.. highlight:: rst .. _domains: Sphinx Domains ============== .. versionadded:: 1.0 What is a Domain? ----------------- Originally, Sphinx was conceived for a single project, the documentation of the Python language. Shortly afterwards, it was made available for everyone as a documentation tool, but the documentation of Python modules remained deeply built in -- the most fundamental directives, like ``function``, were designed for Python objects. Since Sphinx has become somewhat popular, interest developed in using it for many different purposes: C/C++ projects, JavaScript, or even reStructuredText markup (like in this documentation). While this was always possible, it is now much easier to easily support documentation of projects using different programming languages or even ones not supported by the main Sphinx distribution, by providing a **domain** for every such purpose. A domain is a collection of markup (reStructuredText :term:`directive`\ s and :term:`role`\ s) to describe and link to :term:`object`\ s belonging together, e.g. elements of a programming language. Directive and role names in a domain have names like ``domain:name``, e.g. ``py:function``. Domains can also provide custom indices (like the Python Module Index). Having domains means that there are no naming problems when one set of documentation wants to refer to e.g. C++ and Python classes. It also means that extensions that support the documentation of whole new languages are much easier to write. This section describes what the domains that come with Sphinx provide. The domain API is documented as well, in the section :ref:`domain-api`. .. _basic-domain-markup: Basic Markup ------------ Most domains provide a number of :dfn:`object description directives`, used to describe specific objects provided by modules. Each directive requires one or more signatures to provide basic information about what is being described, and the content should be the description. The basic version makes entries in the general index; if no index entry is desired, you can give the directive option flag ``:noindex:``. An example using a Python domain directive:: .. py:function:: spam(eggs) ham(eggs) Spam or ham the foo. This describes the two Python functions ``spam`` and ``ham``. (Note that when signatures become too long, you can break them if you add a backslash to lines that are continued in the next line. Example:: .. py:function:: filterwarnings(action, message='', category=Warning, \ module='', lineno=0, append=False) :noindex: (This example also shows how to use the ``:noindex:`` flag.) The domains also provide roles that link back to these object descriptions. For example, to link to one of the functions described in the example above, you could say :: The function :py:func:`spam` does a similar thing. As you can see, both directive and role names contain the domain name and the directive name. .. rubric:: Default Domain To avoid having to writing the domain name all the time when you e.g. only describe Python objects, a default domain can be selected with either the config value :confval:`primary_domain` or this directive: .. rst:directive:: .. default-domain:: name Select a new default domain. While the :confval:`primary_domain` selects a global default, this only has an effect within the same file. If no other default is selected, the Python domain (named ``py``) is the default one, mostly for compatibility with documentation written for older versions of Sphinx. Directives and roles that belong to the default domain can be mentioned without giving the domain name, i.e. :: .. function:: pyfunc() Describes a Python function. Reference to :func:`pyfunc`. Cross-referencing syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For cross-reference roles provided by domains, the same facilities exist as for general cross-references. See :ref:`xref-syntax`. In short: * You may supply an explicit title and reference target: ``:role:`title ``` will refer to *target*, but the link text will be *title*. * If you prefix the content with ``!``, no reference/hyperlink will be created. * If you prefix the content with ``~``, the link text will only be the last component of the target. For example, ``:py:meth:`~Queue.Queue.get``` will refer to ``Queue.Queue.get`` but only display ``get`` as the link text. The Python Domain ----------------- The Python domain (name **py**) provides the following directives for module declarations: .. rst:directive:: .. py:module:: name This directive marks the beginning of the description of a module (or package submodule, in which case the name should be fully qualified, including the package name). It does not create content (like e.g. :rst:dir:`py:class` does). This directive will also cause an entry in the global module index. The ``platform`` option, if present, is a comma-separated list of the platforms on which the module is available (if it is available on all platforms, the option should be omitted). The keys are short identifiers; examples that are in use include "IRIX", "Mac", "Windows", and "Unix". It is important to use a key which has already been used when applicable. The ``synopsis`` option should consist of one sentence describing the module's purpose -- it is currently only used in the Global Module