""" :copyright: 2010-2015 by Ronny Pfannschmidt :license: MIT """ import os import warnings from .config import ( Configuration, DEFAULT_VERSION_SCHEME, DEFAULT_LOCAL_SCHEME, DEFAULT_TAG_REGEX, ) from .utils import function_has_arg, string_types from .version import format_version, meta from .discover import iter_matching_entrypoints PRETEND_KEY = "SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION" TEMPLATES = { ".py": """\ # coding: utf-8 # file generated by setuptools_scm # don't change, don't track in version control version = {version!r} """, ".txt": "{version}", } def version_from_scm(root): warnings.warn( "version_from_scm is deprecated please use get_version", category=DeprecationWarning, ) config = Configuration() config.root = root # TODO: Is it API? return _version_from_entrypoints(config) def _call_entrypoint_fn(root, config, fn): if function_has_arg(fn, "config"): return fn(root, config=config) else: warnings.warn( "parse functions are required to provide a named argument" " 'config' in the future.", category=PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return fn(root) def _version_from_entrypoints(config, fallback=False): if fallback: entrypoint = "setuptools_scm.parse_scm_fallback" root = config.fallback_root else: entrypoint = "setuptools_scm.parse_scm" root = config.absolute_root for ep in iter_matching_entrypoints(root, entrypoint): version = _call_entrypoint_fn(root, config, ep.load()) if version: return version def dump_version(root, version, write_to, template=None): assert isinstance(version, string_types) if not write_to: return target = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, write_to)) ext = os.path.splitext(target)[1] template = template or TEMPLATES.get(ext) if template is None: raise ValueError( "bad file format: '{}' (of {}) \nonly *.txt and *.py are supported".format( os.path.splitext(target)[1], target ) ) with open(target, "w") as fp: fp.write(template.format(version=version)) def _do_parse(config): pretended = os.environ.get(PRETEND_KEY) if pretended: # we use meta here since the pretended version # must adhere to the pep to begin with return meta(tag=pretended, preformatted=True, config=config) if config.parse: parse_result = _call_entrypoint_fn(config.absolute_root, config, config.parse) if isinstance(parse_result, string_types): raise TypeError( "version parse result was a string\nplease return a parsed version" ) version = parse_result or _version_from_entrypoints(config, fallback=True) else: # include fallbacks after dropping them from the main entrypoint version = _version_from_entrypoints(config) or _version_from_entrypoints( config, fallback=True ) if version: return version raise LookupError( "setuptools-scm was unable to detect version for %r.\n\n" "Make sure you're either building from a fully intact git repository " "or PyPI tarballs. Most other sources (such as GitHub's tarballs, a " "git checkout without the .git folder) don't contain the necessary " "metadata and will not work.\n\n" "For example, if you're using pip, instead of " "https://github.com/user/proj/archive/master.zip " "use git+https://github.com/user/proj.git#egg=proj" % config.absolute_root ) def get_version( root=".", version_scheme=DEFAULT_VERSION_SCHEME, local_scheme=DEFAULT_LOCAL_SCHEME, write_to=None, write_to_template=None, relative_to=None, tag_regex=DEFAULT_TAG_REGEX, fallback_version=None, fallback_root=".", parse=None, git_describe_command=None, ): """ If supplied, relative_to should be a file from which root may be resolved. Typically called by a script or module that is not in the root of the repository to direct setuptools_scm to the root of the repository by supplying ``__file__``. """ config = Configuration(**locals()) return _get_version(config) def _get_version(config): parsed_version = _do_parse(config) if parsed_version: version_string = format_version( parsed_version, version_scheme=config.version_scheme, local_scheme=config.local_scheme, ) dump_version( root=config.root, version=version_string, write_to=config.write_to, template=config.write_to_template, ) return version_string