from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses import logging import os import re import warnings from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import Match from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from . import _entrypoints from ._modify_version import _bump_dev from ._modify_version import _bump_regex from ._modify_version import _dont_guess_next_version from ._modify_version import _format_local_with_time from ._modify_version import _strip_local if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Concatenate from typing_extensions import ParamSpec _P = ParamSpec("_P") from ._version_cls import Version as PkgVersion, _VersionT from . import _version_cls as _v from . import _config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SEMVER_MINOR = 2 SEMVER_PATCH = 3 SEMVER_LEN = 3 def _parse_version_tag( tag: str | object, config: _config.Configuration ) -> dict[str, str] | None: tagstring = tag if isinstance(tag, str) else str(tag) match = config.tag_regex.match(tagstring) result = None if match: key: str | int if len(match.groups()) == 1: key = 1 else: key = "version" result = { "version":, "prefix":[: match.start(key)], "suffix":[match.end(key) :], } log.debug(f"tag '{tag}' parsed to {result}") return result def callable_or_entrypoint(group: str, callable_or_name: str | Any) -> Any: log.debug("ep %r %r", group, callable_or_name) if callable(callable_or_name): return callable_or_name from ._entrypoints import iter_entry_points for ep in iter_entry_points(group, callable_or_name): log.debug("ep found: %s", return ep.load() def tag_to_version( tag: _VersionT | str, config: _config.Configuration ) -> _VersionT | None: """ take a tag that might be prefixed with a keyword and return only the version part """ log.debug("tag %s", tag) tagdict = _parse_version_tag(tag, config) if not isinstance(tagdict, dict) or not tagdict.get("version", None): warnings.warn(f"tag {tag!r} no version found") return None version_str = tagdict["version"] log.debug("version pre parse %s", version_str) if tagdict.get("suffix", ""): warnings.warn( "tag {!r} will be stripped of its suffix '{}'".format( tag, tagdict["suffix"] ) ) version: _VersionT = config.version_cls(version_str) log.debug("version=%r", version) return version def _source_epoch_or_utc_now() -> datetime: if "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" in os.environ: date_epoch = int(os.environ["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"]) return datetime.fromtimestamp(date_epoch, timezone.utc) else: return @dataclasses.dataclass class ScmVersion: tag: _v.Version | _v.NonNormalizedVersion | str config: _config.Configuration distance: int = 0 node: str | None = None dirty: bool = False preformatted: bool = False branch: str | None = None node_date: date | None = None time: datetime = dataclasses.field( init=False, default_factory=_source_epoch_or_utc_now ) @property def exact(self) -> bool: return self.distance == 0 and not self.dirty def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.format_with( "" ) def format_with(self, fmt: str, **kw: object) -> str: return fmt.format( time=self.time, tag=self.tag, distance=self.distance, node=self.node, dirty=self.dirty, branch=self.branch, node_date=self.node_date, **kw, ) def format_choice(self, clean_format: str, dirty_format: str, **kw: object) -> str: return self.format_with(dirty_format if self.dirty else clean_format, **kw) def format_next_version( self, guess_next: Callable[Concatenate[ScmVersion, _P], str], fmt: str = "{guessed}.dev{distance}", *k: _P.args, **kw: _P.kwargs, ) -> str: guessed = guess_next(self, *k, **kw) return self.format_with(fmt, guessed=guessed) def _parse_tag( tag: _VersionT | str, preformatted: bool, config: _config.Configuration ) -> _VersionT | str: if preformatted: return tag elif not isinstance(tag, config.version_cls): version = tag_to_version(tag, config) assert version is not None return version else: return tag def meta( tag: str | _VersionT, *, distance: int = 0, dirty: bool = False, node: str | None = None, preformatted: bool = False, branch: str | None = None, config: _config.Configuration, node_date: date | None = None, ) -> ScmVersion: parsed_version = _parse_tag(tag, preformatted, config)"version %s -> %s", tag, parsed_version) assert parsed_version is not None, "Can't parse version %s" % tag return ScmVersion( parsed_version, distance=distance, node=node, dirty=dirty, preformatted=preformatted, branch=branch, config=config, node_date=node_date, ) def guess_next_version(tag_version: ScmVersion) -> str: version = _strip_local(str(tag_version.tag)) return _bump_dev(version) or _bump_regex(version) def guess_next_dev_version(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact: return version.format_with("{tag}") else: return version.format_next_version(guess_next_version) def guess_next_simple_semver( version: ScmVersion, retain: int, increment: bool = True ) -> str: try: parts = [int(i) for i in str(version.tag).split(".")