import binascii import datetime import warnings from queue import LifoQueue, Queue from time import sleep from unittest.mock import DEFAULT, Mock, call, patch import pytest from redis import Redis from redis.backoff import ExponentialBackoff, NoBackoff, default_backoff from redis.cluster import ( PRIMARY, REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS, REPLICA, ClusterNode, NodesManager, RedisCluster, get_node_name, ) from redis.commands import CommandsParser from redis.connection import BlockingConnectionPool, Connection, ConnectionPool from redis.crc import key_slot from redis.exceptions import ( AskError, ClusterDownError, ConnectionError, DataError, MovedError, NoPermissionError, RedisClusterException, RedisError, ResponseError, TimeoutError, ) from redis.retry import Retry from redis.utils import str_if_bytes from tests.test_pubsub import wait_for_message from .conftest import ( _get_client, skip_if_redis_enterprise, skip_if_server_version_lt, skip_unless_arch_bits, wait_for_command, ) default_host = "" default_port = 7000 default_cluster_slots = [ [0, 8191, ["", 7000, "node_0"], ["", 7003, "node_3"]], [8192, 16383, ["", 7001, "node_1"], ["", 7002, "node_2"]], ] @pytest.fixture() def slowlog(request, r): """ Set the slowlog threshold to 0, and the max length to 128. This will force every command into the slowlog and allow us to test it """ # Save old values current_config = r.config_get(target_nodes=r.get_primaries()[0]) old_slower_than_value = current_config["slowlog-log-slower-than"] old_max_legnth_value = current_config["slowlog-max-len"] # Function to restore the old values def cleanup(): r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", old_slower_than_value) r.config_set("slowlog-max-len", old_max_legnth_value) request.addfinalizer(cleanup) # Set the new values r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0) r.config_set("slowlog-max-len", 128) def get_mocked_redis_client(func=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a stable RedisCluster object that have deterministic nodes and slots setup to remove the problem of different IP addresses on different installations and machines. """ cluster_slots = kwargs.pop("cluster_slots", default_cluster_slots) coverage_res = kwargs.pop("coverage_result", "yes") cluster_enabled = kwargs.pop("cluster_enabled", True) with patch.object(Redis, "execute_command") as execute_command_mock: def execute_command(*_args, **_kwargs): if _args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS": mock_cluster_slots = cluster_slots return mock_cluster_slots elif _args[0] == "COMMAND": return {"get": [], "set": []} elif _args[0] == "INFO": return {"cluster_enabled": cluster_enabled} elif len(_args) > 1 and _args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage": return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": coverage_res} elif func is not None: return func(*args, **kwargs) else: return execute_command_mock(*_args, **_kwargs) execute_command_mock.side_effect = execute_command with patch.object( CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True ) as cmd_parser_initialize: def cmd_init_mock(self, r): self.commands = { "get": { "name": "get", "arity": 2, "flags": ["readonly", "fast"], "first_key_pos": 1, "last_key_pos": 1, "step_count": 1, } } cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock return RedisCluster(*args, **kwargs) def mock_node_resp(node, response): connection = Mock() connection.read_response.return_value = response node.redis_connection.connection = connection return node def mock_node_resp_func(node, func): connection = Mock() connection.read_response.side_effect = func node.redis_connection.connection = connection return node def mock_all_nodes_resp(rc, response): for node in rc.get_nodes(): mock_node_resp(node, response) return rc def find_node_ip_based_on_port(cluster_client, port): for node in cluster_client.get_nodes(): if node.port == port: return def moved_redirection_helper(request, failover=False): """ Test that the client handles MOVED response after a failover. Redirection after a failover means that the redirection address is of a replica that was promoted to a primary. At first call it should return a MOVED ResponseError that will point the client to the next server it should talk to. Verify that: 1. it tries to talk to the redirected node 2. it updates the slot's primary to the redirected node For a failover, also verify: 3. the redirected node's server type updated to 'primary' 4. the server type of the previous slot owner updated to 'replica' """ rc = _get_client(RedisCluster, request, flushdb=False) slot = 12182 redirect_node = None # Get the current primary that holds this slot prev_primary = rc.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(slot) if failover: if len(rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot]) < 2: warnings.warn("Skipping this test since it requires to have a replica") return redirect_node = rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot][1] else: # Use one of the primaries to be the redirected node redirect_node = rc.get_primaries()[0] r_host = r_port = redirect_node.port with patch.object(Redis, "parse_response") as parse_response: def moved_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options): def ok_response(connection, *args, **options): assert == r_host assert connection.port == r_port return "MOCK_OK" parse_response.side_effect = ok_response raise MovedError(f"{slot} {r_host}:{r_port}") parse_response.side_effect = moved_redirect_effect assert rc.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK" slot_primary = rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot][0] assert slot_primary == redirect_node if failover: assert rc.get_node(host=r_host, port=r_port).server_type == PRIMARY assert prev_primary.server_type == REPLICA @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestRedisClusterObj: """ Tests for the RedisCluster class """ def test_host_port_startup_node(self): """ Test that it is possible to use host & port arguments as startup node args """ cluster = get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port) assert cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=default_port) is not None def test_startup_nodes(self): """ Test that it is possible to use startup_nodes argument to init the cluster """ port_1 = 7000 port_2 = 7001 startup_nodes = [ ClusterNode(default_host, port_1), ClusterNode(default_host, port_2), ] cluster = get_mocked_redis_client(startup_nodes=startup_nodes) assert ( cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=port_1) is not None and cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=port_2) is not None ) def test_empty_startup_nodes(self): """ Test that exception is raised when empty providing empty startup_nodes """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[]) assert str(ex.value).startswith( "RedisCluster requires at least one node to discover the cluster" ), str_if_bytes(ex.value) def test_from_url(self, r): redis_url = f"redis://{default_host}:{default_port}/0" with patch.object(RedisCluster, "from_url") as from_url: def from_url_mocked(_url, **_kwargs): return get_mocked_redis_client(url=_url, **_kwargs) from_url.side_effect = from_url_mocked cluster = RedisCluster.from_url(redis_url) assert cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=default_port) is not None def test_execute_command_errors(self, r): """ Test that if no key is provided then exception should be raised. """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: r.execute_command("GET") assert str(ex.value).startswith( "No way to dispatch this command to Redis Cluster. Missing key." ) def test_execute_command_node_flag_primaries(self, r): """ Test command execution with nodes flag PRIMARIES """ primaries = r.get_primaries() replicas = r.get_replicas() mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG") assert is True for primary in primaries: conn = primary.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is True for replica in replicas: conn = replica.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is not True def test_execute_command_node_flag_replicas(self, r): """ Test command execution with nodes flag REPLICAS """ replicas = r.get_replicas() if not replicas: r = get_mocked_redis_client(default_host, default_port) primaries = r.get_primaries() mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG") assert is True for replica in replicas: conn = replica.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is True for primary in primaries: conn = primary.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is not True def test_execute_command_node_flag_all_nodes(self, r): """ Test command execution with nodes flag ALL_NODES """ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG") assert is True for node in r.get_nodes(): conn = node.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is True def test_execute_command_node_flag_random(self, r): """ Test command execution with nodes flag RANDOM """ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG") assert is True called_count = 0 for node in r.get_nodes(): conn = node.redis_connection.connection if conn.read_response.called is True: called_count += 1 assert called_count == 1 def test_execute_command_default_node(self, r): """ Test command execution without node flag is being executed on the default node """ def_node = r.get_default_node() mock_node_resp(def_node, "PONG") assert is True conn = def_node.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called def test_ask_redirection(self, r): """ Test that the server handles ASK response. At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point the client to the next server it should talk to. Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node. """ redirect_node = r.get_nodes()[0] with patch.object(Redis, "parse_response") as parse_response: def ask_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options): def ok_response(connection, *args, **options): assert == assert connection.port == redirect_node.port return "MOCK_OK" parse_response.side_effect = ok_response raise AskError(f"12182 {}:{redirect_node.port}") parse_response.