Reference ========= .. module:: semantic_version Module-level functions ---------------------- .. function:: compare(v1, v2) Compare two version strings, and return a result similar to that of :func:`cmp`:: >>> compare('0.1.1', '0.1.2') -1 >>> compare('0.1.1', '0.1.1') 0 >>> compare('0.1.1', '0.1.1-alpha') 1 :param str v1: The first version to compare :param str v2: The second version to compare :raises: :exc:`ValueError`, if any version string is invalid :rtype: ``int``, -1 / 0 / 1 as for a :func:`cmp` comparison .. function:: match(spec, version) Check whether a version string matches a specification string:: >>> match('>=0.1.1', '0.1.2') True >>> match('>=0.1.1', '0.1.1-alpha') False >>> match('~0.1.1', '0.1.1-alpha') True :param str spec: The specification to use, as a string :param str version: The version string to test against the spec :raises: :exc:`ValueError`, if the ``spec`` or the ``version`` is invalid :rtype: ``bool`` Representing a version ---------------------- .. class:: Version Object representation of a `SemVer`_-compliant version. Constructed from a textual version string:: >>> Version('1.1.1') >>> str(Version('1.1.1')) '1.1.1' .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: partial ``bool``, whether this is a 'partial' or a complete version number. Partial version number may lack :attr:`minor` or :attr:`patch` version numbers. .. attribute:: major ``int``, the major version number .. attribute:: minor ``int``, the minor version number. May be ``None`` for a :attr:`partial` version number in a ```` format. .. attribute:: patch ``int``, the patch version number. May be ``None`` for a :attr:`partial` version number in a ```` or ``.`` format. .. attribute:: prerelease ``list`` of ``strings``, the prerelease component. It contains the various dot-separated identifiers in the prerelease component. May be ``None`` for a :attr:`partial` version number in a ````, ``.`` or ``..`` format. .. attribute:: build ``list`` of ``strings``, the build component. It contains the various dot-separated identifiers in the build component. May be ``None`` for a :attr:`partial` version number in a ````, ``.``, ``..`` or ``..-`` format. .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: __iter__(self) Iterates over the version components (:attr:`major`, :attr:`minor`, :attr:`patch`, :attr:`prerelease`, :attr:`build`). .. method:: __cmp__(self, other) Provides comparison methods with other :class:`Version` objects. The rules are: - For non-:attr:`partial` versions, compare using the `SemVer`_ scheme - If any compared object is :attr:`partial`, compare using the `SemVer`_ scheme, but stop at the first component undefined in the :attr:`partial` :class:`Version`; that is, a component whose value is ``None``. .. method:: __str__(self) Returns the standard text representation of the version. .. code-block:: pycon >>> v = Version('0.1.1-rc2+build4.4') >>> v >>> str(v) '0.1.1-rc2+build4.4' .. rubric:: Class methods .. classmethod:: parse(cls, version_string[, partial=False]) Parse a version string into a ``(major, minor, patch, prerelease, build)`` tuple. :param str version_string: The version string to parse :param bool partial: Whether this should be considered a :attr:`partial` version :raises: :exc:`ValueError`, if the :attr:`version_string` is invalid. :rtype: (major, minor, patch, prerelease, build) Version specifications ---------------------- Version specifications describe a 'range' of accepted versions: older than, equal, similar to, … .. class:: Spec Stores a version specification, defined from a string:: >>> Spec('>=0.1.1') = > This allows to test :class:`Version` objects against the :class:`Spec`:: >>> Spec('>=0.1.1').match(Version('0.1.1-rc1')) # pre-release have lower precedence False >>> Version('0.1.1+build2') in Spec('>=0.1.1') # build version have higher precedence True .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: kind One of :data:`KIND_LT`, :data:`KIND_LTE`, :data:`KIND_EQUAL`, :data:`KIND_GTE`, :data:`KIND_GT`, :data:`KIND_ALMOST`. .. attribute:: spec :class:`Version` in the :class:`Spec` description. If :attr:`kind` is :data:`KIND_ALMOST`, this will be a :attr:`~Version.partial` :class:`Version`. .. rubric:: Class methods .. classmethod:: parse(cls, requirement_string) Retrieve a ``(kind, version)`` tuple from a string. :param str requirement_string: The textual description of the specification :raises: :exc:`ValueError`: if the ``requirement_string`` is invalid. :rtype: (``kind``, ``version``) tuple .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: match(self, version) Test whether a given :class:`Version` matches this :class:`Spec`. :param version: The version to test against the spec :type version: :class:`Version` :rtype: ``bool`` .. method:: __contains__(self, version) Allows the use of the ``version in spec`` syntax. Simply an alias of the :func:`match` method. .. rubric:: Class attributes .. data:: KIND_LT The kind of 'Less than' specifications .. data:: KIND_LTE The kind of 'Less or equal to' specifications .. data:: KIND_EQUAL The kind of 'equal to' specifications .. data:: KIND_GTE The kind of 'Greater or equal to' specifications .. data:: KIND_GT The kind of 'Greater than' specifications .. data:: KIND_ALMOST The kind of 'Almost equal to' specifications .. _SemVer: