# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ sphinx.highlighting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Highlight code blocks using Pygments. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import sys import cgi import re import textwrap try: import parser except ImportError: # parser is not available on Jython parser = None from sphinx.util.texescape import tex_hl_escape_map_new from sphinx.ext import doctest try: import pygments from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer, PythonConsoleLexer, CLexer, \ TextLexer, RstLexer from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter, LatexFormatter from pygments.filters import ErrorToken from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name from pygments.util import ClassNotFound from sphinx.pygments_styles import SphinxStyle, NoneStyle except ImportError: pygments = None lexers = None HtmlFormatter = LatexFormatter = None else: lexers = dict( none = TextLexer(), python = PythonLexer(), pycon = PythonConsoleLexer(), pycon3 = PythonConsoleLexer(python3=True), rest = RstLexer(), c = CLexer(), ) for _lexer in lexers.values(): _lexer.add_filter('raiseonerror') escape_hl_chars = {ord(u'\\'): u'\\PYGZbs{}', ord(u'{'): u'\\PYGZob{}', ord(u'}'): u'\\PYGZcb{}'} # used if Pygments is not available _LATEX_STYLES = r''' \newcommand\PYGZbs{\char`\\} \newcommand\PYGZob{\char`\{} \newcommand\PYGZcb{\char`\}} ''' parsing_exceptions = (SyntaxError, UnicodeEncodeError) if sys.version_info < (2, 5): # Python <= 2.4 raises MemoryError when parsing an # invalid encoding cookie parsing_exceptions += MemoryError, class PygmentsBridge(object): # Set these attributes if you want to have different Pygments formatters # than the default ones. html_formatter = HtmlFormatter latex_formatter = LatexFormatter def __init__(self, dest='html', stylename='sphinx', trim_doctest_flags=False): self.dest = dest if not pygments: return if stylename is None or stylename == 'sphinx': style = SphinxStyle elif stylename == 'none': style = NoneStyle elif '.' in stylename: module, stylename = stylename.rsplit('.', 1) style = getattr(__import__(module, None, None, ['__name__']), stylename) else: style = get_style_by_name(stylename) self.trim_doctest_flags = trim_doctest_flags self.formatter_args = {'style' : style} if dest == 'html': self.formatter = self.html_formatter else: self.formatter = self.latex_formatter self.formatter_args['commandprefix'] = 'PYG' def get_formatter(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.formatter_args) return self.formatter(**kwargs) def unhighlighted(self, source): if self.dest == 'html': return '
' + cgi.escape(source) + '\n' else: # first, escape highlighting characters like Pygments does source = source.translate(escape_hl_chars) # then, escape all characters nonrepresentable in LaTeX source = source.translate(tex_hl_escape_map_new) return '\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}]\n' + \ source + '\\end{Verbatim}\n' def try_parse(self, src): # Make sure it ends in a newline src += '\n' # Ignore consistent indentation. if src.lstrip('\n').startswith(' '): src = textwrap.dedent(src) # Replace "..." by a mark which is also a valid python expression # (Note, the highlighter gets the original source, this is only done # to allow "..." in code and still highlight it as Python code.) mark = "__highlighting__ellipsis__" src = src.replace("...", mark) # lines beginning with "..." are probably placeholders for suite src = re.sub(r"(?m)^(\s*)" + mark + "(.)", r"\1"+ mark + r"# \2", src) # if we're using 2.5, use the with statement if sys.version_info >= (2, 5): src = 'from __future__ import with_statement\n' + src if sys.version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(src, unicode): # Non-ASCII chars will only occur in string literals # and comments. If we wanted to give them to the parser # correctly, we'd have to find out the correct source # encoding. Since it may not even be given in a snippet, # just replace all non-ASCII characters. src = src.encode('ascii', 'replace') if parser is None: return True try: parser.suite(src) except parsing_exceptions: return False else: return True def highlight_block(self, source, lang, warn=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(source, unicode): source = source.decode() if not pygments: return self.unhighlighted(source) # find out which lexer to use if lang in ('py', 'python'): if source.startswith('>>>'): # interactive session lexer = lexers['pycon'] else: # maybe Python -- try parsing it if self.try_parse(source): lexer = lexers['python'] else: return self.unhighlighted(source) elif lang in ('python3', 'py3') and source.startswith('>>>'): # for py3, recognize interactive sessions, but do not try parsing... lexer = lexers['pycon3'] elif lang == 'guess': try: lexer = guess_lexer(source) except Exception: return self.unhighlighted(source) else: if lang in lexers: lexer = lexers[lang] else: try: lexer = lexers[lang] = get_lexer_by_name(lang) except ClassNotFound: if warn: warn('Pygments lexer name %r is not known' % lang) return self.unhighlighted(source) else: raise else: lexer.add_filter('raiseonerror') # trim doctest options if wanted if isinstance(lexer, PythonConsoleLexer) and self.trim_doctest_flags: source = doctest.blankline_re.sub('', source) source = doctest.doctestopt_re.sub('', source) # highlight via Pygments try: formatter = self.get_formatter(**kwargs) hlsource = highlight(source, lexer, formatter) if self.dest == 'html': return hlsource else: return hlsource.translate(tex_hl_escape_map_new) except ErrorToken: # this is most probably not the selected language, # so let it pass unhighlighted return self.unhighlighted(source) def get_stylesheet(self): if not pygments: if self.dest == 'latex': return _LATEX_STYLES # no HTML styles needed return '' formatter = self.get_formatter() if self.dest == 'html': return formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight') else: return formatter.get_style_defs()