from __future__ import annotations import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from os.path import join as opj from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from unittest.mock import Mock from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import setuptools_scm._file_finders from .conftest import DebugMode from .wd_wrapper import WorkDir from setuptools_scm import Configuration from setuptools_scm import git from setuptools_scm import NonNormalizedVersion from setuptools_scm._file_finders.git import git_find_files from setuptools_scm._run_cmd import run from setuptools_scm.git import archival_to_version from setuptools_scm.utils import has_command from setuptools_scm.version import format_version pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( not has_command("git", warn=False), reason="git executable not found" ) @pytest.fixture(name="wd") def wd(wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, debug_mode: DebugMode) -> WorkDir: debug_mode.disable() monkeypatch.delenv("HOME", raising=False) wd("git init") wd("git config") wd('git config "a test"') wd.add_command = "git add ." wd.commit_command = "git commit -m test-{reason}" debug_mode.enable() return wd @pytest.mark.parametrize( "given, tag, number, node, dirty", [ ("3.3.1-rc26-0-g9df187b", "3.3.1-rc26", 0, "g9df187b", False), ("17.33.0-rc-17-g38c3047c0", "17.33.0-rc", 17, "g38c3047c0", False), ], ) def test_parse_describe_output( given: str, tag: str, number: int, node: str, dirty: bool ) -> None: parsed = git._git_parse_describe(given) assert parsed == (tag, number, node, dirty) def test_root_relative_to(wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: monkeypatch.delenv("SETUPTOOLS_SCM_DEBUG") p = wd.cwd.joinpath("sub/package") p.mkdir(parents=True) p.joinpath("").write_text( """from setuptools import setup setup(use_scm_version={"root": "../..", "relative_to": __file__}) """ ) res = run([sys.executable, "", "--version"], p) assert res.stdout == "0.1.dev0" def test_root_search_parent_directories( wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: monkeypatch.delenv("SETUPTOOLS_SCM_DEBUG") p = wd.cwd.joinpath("sub/package") p.mkdir(parents=True) p.joinpath("").write_text( """from setuptools import setup setup(use_scm_version={"search_parent_directories": True}) """ ) res = run([sys.executable, "", "--version"], p) assert res.stdout == "0.1.dev0" def test_git_gone(wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(wd.cwd / "not-existing")) with pytest.raises(EnvironmentError, match="'git' was not found"): git.parse(str(wd.cwd), Configuration(), git.DEFAULT_DESCRIBE) @pytest.mark.issue("") @pytest.mark.issue(403) def test_file_finder_no_history(wd: WorkDir, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: file_list = git_find_files(str(wd.cwd)) assert file_list == [] assert "listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any" in caplog.text @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_parse_call_order(wd: WorkDir) -> None: git.parse(str(wd.cwd), Configuration(), git.DEFAULT_DESCRIBE) @pytest.mark.issue("") @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False, reason="This test requires passwordless sudo") def test_not_owner(wd: WorkDir) -> None: git_dir = opj(wd.cwd) original_stat = os.stat(git_dir) if not shutil.which("sudo"): pytest.skip("sudo executable not found") proc = ["sudo", "chown", "-R", "12345", git_dir], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if proc.returncode != 0: pytest.skip("Failed to change ownership, is passwordless sudo available?") try: ["sudo", "chmod", "a+r", git_dir], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True ) ["sudo", "chgrp", "-R", "12345", git_dir], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True, ) assert git.parse(str(wd.cwd), Configuration()) finally: # Restore the ownership ["sudo", "chown", "-R", str(original_stat.st_uid), git_dir], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True, ) ["sudo", "chgrp", "-R", str(original_stat.st_gid), git_dir], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True, ) def test_version_from_git(wd: WorkDir) -> None: assert wd.version == "0.1.dev0" parsed = git.parse(str(wd.cwd), Configuration(), git.DEFAULT_DESCRIBE) assert parsed is not None and parsed.branch in ("master", "main") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.version.startswith("0.1.dev1+g") assert not wd.version.endswith("1-") wd("git tag v0.1") assert wd.version == "0.1" wd.write("test.txt", "test2") assert wd.version.startswith("0.2.dev0+g") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.version.startswith("0.2.dev1+g") wd("git tag version-0.2") assert wd.version.startswith("0.2") wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag version-0.2.post210+gbe48adfpost3+g0cc25f2") with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match="tag '.*' will be stripped of its suffix '.