[:retain]] except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"{version} can't be parsed as numeric version") while len(parts) < retain: parts.append(0) if increment: parts[-1] += 1 while len(parts) < SEMVER_LEN: parts.append(0) return ".".join(str(i) for i in parts) def simplified_semver_version(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact: return guess_next_simple_semver(version, retain=SEMVER_LEN, increment=False) else: if version.branch is not None and "feature" in version.branch: return version.format_next_version( guess_next_simple_semver, retain=SEMVER_MINOR ) else: return version.format_next_version( guess_next_simple_semver, retain=SEMVER_PATCH ) def release_branch_semver_version(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact: return version.format_with("{tag}") if version.branch is not None: # Does the branch name (stripped of namespace) parse as a version? branch_ver_data = _parse_version_tag( version.branch.split("/")[-1], version.config ) if branch_ver_data is not None: branch_ver = branch_ver_data["version"] if branch_ver[0] == "v": # Allow branches that start with 'v', similar to Version. branch_ver = branch_ver[1:] # Does the branch version up to the minor part match the tag? If not it # might be like, an issue number or something and not a version number, so # we only want to use it if it matches. tag_ver_up_to_minor = str(version.tag).split(".")[:SEMVER_MINOR] branch_ver_up_to_minor = branch_ver.split(".")[:SEMVER_MINOR] if branch_ver_up_to_minor == tag_ver_up_to_minor: # We're in a release/maintenance branch, next is a patch/rc/beta bump: return version.format_next_version(guess_next_version) # We're in a development branch, next is a minor bump: return version.format_next_version(guess_next_simple_semver, retain=SEMVER_MINOR) def release_branch_semver(version: ScmVersion) -> str: warnings.warn( "release_branch_semver is deprecated and will be removed in future. " + "Use release_branch_semver_version instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return release_branch_semver_version(version) def no_guess_dev_version(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact: return version.format_with("{tag}") else: return version.format_next_version(_dont_guess_next_version) _DATE_REGEX = re.compile( r"^(?P(?P\d{2}|\d{4})(?:\.\d{1,2}){2})(?:\.(?P\d*))?$" ) def date_ver_match(ver: str) -> Match[str] | None: return _DATE_REGEX.match(ver) def guess_next_date_ver( version: ScmVersion, node_date: date | None = None, date_fmt: str | None = None, version_cls: type | None = None, ) -> str: """ same-day -> patch +1 other-day -> today distance is always added as .devX """ match = date_ver_match(str(version.tag)) if match is None: warnings.warn( f"{version} does not correspond to a valid versioning date, " "assuming legacy version" ) if date_fmt is None: date_fmt = "%y.%m.%d" else: # deduct date format if not provided if date_fmt is None: date_fmt = "%Y.%m.%d" if len("year")) == 4 else "%y.%m.%d" today = head_date = node_date or today # compute patch if match is None: tag_date = today else: tag_date = datetime.strptime("date"), date_fmt).date() if tag_date == head_date: patch = "0" if match is None else ("patch") or "0") patch = int(patch) + 1 else: if tag_date > head_date and match is not None: # warn on future times warnings.warn( "your previous tag ({}) is ahead your node date ({})".format( tag_date, head_date ) ) patch = 0 next_version = "{node_date:{date_fmt}}.{patch}".format( node_date=head_date, date_fmt=date_fmt, patch=patch ) # rely on the Version object to ensure consistency (e.g. remove leading 0s) if version_cls is None: version_cls = PkgVersion next_version = str(version_cls(next_version)) return next_version def calver_by_date(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact and not version.dirty: return version.format_with("{tag}") # TODO: move the release-X check to a new scheme if version.branch is not None and version.branch.startswith("release-"): branch_ver = _parse_version_tag(version.branch.split("-")[-1], version.config) if branch_ver is not None: ver = branch_ver["version"] match = date_ver_match(ver) if match: return ver return version.format_next_version( guess_next_date_ver, node_date=version.node_date, version_cls=version.config.version_cls, ) def get_local_node_and_date(version: ScmVersion) -> str: return _format_local_with_time(version, time_format="%Y%m%d") def get_local_node_and_timestamp(version: ScmVersion, fmt: str = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") -> str: return _format_local_with_time(version, time_format=fmt) def get_local_dirty_tag(version: ScmVersion) -> str: return version.format_choice("", "+dirty") def get_no_local_node(_: Any) -> str: return "" def postrelease_version(version: ScmVersion) -> str: if version.exact: return version.format_with("{tag}") else: return version.format_with("{tag}.post{distance}") def format_version(version: ScmVersion, **config: Any) -> str: log.debug("scm version %s", version) log.debug("config %s", config) if version.preformatted: assert isinstance(version.tag, str) return version.tag main_version = _entrypoints._call_version_scheme( version, "setuptools_scm.version_scheme", config["version_scheme"], None ) log.debug("version %s", main_version) assert main_version is not None local_version = _entrypoints._call_version_scheme( version, "setuptools_scm.local_scheme", config["local_scheme"], "+unknown" ) log.debug("local_version %s", local_version) return main_version + local_version