from __future__ import annotations import contextlib import os from pathlib import Path from types import TracebackType from typing import Any from typing import Iterator import pytest from .wd_wrapper import WorkDir from setuptools_scm._run_cmd import run def pytest_configure() -> None: # 2009-02-13T23:31:30+00:00 os.environ["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"] = "1234567890" os.environ["SETUPTOOLS_SCM_DEBUG"] = "1" VERSION_PKGS = ["setuptools", "setuptools_scm", "packaging"] def pytest_report_header() -> list[str]: try: from importlib.metadata import version # type: ignore except ImportError: from importlib_metadata import version res = [] for pkg in VERSION_PKGS: pkg_version = version(pkg) path = __import__(pkg).__file__ res.append(f"{pkg} version {pkg_version} from {path!r}") return res def pytest_addoption(parser: Any) -> None: group = parser.getgroup("setuptools_scm") group.addoption( "--test-legacy", dest="scm_test_virtualenv", default=False, action="store_true" ) class DebugMode(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): # type: ignore[type-arg] from setuptools_scm import _log as __module def __init__(self) -> None: self.__stack = contextlib.ExitStack() def __enter__(self) -> DebugMode: self.enable() return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> None: self.disable() def enable(self) -> None: self.__stack.enter_context(self.__module.defer_to_pytest()) def disable(self) -> None: self.__stack.close() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def debug_mode() -> Iterator[DebugMode]: with DebugMode() as debug_mode: yield debug_mode @pytest.fixture def wd(tmp_path: Path) -> WorkDir: target_wd = tmp_path.resolve() / "wd" target_wd.mkdir() return WorkDir(target_wd) @pytest.fixture def repositories_hg_git(tmp_path: Path) -> tuple[WorkDir, WorkDir]: tmp_path = tmp_path.resolve() path_git = tmp_path / "repo_git" path_git.mkdir() wd = WorkDir(path_git) wd("git init") wd("git config") wd('git config "a test"') wd.add_command = "git add ." wd.commit_command = "git commit -m test-{reason}" path_hg = tmp_path / "repo_hg" run(["hg", "clone", path_git, path_hg, "--config", "extensions.hggit="], tmp_path) assert path_hg.exists() with open(path_hg / ".hg/hgrc", "a") as file: file.write("[extensions]\nhggit =\n") wd_hg = WorkDir(path_hg) wd_hg.add_command = "hg add ." wd_hg.commit_command = 'hg commit -m test-{reason} -u test -d "0 0"' return wd_hg, wd