*'" ): assert wd.version.startswith("0.2") wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag 17.33.0-rc") assert wd.version == "17.33.0rc0" # custom normalization assert wd.get_version(normalize=False) == "17.33.0-rc" assert wd.get_version(version_cls=NonNormalizedVersion) == "17.33.0-rc" assert ( wd.get_version(version_cls="setuptools_scm.NonNormalizedVersion") == "17.33.0-rc" ) setup_py_with_normalize: dict[str, str] = { "false": """ from setuptools import setup setup(use_scm_version={'normalize': False, 'write_to': 'VERSION.txt'}) """, "with_created_class": """ from setuptools import setup class MyVersion: def __init__(self, tag_str: str): self.version = tag_str def __repr__(self): return self.version setup(use_scm_version={'version_cls': MyVersion, 'write_to': 'VERSION.txt'}) """, "with_named_import": """ from setuptools import setup setup(use_scm_version={ 'version_cls': 'setuptools_scm.NonNormalizedVersion', 'write_to': 'VERSION.txt' }) """, } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "setup_py_txt", [pytest.param(text, id=key) for key, text in setup_py_with_normalize.items()], ) def test_git_version_unnormalized_setuptools( setup_py_txt: str, wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: """ Test that when integrating with setuptools without normalization, the version is not normalized in write_to files, but still normalized by setuptools for the final dist metadata. """ # monkeypatch.delenv("SETUPTOOLS_SCM_DEBUG") monkeypatch.chdir(wd.cwd) wd.write("", dedent(setup_py_txt)) # do git operations and tag wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag 17.33.0-rc1") # setuptools still normalizes using packaging.Version (removing the dash) res = wd([sys.executable, "", "--version"]) assert res == "17.33.0rc1" # but the version tag in the file is non-normalized (with the dash) assert wd.cwd.joinpath("VERSION.txt").read_text() == "17.33.0-rc1" @pytest.mark.issue(179) def test_unicode_version_scheme(wd: WorkDir) -> None: scheme = b"guess-next-dev".decode("ascii") assert wd.get_version(version_scheme=scheme) @pytest.mark.issue(108) @pytest.mark.issue(109) def test_git_worktree(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.write("test.txt", "test2") # untracked files dont change the state assert wd.version == "0.1.dev0" wd("git add test.txt") assert wd.version.startswith("0.1.dev0+d") @pytest.mark.issue(86) @pytest.mark.parametrize("today", [False, True]) def test_git_dirty_notag( today: bool, wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: if today: monkeypatch.delenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH", raising=False) wd.commit_testfile() wd.write("test.txt", "test2") wd("git add test.txt") assert wd.version.startswith("0.1.dev1") if today: # the date on the tag is in UTC tag =".d%Y%m%d") else: tag = ".d20090213" # we are dirty, check for the tag assert tag in wd.version @pytest.mark.issue(193) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="sometimes relative path results") def test_git_worktree_support(wd: WorkDir, tmp_path: Path) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() worktree = tmp_path / "work_tree" wd("git worktree add -b work-tree %s" % worktree) res = run([sys.executable, "-m", "setuptools_scm", "ls"], cwd=worktree) assert "test.txt" in res.stdout assert str(worktree) in res.stdout @pytest.fixture def shallow_wd(wd: WorkDir, tmp_path: Path) -> Path: wd.commit_testfile() wd.commit_testfile() wd.commit_testfile() target = tmp_path / "wd_shallow" run(["git", "clone", f"file://{wd.cwd}", target, "--depth=1"], tmp_path, check=True) return target def test_git_parse_shallow_warns( shallow_wd: Path, recwarn: pytest.WarningsRecorder ) -> None: git.parse(shallow_wd, Configuration()) print(list(recwarn)) msg = recwarn.pop() assert "is shallow and may cause errors" in str(msg.message) def test_git_parse_shallow_fail(shallow_wd: Path) -> None: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="git fetch"): git.parse(str(shallow_wd), Configuration(), pre_parse=git.fail_on_shallow) def test_git_shallow_autocorrect( shallow_wd: Path, recwarn: pytest.WarningsRecorder ) -> None: git.parse(str(shallow_wd), Configuration(), pre_parse=git.fetch_on_shallow) msg = recwarn.pop() assert "git fetch was used to rectify" in str(msg.message) git.parse(str(shallow_wd), Configuration(), pre_parse=git.fail_on_shallow) def test_find_files_stop_at_root_git(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() project = wd.cwd / "project" project.mkdir() project.joinpath("setup.cfg").touch() assert setuptools_scm._file_finders.find_files(str(project)) == [] @pytest.mark.issue(128) def test_parse_no_worktree(tmp_path: Path) -> None: ret = git.parse(str(tmp_path), Configuration(root=str(tmp_path))) assert ret is None def test_alphanumeric_tags_match(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag newstyle-development-started") assert wd.version.startswith("0.1.dev1+g") def test_git_archive_export_ignore( wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: wd.write("test1.txt", "test") wd.write("test2.txt", "test") wd.write( ".git/info/attributes", # Explicitly include test1.txt so that the test is not affected by # a potentially global gitattributes file on the test machine. "/test1.txt -export-ignore\n/test2.txt export-ignore", ) wd("git add test1.txt test2.txt") wd.commit() monkeypatch.chdir(wd.cwd) assert setuptools_scm._file_finders.find_files(".") == [opj(".", "test1.txt")] @pytest.mark.issue(228) def test_git_archive_subdirectory(wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: os.mkdir(wd.cwd / "foobar") wd.write("foobar/test1.txt", "test") wd("git add foobar") wd.commit() monkeypatch.chdir(wd.cwd) assert setuptools_scm._file_finders.find_files(".") == [ opj(".", "foobar", "test1.txt") ] @pytest.mark.issue(251) def test_git_archive_run_from_subdirectory( wd: WorkDir, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: os.mkdir(wd.cwd / "foobar") wd.write("foobar/test1.txt", "test") wd("git add foobar") wd.commit() monkeypatch.chdir(wd.cwd / "foobar") assert setuptools_scm._file_finders.find_files(".") == [opj(".", "test1.txt")] @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_git_branch_names_correct(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git checkout -b test/fun") wd_git = git.GitWorkdir(os.fspath(wd.cwd)) assert wd_git.get_branch() == "test/fun" def test_git_feature_branch_increments_major(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag 1.0.0") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version(version_scheme="python-simplified-semver").startswith("1.0.1") wd("git checkout -b feature/fun") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version(version_scheme="python-simplified-semver").startswith("1.1.0") @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_not_matching_tags(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow-0.11.1") wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow-js-0.9.9") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version( tag_regex=r"^apache-arrow-([\.0-9]+)$", git_describe_command="git describe --dirty --tags --long --exclude *js* ", ).startswith("0.11.2") @pytest.mark.issue("") @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="") def test_non_dotted_version(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow-1") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version().startswith("2") def test_non_dotted_version_with_updated_regex(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow-1") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version(tag_regex=r"^apache-arrow-([\.0-9]+)$").startswith("2") def test_non_dotted_tag_no_version_match(wd: WorkDir) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow-0.11.1") wd.commit_testfile() wd("git tag apache-arrow") wd.commit_testfile() assert wd.get_version().startswith("0.11.2.dev2") @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_gitdir(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, wd: WorkDir) -> None: """ """ wd.commit_testfile() normal = wd.version # git hooks set this and break subsequent setuptools_scm unless we clean monkeypatch.setenv("GIT_DIR", __file__) assert wd.version == normal def test_git_getdate(wd: WorkDir) -> None: # TODO: case coverage for git wd parse today = def parse_date() -> date: parsed = git.parse(os.fspath(wd.cwd), Configuration()) assert parsed is not None assert parsed.node_date is not None return parsed.node_date git_wd = git.GitWorkdir(os.fspath(wd.cwd)) assert git_wd.get_head_date() is None assert parse_date() == today wd.commit_testfile() assert git_wd.get_head_date() == today assert parse_date() == today def test_git_getdate_badgit( wd: WorkDir, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch ) -> None: wd.commit_testfile() git_wd = git.GitWorkdir(os.fspath(wd.cwd)) fake_date_result = subprocess.CompletedProcess( args=[], stdout="%cI", stderr="", returncode=0 ) with patch.object( git, "run_git", Mock(return_value=fake_date_result), ): assert git_wd.get_head_date() is None @pytest.fixture def signed_commit_wd(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, wd: WorkDir) -> WorkDir: if not has_command("gpg", args=["--version"], warn=False): pytest.skip("gpg executable not found") wd.write( ".gpg_batch_params", """\ %no-protection %transient-key Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 2048 Name-Real: a test Name-Email: Expire-Date: 0 """, ) monkeypatch.setenv("GNUPGHOME", str(wd.cwd.resolve(strict=True))) wd("gpg --batch --generate-key .gpg_batch_params") wd("git config log.showSignature true") wd.signed_commit_command = "git commit -S -m test-{reason}" return wd @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_git_getdate_signed_commit(signed_commit_wd: WorkDir) -> None: today = signed_commit_wd.commit_testfile(signed=True) git_wd = git.GitWorkdir(os.fspath(signed_commit_wd.cwd)) assert git_wd.get_head_date() == today @pytest.mark.parametrize( "expected, from_data", [ ( "1.0", {"describe-name": "1.0-0-g0000"}, ), ( "1.1.dev3+g0000", { "describe-name": "1.0-3-g0000", "node": "0" * 20, }, ), ("0.0", {"node": "0" * 20}), ("1.2.2", {"describe-name": "release-1.2.2-0-g00000"}), ("1.2.2.dev0", {"ref-names": "tag:"}), ("1.2.2", {"describe-name": "v1.2.2"}), ], ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:git archive did not support describe output") def test_git_archival_to_version(expected: str, from_data: dict[str, str]) -> None: config = Configuration() version = archival_to_version(from_data, config=config) assert version is not None assert ( format_version( version, version_scheme="guess-next-dev", local_scheme="node-and-date" ) == expected ) @pytest.mark.issue("") def test_git_archival_node_missing_no_version() -> None: config = Configuration() version = archival_to_version({}, config=config) assert version is None def test_git_archival_from_unfiltered() -> None: config = Configuration() with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="unexported git archival found"): version = archival_to_version({"node": "$Format:%H$"}, config=config) assert version is None