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect assert r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK" def test_handling_cluster_failover_to_a_replica(self, r): # Set the key we'll test for key = "key" r.set("key", "value") primary = r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=False) assert str_if_bytes(r.get("key")) == "value" # Get the current output of cluster slots cluster_slots = primary.redis_connection.execute_command("CLUSTER SLOTS") replica_host = "" replica_port = 0 # Replace one of the replicas to be the new primary based on the # cluster slots output for slot_range in cluster_slots: primary_port = slot_range[2][1] if primary_port == primary.port: if len(slot_range) <= 3: # cluster doesn't have a replica, return return replica_host = str_if_bytes(slot_range[3][0]) replica_port = slot_range[3][1] # replace replica and primary in the cluster slots output tmp_node = slot_range[2] slot_range[2] = slot_range[3] slot_range[3] = tmp_node break def raise_connection_error(): raise ConnectionError("error") def mock_execute_command(*_args, **_kwargs): if _args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS": return cluster_slots else: raise Exception("Failed to mock cluster slots") # Mock connection error for the current primary mock_node_resp_func(primary, raise_connection_error) primary.redis_connection.set_retry(Retry(NoBackoff(), 1)) # Mock the cluster slots response for all other nodes redis_mock_node = Mock() redis_mock_node.execute_command.side_effect = mock_execute_command # Mock response value for all other commands redis_mock_node.parse_response.return_value = "MOCK_OK" for node in r.get_nodes(): if node.port != primary.port: node.redis_connection = redis_mock_node assert r.get(key) == "MOCK_OK" new_primary = r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=False) assert == replica_host assert new_primary.port == replica_port assert r.get_node(, primary.port).server_type == REPLICA def test_moved_redirection(self, request): """ Test that the client handles MOVED response. """ moved_redirection_helper(request, failover=False) def test_moved_redirection_after_failover(self, request): """ Test that the client handles MOVED response after a failover. """ moved_redirection_helper(request, failover=True) def test_refresh_using_specific_nodes(self, request): """ Test making calls on specific nodes when the cluster has failed over to another node """ node_7006 = ClusterNode(host=default_host, port=7006, server_type=PRIMARY) node_7007 = ClusterNode(host=default_host, port=7007, server_type=PRIMARY) with patch.object(Redis, "parse_response") as parse_response: with patch.object(NodesManager, "initialize", autospec=True) as initialize: with patch.multiple( Connection, send_command=DEFAULT, connect=DEFAULT, can_read=DEFAULT ) as mocks: # simulate 7006 as a failed node def parse_response_mock(connection, command_name, **options): if connection.port == 7006: parse_response.failed_calls += 1 raise ClusterDownError( "CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is " "down. Use CLUSTER INFO for " "more information" ) elif connection.port == 7007: parse_response.successful_calls += 1 def initialize_mock(self): # start with all slots mapped to 7006 self.nodes_cache = { node_7006} self.default_node = node_7006 self.slots_cache = {} for i in range(0, 16383): self.slots_cache[i] = [node_7006] # After the first connection fails, a reinitialize # should follow the cluster to 7007 def map_7007(self): self.nodes_cache = { node_7007} self.default_node = node_7007 self.slots_cache = {} for i in range(0, 16383): self.slots_cache[i] = [node_7007] # Change initialize side effect for the second call initialize.side_effect = map_7007 parse_response.side_effect = parse_response_mock parse_response.successful_calls = 0 parse_response.failed_calls = 0 initialize.side_effect = initialize_mock mocks["can_read"].return_value = False mocks["send_command"].return_value = "MOCK_OK" mocks["connect"].return_value = None with patch.object( CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True ) as cmd_parser_initialize: def cmd_init_mock(self, r): self.commands = { "get": { "name": "get", "arity": 2, "flags": ["readonly", "fast"], "first_key_pos": 1, "last_key_pos": 1, "step_count": 1, } } cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock rc = _get_client(RedisCluster, request, flushdb=False) assert len(rc.get_nodes()) == 1 assert rc.get_node( is not None rc.get("foo") # Cluster should now point to 7007, and there should be # one failed and one successful call assert len(rc.get_nodes()) == 1 assert rc.get_node( is not None assert rc.get_node( is None assert parse_response.failed_calls == 1 assert parse_response.successful_calls == 1 def test_reading_from_replicas_in_round_robin(self): with patch.multiple( Connection, send_command=DEFAULT, read_response=DEFAULT, _connect=DEFAULT, can_read=DEFAULT, on_connect=DEFAULT, ) as mocks: with patch.object(Redis, "parse_response") as parse_response: def parse_response_mock_first(connection, *args, **options): # Primary assert connection.port == 7001 parse_response.side_effect = parse_response_mock_second return "MOCK_OK" def parse_response_mock_second(connection, *args, **options): # Replica assert connection.port == 7002 parse_response.side_effect = parse_response_mock_third return "MOCK_OK" def parse_response_mock_third(connection, *args, **options): # Primary assert connection.port == 7001 return "MOCK_OK" # We don't need to create a real cluster connection but we # do want RedisCluster.on_connect function to get called, # so we'll mock some of the Connection's functions to allow it parse_response.side_effect = parse_response_mock_first mocks["send_command"].return_value = True mocks["read_response"].return_value = "OK" mocks["_connect"].return_value = True mocks["can_read"].return_value = False mocks["on_connect"].return_value = True # Create a cluster with reading from replications read_cluster = get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, read_from_replicas=True ) assert read_cluster.read_from_replicas is True # Check that we read from the slot's nodes in a round robin # matter. # 'foo' belongs to slot 12182 and the slot's nodes are: # [(,7001,primary), (,7002,replica)] read_cluster.get("foo") read_cluster.get("foo") read_cluster.get("foo") mocks["send_command"].assert_has_calls( [ call("READONLY"), call("GET", "foo"), call("READONLY"), call("GET", "foo"), call("GET", "foo"), ] ) def test_keyslot(self, r): """ Test that method will compute correct key in all supported cases """ assert r.keyslot("foo") == 12182 assert r.keyslot("{foo}bar") == 12182 assert r.keyslot("{foo}") == 12182 assert r.keyslot(1337) == 4314 assert r.keyslot(125) == r.keyslot(b"125") assert r.keyslot(125) == r.keyslot("\x31\x32\x35") assert r.keyslot("大奖") == r.keyslot(b"\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96") assert r.keyslot("大奖") == r.keyslot(b"\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96") assert r.keyslot(1337.1234) == r.keyslot("1337.1234") assert r.keyslot(1337) == r.keyslot("1337") assert r.keyslot(b"abc") == r.keyslot("abc") def test_get_node_name(self): assert ( get_node_name(default_host, default_port) == f"{default_host}:{default_port}" ) def test_all_nodes(self, r): """ Set a list of nodes and it should be possible to iterate over all """ nodes = [node for node in r.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values()] for i, node in enumerate(r.get_nodes()): assert node in nodes def test_all_nodes_masters(self, r): """ Set a list of nodes with random primaries/replicas config and it shold be possible to iterate over all of them. """ nodes = [ node for node in r.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values() if node.server_type == PRIMARY ] for node in r.get_primaries(): assert node in nodes @pytest.mark.parametrize("error", RedisCluster.ERRORS_ALLOW_RETRY) def test_cluster_down_overreaches_retry_attempts(self, error): """ When error that allows retry is thrown, test that we retry executing the command as many times as configured in cluster_error_retry_attempts and then raise the exception """ with patch.object(RedisCluster, "_execute_command") as execute_command: def raise_error(target_node, *args, **kwargs): execute_command.failed_calls += 1 raise error("mocked error") execute_command.side_effect = raise_error rc = get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port) with pytest.raises(error): rc.get("bar") assert execute_command.failed_calls == rc.cluster_error_retry_attempts def test_user_on_connect_function(self, request): """ Test support in passing on_connect function by the user """ def on_connect(connection): assert connection is not None mock = Mock(side_effect=on_connect) _get_client(RedisCluster, request, redis_connect_func=mock) assert mock.called is True def test_set_default_node_success(self, r): """ test successful replacement of the default cluster node """ default_node = r.get_default_node() # get a different node new_def_node = None for node in r.get_nodes(): if node != default_node: new_def_node = node break assert r.set_default_node(new_def_node) is True assert r.get_default_node() == new_def_node def test_set_default_node_failure(self, r): """ test failed replacement of the default cluster node """ default_node = r.get_default_node() new_def_node = ClusterNode("", 1111) assert r.set_default_node(None) is False assert r.set_default_node(new_def_node) is False assert r.get_default_node() == default_node def test_get_node_from_key(self, r): """ Test that get_node_from_key function returns the correct node """ key = "bar" slot = r.keyslot(key) slot_nodes = r.nodes_manager.slots_cache.get(slot) primary = slot_nodes[0] assert r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=False) == primary replica = r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=True) if replica is not None: assert replica.server_type == REPLICA assert replica in slot_nodes @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_not_require_full_coverage_cluster_down_error(self, r): """ When require_full_coverage is set to False (default client config) and not all slots are covered, if one of the nodes has 'cluster-require_full_coverage' config set to 'yes' some key-based commands should throw ClusterDownError """ node = r.get_node_from_key("foo") missing_slot = r.keyslot("foo") assert r.set("foo", "bar") is True try: assert all(r.cluster_delslots(missing_slot)) with pytest.raises(ClusterDownError): r.exists("foo") finally: try: # Add back the missing slot assert r.cluster_addslots(node, missing_slot) is True # Make sure we are not getting ClusterDownError anymore assert r.exists("foo") == 1 except ResponseError as e: if f"Slot {missing_slot} is already busy" in str(e): # It can happen if the test failed to delete this slot pass else: raise e def test_timeout_error_topology_refresh_reuse_connections(self, r): """ By mucking TIMEOUT errors, we'll force the cluster topology to be reinitialized, and then ensure that only the impacted connection is replaced """ node = r.get_node_from_key("key") r.set("key", "value") node_conn_origin = {} for n in r.get_nodes(): node_conn_origin[] = n.redis_connection real_func = r.get_redis_connection(node).parse_response class counter: def __init__(self, val=0): self.val = int(val) count = counter(0) with patch.object(Redis, "parse_response") as parse_response: def moved_redirect_effect(connection, *args, **options): # raise a timeout for 5 times so we'll need to reinitialize the topology if count.val == 4: parse_response.side_effect = real_func count.val += 1 raise TimeoutError() parse_response.side_effect = moved_redirect_effect assert r.get("key") == b"value" for node_name, conn in node_conn_origin.items(): if node_name == # The old redis connection of the timed out node should have been # deleted and replaced assert conn != r.get_redis_connection(node) else: # other nodes' redis connection should have been reused during the # topology refresh cur_node = r.get_node(node_name=node_name) assert conn == r.get_redis_connection(cur_node) def test_cluster_get_set_retry_object(self, request): retry = Retry(NoBackoff(), 2) r = _get_client(RedisCluster, request, retry=retry) assert r.get_retry()._retries == retry._retries assert isinstance(r.get_retry()._backoff, NoBackoff) for node in r.get_nodes(): assert node.redis_connection.get_retry()._retries == retry._retries assert isinstance(node.redis_connection.get_retry()._backoff, NoBackoff) rand_node = r.get_random_node() existing_conn = rand_node.redis_connection.connection_pool.get_connection("_") # Change retry policy new_retry = Retry(ExponentialBackoff(), 3) r.set_retry(new_retry) assert r.get_retry()._retries == new_retry._retries assert isinstance(r.get_retry()._backoff, ExponentialBackoff) for node in r.get_nodes(): assert node.redis_connection.get_retry()._retries == new_retry._retries assert isinstance( node.redis_connection.get_retry()._backoff, ExponentialBackoff ) assert existing_conn.retry._retries == new_retry._retries new_conn = rand_node.redis_connection.connection_pool.get_connection("_") assert new_conn.retry._retries == new_retry._retries def test_cluster_retry_object(self, r) -> None: # Test default retry retry = r.get_connection_kwargs().get("retry") assert isinstance(retry, Retry) assert retry._retries == 0 assert isinstance(retry._backoff, type(default_backoff())) node1 = r.get_node("", 16379).redis_connection node2 = r.get_node("", 16380).redis_connection assert node1.get_retry()._retries == node2.get_retry()._retries # Test custom retry retry = Retry(ExponentialBackoff(10, 5), 5) rc_custom_retry = RedisCluster("", 16379, retry=retry) assert ( rc_custom_retry.get_node("", 16379) .redis_connection.get_retry() ._retries == retry._retries ) def test_replace_cluster_node(self, r) -> None: prev_default_node = r.get_default_node() r.replace_default_node() assert r.get_default_node() != prev_default_node r.replace_default_node(prev_default_node) assert r.get_default_node() == prev_default_node def test_default_node_is_replaced_after_exception(self, r): curr_default_node = r.get_default_node() # CLUSTER NODES command is being executed on the default node nodes = r.cluster_nodes() assert "myself" in nodes.get("flags") def raise_connection_error(): raise ConnectionError("error") # Mock connection error for the default node mock_node_resp_func(curr_default_node, raise_connection_error) # Test that the command succeed from a different node nodes = r.cluster_nodes() assert "myself" not in nodes.get("flags") assert r.get_default_node() != curr_default_node @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestClusterRedisCommands: """ Tests for RedisCluster unique commands """ def test_case_insensitive_command_names(self, r): assert ( r.cluster_response_callbacks["cluster slots"] == r.cluster_response_callbacks["CLUSTER SLOTS"] ) def test_get_and_set(self, r): # get and set can't be tested independently of each other assert r.get("a") is None byte_string = b"value" integer = 5 unicode_string = chr(3456) + "abcd" + chr(3421) assert r.set("byte_string", byte_string) assert r.set("integer", 5) assert r.set("unicode_string", unicode_string) assert r.get("byte_string") == byte_string assert r.get("integer") == str(integer).encode() assert r.get("unicode_string").decode("utf-8") == unicode_string def test_mget_nonatomic(self, r): assert r.mget_nonatomic([]) == [] assert r.mget_nonatomic(["a", "b"]) == [None, None] r["a"] = "1" r["b"] = "2" r["c"] = "3" assert r.mget_nonatomic("a", "other", "b", "c") == [b"1", None, b"2", b"3"] def test_mset_nonatomic(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} assert r.mset_nonatomic(d) for k, v in d.items(): assert r[k] == v def test_config_set(self, r): assert r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0) def test_cluster_config_resetstat(self, r):"all") all_info ="all") prior_commands_processed = -1 for node_info in all_info.values(): prior_commands_processed = node_info["total_commands_processed"] assert prior_commands_processed >= 1 r.config_resetstat(target_nodes="all") all_info ="all") for node_info in all_info.values(): reset_commands_processed = node_info["total_commands_processed"] assert reset_commands_processed < prior_commands_processed def test_client_setname(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() r.client_setname("redis_py_test", target_nodes=node) client_name = r.client_getname(target_nodes=node) assert client_name == "redis_py_test" def test_exists(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} r.mset_nonatomic(d) assert r.exists(*d.keys()) == len(d) def test_delete(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} r.mset_nonatomic(d) assert r.delete(*d.keys()) == len(d) assert r.delete(*d.keys()) == 0 def test_touch(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} r.mset_nonatomic(d) assert r.touch(*d.keys()) == len(d) def test_unlink(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} r.mset_nonatomic(d) assert r.unlink(*d.keys()) == len(d) # Unlink is non-blocking so we sleep before # verifying the deletion sleep(0.1) assert r.unlink(*d.keys()) == 0 def test_pubsub_channels_merge_results(self, r): nodes = r.get_nodes() channels = [] pubsub_nodes = [] i = 0 for node in nodes: channel = f"foo{i}" # We will create different pubsub clients where each one is # connected to a different node p = r.pubsub(node) pubsub_nodes.append(p) p.subscribe(channel) b_channel = channel.encode("utf-8") channels.append(b_channel) # Assert that each node returns only the channel it subscribed to sub_channels = node.redis_connection.pubsub_channels() if not sub_channels: # Try again after a short sleep sleep(0.3) sub_channels = node.redis_connection.pubsub_channels() assert sub_channels == [b_channel] i += 1 # Assert that the cluster's pubsub_channels function returns ALL of # the cluster's channels result = r.pubsub_channels(target_nodes="all") result.sort() assert result == channels def test_pubsub_numsub_merge_results(self, r): nodes = r.get_nodes() pubsub_nodes = [] channel = "foo" b_channel = channel.encode("utf-8") for node in nodes: # We will create different pubsub clients where each one is # connected to a different node p = r.pubsub(node) pubsub_nodes.append(p) p.subscribe(channel) # Assert that each node returns that only one client is subscribed sub_chann_num = node.redis_connection.pubsub_numsub(channel) if sub_chann_num == [(b_channel, 0)]: sleep(0.3) sub_chann_num = node.redis_connection.pubsub_numsub(channel) assert sub_chann_num == [(b_channel, 1)] # Assert that the cluster's pubsub_numsub function returns ALL clients # subscribed to this channel in the entire cluster assert r.pubsub_numsub(channel, target_nodes="all") == [(b_channel, len(nodes))] def test_pubsub_numpat_merge_results(self, r): nodes = r.get_nodes() pubsub_nodes = [] pattern = "foo*" for node in nodes: # We will create different pubsub clients where each one is # connected to a different node p = r.pubsub(node) pubsub_nodes.append(p) p.psubscribe(pattern) # Assert that each node returns that only one client is subscribed sub_num_pat = node.redis_connection.pubsub_numpat() if sub_num_pat == 0: sleep(0.3) sub_num_pat = node.redis_connection.pubsub_numpat() assert sub_num_pat == 1 # Assert that the cluster's pubsub_numsub function returns ALL clients # subscribed to this channel in the entire cluster assert r.pubsub_numpat(target_nodes="all") == len(nodes) @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0") def test_cluster_pubsub_channels(self, r): p = r.pubsub() p.subscribe("foo", "bar", "baz", "quux") for i in range(4): assert wait_for_message(p, timeout=0.5)["type"] == "subscribe" expected = [b"bar", b"baz", b"foo", b"quux"] assert all( [channel in r.pubsub_channels(target_nodes="all") for channel in expected] ) @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0") def test_cluster_pubsub_numsub(self, r): p1 = r.pubsub() p1.subscribe("foo", "bar", "baz") for i in range(3): assert wait_for_message(p1, timeout=0.5)["type"] == "subscribe" p2 = r.pubsub() p2.subscribe("bar", "baz") for i in range(2): assert wait_for_message(p2, timeout=0.5)["type"] == "subscribe" p3 = r.pubsub() p3.subscribe("baz") assert wait_for_message(p3, timeout=0.5)["type"] == "subscribe" channels = [(b"foo", 1), (b"bar", 2), (b"baz", 3)] assert r.pubsub_numsub("foo", "bar", "baz", target_nodes="all") == channels @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_myid(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() myid = r.cluster_myid(node) assert len(myid) == 40 @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_slots(self, r): mock_all_nodes_resp(r, default_cluster_slots) cluster_slots = r.cluster_slots() assert isinstance(cluster_slots, dict) assert len(default_cluster_slots) == len(cluster_slots) assert cluster_slots.get((0, 8191)) is not None assert cluster_slots.get((0, 8191)).get("primary") == ("", 7000) @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_shards(self, r): cluster_shards = r.cluster_shards() assert isinstance(cluster_shards, list) assert isinstance(cluster_shards[0], dict) attributes = [ b"id", b"endpoint", b"ip", b"hostname", b"port", b"tls-port", b"role", b"replication-offset", b"health", ] for x in cluster_shards: assert list(x.keys()) == ["slots", "nodes"] for node in x["nodes"]: for attribute in node.keys(): assert attribute in attributes @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_addslots(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_addslots(node, 1, 2, 3) is True @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_addslotsrange(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_addslotsrange(node, 1, 5) @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_countkeysinslot(self, r): node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(1) mock_node_resp(node, 2) assert r.cluster_countkeysinslot(1) == 2 def test_cluster_count_failure_report(self, r): mock_all_nodes_resp(r, 0) assert r.cluster_count_failure_report("node_0") == 0 @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_delslots(self): cluster_slots = [ [0, 8191, ["", 7000, "node_0"]], [8192, 16383, ["", 7001, "node_1"]], ] r = get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=cluster_slots ) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") node0 = r.get_node(default_host, 7000) node1 = r.get_node(default_host, 7001) assert r.cluster_delslots(0, 8192) == [True, True] assert node0.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called assert node1.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_delslotsrange(self): cluster_slots = [ [ 0, 8191, ["", 7000, "node_0"], ], [ 8192, 16383, ["", 7001, "node_1"], ], ] r = get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=cluster_slots ) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") node = r.get_random_node() r.cluster_addslots(node, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) assert r.cluster_delslotsrange(1, 5) @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_failover(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_failover(node) is True assert r.cluster_failover(node, "FORCE") is True assert r.cluster_failover(node, "TAKEOVER") is True with pytest.raises(RedisError): r.cluster_failover(node, "FORCT") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_info(self, r): info = r.cluster_info() assert isinstance(info, dict) assert info["cluster_state"] == "ok" @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_keyslot(self, r): mock_all_nodes_resp(r, 12182) assert r.cluster_keyslot("foo") == 12182 @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_meet(self, r): node = r.get_default_node() mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_meet("", 6379) is True @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_nodes(self, r): response = ( "c8253bae761cb1ecb2b61857d85dfe455a0fec8b " "slave aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b 0 " "1447836263059 5 connected\n" "9bd595fe4821a0e8d6b99d70faa660638a7612b3 " "master - 0 1447836264065 0 connected\n" "aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b " "myself,master - 0 0 2 connected 5461-10922\n" "1df047e5a594f945d82fc140be97a1452bcbf93e " "slave 19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec 0 " "1447836262556 3 connected\n" "4ad9a12e63e8f0207025eeba2354bcf4c85e5b22 " "master - 0 1447836262555 7 connected 0-5460\n" "19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec " "master - 0 1447836263562 3 connected 10923-16383\n" "fbb23ed8cfa23f17eaf27ff7d0c410492a1093d6 " "master,fail - 1447829446956 1447829444948 1 disconnected\n" ) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response) nodes = r.cluster_nodes() assert len(nodes) == 7 assert nodes.get("") is not None assert ( nodes.get("").get("node_id") == "c8253bae761cb1ecb2b61857d85dfe455a0fec8b" ) @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_nodes_importing_migrating(self, r): response = ( "488ead2fcce24d8c0f158f9172cb1f4a9e040fe5 " "master - 0 1648975557664 3 connected 10923-16383\n" "8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d " "master - 0 1648975555000 2 connected 1 5461-10922 [" "2-<-ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16]\n" "ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16 " "myself,master - 0 1648975556000 1 connected 0 2-5460 [" "2->-8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d]\n" ) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response) nodes = r.cluster_nodes() assert len(nodes) == 3 node_16379 = nodes.get("") node_16380 = nodes.get("") node_16381 = nodes.get("") assert node_16379.get("migrations") == [ { "slot": "2", "node_id": "8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d", "state": "migrating", } ] assert node_16379.get("slots") == [["0"], ["2", "5460"]] assert node_16380.get("migrations") == [ { "slot": "2", "node_id": "ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16", "state": "importing", } ] assert node_16380.get("slots") == [["1"], ["5461", "10922"]] assert node_16381.get("slots") == [["10923", "16383"]] assert node_16381.get("migrations") == [] @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_replicate(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() all_replicas = r.get_replicas() mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.cluster_replicate(node, "c8253bae761cb61857d") is True results = r.cluster_replicate(all_replicas, "c8253bae761cb61857d") if isinstance(results, dict): for res in results.values(): assert res is True else: assert results is True @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_reset(self, r): mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.cluster_reset() is True assert r.cluster_reset(False) is True all_results = r.cluster_reset(False, target_nodes="all") for res in all_results.values(): assert res is True @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_save_config(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() all_nodes = r.get_nodes() mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.cluster_save_config(node) is True all_results = r.cluster_save_config(all_nodes) for res in all_results.values(): assert res is True @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_get_keys_in_slot(self, r): response = ["{foo}1", "{foo}2"] node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(12182) mock_node_resp(node, response) keys = r.cluster_get_keys_in_slot(12182, 4) assert keys == response @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_set_config_epoch(self, r): mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.cluster_set_config_epoch(3) is True all_results = r.cluster_set_config_epoch(3, target_nodes="all") for res in all_results.values(): assert res is True @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_setslot(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "IMPORTING") is True assert r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "NODE") is True assert r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "MIGRATING") is True with pytest.raises(RedisError): r.cluster_failover(node, "STABLE") with pytest.raises(RedisError): r.cluster_failover(node, "STATE") def test_cluster_setslot_stable(self, r): node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(12182) mock_node_resp(node, "OK") assert r.cluster_setslot_stable(12182) is True assert node.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_cluster_replicas(self, r): response = [ b"01eca22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff6941e0d2e3 " b" slave " b"52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a 0 " b"1634550063436 4 connected", b"r4xfga22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff69f3e0d4d " b" slave " b"52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a 0 " b"1634550063436 4 connected", ] mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response) replicas = r.cluster_replicas("52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a") assert replicas.get("") is not None assert replicas.get("") is not None assert ( replicas.get("").get("node_id") == "r4xfga22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff69f3e0d4d" ) @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0") def test_cluster_links(self, r): node = r.get_random_node() res = r.cluster_links(node) links_to = sum(x.count("to") for x in res) links_for = sum(x.count("from") for x in res) assert links_to == links_for for i in range(0, len(res) - 1, 2): assert res[i][3] == res[i + 1][3] def test_cluster_flshslots_not_implemented(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.cluster_flushslots() def test_cluster_bumpepoch_not_implemented(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.cluster_bumpepoch() @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_readonly(self): r = get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.readonly() is True all_replicas_results = r.readonly(target_nodes="replicas") for res in all_replicas_results.values(): assert res is True for replica in r.get_replicas(): assert replica.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_readwrite(self): r = get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port) mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK") assert r.readwrite() is True all_replicas_results = r.readwrite(target_nodes="replicas") for res in all_replicas_results.values(): assert res is True for replica in r.get_replicas(): assert replica.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_bgsave(self, r): assert r.bgsave() sleep(0.3) assert r.bgsave(True) def test_info(self, r): # Map keys to same slot r.set("x{1}", 1) r.set("y{1}", 2) r.set("z{1}", 3) # Get node that handles the slot slot = r.keyslot("x{1}") node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(slot) # Run info on that node info = assert isinstance(info, dict) assert info["db0"]["keys"] == 3 def _init_slowlog_test(self, r, node): slowlog_lim = r.config_get("slowlog-log-slower-than", target_nodes=node) assert r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0, target_nodes=node) is True return slowlog_lim["slowlog-log-slower-than"] def _teardown_slowlog_test(self, r, node, prev_limit): assert ( r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", prev_limit, target_nodes=node) is True ) def test_slowlog_get(self, r, slowlog): unicode_string = chr(3456) + "abcd" + chr(3421) node = r.get_node_from_key(unicode_string) slowlog_limit = self._init_slowlog_test(r, node) assert r.slowlog_reset(target_nodes=node) r.get(unicode_string) slowlog = r.slowlog_get(target_nodes=node) assert isinstance(slowlog, list) commands = [log["command"] for log in slowlog] get_command = b" ".join((b"GET", unicode_string.encode("utf-8"))) assert get_command in commands assert b"SLOWLOG RESET" in commands # the order should be ['GET ', 'SLOWLOG RESET'], # but if other clients are executing commands at the same time, there # could be commands, before, between, or after, so just check that # the two we care about are in the appropriate order. assert commands.index(get_command) < commands.index(b"SLOWLOG RESET") # make sure other attributes are typed correctly assert isinstance(slowlog[0]["start_time"], int) assert isinstance(slowlog[0]["duration"], int) # rollback the slowlog limit to its original value self._teardown_slowlog_test(r, node, slowlog_limit) def test_slowlog_get_limit(self, r, slowlog): assert r.slowlog_reset() node = r.get_node_from_key("foo") slowlog_limit = self._init_slowlog_test(r, node) r.get("foo") slowlog = r.slowlog_get(1, target_nodes=node) assert isinstance(slowlog, list) # only one command, based on the number we passed to slowlog_get() assert len(slowlog) == 1 self._teardown_slowlog_test(r, node, slowlog_limit) def test_slowlog_length(self, r, slowlog): r.get("foo") node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(key_slot(b"foo")) slowlog_len = r.slowlog_len(target_nodes=node) assert isinstance(slowlog_len, int) def test_time(self, r): t = r.time(target_nodes=r.get_primaries()[0]) assert len(t) == 2 assert isinstance(t[0], int) assert isinstance(t[1], int) @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") def test_memory_usage(self, r): r.set("foo", "bar") assert isinstance(r.memory_usage("foo"), int) @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_memory_malloc_stats(self, r): assert r.memory_malloc_stats() @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_memory_stats(self, r): # put a key into the current db to make sure that "db." # has data r.set("foo", "bar") node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(key_slot(b"foo")) stats = r.memory_stats(target_nodes=node) assert isinstance(stats, dict) for key, value in stats.items(): if key.startswith("db."): assert isinstance(value, dict) @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") def test_memory_help(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.memory_help() @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") def test_memory_doctor(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.memory_doctor() @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_lastsave(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] assert isinstance(r.lastsave(target_nodes=node), datetime.datetime) def test_cluster_echo(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] assert r.echo("foo bar", target_nodes=node) == b"foo bar" @skip_if_server_version_lt("1.0.0") def test_debug_segfault(self, r): with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): r.debug_segfault() def test_config_resetstat(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] prior_commands_processed = int(["total_commands_processed"] ) assert prior_commands_processed >= 1 r.config_resetstat(target_nodes=node) reset_commands_processed = int(["total_commands_processed"] ) assert reset_commands_processed < prior_commands_processed @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_client_trackinginfo(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] res = r.client_trackinginfo(target_nodes=node) assert len(res) > 2 assert "prefixes" in res @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.9.50") def test_client_pause(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] assert r.client_pause(1, target_nodes=node) assert r.client_pause(timeout=1, target_nodes=node) with pytest.raises(RedisError): r.client_pause(timeout="not an integer", target_nodes=node) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_client_unpause(self, r): assert r.client_unpause() @skip_if_server_version_lt("5.0.0") def test_client_id(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] assert r.client_id(target_nodes=node) > 0 @skip_if_server_version_lt("5.0.0") def test_client_unblock(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] myid = r.client_id(target_nodes=node) assert not r.client_unblock(myid, target_nodes=node) assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=True, target_nodes=node) assert not r.client_unblock(myid, error=False, target_nodes=node) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_client_getredir(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] assert isinstance(r.client_getredir(target_nodes=node), int) assert r.client_getredir(target_nodes=node) == -1 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_client_info(self, r): node = r.get_primaries()[0] info = r.client_info(target_nodes=node) assert isinstance(info, dict) assert "addr" in info @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.9") def test_client_kill(self, r, r2): node = r.get_primaries()[0] r.client_setname("redis-py-c1", target_nodes="all") r2.client_setname("redis-py-c2", target_nodes="all") clients = [ client for client in r.client_list(target_nodes=node) if client.get("name") in ["redis-py-c1", "redis-py-c2"] ] assert len(clients) == 2 clients_by_name = {client.get("name"): client for client in clients} client_addr = clients_by_name["redis-py-c2"].get("addr") assert