#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2016 Yu-Jie Lin # Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2013 Chad Miller # Copyright (c) 2003 John Gruber # Licensed under the BSD License, for detailed license information, see COPYING """ smartypants module ================== :func:`smartypants` is the core of smartypants module. """ __author__ = 'Yu-Jie Lin' __author_email__ = 'livibetter@gmail.com' __version__ = '2.0.0dev' __license__ = 'BSD License' __url__ = 'https://bitbucket.org/livibetter/smartypants.py' __description__ = 'Python with the SmartyPants' import re class _Attr(object): """ class for instantiation of module attribute :attr:`Attr`. """ q = 1 << 0 """ flag for normal quotes (``"``) and (``'``) to curly ones. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_quotes` """ b = 1 << 1 """ flag for double quotes (````backticks''``) to curly ones. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_backticks` """ B = 1 << 2 | b """ flag for double quotes (````backticks''``) and single quotes (```single'``) to curly ones. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_backticks` and :func:`convert_single_backticks` """ mask_b = b | B d = 1 << 3 """ flag for dashes (``--``) to em-dashes. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_dashes` """ D = 1 << 4 | d """ flag for old-school typewriter dashes (``--``) to en-dashes and dashes (``---``) to em-dashes. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_dashes_oldschool` """ i = 1 << 5 | d """ flag for inverted old-school typewriter dashes (``--``) to em-dashes and dashes (``---``) to en-dashes. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_dashes_oldschool_inverted` """ mask_d = d | D | i e = 1 << 6 """ flag for dashes (``...``) to ellipses. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_ellipses` """ w = 1 << 7 """ flag for dashes (``"``) to ASCII double quotes (``"``). This should be of no interest to most people, but of particular interest to anyone who writes their posts using Dreamweaver, as Dreamweaver inexplicably uses this entity to represent a literal double-quote character. SmartyPants only educates normal quotes, not entities (because ordinarily, entities are used for the explicit purpose of representing the specific character they represent). The "w" option must be used in conjunction with one (or both) of the other quote options ("q" or "b"). Thus, if you wish to apply all SmartyPants transformations (quotes, en- and em-dashes, and ellipses) and also convert ``"`` entities into regular quotes so SmartyPants can educate them. """ u = 0 << 9 | 1 << 8 """ Output Unicode characters instead of numeric character references, for example, from ``“`` to left double quotation mark (``“``) (U+201C). .. seealso:: :func:`convert_entities` """ h = 1 << 9 | 0 << 8 """ Output HTML named entities instead of numeric character references, for example, from ``“`` to ``“``. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_entities` """ s = 1 << 9 | 1 << 8 """ Output ASCII equivalents instead of numeric character references, for example, from ``—`` to ``--``. .. seealso:: :func:`convert_entities` """ mask_o = u | h | s set0 = 0 "suppress all transformations. (Do nothing.)" set1 = q | b | d | e "equivalent to :attr:`q` | :attr:`b` | :attr:`d` | :attr:`e`" set2 = q | b | D | e """ equivalent to :attr:`q` | :attr:`b` | :attr:`D` | :attr:`e` For old school en- and em- dash. """ set3 = q | b | i | e """ equivalent to :attr:`q` | :attr:`b` | :attr:`i` | :attr:`e` For inverted old school en & em- dash." """ @property def default(self): "Default value of attributes, same value as :attr:`set1`" global default_smartypants_attr return default_smartypants_attr @default.setter def default(self, attr): global default_smartypants_attr default_smartypants_attr = attr Attr = _Attr() """ Processing attributes, which tells :func:`smartypants` what to convert .. seealso:: :class:`_Attr` """ default_smartypants_attr = Attr.set1 tags_to_skip = ['pre', 'samp', 'code', 'tt', 'kbd', 'script', 'style', 'math'] """ Skipped HTML elements .. seealso:: :ref:`skip-html` """ def _tags_to_skip_regex(tags=None): """ Convert a list of skipped tags into regular expression The default *tags* are :attr:`tags_to_skip`. >>> f = _tags_to_skip_regex >>> print(f(['foo', 'bar']).pattern) <(/)?(foo|bar)[^>]*> """ if tags is None: tags = tags_to_skip if isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)): tags = '|'.join(tags) return re.compile('<(/)?