from __future__ import annotations import os import shlex import subprocess import textwrap import warnings from typing import Callable from typing import Mapping from typing import overload from typing import Sequence from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from . import _log from . import _types as _t if TYPE_CHECKING: BaseCompletedProcess = subprocess.CompletedProcess[str] else: BaseCompletedProcess = subprocess.CompletedProcess log = _log.log.getChild("run_cmd") PARSE_RESULT = TypeVar("PARSE_RESULT") T = TypeVar("T") class CompletedProcess(BaseCompletedProcess): @classmethod def from_raw( cls, input: BaseCompletedProcess, strip: bool = True ) -> CompletedProcess: return cls( args=input.args, returncode=input.returncode, stdout=input.stdout.strip() if strip and input.stdout else input.stdout, stderr=input.stderr.strip() if strip and input.stderr else input.stderr, ) @overload def parse_success( self, parse: Callable[[str], PARSE_RESULT], default: None = None, error_msg: str | None = None, ) -> PARSE_RESULT | None: ... @overload def parse_success( self, parse: Callable[[str], PARSE_RESULT], default: T, error_msg: str | None = None, ) -> PARSE_RESULT | T: ... def parse_success( self, parse: Callable[[str], PARSE_RESULT], default: T | None = None, error_msg: str | None = None, ) -> PARSE_RESULT | T | None: if self.returncode: if error_msg: log.warning("%s %s", error_msg, self) return default else: return parse(self.stdout) def no_git_env(env: Mapping[str, str]) -> dict[str, str]: # adapted from pre-commit # Too many bugs dealing with environment variables and GIT: # # In git 2.6.3 (maybe others), git exports GIT_WORK_TREE while running # pre-commit hooks # In git 1.9.1 (maybe others), git exports GIT_DIR and GIT_INDEX_FILE # while running pre-commit hooks in submodules. # GIT_DIR: Causes git clone to clone wrong thing # GIT_INDEX_FILE: Causes 'error invalid object ...' during commit for k, v in env.items(): if k.startswith("GIT_"): log.debug("%s: %s", k, v) return { k: v for k, v in env.items() if not k.startswith("GIT_") or k in ("GIT_EXEC_PATH", "GIT_SSH", "GIT_SSH_COMMAND") } def avoid_pip_isolation(env: Mapping[str, str]) -> dict[str, str]: """ pip build isolation can break Mercurial (see pip uses PYTHONNOUSERSITE and a path in PYTHONPATH containing "pip-build-env-". """ new_env = {k: v for k, v in env.items() if k != "PYTHONNOUSERSITE"} if "PYTHONPATH" not in new_env: return new_env new_env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join( [ path for path in new_env["PYTHONPATH"].split(os.pathsep) if "pip-build-env-" not in path ] ) return new_env def ensure_stripped_str(str_or_bytes: str | bytes) -> str: if isinstance(str_or_bytes, str): return str_or_bytes.strip() else: return str_or_bytes.decode("utf-8", "surrogateescape").strip() def run( cmd: _t.CMD_TYPE, cwd: _t.PathT, *, strip: bool = True, trace: bool = True, timeout: int = 20, check: bool = False, ) -> CompletedProcess: if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = shlex.split(cmd) else: cmd = [os.fspath(x) for x in cmd] cmd_4_trace = " ".join(map(_unsafe_quote_for_display, cmd)) log.debug("at %s\n $ %s ", cwd, cmd_4_trace) res = cmd, capture_output=True, cwd=os.fspath(cwd), env=dict( avoid_pip_isolation(no_git_env(os.environ)), # os.environ, # try to disable i18n LC_ALL="C", LANGUAGE="", HGPLAIN="1", ), text=True, timeout=timeout, ) res = CompletedProcess.from_raw(res, strip=strip) if trace: if res.stdout: log.debug("out:\n%s", textwrap.indent(res.stdout, " ")) if res.stderr: log.debug("err:\n%s", textwrap.indent(res.stderr, " ")) if res.returncode: log.debug("ret: %s", res.returncode) if check: res.check_returncode() return res def _unsafe_quote_for_display(item: _t.PathT) -> str: # give better results than shlex.join in our cases text = os.fspath(item) return text if all(c not in text for c in " {[:") else f'"{text}"' def has_command( name: str, args: Sequence[str] = ["version"], warn: bool = True ) -> bool: try: p = run([name, *args], cwd=".", timeout=5) except OSError as e: log.warning("command %s missing: %s", name, e) res = False except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: log.warning("command %s timed out %s", name, e) res = False else: res = not p.returncode if not res and warn: warnings.warn("%r was not found" % name, category=RuntimeWarning) return res def require_command(name: str) -> None: if not has_command(name, warn=False): raise OSError(f"{name!r} was not found")