Index. The ``deprecated`` option can be given (with no value) to mark a module as deprecated; it will be designated as such in various locations then. .. rst:directive:: .. py:currentmodule:: name This directive tells Sphinx that the classes, functions etc. documented from here are in the given module (like :rst:dir:`py:module`), but it will not create index entries, an entry in the Global Module Index, or a link target for :rst:role:`py:mod`. This is helpful in situations where documentation for things in a module is spread over multiple files or sections -- one location has the :rst:dir:`py:module` directive, the others only :rst:dir:`py:currentmodule`. The following directives are provided for module and class contents: .. rst:directive:: .. py:function:: name(parameters) Describes a module-level function. The signature should include the parameters as given in the Python function definition, see :ref:`signatures`. For example:: .. py:function:: Timer.repeat(repeat=3, number=1000000) For methods you should use :rst:dir:`py:method`. The description normally includes information about the parameters required and how they are used (especially whether mutable objects passed as parameters are modified), side effects, and possible exceptions. This information can (in any ``py`` directive) optionally be given in a structured form, see :ref:`info-field-lists`. .. rst:directive:: .. py:data:: name Describes global data in a module, including both variables and values used as "defined constants." Class and object attributes are not documented using this environment. .. rst:directive:: .. py:exception:: name Describes an exception class. The signature can, but need not include parentheses with constructor arguments. .. rst:directive:: .. py:class:: name .. py:class:: name(parameters) Describes a class. The signature can optionally include parentheses with parameters which will be shown as the constructor arguments. See also :ref:`signatures`. Methods and attributes belonging to the class should be placed in this directive's body. If they are placed outside, the supplied name should contain the class name so that cross-references still work. Example:: .. py:class:: Foo .. py:method:: quux() -- or -- .. py:class:: Bar .. py:method:: Bar.quux() The first way is the preferred one. .. rst:directive:: .. py:attribute:: name Describes an object data attribute. The description should include information about the type of the data to be expected and whether it may be changed directly. .. rst:directive:: .. py:method:: name(parameters) Describes an object method. The parameters should not include the ``self`` parameter. The description should include similar information to that described for ``function``. See also :ref:`signatures` and :ref:`info-field-lists`. .. rst:directive:: .. py:staticmethod:: name(parameters) Like :rst:dir:`py:method`, but indicates that the method is a static method. .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. rst:directive:: .. py:classmethod:: name(parameters) Like :rst:dir:`py:method`, but indicates that the method is a class method. .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. rst:directive:: .. py:decorator:: name .. py:decorator:: name(parameters) Describes a decorator function. The signature should represent the usage as a decorator. For example, given the functions .. code-block:: python def removename(func): func.__name__ = '' return func def setnewname(name): def decorator(func): func.__name__ = name return func return decorator the descriptions should look like this:: .. py:decorator:: removename Remove name of the decorated function. .. py:decorator:: setnewname(name) Set name of the decorated function to *name*. (as opposed to ``.. py:decorator:: removename(func)``.) There is no ``py:deco`` role to link to a decorator that is marked up with this directive; rather, use the :rst:role:`py:func` role. .. rst:directive:: .. py:decoratormethod:: name .. py:decoratormethod:: name(signature) Same as :rst:dir:`py:decorator`, but for decorators that are methods. Refer to a decorator method using the :rst:role:`py:meth` role. .. _signatures: Python Signatures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Signatures of functions, methods and class constructors can be given like they would be written in Python. Default values for optional arguments can be given (but if they contain commas, they will confuse the signature parser). Python 3-style argument annotations can also be given as well as return type annotations:: .. py:function:: compile(source : string, filename, symbol='file') -> ast object For functions with optional parameters that don't have default values (typically functions implemented in C extension modules without keyword argument support), you can use brackets to specify the optional parts: .. py:function:: compile(source[, filename[, symbol]]) It is customary to put the opening bracket before the comma. .. _info-field-lists: Info field lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. versionadded:: 0.4 Inside Python object description directives, reST field lists with these fields are recognized and formatted nicely: * ``param``, ``parameter``, ``arg``, ``argument``, ``key``, ``keyword``: Description of a parameter. * ``type``: Type