(%s)[^>]*>' % tags, re.I) def smartypants(text, attr=None): """ SmartyPants function >>> print(smartypants('"foo" -- bar')) “foo” — bar >>> print(smartypants('"foo" -- bar', Attr.d)) "foo" — bar """ skipped_tag_stack = [] if attr is None: attr = Attr.default do_quotes = attr & Attr.q do_backticks = attr & Attr.mask_b do_dashes = attr & Attr.mask_d do_ellipses = attr & Attr.e do_entities = attr & Attr.mask_o convert_quot = attr & Attr.w tokens = _tokenize(text) result = [] in_pre = False prev_token_last_char = "" # This is a cheat, used to get some context # for one-character tokens that consist of # just a quote char. What we do is remember # the last character of the previous text # token, to use as context to curl single- # character quote tokens correctly. tags_to_skip_regex = _tags_to_skip_regex() for cur_token in tokens: if cur_token[0] == "tag": # Don't mess with quotes inside some tags. This does not handle # self tags! result.append(cur_token[1]) skip_match = tags_to_skip_regex.match(cur_token[1]) if skip_match: if not skip_match.group(1): skipped_tag_stack.append(skip_match.group(2).lower()) in_pre = True else: if len(skipped_tag_stack) > 0: _tag = skipped_tag_stack[-1] if skip_match.group(2).lower() == _tag: skipped_tag_stack.pop() else: pass # This close doesn't match the open. This isn't # XHTML. We should barf here. if len(skipped_tag_stack) == 0: in_pre = False else: t = cur_token[1] # Remember last char of this token before processing. last_char = t[-1:] if not in_pre: t = process_escapes(t) if convert_quot: t = re.sub('"', '"', t) if do_dashes: if do_dashes == Attr.d: t = convert_dashes(t) if do_dashes == Attr.D: t = convert_dashes_oldschool(t) if do_dashes == Attr.i: t = convert_dashes_oldschool_inverted(t) if do_ellipses: t = convert_ellipses(t) # Note: backticks need to be processed before quotes. if do_backticks == Attr.b: t = convert_backticks(t) if do_backticks == Attr.B: t = convert_single_backticks(t) if do_quotes: if t == "'": # Special case: single-character ' token if re.match("\S", prev_token_last_char): t = "’" else: t = "‘" elif t == '"': # Special case: single-character " token if re.match("\S", prev_token_last_char): t = "”" else: t = "“" else: # Normal case: t = convert_quotes(t) if do_entities: mode = (0 if do_entities == Attr.u else 1 if do_entities == Attr.h else 2 if do_entities == Attr.s else 3) # would result in key error t = convert_entities(t, mode) prev_token_last_char = last_char result.append(t) return "".join(result) def convert_quotes(text): """ Convert quotes in *text* into HTML curly quote entities. >>> print(convert_quotes('"Isn\\'t this fun?"')) “Isn’t this fun?” """ punct_class = r"""[!"#\$\%'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?\@\[\\\]\^_`{|}~]""" # Special case if the very first character is a quote # followed by punctuation at a non-word-break. Close the quotes by brute # force: text = re.sub(r"""^'(?=%s\\B)""" % (punct_class,), '’', text) text = re.sub(r"""^"(?=%s\\B)""" % (punct_class,), '”', text) # Special case for double sets of quotes, e.g.: #

He said, "'Quoted' words in a larger quote."

text = re.sub(r""""'(?=\w)""", '“‘', text) text = re.sub(r"""'"(?=\w)""", '‘“', text) # Special case for decade abbreviations (the '80s): text = re.sub(r"""\b'(?=\d{2}s)""", '’', text) close_class = r'[^\ \t\r\n\[\{\(\-]' dec_dashes = '–|—' # Get most opening single quotes: opening_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" ( \s | # a whitespace char, or   | # a non-breaking space entity, or -- | # dashes, or &[mn]dash; | # named dash entities %s | # or decimal entities &\#x201[34]; # or hex ) ' # the quote (?=\w) # followed by a word character """ % (dec_dashes,), re.VERBOSE) text = opening_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1‘', text) closing_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" (%s) ' (?!\s | s\b | \d) """ % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE) text = closing_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1’', text) closing_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" (%s) ' (\s | s\b) """ % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE) text = closing_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1’\2', text) # Any remaining single quotes should be opening ones: text = re.sub("'", '‘', text) # Get most opening double quotes: opening_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" ( \s | # a whitespace char, or   | # a non-breaking space entity, or -- | # dashes, or &[mn]dash; | # named dash entities %s | # or decimal entities &\#x201[34]; # or hex ) " # the quote (?=\w) # followed by a word character """ % (dec_dashes,), re.VERBOSE) text = opening_double_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1“', text) # Double closing quotes: closing_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" #(%s)? # character that indicates the quote should be closing " (?