from __future__ import annotations import re import textwrap from pathlib import Path import pytest from setuptools_scm import Configuration @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tag, expected_version", [ ("apache-arrow-0.9.0", "0.9.0"), ("arrow-0.9.0", "0.9.0"), ("arrow-0.9.0-rc", "0.9.0-rc"), ("arrow-1", "1"), ("arrow-1+", "1"), ("arrow-1+foo", "1"), ("arrow-1.1+foo", "1.1"), ("v1.1", "v1.1"), ("V1.1", "V1.1"), ], ) def test_tag_regex(tag: str, expected_version: str) -> None: config = Configuration() match = config.tag_regex.match(tag) assert match version ="version") assert version == expected_version def test_config_from_pyproject(tmp_path: Path) -> None: fn = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" fn.write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ [tool.setuptools_scm] [project] description = "Factory ⸻ A code generator 🏭" authors = [{name = "Łukasz Langa"}] """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) assert Configuration.from_file(str(fn)) def test_config_regex_init() -> None: tag_regex = re.compile(r"v(\d+)") conf = Configuration(tag_regex=tag_regex) assert conf.tag_regex is tag_regex def test_config_from_file_protects_relative_to(tmp_path: Path) -> None: fn = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" fn.write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ [tool.setuptools_scm] relative_to = "dont_use_me" [project] description = "Factory ⸻ A code generator 🏭" authors = [{name = "Łukasz Langa"}] """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) with pytest.warns( UserWarning, match=".*pyproject.toml: at \\[tool.setuptools_scm\\]\n" "ignoring value relative_to='dont_use_me'" " as its always relative to the config file", ): assert Configuration.from_file(str(fn)) def test_config_overrides(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None: fn = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" fn.write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ [tool.setuptools_scm] root = "." [project] name = "test_a" """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) pristine = Configuration.from_file(fn) monkeypatch.setenv( "SETUPTOOLS_SCM_OVERRIDES_FOR_TEST_A", '{root="..", fallback_root=".."}' ) overriden = Configuration.from_file(fn) assert pristine.root != overriden.root assert pristine.fallback_root != overriden.fallback_root