r.client_kill(client_addr, target_nodes=node) is True clients = [ client for client in r.client_list(target_nodes=node) if client.get("name") in ["redis-py-c1", "redis-py-c2"] ] assert len(clients) == 1 assert clients[0].get("name") == "redis-py-c1" @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0") def test_cluster_bitop_not_empty_string(self, r): r["{foo}a"] = "" r.bitop("not", "{foo}r", "{foo}a") assert r.get("{foo}r") is None @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0") def test_cluster_bitop_not(self, r): test_str = b"\xAA\x00\xFF\x55" correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF r["{foo}a"] = test_str r.bitop("not", "{foo}r", "{foo}a") assert int(binascii.hexlify(r["{foo}r"]), 16) == correct @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0") def test_cluster_bitop_not_in_place(self, r): test_str = b"\xAA\x00\xFF\x55" correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF r["{foo}a"] = test_str r.bitop("not", "{foo}a", "{foo}a") assert int(binascii.hexlify(r["{foo}a"]), 16) == correct @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0") def test_cluster_bitop_single_string(self, r): test_str = b"\x01\x02\xFF" r["{foo}a"] = test_str r.bitop("and", "{foo}res1", "{foo}a") r.bitop("or", "{foo}res2", "{foo}a") r.bitop("xor", "{foo}res3", "{foo}a") assert r["{foo}res1"] == test_str assert r["{foo}res2"] == test_str assert r["{foo}res3"] == test_str @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0") def test_cluster_bitop_string_operands(self, r): r["{foo}a"] = b"\x01\x02\xFF\xFF" r["{foo}b"] = b"\x01\x02\xFF" r.bitop("and", "{foo}res1", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") r.bitop("or", "{foo}res2", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") r.bitop("xor", "{foo}res3", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") assert int(binascii.hexlify(r["{foo}res1"]), 16) == 0x0102FF00 assert int(binascii.hexlify(r["{foo}res2"]), 16) == 0x0102FFFF assert int(binascii.hexlify(r["{foo}res3"]), 16) == 0x000000FF @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_copy(self, r): assert r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0 r.set("{foo}a", "bar") assert r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 1 assert r.get("{foo}a") == b"bar" assert r.get("{foo}b") == b"bar" @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_copy_and_replace(self, r): r.set("{foo}a", "foo1") r.set("{foo}b", "foo2") assert r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0 assert r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b", replace=True) == 1 @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_lmove(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "one", "two", "three", "four") assert r.lmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b") assert r.lmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "right", "left") @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_blmove(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "one", "two", "three", "four") assert r.blmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", 5) assert r.blmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", 1, "RIGHT", "LEFT") def test_cluster_msetnx(self, r): d = {"{foo}a": b"1", "{foo}b": b"2", "{foo}c": b"3"} assert r.msetnx(d) d2 = {"{foo}a": b"x", "{foo}d": b"4"} assert not r.msetnx(d2) for k, v in d.items(): assert r[k] == v assert r.get("{foo}d") is None def test_cluster_rename(self, r): r["{foo}a"] = "1" assert r.rename("{foo}a", "{foo}b") assert r.get("{foo}a") is None assert r["{foo}b"] == b"1" def test_cluster_renamenx(self, r): r["{foo}a"] = "1" r["{foo}b"] = "2" assert not r.renamenx("{foo}a", "{foo}b") assert r["{foo}a"] == b"1" assert r["{foo}b"] == b"2" # LIST COMMANDS def test_cluster_blpop(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2") r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4") assert r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"3") assert r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"4") assert r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"1") assert r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"2") assert r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None r.rpush("{foo}c", "1") assert r.blpop("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"1") def test_cluster_brpop(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2") r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4") assert r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"4") assert r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"3") assert r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"2") assert r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"1") assert r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None r.rpush("{foo}c", "1") assert r.brpop("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"1") def test_cluster_brpoplpush(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2") r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4") assert r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"2" assert r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"1" assert r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b", timeout=1) is None assert r.lrange("{foo}a", 0, -1) == [] assert r.lrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"1", b"2", b"3", b"4"] def test_cluster_brpoplpush_empty_string(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "") assert r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"" def test_cluster_rpoplpush(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "a1", "a2", "a3") r.rpush("{foo}b", "b1", "b2", "b3") assert r.rpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"a3" assert r.lrange("{foo}a", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"] assert r.lrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a3", b"b1", b"b2", b"b3"] def test_cluster_sdiff(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3") assert r.sdiff("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"} r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sdiff("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1"} def test_cluster_sdiffstore(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3") assert r.sdiffstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 3 assert r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"} r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sdiffstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 1 assert r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1"} def test_cluster_sinter(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3") assert r.sinter("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == set() r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sinter("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"2", b"3"} def test_cluster_sinterstore(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3") assert r.sinterstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0 assert r.smembers("{foo}c") == set() r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sinterstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 2 assert r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"2", b"3"} def test_cluster_smove(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "a1", "a2") r.sadd("{foo}b", "b1", "b2") assert r.smove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "a1") assert r.smembers("{foo}a") == {b"a2"} assert r.smembers("{foo}b") == {b"b1", b"b2", b"a1"} def test_cluster_sunion(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2") r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sunion("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"} def test_cluster_sunionstore(self, r): r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2") r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3") assert r.sunionstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 3 assert r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"} @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_zdiff(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}) assert r.zdiff(["{foo}a", "{foo}b"]) == [b"a3"] assert r.zdiff(["{foo}a", "{foo}b"], withscores=True) == [b"a3", b"3"] @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_zdiffstore(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}) assert r.zdiffstore("{foo}out", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b"]) assert r.zrange("{foo}out", 0, -1) == [b"a3"] assert r.zrange("{foo}out", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a3", 3.0)] @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_zinter(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert r.zinter(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == [b"a3", b"a1"] # invalid aggregation with pytest.raises(DataError): r.zinter(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="foo", withscores=True) # aggregate with SUM assert r.zinter(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], withscores=True) == [ (b"a3", 8), (b"a1", 9), ] # aggregate with MAX assert r.zinter( ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX", withscores=True ) == [(b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6)] # aggregate with MIN assert r.zinter( ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN", withscores=True ) == [(b"a1", 1), (b"a3", 1)] # with weights assert r.zinter({"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}, withscores=True) == [ (b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23), ] def test_cluster_zinterstore_sum(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert r.zinterstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == 2 assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a3", 8), (b"a1", 9)] def test_cluster_zinterstore_max(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert ( r.zinterstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX") == 2 ) assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6)] def test_cluster_zinterstore_min(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 3, "a3": 5}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert ( r.zinterstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN") == 2 ) assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a1", 1), (b"a3", 3)] def test_cluster_zinterstore_with_weight(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert r.zinterstore("{foo}d", {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}) == 2 assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23)] @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.9.0") def test_cluster_bzpopmax(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"b1": 10, "b2": 20}) assert r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"b2", 20) assert r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"b1", 10) assert r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"a2", 2) assert r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"a1", 1) assert r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None r.zadd("{foo}c", {"c1": 100}) assert r.bzpopmax("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"c1", 100) @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.9.0") def test_cluster_bzpopmin(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"b1": 10, "b2": 20}) assert r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"b1", 10) assert r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"b2", 20) assert r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"a1", 1) assert r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"a2", 2) assert r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None r.zadd("{foo}c", {"c1": 100}) assert r.bzpopmin("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"c1", 100) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_zrangestore(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3}) assert r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 0, 1) assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"] assert r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 1, 2) assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2", b"a3"] assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a2", 2), (b"a3", 3)] # reversed order assert r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 1, 2, desc=True) assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"] # by score assert r.zrangestore( "{foo}b", "{foo}a", 2, 1, byscore=True, offset=0, num=1, desc=True ) assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2"] # by lex assert r.zrangestore( "{foo}b", "{foo}a", "[a2", "(a3", bylex=True, offset=0, num=1 ) assert r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2"] @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_zunion(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) # sum assert r.zunion(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == [b"a2", b"a4", b"a3", b"a1"] assert r.zunion(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], withscores=True) == [ (b"a2", 3), (b"a4", 4), (b"a3", 8), (b"a1", 9), ] # max assert r.zunion( ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX", withscores=True ) == [(b"a2", 2), (b"a4", 4), (b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6)] # min assert r.zunion( ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN", withscores=True ) == [(b"a1", 1), (b"a2", 1), (b"a3", 1), (b"a4", 4)] # with weight assert r.zunion({"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}, withscores=True) == [ (b"a2", 5), (b"a4", 12), (b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23), ] def test_cluster_zunionstore_sum(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert r.zunionstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == 4 assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [ (b"a2", 3), (b"a4", 4), (b"a3", 8), (b"a1", 9), ] def test_cluster_zunionstore_max(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert ( r.zunionstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX") == 4 ) assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [ (b"a2", 2), (b"a4", 4), (b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6), ] def test_cluster_zunionstore_min(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 4}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert ( r.zunionstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN") == 4 ) assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [ (b"a1", 1), (b"a2", 2), (b"a3", 3), (b"a4", 4), ] def test_cluster_zunionstore_with_weight(self, r): r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1}) r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2}) r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4}) assert r.zunionstore("{foo}d", {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}) == 4 assert r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [ (b"a2", 5), (b"a4", 12), (b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23), ] @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.9") def test_cluster_pfcount(self, r): members = {b"1", b"2", b"3"} r.pfadd("{foo}a", *members) assert r.pfcount("{foo}a") == len(members) members_b = {b"2", b"3", b"4"} r.pfadd("{foo}b", *members_b) assert r.pfcount("{foo}b") == len(members_b) assert r.pfcount("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == len(members_b.union(members)) @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.9") def test_cluster_pfmerge(self, r): mema = {b"1", b"2", b"3"} memb = {b"2", b"3", b"4"} memc = {b"5", b"6", b"7"} r.pfadd("{foo}a", *mema) r.pfadd("{foo}b", *memb) r.pfadd("{foo}c", *memc) r.pfmerge("{foo}d", "{foo}c", "{foo}a") assert r.pfcount("{foo}d") == 6 r.pfmerge("{foo}d", "{foo}b") assert r.pfcount("{foo}d") == 7 def test_cluster_sort_store(self, r): r.rpush("{foo}a", "2", "3", "1") assert r.sort("{foo}a", store="{foo}sorted_values") == 3 assert r.lrange("{foo}sorted_values", 0, -1) == [b"1", b"2", b"3"] # GEO COMMANDS @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_cluster_geosearchstore(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + ( 2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, "place2", ) r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values) r.geosearchstore( "{foo}places_barcelona", "{foo}barcelona", longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1000, ) assert r.zrange("{foo}places_barcelona", 0, -1) == [b"place1"] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0") def test_geosearchstore_dist(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + ( 2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, "place2", ) r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values) r.geosearchstore( "{foo}places_barcelona", "{foo}barcelona", longitude=2.191, latitude=41.433, radius=1000, storedist=True, ) # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved. assert r.zscore("{foo}places_barcelona", "place1") == 88.05060698409301 @skip_if_server_version_lt("3.2.0") def test_cluster_georadius_store(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + ( 2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, "place2", ) r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values) r.georadius( "{foo}barcelona", 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store="{foo}places_barcelona" ) assert r.zrange("{foo}places_barcelona", 0, -1) == [b"place1"] @skip_unless_arch_bits(64) @skip_if_server_version_lt("3.2.0") def test_cluster_georadius_store_dist(self, r): values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + ( 2.1873744593677, 41.406342043777, "place2", ) r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values) r.georadius( "{foo}barcelona", 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store_dist="{foo}places_barcelona" ) # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved. assert r.zscore("{foo}places_barcelona", "place1") == 88.05060698409301 def test_cluster_dbsize(self, r): d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"} assert r.mset_nonatomic(d) assert r.dbsize(target_nodes="primaries") == len(d) def test_cluster_keys(self, r): assert r.keys() == [] keys_with_underscores = {b"test_a", b"test_b"} keys = keys_with_underscores.union({b"testc"}) for key in keys: r[key] = 1 assert ( set(r.keys(pattern="test_*", target_nodes="primaries")) == keys_with_underscores ) assert set(r.keys(pattern="test*", target_nodes="primaries")) == keys # SCAN COMMANDS @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0") def test_cluster_scan(self, r): r.set("a", 1) r.set("b", 2) r.set("c", 3) for target_nodes, nodes in zip( ["primaries", "replicas"], [r.get_primaries(), r.get_replicas()] ): cursors, keys = r.scan(target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == [b"a", b"b", b"c"] assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes) assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values()) cursors, keys = r.scan(match="a*", target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == [b"a"] assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes) assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values()) @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") def test_cluster_scan_type(self, r): r.sadd("a-set", 1) r.sadd("b-set", 1) r.sadd("c-set", 1) r.hset("a-hash", "foo", 2) r.lpush("a-list", "aux", 3) for target_nodes, nodes in zip( ["primaries", "replicas"], [r.get_primaries(), r.get_replicas()] ): cursors, keys = r.scan(_type="SET", target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == [b"a-set", b"b-set", b"c-set"] assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes) assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values()) cursors, keys = r.scan(_type="SET", match="a*", target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == [b"a-set"] assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes) assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values()) @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0") def test_cluster_scan_iter(self, r): keys_all = [] keys_1 = [] for i in range(100): s = str(i) r.set(s, 1) keys_all.append(s.encode("utf-8")) if s.startswith("1"): keys_1.append(s.encode("utf-8")) keys_all.sort() keys_1.sort() for target_nodes in ["primaries", "replicas"]: keys = r.scan_iter(target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == keys_all keys = r.scan_iter(match="1*", target_nodes=target_nodes) assert sorted(keys) == keys_1 def test_cluster_randomkey(self, r): node = r.get_node_from_key("{foo}") assert r.randomkey(target_nodes=node) is None for key in ("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"): r[key] = 1 assert r.randomkey(target_nodes=node) in (b"{foo}a", b"{foo}b", b"{foo}c") @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0") @skip_if_redis_enterprise() def test_acl_log(self, r, request): key = "{cache}:" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) username = "redis-py-user" def teardown(): r.acl_deluser(username, target_nodes="primaries") request.addfinalizer(teardown) r.acl_setuser( username, enabled=True, reset=True, commands=["+get", "+set", "+select", "+cluster", "+command", "+info"], keys=["{cache}:*"], nopass=True, target_nodes="primaries", ) r.acl_log_reset(target_nodes=node) user_client = _get_client( RedisCluster, request, flushdb=False, username=username ) # Valid operation and key assert user_client.set("{cache}:0", 1) assert user_client.get("{cache}:0") == b"1" # Invalid key with pytest.raises(NoPermissionError): user_client.get("{cache}violated_cache:0") # Invalid operation with pytest.raises(NoPermissionError): user_client.hset("{cache}:0", "hkey", "hval") assert isinstance(r.acl_log(target_nodes=node), list) assert len(r.acl_log(target_nodes=node)) == 2 assert len(r.acl_log(count=1, target_nodes=node)) == 1 assert isinstance(r.acl_log(target_nodes=node)[0], dict) assert "client-info" in r.acl_log(count=1, target_nodes=node)[0] assert r.acl_log_reset(target_nodes=node) @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestNodesManager: """ Tests for the NodesManager class """ def test_load_balancer(self, r): n_manager = r.nodes_manager lb = n_manager.read_load_balancer slot_1 = 1257 slot_2 = 8975 node_1 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6379, PRIMARY) node_2 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6378, REPLICA) node_3 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6377, REPLICA) node_4 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6376, PRIMARY) node_5 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6375, REPLICA) n_manager.slots_cache = { slot_1: [node_1, node_2, node_3], slot_2: [node_4, node_5], } primary1_name = n_manager.slots_cache[slot_1][0].name primary2_name = n_manager.slots_cache[slot_2][0].name list1_size = len(n_manager.slots_cache[slot_1]) list2_size = len(n_manager.slots_cache[slot_2]) # slot 1 assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0 assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 1 assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 2 assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0 # slot 2 assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0 assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 1 assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0 lb.reset() assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0 assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0 def test_init_slots_cache_not_all_slots_covered(self): """ Test that if not all slots are covered it should raise an exception """ # Missing slot 5460 cluster_slots = [ [0, 5459, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]], [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]], [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]], ] with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=cluster_slots, require_full_coverage=True, ) assert str(ex.value).startswith( "All slots are not covered after query all startup_nodes." ) def test_init_slots_cache_not_require_full_coverage_success(self): """ When require_full_coverage is set to False and not all slots are covered the cluster client initialization should succeed """ # Missing slot 5460 cluster_slots = [ [0, 5459, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]], [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]], [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]], ] rc = get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=cluster_slots, require_full_coverage=False, ) assert 5460 not in rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache def test_init_slots_cache(self): """ Test that slots cache can in initialized and all slots are covered """ good_slots_resp = [ [0, 5460, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]], [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]], [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]], ] rc = get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=good_slots_resp ) n_manager = rc.nodes_manager assert len(n_manager.slots_cache) == REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS for slot_info in good_slots_resp: all_hosts = ["", ""] all_ports = [7000, 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005] slot_start = slot_info[0] slot_end = slot_info[1] for i in range(slot_start, slot_end + 1): assert len(n_manager.slots_cache[i]) == len(slot_info[2:]) assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][0].host in all_hosts assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][1].host in all_hosts assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][0].port in all_ports assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][1].port in all_ports assert len(n_manager.nodes_cache) == 6 def test_init_promote_server_type_for_node_in_cache(self): """ When replica is promoted to master, nodes_cache must change the server type accordingly """ cluster_slots_before_promotion = [ [0, 16383, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]] ] cluster_slots_after_promotion = [ [0, 16383, ["", 7003], ["", 7004]] ] cluster_slots_results = [ cluster_slots_before_promotion, cluster_slots_after_promotion, ] with patch.object(Redis, "execute_command") as execute_command_mock: def execute_command(*_args, **_kwargs): if _args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS": mock_cluster_slots = cluster_slots_results.pop(0) return mock_cluster_slots elif _args[0] == "COMMAND": return {"get": [], "set": []} elif _args[0] == "INFO": return {"cluster_enabled": True} elif len(_args) > 1 and _args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage": return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": False} else: return execute_command_mock(*_args, **_kwargs) execute_command_mock.side_effect = execute_command nm = NodesManager( startup_nodes=[ClusterNode(host=default_host, port=default_port)], from_url=False, require_full_coverage=False, dynamic_startup_nodes=True, ) assert == "" assert nm.default_node.port == 7000 assert nm.default_node.server_type == PRIMARY nm.initialize() assert == "" assert nm.default_node.port == 7003 assert nm.default_node.server_type == PRIMARY def test_init_slots_cache_cluster_mode_disabled(self): """ Test that creating a RedisCluster failes if one of the startup nodes has cluster mode disabled """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as e: get_mocked_redis_client( host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_enabled=False ) assert "Cluster mode is not enabled on this node" in str(e.value) def test_empty_startup_nodes(self): """ It should not be possible to create a node manager with no nodes specified """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): NodesManager([]) def test_wrong_startup_nodes_type(self): """ If something other then a list type itteratable is provided it should fail """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): NodesManager({}) def test_init_slots_cache_slots_collision(self, request): """ Test that if 2 nodes do not agree on the same slots setup it should raise an error. In this test both nodes will say that the first slots block should be bound to different servers. """ with patch.object(NodesManager, "create_redis_node") as create_redis_node: def create_mocked_redis_node(host, port, **kwargs): """ Helper function to return custom slots cache data from different redis nodes """ if port == 7000: result = [ [0, 5460, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]], [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]], ] elif port == 7001: result = [ [0, 5460, ["", 7001], ["", 7003]], [5461, 10922, ["", 7000], ["", 7004]], ] else: result = [] r_node = Redis(host=host, port=port) orig_execute_command = r_node.execute_command def execute_command(*args, **kwargs): if args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS": return result elif args[0] == "INFO": return {"cluster_enabled": True} elif args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage": return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": "yes"} else: return orig_execute_command(*args, **kwargs) r_node.execute_command = execute_command return r_node create_redis_node.side_effect = create_mocked_redis_node with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: node_1 = ClusterNode("", 7000) node_2 = ClusterNode("", 7001) RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1, node_2]) assert str(ex.value).startswith( "startup_nodes could not agree on a valid slots cache" ), str(ex.value) def test_cluster_one_instance(self): """ If the cluster exists of only 1 node then there is some hacks that must be validated they work. """ node = ClusterNode(default_host, default_port) cluster_slots = [[0, 16383, ["", default_port]]] rc = get_mocked_redis_client(startup_nodes=[node], cluster_slots=cluster_slots) n = rc.nodes_manager assert len(n.nodes_cache) == 1 n_node = rc.get_node( assert n_node is not None assert n_node == node assert n_node.server_type == PRIMARY assert len(n.slots_cache) == REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS for i in range(0, REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS): assert n.slots_cache[i] == [n_node] def test_init_with_down_node(self): """ If I can't connect to one of the nodes, everything should still work. But if I can't connect to any of the nodes, exception should be thrown. """ with patch.object(NodesManager, "create_redis_node") as create_redis_node: def create_mocked_redis_node(host, port, **kwargs): if port == 7000: raise ConnectionError("mock connection error for 7000") r_node = Redis(host=host, port=port, decode_responses=True) def execute_command(*args, **kwargs): if args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS": return [ [0, 8191, ["", 7001, "node_1"]], [8192, 16383, ["", 7002, "node_2"]], ] elif args[0] == "INFO": return {"cluster_enabled": True} elif args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage": return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": "yes"} r_node.execute_command = execute_command return r_node create_redis_node.side_effect = create_mocked_redis_node node_1 = ClusterNode("", 7000) node_2 = ClusterNode("", 7001) # If all startup nodes fail to connect, connection error should be # thrown with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as e: RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1]) assert "Redis Cluster cannot be connected" in str(e.value) with patch.object( CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True ) as cmd_parser_initialize: def cmd_init_mock(self, r): self.commands = { "get": { "name": "get", "arity": 2, "flags": ["readonly", "fast"], "first_key_pos": 1, "last_key_pos": 1, "step_count": 1, } } cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock # When at least one startup node is reachable, the cluster # initialization should succeeds rc = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1, node_2]) assert rc.get_node(host=default_host, port=7001) is not None assert rc.get_node(host=default_host, port=7002) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize("dynamic_startup_nodes", [True, False]) def test_init_slots_dynamic_startup_nodes(self, dynamic_startup_nodes): rc = get_mocked_redis_client( host="", port=7000, cluster_slots=default_cluster_slots, dynamic_startup_nodes=dynamic_startup_nodes, ) # Nodes are taken from default_cluster_slots discovered_nodes = [ "", "", "", "", ] startup_nodes = list(rc.nodes_manager.startup_nodes.keys()) if dynamic_startup_nodes is True: assert startup_nodes.sort() == discovered_nodes.sort() else: assert startup_nodes == [""] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "connection_pool_class", [ConnectionPool, BlockingConnectionPool] ) def test_connection_pool_class(self, connection_pool_class): rc = get_mocked_redis_client( url="redis://", cluster_slots=default_cluster_slots, connection_pool_class=connection_pool_class, ) for node in rc.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values(): assert isinstance( node.redis_connection.connection_pool, connection_pool_class ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("queue_class", [Queue, LifoQueue]) def test_allow_custom_queue_class(self, queue_class): rc = get_mocked_redis_client( url="redis://", cluster_slots=default_cluster_slots, connection_pool_class=BlockingConnectionPool, queue_class=queue_class, ) for node in rc.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values(): assert node.redis_connection.connection_pool.queue_class == queue_class @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestClusterPubSubObject: """ Tests for the ClusterPubSub class """ def test_init_pubsub_with_host_and_port(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance with passed host and port """ node = r.get_default_node() p = r.pubsub(, port=node.port) assert p.get_pubsub_node() == node def test_init_pubsub_with_node(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance with passed node """ node = r.get_default_node() p = r.pubsub(node=node) assert p.get_pubsub_node() == node def test_init_pubusub_without_specifying_node(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance without specifying a node. The node should be determined based on the keyslot of the first command execution. """ channel_name = "foo" node = r.get_node_from_key(channel_name) p = r.pubsub() assert p.get_pubsub_node() is None p.subscribe(channel_name) assert p.get_pubsub_node() == node def test_init_pubsub_with_a_non_existent_node(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance with node that doesn't exists in the cluster. RedisClusterException should be raised. """ node = ClusterNode("", 1111) with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): r.pubsub(node) def test_init_pubsub_with_a_non_existent_host_port(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance with host and port that don't belong to a node in the cluster. RedisClusterException should be raised. """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): r.pubsub(host="", port=1111) def test_init_pubsub_host_or_port(self, r): """ Test creation of pubsub instance with host but without port, and vice versa. DataError should be raised. """ with pytest.raises(DataError): r.pubsub(host="localhost") with pytest.raises(DataError): r.pubsub(port=16379) def test_get_redis_connection(self, r): """ Test that