#!/usr/bin/env bash source /home/vagrant/redis-py/vagrant/redis_vars.sh for filename in `ls $VAGRANT_REDIS_CONF_DIR`; do # cuts the order prefix off of the filename, e.g. 001-master -> master PROCESS_NAME=redis-`echo $filename | cut -f 2- -d -` echo "======================================" echo "INSTALLING REDIS SERVER: $PROCESS_NAME" echo "======================================" # make sure the instance is uninstalled (it should be already) uninstall_instance $PROCESS_NAME # base config mkdir -p $REDIS_CONF_DIR cp $REDIS_BUILD_DIR/redis.conf $REDIS_CONF_DIR/$PROCESS_NAME.conf # override config values from file cat $VAGRANT_REDIS_CONF_DIR/$filename >> $REDIS_CONF_DIR/$PROCESS_NAME.conf # replace placeholder variables in init.d script cp $VAGRANT_DIR/redis_init_script /etc/init.d/$PROCESS_NAME sed -i "s/{{ PROCESS_NAME }}/$PROCESS_NAME/g" /etc/init.d/$PROCESS_NAME # need to read the config file to find out what port this instance will run on port=`grep port $VAGRANT_REDIS_CONF_DIR/$filename | cut -f 2 -d " "` sed -i "s/{{ PORT }}/$port/g" /etc/init.d/$PROCESS_NAME chmod 755 /etc/init.d/$PROCESS_NAME # and tell update-rc.d about it update-rc.d $PROCESS_NAME defaults 98 # save the $PROCESS_NAME into installed instances file echo $PROCESS_NAME >> $REDIS_INSTALLED_INSTANCES_FILE # start redis /etc/init.d/$PROCESS_NAME start done