language: python sudo: false stages: - linting - test - deploy credentials: - &pypi provider: pypi user: ronny # use when testing, may require recreation of the user and its credentials # server: # Remove for deployment to official PyPi repo password: secure: 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 on: tags: yes python: - '2.7' - '3.4' - '3.5' - '3.6' - '3.7' - '3.8-dev' dist: xenial # needed for 3.7+ env: - TOXENV=py-test jobs: include: - stage: linting name: check readme python: '3.6' env: TOXENV=check_readme # - stage: test # python: '3.7' # dist: xenial - stage: test python: '2.7' env: SELFINSTALL=1 - stage: test python: '3.6' env: SELFINSTALL=1 - stage: linting python: '3.6' name: validate pre-commit env: install: - pip install pre-commit - pre-commit install-hooks script: - pre-commit run --all-files - &deploy stage: deploy name: "modern distributions" python: '3.6' install: - pip install -U pip setuptools wheel script: skip deploy: <<: *pypi distributions: "sdist bdist_wheel" - &bdist_egg <<: *deploy name: "python eggs 2.7" python: '2.7' deploy: <<: *pypi distributions: "bdist_egg" - <<: *bdist_egg name: "python eggs 3.4" python: '3.4' - <<: *bdist_egg name: "python eggs 3.5" python: '3.5' - <<: *bdist_egg name: "python eggs 3.6" python: '3.6' - <<: *bdist_egg name: "python eggs 3.7" python: '3.7' - <<: *bdist_egg name: "python eggs 3.8" python: '3.8-dev' cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit install: pip install tox script: - python testing/