import socket import types from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import redis from redis.backoff import NoBackoff from redis.connection import ( Connection, HiredisParser, PythonParser, SSLConnection, UnixDomainSocketConnection, ) from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidResponse, TimeoutError from redis.retry import Retry from redis.utils import HIREDIS_AVAILABLE from .conftest import skip_if_server_version_lt from .mocks import MockSocket @pytest.mark.skipif(HIREDIS_AVAILABLE, reason="PythonParser only") @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster def test_invalid_response(r): raw = b"x" parser = r.connection._parser with mock.patch.object(parser._buffer, "readline", return_value=raw): with pytest.raises(InvalidResponse) as cm: parser.read_response() assert str(cm.value) == f"Protocol Error: {raw!r}" @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") @pytest.mark.redismod def test_loading_external_modules(modclient): def inner(): pass modclient.load_external_module("myfuncname", inner) assert getattr(modclient, "myfuncname") == inner assert isinstance(getattr(modclient, "myfuncname"), types.FunctionType) # and call it from redis.commands import RedisModuleCommands j = RedisModuleCommands.json modclient.load_external_module("sometestfuncname", j) # d = {'hello': 'world!'} # mod = j(modclient) # mod.set("fookey", ".", d) # assert mod.get('fookey') == d class TestConnection: def test_disconnect(self): conn = Connection() mock_sock = mock.Mock() conn._sock = mock_sock conn.disconnect() mock_sock.shutdown.assert_called_once() mock_sock.close.assert_called_once() assert conn._sock is None def test_disconnect__shutdown_OSError(self): """An OSError on socket shutdown will still close the socket.""" conn = Connection() mock_sock = mock.Mock() conn._sock = mock_sock conn._sock.shutdown.side_effect = OSError conn.disconnect() mock_sock.shutdown.assert_called_once() mock_sock.close.assert_called_once() assert conn._sock is None def test_disconnect__close_OSError(self): """An OSError on socket close will still clear out the socket.""" conn = Connection() mock_sock = mock.Mock() conn._sock = mock_sock conn._sock.close.side_effect = OSError conn.disconnect() mock_sock.shutdown.assert_called_once() mock_sock.close.assert_called_once() assert conn._sock is None def clear(self, conn): conn.retry_on_error.clear() def test_retry_connect_on_timeout_error(self): """Test that the _connect function is retried in case of a timeout""" conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=True, retry=Retry(NoBackoff(), 3)) origin_connect = conn._connect conn._connect = mock.Mock() def mock_connect(): # connect only on the last retry if conn._connect.call_count <= 2: raise socket.timeout else: return origin_connect() conn._connect.side_effect = mock_connect conn.connect() assert conn._connect.call_count == 3 self.clear(conn) def test_connect_without_retry_on_os_error(self): """Test that the _connect function is not being retried in case of a OSError""" with patch.object(Connection, "_connect") as _connect: _connect.side_effect = OSError("") conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=True, retry=Retry(NoBackoff(), 2)) with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): conn.connect() assert _connect.call_count == 1 self.clear(conn) def test_connect_timeout_error_without_retry(self): """Test that the _connect function is not being retried if retry_on_timeout is set to False""" conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=False) conn._connect = mock.Mock() conn._connect.side_effect = socket.timeout with pytest.raises(TimeoutError) as e: conn.connect() assert conn._connect.call_count == 1 assert str(e.value) == "Timeout connecting to server" self.clear(conn) @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster @pytest.mark.parametrize( "parser_class", [PythonParser, HiredisParser], ids=["PythonParser", "HiredisParser"] ) def test_connection_parse_response_resume(r: redis.Redis, parser_class): """ This test verifies that the Connection parser, be that PythonParser or HiredisParser, can be interrupted at IO time and then resume parsing. """ if parser_class is HiredisParser and not HIREDIS_AVAILABLE: pytest.skip("Hiredis not available)") args = dict(r.connection_pool.connection_kwargs) args["parser_class"] = parser_class conn = Connection(**args) conn.connect() message = ( b"*3\r\n$7\r\nmessage\r\n$8\r\nchannel1\r\n" b"$25\r\nhi\r\nthere\r\n+how\r\nare\r\nyou\r\n" ) mock_socket = MockSocket(message, interrupt_every=2) if isinstance(conn._parser, PythonParser): conn._parser._buffer._sock = mock_socket else: conn._parser._sock = mock_socket for i in range(100): try: response = conn.read_response() break except MockSocket.TestError: pass else:"didn't receive a response") assert response assert i > 0 @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster @pytest.mark.parametrize( "Class", [ Connection, SSLConnection, UnixDomainSocketConnection, ], ) def test_pack_command(Class): """ This test verifies that the pack_command works on all supported connections. #2581 """ cmd = ( "HSET", "foo", "key", "value1", b"key_b", b"bytes str", b"key_i", 67, "key_f", 3.14159265359, ) expected = ( b"*10\r\n$4\r\nHSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nkey\r\n$6\r\nvalue1\r\n" b"$5\r\nkey_b\r\n$9\r\nbytes str\r\n$5\r\nkey_i\r\n$2\r\n67\r\n$5" b"\r\nkey_f\r\n$13\r\n3.14159265359\r\n" ) actual = Class().pack_command(*cmd)[0] assert actual == expected, f"actual = {actual}, expected = {expected}"