from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import subprocess import tarfile from typing import IO from . import is_toplevel_acceptable from . import scm_find_files from .. import _types as _t from .._run_cmd import run as _run from .._trace import trace from ..utils import data_from_mime log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _git_toplevel(path: str) -> str | None: try: cwd = os.path.abspath(path or ".") res = _run(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=cwd) if res.returncode: # BAIL if there is no commit log.error("listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any") return None res = _run( ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-prefix"], cwd=cwd, ) if res.returncode: return None out = res.stdout[:-1] # remove the trailing pathsep if not out: out = cwd else: # Here, ``out`` is a relative path to root of git. # ``cwd`` is absolute path to current working directory. # the below method removes the length of ``out`` from # ``cwd``, which gives the git toplevel assert cwd.replace("\\", "/").endswith(out), f"cwd={cwd!r}\nout={out!r}" # In windows cwd contains ``\`` which should be replaced by ``/`` # for this assertion to work. Length of string isn't changed by replace # ``\\`` is just and escape for `\` out = cwd[: -len(out)] trace("find files toplevel", out) return os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(out.strip())) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # git returned error, we are not in a git repo return None except OSError: # git command not found, probably return None def _git_interpret_archive(fd: IO[bytes], toplevel: str) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]: with, mode="r|*") as tf: git_files = set() git_dirs = {toplevel} for member in tf.getmembers(): name = os.path.normcase("/", os.path.sep) if member.type == tarfile.DIRTYPE: git_dirs.add(name) else: git_files.add(name) return git_files, git_dirs def _git_ls_files_and_dirs(toplevel: str) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]: # use git archive instead of git ls-file to honor # export-ignore git attribute cmd = ["git", "archive", "--prefix", toplevel + os.path.sep, "HEAD"] proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=toplevel, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) assert proc.stdout is not None try: try: return _git_interpret_archive(proc.stdout, toplevel) finally: # ensure we avoid resource warnings by cleaning up the process proc.stdout.close() proc.terminate() except Exception: if proc.wait() != 0: log.error("listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any") return set(), set() def git_find_files(path: _t.PathT = "") -> list[str]: toplevel = _git_toplevel(os.fspath(path)) if not is_toplevel_acceptable(toplevel): return [] fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)) if not fullpath.startswith(toplevel): trace("toplevel mismatch", toplevel, fullpath) git_files, git_dirs = _git_ls_files_and_dirs(toplevel) return scm_find_files(path, git_files, git_dirs) def git_archive_find_files(path: _t.PathT = "") -> list[str]: # This function assumes that ``path`` is obtained from a git archive # and therefore all the files that should be ignored were already removed. archival = os.path.join(path, ".git_archival.txt") if not os.path.exists(archival): return [] data = data_from_mime(archival) if "$Format" in data.get("node", ""): # Substitutions have not been performed, so not a reliable archive return [] trace("git archive detected - fallback to listing all files") return scm_find_files(path, set(), set(), force_all_files=True)