get_redis_connection() returns the redis connection of the set pubsub node """ node = r.get_default_node() p = r.pubsub(node=node) assert p.get_redis_connection() == node.redis_connection @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestClusterPipeline: """ Tests for the ClusterPipeline class """ def test_blocked_methods(self, r): """ Currently some method calls on a Cluster pipeline is blocked when using in cluster mode. They maybe implemented in the future. """ pipe = r.pipeline() with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.multi() with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.immediate_execute_command() with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe._execute_transaction(None, None, None) with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.load_scripts() with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.unwatch() with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.script_load_for_pipeline(None) with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.eval() def test_blocked_arguments(self, r): """ Currently some arguments is blocked when using in cluster mode. They maybe implemented in the future. """ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: r.pipeline(transaction=True) assert ( str(ex.value).startswith("transaction is deprecated in cluster mode") is True ) with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex: r.pipeline(shard_hint=True) assert ( str(ex.value).startswith("shard_hint is deprecated in cluster mode") is True ) def test_redis_cluster_pipeline(self, r): """ Test that we can use a pipeline with the RedisCluster class """ with r.pipeline() as pipe: pipe.set("foo", "bar") pipe.get("foo") assert pipe.execute() == [True, b"bar"] def test_mget_disabled(self, r): """ Test that mget is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline() as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.mget(["a"]) def test_mset_disabled(self, r): """ Test that mset is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline() as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.mset({"a": 1, "b": 2}) def test_rename_disabled(self, r): """ Test that rename is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.rename("a", "b") def test_renamenx_disabled(self, r): """ Test that renamenx is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.renamenx("a", "b") def test_delete_single(self, r): """ Test a single delete operation """ r["a"] = 1 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: pipe.delete("a") assert pipe.execute() == [1] def test_multi_delete_unsupported(self, r): """ Test that multi delete operation is unsupported """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: r["a"] = 1 r["b"] = 2 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.delete("a", "b") def test_unlink_single(self, r): """ Test a single unlink operation """ r["a"] = 1 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: pipe.unlink("a") assert pipe.execute() == [1] def test_multi_unlink_unsupported(self, r): """ Test that multi unlink operation is unsupported """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: r["a"] = 1 r["b"] = 2 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.unlink("a", "b") def test_brpoplpush_disabled(self, r): """ Test that brpoplpush is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.brpoplpush() def test_rpoplpush_disabled(self, r): """ Test that rpoplpush is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.rpoplpush() def test_sort_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sort is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sort() def test_sdiff_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sdiff is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sdiff() def test_sdiffstore_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sdiffstore is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sdiffstore() def test_sinter_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sinter is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sinter() def test_sinterstore_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sinterstore is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sinterstore() def test_smove_disabled(self, r): """ Test that move is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.smove() def test_sunion_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sunion is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sunion() def test_sunionstore_disabled(self, r): """ Test that sunionstore is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.sunionstore() def test_spfmerge_disabled(self, r): """ Test that spfmerge is disabled for ClusterPipeline """ with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe: with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException): pipe.pfmerge() def test_multi_key_operation_with_a_single_slot(self, r): """ Test multi key operation with a single slot """ pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False) pipe.set("a{foo}", 1) pipe.set("b{foo}", 2) pipe.set("c{foo}", 3) pipe.get("a{foo}") pipe.get("b{foo}") pipe.get("c{foo}") res = pipe.execute() assert res == [True, True, True, b"1", b"2", b"3"] def test_multi_key_operation_with_multi_slots(self, r): """ Test multi key operation with more than one slot """ pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False) pipe.set("a{foo}", 1) pipe.set("b{foo}", 2) pipe.set("c{foo}", 3) pipe.set("bar", 4) pipe.set("bazz", 5) pipe.get("a{foo}") pipe.get("b{foo}") pipe.get("c{foo}") pipe.get("bar") pipe.get("bazz") res = pipe.execute() assert res == [True, True, True, True, True, b"1", b"2", b"3", b"4", b"5"] def test_connection_error_not_raised(self, r): """ Test that the pipeline doesn't raise an error on connection error when raise_on_error=False """ key = "foo" node = r.get_node_from_key(key, False) def raise_connection_error(): e = ConnectionError("error") return e with r.pipeline() as pipe: mock_node_resp_func(node, raise_connection_error) res = pipe.get(key).get(key).execute(raise_on_error=False) assert node.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called assert isinstance(res[0], ConnectionError) def test_connection_error_raised(self, r): """ Test that the pipeline raises an error on connection error when raise_on_error=True """ key = "foo" node = r.get_node_from_key(key, False) def raise_connection_error(): e = ConnectionError("error") return e with r.pipeline() as pipe: mock_node_resp_func(node, raise_connection_error) with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): pipe.get(key).get(key).execute(raise_on_error=True) def test_asking_error(self, r): """ Test redirection on ASK error """ key = "foo" first_node = r.get_node_from_key(key, False) ask_node = None for node in r.get_nodes(): if node != first_node: ask_node = node break if ask_node is None: warnings.warn("skipping this test since the cluster has only one node") return ask_msg = f"{r.keyslot(key)} {}:{ask_node.port}" def raise_ask_error(): raise AskError(ask_msg) with r.pipeline() as pipe: mock_node_resp_func(first_node, raise_ask_error) mock_node_resp(ask_node, "MOCK_OK") res = pipe.get(key).execute() assert first_node.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called assert ask_node.redis_connection.connection.read_response.called assert res == ["MOCK_OK"] def test_empty_stack(self, r): """ If pipeline is executed with no commands it should return a empty list. """ p = r.pipeline() result = p.execute() assert result == [] @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestReadOnlyPipeline: """ Tests for ClusterPipeline class in readonly mode """ def test_pipeline_readonly(self, r): """ On readonly mode, we supports get related stuff only. """ r.readonly(target_nodes="all") r.set("foo71", "a1") # we assume this key is set on r.zadd("foo88", {"z1": 1}) # we assume this key is set on r.zadd("foo88", {"z2": 4}) with r.pipeline() as readonly_pipe: readonly_pipe.get("foo71").zrange("foo88", 0, 5, withscores=True) assert readonly_pipe.execute() == [b"a1", [(b"z1", 1.0), (b"z2", 4)]] def test_moved_redirection_on_slave_with_default(self, r): """ On Pipeline, we redirected once and finally get from master with readonly client when data is completely moved. """ key = "bar" r.set(key, "foo") # set read_from_replicas to True r.read_from_replicas = True primary = r.get_node_from_key(key, False) replica = r.get_node_from_key(key, True) with r.pipeline() as readwrite_pipe: mock_node_resp(primary, "MOCK_FOO") if replica is not None: moved_error = f"{r.keyslot(key)} {}:{primary.port}" def raise_moved_error(): raise MovedError(moved_error) mock_node_resp_func(replica, raise_moved_error) assert readwrite_pipe.reinitialize_counter == 0 readwrite_pipe.get(key).get(key) assert readwrite_pipe.execute() == ["MOCK_FOO", "MOCK_FOO"] if replica is not None: # the slot has a replica as well, so MovedError should have # occurred. If MovedError occurs, we should see the # reinitialize_counter increase. assert readwrite_pipe.reinitialize_counter == 1 conn = replica.redis_connection.connection assert conn.read_response.called is True def test_readonly_pipeline_from_readonly_client(self, request): """ Test that the pipeline is initialized with readonly mode if the client has it enabled """ # Create a cluster with reading from replications ro = _get_client(RedisCluster, request, read_from_replicas=True) key = "bar" ro.set(key, "foo") import time time.sleep(0.2) with ro.pipeline() as readonly_pipe: mock_all_nodes_resp(ro, "MOCK_OK") assert readonly_pipe.read_from_replicas is True assert readonly_pipe.get(key).get(key).execute() == ["MOCK_OK", "MOCK_OK"] slot_nodes = ro.nodes_manager.slots_cache[ro.keyslot(key)] if len(slot_nodes) > 1: executed_on_replica = False for node in slot_nodes: if node.server_type == REPLICA: conn = node.redis_connection.connection executed_on_replica = conn.read_response.called if executed_on_replica: break assert executed_on_replica is True @pytest.mark.onlycluster class TestClusterMonitor: def test_wait_command_not_found(self, r): "Make sure the wait_for_command func works when command is not found" key = "foo" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) with r.monitor(target_node=node) as m: response = wait_for_command(r, m, "nothing", key=key) assert response is None def test_response_values(self, r): db = 0 key = "foo" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) with r.monitor(target_node=node) as m: response = wait_for_command(r, m, "PING", key=key) assert isinstance(response["time"], float) assert response["db"] == db assert response["client_type"] in ("tcp", "unix") assert isinstance(response["client_address"], str) assert isinstance(response["client_port"], str) assert response["command"] == "PING" def test_command_with_quoted_key(self, r): key = "{foo}1" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) with r.monitor(node) as m: r.get('{foo}"bar') response = wait_for_command(r, m, 'GET {foo}"bar', key=key) assert response["command"] == 'GET {foo}"bar' def test_command_with_binary_data(self, r): key = "{foo}1" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) with r.monitor(target_node=node) as m: byte_string = b"{foo}bar\x92" r.get(byte_string) response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET {foo}bar\\x92", key=key) assert response["command"] == "GET {foo}bar\\x92" def test_command_with_escaped_data(self, r): key = "{foo}1" node = r.get_node_from_key(key) with r.monitor(target_node=node) as m: byte_string = b"{foo}bar\\x92" r.get(byte_string) response = wait_for_command(r, m, "GET {foo}bar\\\\x92", key=key) assert response["command"] == "GET {foo}bar\\\\x92" def test_flush(self, r): r.set("x", "1") r.set("z", "1") r.flushall() assert r.get("x") is None assert r.get("y") is None