of a parameter. * ``raises``, ``raise``, ``except``, ``exception``: That (and when) a specific exception is raised. * ``var``, ``ivar``, ``cvar``: Description of a variable. * ``returns``, ``return``: Description of the return value. * ``rtype``: Return type. The field names must consist of one of these keywords and an argument (except for ``returns`` and ``rtype``, which do not need an argument). This is best explained by an example:: .. py:function:: send_message(sender, recipient, message_body, [priority=1]) Send a message to a recipient :param str sender: The person sending the message :param str recipient: The recipient of the message :param str message_body: The body of the message :param priority: The priority of the message, can be a number 1-5 :type priority: integer or None :return: the message id :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if the message_body exceeds 160 characters :raises TypeError: if the message_body is not a basestring This will render like this: .. py:function:: send_message(sender, recipient, message_body, [priority=1]) :noindex: Send a message to a recipient :param str sender: The person sending the message :param str recipient: The recipient of the message :param str message_body: The body of the message :param priority: The priority of the message, can be a number 1-5 :type priority: integer or None :return: the message id :rtype: int :raises ValueError: if the message_body exceeds 160 characters :raises TypeError: if the message_body is not a basestring It is also possible to combine parameter type and description, if the type is a single word, like this:: :param int priority: The priority of the message, can be a number 1-5 .. _python-roles: Cross-referencing Python objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following roles refer to objects in modules and are possibly hyperlinked if a matching identifier is found: .. rst:role:: py:mod Reference a module; a dotted name may be used. This should also be used for package names. .. rst:role:: py:func Reference a Python function; dotted names may be used. The role text needs not include trailing parentheses to enhance readability; they will be added automatically by Sphinx if the :confval:`add_function_parentheses` config value is true (the default). .. rst:role:: py:data Reference a module-level variable. .. rst:role:: py:const Reference a "defined" constant. This may be a Python variable that is not intended to be changed. .. rst:role:: py:class Reference a class; a dotted name may be used. .. rst:role:: py:meth Reference a method of an object. The role text can include the type name and the method name; if it occurs within the description of a type, the type name can be omitted. A dotted name may be used. .. rst:role:: py:attr Reference a data attribute of an object. .. rst:role:: py:exc Reference an exception. A dotted name may be used. .. rst:role:: py:obj Reference an object of unspecified type. Useful e.g. as the :confval:`default_role`. .. versionadded:: 0.4 The name enclosed in this markup can include a module name and/or a class name. For example, ``:py:func:`filter``` could refer to a function named ``filter`` in the current module, or the built-in function of that name. In contrast, ``:py:func:`foo.filter``` clearly refers to the ``filter`` function in the ``foo`` module. Normally, names in these roles are searched first without any further qualification, then with the current module name prepended, then with the current module and class name (if any) prepended. If you prefix the name with a dot, this order is reversed. For example, in the documentation of Python's :mod:`codecs` module, ``:py:func:`open``` always refers to the built-in function, while ``:py:func:`.open``` refers to :func:`codecs.open`. A similar heuristic is used to determine whether the name is an attribute of the currently documented class. Also, if the name is prefixed with a dot, and no exact match is found, the target is taken as a suffix and all object names with that suffix are searched. For example, ``:py:meth:`.TarFile.close``` references the ``tarfile.TarFile.close()`` function, even if the current module is not ``tarfile``. Since this can get ambiguous, if there is more than one possible match, you will get a warning from Sphinx. Note that you can combine the ``~`` and ``.`` prefixes: ``:py:meth:`~.TarFile.close``` will reference the ``tarfile.TarFile.close()`` method, but the visible link caption will only be ``close()``. .. _c-domain: The C Domain ------------ The C domain (name **c**) is suited for documentation of C API. .. rst:directive:: .. c:function:: type name(signature) Describes a C function. The signature should be given as in C, e.g.:: .. c:function:: PyObject* PyType_GenericAlloc(PyTypeObject *type, Py_ssize_t nitems) This is also used to describe function-like preprocessor macros. The names of the arguments should be given so they may be used in the description. Note that you don't have to backslash-escape asterisks in the signature, as it is not parsed by the reST inliner. .. rst:directive:: .. c:member:: type name Describes a C struct member. Example signature:: .. c:member:: PyObject* PyTypeObject.tp_bases The text of the description should include the range of values allowed, how