=\s) """ % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE) text = closing_double_quotes_regex.sub('”', text) closing_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r""" (%s) # character that indicates the quote should be closing " """ % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE) text = closing_double_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1”', text) # Any remaining quotes should be opening ones. text = re.sub('"', '“', text) return text def convert_backticks(text): """ Convert ````backticks''``-style double quotes in *text* into HTML curly quote entities. >>> print(convert_backticks("``Isn't this fun?''")) “Isn't this fun?” """ text = re.sub('``', '“', text) text = re.sub("''", '”', text) return text def convert_single_backticks(text): """ Convert ```backticks'``-style single quotes in *text* into HTML curly quote entities. >>> print(convert_single_backticks("`Isn't this fun?'")) ‘Isn’t this fun?’ """ text = re.sub('`', '‘', text) text = re.sub("'", '’', text) return text def convert_dashes(text): """ Convert ``--`` in *text* into em-dash HTML entities. >>> quote = 'Nothing endures but change. -- Heraclitus' >>> print(convert_dashes(quote)) Nothing endures but change. — Heraclitus """ text = re.sub('--', '—', text) return text def convert_dashes_oldschool(text): """ Convert ``--`` and ``---`` in *text* into en-dash and em-dash HTML entities, respectively. >>> quote = 'Life itself is the proper binge. --- Julia Child (1912--2004)' >>> print(convert_dashes_oldschool(quote)) Life itself is the proper binge. — Julia Child (1912–2004) """ text = re.sub('---', '—', text) # em (yes, backwards) text = re.sub('--', '–', text) # en (yes, backwards) return text def convert_dashes_oldschool_inverted(text): """ Convert ``--`` and ``---`` in *text* into em-dash and en-dash HTML entities, respectively. Two reasons why: * First, unlike the en- and em-dash syntax supported by :func:`convert_dashes_oldschool`, it's compatible with existing entries written before SmartyPants 1.1, back when ``--`` was only used for em-dashes. * Second, em-dashes are more common than en-dashes, and so it sort of makes sense that the shortcut should be shorter to type. (Thanks to Aaron Swartz for the idea.) >>> quote = 'Dare to be naïve. -- Buckminster Fuller (1895---1983)' >>> print(convert_dashes_oldschool_inverted(quote)) Dare to be naïve. — Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) """ text = re.sub('---', '–', text) # em text = re.sub('--', '—', text) # en return text def convert_ellipses(text): """ Convert ``...`` in *text* into ellipsis HTML entities >>> print(convert_ellipses('Huh...?')) Huh…? """ text = re.sub(r"""\.\.\.""", '…', text) text = re.sub(r"""\. \. \.""", '…', text) return text def convert_entities(text, mode): """ Convert numeric character references to, if *mode* is - *0*: Unicode characters - *1*: HTML named entities - *2*: ASCII equivalents >>> print(convert_entities('‘', 0)) ‘ >>> print(convert_entities('‘SmartyPants’', 1)) ‘SmartyPants’ >>> print(convert_entities('“Hello — world.”', 2)) "Hello -- world." """ CTBL = { '–': ('–', '–', '-'), '—': ('—', '—', '--'), '‘': ('‘', '‘', "'"), '’': ('’', '’', "'"), '“': ('“', '“', '"'), '”': ('”', '”', '"'), '…': ('…', '…', '...'), } for k, v in CTBL.items(): text = text.replace(k, v[mode]) return text def process_escapes(text): r""" Processe the following backslash escape sequences in *text*. This is useful if you want to force a "dumb" quote or other character to appear. +--------+-----------+-----------+ | Escape | Value | Character | +========+===========+===========+ | ``\\`` | ``\`` | ``\`` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ | ``\"`` | ``"`` | ``"`` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ | ``\'`` | ``'`` | ``'`` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ | ``\.`` | ``.`` | ``.`` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ | ``\-`` | ``-`` | ``-`` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ | ``\``` | ````` | ``\``` | +--------+-----------+-----------+ >>> print(process_escapes(r'\\')) \ >>> print(smartypants(r'"smarty" \"pants\"')) “smarty” "pants" """ text = re.sub(r'\\\\', '\', text) text = re.sub(r'\\"', '"', text) text = re.sub(r"\\'", ''', text) text = re.sub(r'\\\.', '.', text) text = re.sub(r'\\-', '-', text) text = re.sub(r'\\`', '`', text) return text def _tokenize(text): """ Reference to an array of the tokens comprising the input string. Each token is either a tag (possibly with nested, tags contained therein, such as ````, or a run of text between tags. Each element of the array is a two-element array; the first is either 'tag' or 'text'; the second is the actual value. Based on the _tokenize() subroutine from `Brad Choate's MTRegex plugin`__. __ http://www.bradchoate.com/past/mtregex.php """ tokens = [] tag_soup = re.compile(r'([^<]*)(