", "to make JSON files"), ("", "htmlhelp", "to make HTML files and a HTML help project"), ("", "qthelp", "to make HTML files and a qthelp project"), ("", "devhelp", "to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"), ("", "epub", "to make an epub"), ("", "latex", "to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"), ("posix", "latexpdf", "to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"), ("posix", "latexpdfja","to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"), ("", "text", "to make text files"), ("", "man", "to make manual pages"), ("", "texinfo", "to make Texinfo files"), ("posix", "info", "to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"), ("", "gettext", "to make PO message catalogs"), ("", "changes", "to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"), ("", "xml", "to make Docutils-native XML files"), ("", "pseudoxml", "to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"), ("", "linkcheck", "to check all external links for integrity"), ("", "doctest", "to run all doctests embedded in the documentation " "(if enabled)"), ("", "coverage", "to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"), ] class Make(object): def __init__(self, srcdir, builddir, opts): self.srcdir = srcdir self.builddir = builddir self.opts = opts def builddir_join(self, *comps): return path.join(self.builddir, *comps) def build_clean(self): if not path.exists(self.builddir): return elif not path.isdir(self.builddir): print "Error: %r is not a directory!" % self.builddir return 1 print "Removing everything under %r..." % self.builddir for item in os.listdir(self.builddir): shutil.rmtree(self.builddir_join(item)) def build_help(self): print bold("Sphinx v%s" % sphinx.__version__) print "Please use `make %s' where %s is one of" % ((blue('target'),)*2) for osname, bname, description in BUILDERS: if not osname or os.name == osname: print ' %s %s' % (blue(bname.ljust(10)), description) def build_html(self): if self.run_generic_build('html') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The HTML pages are in %s.' % self.builddir_join('html') def build_dirhtml(self): if self.run_generic_build('dirhtml') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The HTML pages are in %s.' % self.builddir_join('dirhtml') def build_singlehtml(self): if self.run_generic_build('singlehtml') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The HTML page is in %s.' % \ self.builddir_join('singlehtml') def build_pickle(self): if self.run_generic_build('pickle') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished; now you can process the pickle files.' def build_json(self): if self.run_generic_build('json') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished; now you can process the JSON files.' def build_htmlhelp(self): if self.run_generic_build('htmlhelp') > 0: return 1 print print ('Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ' '.hhp project file in %s.') % self.builddir_join('htmlhelp') def build_qthelp(self): if self.run_generic_build('qthelp') > 0: return 1 print print ('Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ' '.qhcp project file in %s, like this:') % self.builddir_join('qthelp') print '$ qcollectiongenerator %s.qhcp' % self.builddir_join('qthelp', proj_name) print 'To view the help file:' print '$ assistant -collectionFile %s.qhc' % \ self.builddir_join('qthelp', proj_name) def build_devhelp(self): if self.run_generic_build('devhelp') > 0: return 1 print print "Build finished." print "To view the help file:" print "$ mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/devhelp/" + proj_name print "$ ln -s %s $HOME/.local/share/devhelp/%s" % \ (self.builddir_join('devhelp'), proj_name) print "$ devhelp" def build_epub(self): if self.run_generic_build('epub') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The ePub file is in %s.' % self.builddir_join('epub') def build_latex(self): if self.run_generic_build('latex') > 0: return 1 print "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in %s." % self.builddir_join('latex') if os.name == 'posix': print "Run `make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" print "(use `make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)." def build_latexpdf(self): if self.run_generic_build('latex') > 0: return 1 os.system('make -C %s all-pdf' % self.builddir_join('latex')) def build_latexpdfja(self): if self.run_generic_build('latex') > 0: return 1 os.system('make -C %s all-pdf-ja' % self.builddir_join('latex')) def build_text(self): if self.run_generic_build('text') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The text files are in %s.' % self.builddir_join('text') def build_texinfo(self): if self.run_generic_build('texinfo') > 0: return 1 print "Build finished; the Texinfo files are in %s." % \ self.builddir_join('texinfo') if os.name == 'posix': print "Run `make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" print "(use `make info' here to do that automatically)." def build_info(self): if self.run_generic_build('texinfo') > 0: return 1 os.system('make -C %s info' % self.builddir_join('texinfo')) def build_gettext(self): dtdir = self.builddir_join('gettext', '.doctrees') if self.run_generic_build('gettext', doctreedir=dtdir) > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The message catalogs are in %s.' % \ self.builddir_join('gettext') def build_changes(self): if self.run_generic_build('changes') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The overview file is in %s.' % \ self.builddir_join('changes') def build_linkcheck(self): res = self.run_generic_build('linkcheck') print print ('Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ' 'or in %s.') % self.builddir_join('linkcheck', 'output.txt') return res def build_doctest(self): res = self.run_generic_build('doctest') print ("Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " "results in %s." % self.builddir_join('doctest', 'output.txt')) return res def build_coverage(self): if self.run_generic_build('coverage') > 0: print "Has the coverage extension been enabled?" return 1 print print ("Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " "results in %s." % self.builddir_join('coverage')) def build_xml(self): if self.run_generic_build('xml') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The XML files are in %s.' % self.builddir_join('xml') def build_pseudoxml(self): if self.run_generic_build('pseudoxml') > 0: return 1 print print 'Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in %s.' % \ self.builddir_join('pseudoxml') def run_generic_build(self, builder, doctreedir=None): # compatibility with old Makefile papersize = os.getenv('PAPER', '') opts = self.opts if papersize in ('a4', 'letter'): opts.extend(['-D', 'latex_paper_size=' + papersize]) if doctreedir is None: doctreedir = self.builddir_join('doctrees') return call([sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '-b', builder] + opts + ['-d', doctreedir, self.srcdir, self.builddir_join(builder)]) def run_make_mode(args): if len(args) < 3: print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: at least 3 arguments (builder, source ' 'dir, build dir) are required.') return 1 make = Make(args[1], args[2], args[3:]) run_method = 'build_' + args[0] if hasattr(make, run_method): return getattr(make, run_method)() return make.run_generic_build(args[0])