the value should be interpreted, and whether the value can be changed. References to structure members in text should use the ``member`` role. .. rst:directive:: .. c:macro:: name Describes a "simple" C macro. Simple macros are macros which are used for code expansion, but which do not take arguments so cannot be described as functions. This is a simple C-language ``#define``. Examples of its use in the Python documentation include :c:macro:`PyObject_HEAD` and :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS`. .. rst:directive:: .. c:type:: name Describes a C type (whether defined by a typedef or struct). The signature should just be the type name. .. rst:directive:: .. c:var:: type name Describes a global C variable. The signature should include the type, such as:: .. c:var:: PyObject* PyClass_Type .. _c-roles: Cross-referencing C constructs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following roles create cross-references to C-language constructs if they are defined in the documentation: .. rst:role:: c:data Reference a C-language variable. .. rst:role:: c:func Reference a C-language function. Should include trailing parentheses. .. rst:role:: c:macro Reference a "simple" C macro, as defined above. .. rst:role:: c:type Reference a C-language type. The C++ Domain -------------- The C++ domain (name **cpp**) supports documenting C++ projects. The following directives are available: .. rst:directive:: .. cpp:class:: signatures .. cpp:function:: signatures .. cpp:member:: signatures .. cpp:type:: signatures Describe a C++ object. Full signature specification is supported -- give the signature as you would in the declaration. Here some examples:: .. cpp:function:: bool namespaced::theclass::method(int arg1, std::string arg2) Describes a method with parameters and types. .. cpp:function:: bool namespaced::theclass::method(arg1, arg2) Describes a method without types. .. cpp:function:: const T &array::operator[]() const Describes the constant indexing operator of a templated array. .. cpp:function:: operator bool() const Describe a casting operator here. .. cpp:function:: constexpr void foo(std::string &bar[2]) noexcept Describe a constexpr function here. .. cpp:member:: std::string theclass::name .. cpp:member:: std::string theclass::name[N][M] .. cpp:type:: theclass::const_iterator Will be rendered like this: .. cpp:function:: bool namespaced::theclass::method(int arg1, std::string arg2) Describes a method with parameters and types. .. cpp:function:: bool namespaced::theclass::method(arg1, arg2) Describes a method without types. .. cpp:function:: const T &array::operator[]() const Describes the constant indexing operator of a templated array. .. cpp:function:: operator bool() const Describe a casting operator here. .. cpp:function:: constexpr void foo(std::string &bar[2]) noexcept Describe a constexpr function here. .. cpp:member:: std::string theclass::name .. cpp:member:: std::string theclass::name[N][M] .. cpp:type:: theclass::const_iterator .. rst:directive:: .. cpp:namespace:: namespace Select the current C++ namespace for the following objects. .. _cpp-roles: These roles link to the given object types: .. rst:role:: cpp:class cpp:func cpp:member cpp:type Reference a C++ object. You can give the full signature (and need to, for overloaded functions.) .. note:: Sphinx' syntax to give references a custom title can interfere with linking to template classes, if nothing follows the closing angle bracket, i.e. if the link looks like this: ``:cpp:class:`MyClass```. This is interpreted as a link to ``T`` with a title of ``MyClass``. In this case, please escape the opening angle bracket with a backslash, like this: ``:cpp:class:`MyClass\```. .. admonition:: Note on References It is currently impossible to link to a specific version of an overloaded method. Currently the C++ domain is the first domain that has basic support for overloaded methods and until there is more data for comparison we don't want to select a bad syntax to reference a specific overload. Currently Sphinx will link to the first overloaded version of the method / function. The Standard Domain ------------------- The so-called "standard" domain collects all markup that doesn't warrant a domain of its own. Its directives and roles are not prefixed with a domain name. The standard domain is also where custom object descriptions, added using the :func:`~sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_object_type` API, are placed. There is a set of directives allowing documenting command-line programs: .. rst:directive:: .. option:: name args, name args, ... Describes a command line argument or switch. Option argument names should be enclosed in angle brackets. Examples:: .. option:: dest_dir Destination directory. .. option:: -m , --module Run a module as a script. The directive will create cross-reference targets for the given options, referencable by :rst:role:`option` (in the example case, you'd use something like ``:option:`dest_dir```, ``:option:`-m```, or ``:option:`--module```). .. rst:directive:: .. envvar:: name Describes an environment variable that the documented code or program uses or defines. Referencable by :rst:role:`envvar`. .. rst:directive:: .. program:: name Like :rst:dir:`py:currentmodule`, this