from __future__ import annotations import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable from typing import Iterator from . import _entrypoints from . import _log from . import _types as _t from ._config import Configuration log = _log.log.getChild("discover") def walk_potential_roots(root: _t.PathT, search_parents: bool = True) -> Iterator[Path]: """ Iterate though a path and each of its parents. :param root: File path. :param search_parents: If ``False`` the parents are not considered. """ root = Path(root) yield root if search_parents: yield from root.parents def match_entrypoint(root: _t.PathT, name: str) -> bool: """ Consider a ``root`` as entry-point. :param root: File path. :param name: Subdirectory name. :return: ``True`` if a subdirectory ``name`` exits in ``root``. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, name)): if not os.path.isabs(name): return True log.debug("ignoring bad ep %s", name) return False def iter_matching_entrypoints( root: _t.PathT, entrypoint: str, config: Configuration ) -> Iterable[_entrypoints.EntrypointProtocol]: """ Consider different entry-points in ``root`` and optionally its parents. :param root: File path. :param entrypoint: Entry-point to consider. :param config: Configuration, read ``search_parent_directories``, write found parent to ``parent``. """ log.debug("looking for ep %s in %s", entrypoint, root) from ._entrypoints import iter_entry_points for wd in walk_potential_roots(root, config.search_parent_directories): for ep in iter_entry_points(entrypoint): if match_entrypoint(wd, log.debug("found ep %s in %s", ep, wd) config.parent = wd yield ep