[tox] envlist=py{37,38,39,310,311},check_readme,check-dist [pytest] testpaths=testing filterwarnings= error ignore:.*tool\.setuptools_scm.* ignore:.*git archive did not support describe output.*:UserWarning log_level = debug log_cli_level = info markers= issue(id): reference to github issue skip_commit: allows to skip committing in the helpers # disable unraisable until investigated addopts = -p no:unraisableexception [flake8] max-complexity = 10 max-line-length = 88 ignore=E203,W503 [testenv] usedevelop=True deps= pytest setuptools >= 45 virtualenv>20 typing_extensions commands= pytest [] [testenv:check_readme] skip_install=True deps= check-manifest docutils pygments typing_extensions hatchling commands= rst2html.py README.rst {envlogdir}/README.html --strict [] check-manifest --no-build-isolation [testenv:check_dist] skip_install = true deps= build twine commands= python -m build twine check dist/* #XXX: envs for hg versions