directive produces no output. Instead, it serves to notify Sphinx that all following :rst:dir:`option` directives document options for the program called *name*. If you use :rst:dir:`program`, you have to qualify the references in your :rst:role:`option` roles by the program name, so if you have the following situation :: .. program:: rm .. option:: -r Work recursively. .. program:: svn .. option:: -r revision Specify the revision to work upon. then ``:option:`rm -r``` would refer to the first option, while ``:option:`svn -r``` would refer to the second one. The program name may contain spaces (in case you want to document subcommands like ``svn add`` and ``svn commit`` separately). .. versionadded:: 0.5 There is also a very generic object description directive, which is not tied to any domain: .. rst:directive:: .. describe:: text .. object:: text This directive produces the same formatting as the specific ones provided by domains, but does not create index entries or cross-referencing targets. Example:: .. describe:: PAPER You can set this variable to select a paper size. The JavaScript Domain --------------------- The JavaScript domain (name **js**) provides the following directives: .. rst:directive:: .. js:function:: name(signature) Describes a JavaScript function or method. If you want to describe arguments as optional use square brackets as :ref:`documented ` for Python signatures. You can use fields to give more details about arguments and their expected types, errors which may be thrown by the function, and the value being returned:: .. js:function:: $.getJSON(href, callback[, errback]) :param string href: An URI to the location of the resource. :param callback: Gets called with the object. :param errback: Gets called in case the request fails. And a lot of other text so we need multiple lines. :throws SomeError: For whatever reason in that case. :returns: Something. This is rendered as: .. js:function:: $.getJSON(href, callback[, errback]) :param string href: An URI to the location of the resource. :param callback: Gets called with the object. :param errback: Gets called in case the request fails. And a lot of other text so we need multiple lines. :throws SomeError: For whatever reason in that case. :returns: Something. .. rst:directive:: .. js:class:: name Describes a constructor that creates an object. This is basically like a function but will show up with a `class` prefix:: .. js:class:: MyAnimal(name[, age]) :param string name: The name of the animal :param number age: an optional age for the animal This is rendered as: .. js:class:: MyAnimal(name[, age]) :param string name: The name of the animal :param number age: an optional age for the animal .. rst:directive:: .. js:data:: name Describes a global variable or constant. .. rst:directive:: .. js:attribute:: object.name Describes the attribute *name* of *object*. .. _js-roles: These roles are provided to refer to the described objects: .. rst:role:: js:func js:class js:data js:attr The reStructuredText domain --------------------------- The reStructuredText domain (name **rst**) provides the following directives: .. rst:directive:: .. rst:directive:: name Describes a reST directive. The *name* can be a single directive name or actual directive syntax (`..` prefix and `::` suffix) with arguments that will be rendered differently. For example:: .. rst:directive:: foo Foo description. .. rst:directive:: .. bar:: baz Bar description. will be rendered as: .. rst:directive:: foo Foo description. .. rst:directive:: .. bar:: baz Bar description. .. rst:directive:: .. rst:role:: name Describes a reST role. For example:: .. rst:role:: foo Foo description. will be rendered as: .. rst:role:: foo Foo description. .. _rst-roles: These roles are provided to refer to the described objects: .. rst:role:: rst:dir rst:role More domains ------------ The sphinx-contrib_ repository contains more domains available as extensions; currently Ada_, CoffeeScript_, Erlang_, HTTP_, Lasso_, MATLAB_, PHP_, and Ruby_ domains. Also available are domains for `Common Lisp`_, dqn_, Go_, Jinja_, Operation_, and Scala_. .. _sphinx-contrib: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib/ .. _Ada: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-adadomain .. _CoffeeScript: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-coffee .. _Common Lisp: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-cldomain .. _dqn: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-dqndomain .. _Erlang: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-erlangdomain .. _Go: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-golangdomain .. _HTTP: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain .. _Jinja: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-jinjadomain .. _Lasso: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-lassodomain .. _MATLAB: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-matlabdomain .. _Operation: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-operationdomain .. _PHP: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-phpdomain .. _Ruby: https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib/src/default/rubydomain .. _Scala: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/sphinxcontrib-scaladomain