import asyncio import socket import types from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import redis from redis.asyncio import Redis from redis.asyncio.connection import ( BaseParser, Connection, HiredisParser, PythonParser, UnixDomainSocketConnection, ) from redis.asyncio.retry import Retry from redis.backoff import NoBackoff from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidResponse, TimeoutError from redis.utils import HIREDIS_AVAILABLE from tests.conftest import skip_if_server_version_lt from .compat import mock from .mocks import MockStream @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster async def test_invalid_response(create_redis): r = await create_redis(single_connection_client=True) raw = b"x" fake_stream = MockStream(raw + b"\r\n") parser: BaseParser = r.connection._parser with mock.patch.object(parser, "_stream", fake_stream): with pytest.raises(InvalidResponse) as cm: await parser.read_response() if isinstance(parser, PythonParser): assert str(cm.value) == f"Protocol Error: {raw!r}" else: assert ( str(cm.value) == f'Protocol error, got "{raw.decode()}" as reply type byte' ) await r.connection.disconnect() async def test_asynckills(): for b in [True, False]: r = Redis(single_connection_client=b) await r.set("foo", "foo") await r.set("bar", "bar") t = asyncio.create_task(r.get("foo")) await asyncio.sleep(1) t.cancel() try: await t except asyncio.CancelledError:"connection left open with unread response") assert await r.get("bar") == b"bar" assert await assert await r.get("foo") == b"foo" @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster async def test_single_connection(): """Test that concurrent requests on a single client are synchronised.""" r = Redis(single_connection_client=True) init_call_count = 0 command_call_count = 0 in_use = False class Retry_: async def call_with_retry(self, _, __): # If we remove the single-client lock, this error gets raised as two # coroutines will be vying for the `in_use` flag due to the two # asymmetric sleep calls nonlocal command_call_count nonlocal in_use if in_use is True: raise ValueError("Commands should be executed one at a time.") in_use = True await asyncio.sleep(0.01) command_call_count += 1 await asyncio.sleep(0.03) in_use = False return "foo" mock_conn = mock.MagicMock() mock_conn.retry = Retry_() async def get_conn(_): # Validate only one client is created in single-client mode when # concurrent requests are made nonlocal init_call_count await asyncio.sleep(0.01) init_call_count += 1 return mock_conn with mock.patch.object(r.connection_pool, "get_connection", get_conn): with mock.patch.object(r.connection_pool, "release"): await asyncio.gather(r.set("a", "b"), r.set("c", "d")) assert init_call_count == 1 assert command_call_count == 2 @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0") @pytest.mark.redismod @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster async def test_loading_external_modules(modclient): def inner(): pass modclient.load_external_module("myfuncname", inner) assert getattr(modclient, "myfuncname") == inner assert isinstance(getattr(modclient, "myfuncname"), types.FunctionType) # and call it from redis.commands import RedisModuleCommands j = RedisModuleCommands.json modclient.load_external_module("sometestfuncname", j) # d = {'hello': 'world!'} # mod = j(modclient) # mod.set("fookey", ".", d) # assert mod.get('fookey') == d async def test_socket_param_regression(r): """A regression test for issue #1060""" conn = UnixDomainSocketConnection() _ = await conn.disconnect() is True async def test_can_run_concurrent_commands(r): if getattr(r, "connection", None) is not None: # Concurrent commands are only supported on pooled or cluster connections # since there is no synchronization on a single connection. pytest.skip("pool only") assert await is True assert all(await asyncio.gather(*( for _ in range(10)))) async def test_connect_retry_on_timeout_error(): """Test that the _connect function is retried in case of a timeout""" conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=True, retry=Retry(NoBackoff(), 3)) origin_connect = conn._connect conn._connect = mock.AsyncMock() async def mock_connect(): # connect only on the last retry if conn._connect.call_count <= 2: raise socket.timeout else: return await origin_connect() conn._connect.side_effect = mock_connect await conn.connect() assert conn._connect.call_count == 3 async def test_connect_without_retry_on_os_error(): """Test that the _connect function is not being retried in case of a OSError""" with patch.object(Connection, "_connect") as _connect: _connect.side_effect = OSError("") conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=True, retry=Retry(NoBackoff(), 2)) with pytest.raises(ConnectionError): await conn.connect() assert _connect.call_count == 1 async def test_connect_timeout_error_without_retry(): """Test that the _connect function is not being retried if retry_on_timeout is set to False""" conn = Connection(retry_on_timeout=False) conn._connect = mock.AsyncMock() conn._connect.side_effect = socket.timeout with pytest.raises(TimeoutError) as e: await conn.connect() assert conn._connect.call_count == 1 assert str(e.value) == "Timeout connecting to server" @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster async def test_connection_parse_response_resume(r: redis.Redis): """ This test verifies that the Connection parser, be that PythonParser or HiredisParser, can be interrupted at IO time and then resume parsing. """ conn = Connection(**r.connection_pool.connection_kwargs) await conn.connect() message = ( b"*3\r\n$7\r\nmessage\r\n$8\r\nchannel1\r\n" b"$25\r\nhi\r\nthere\r\n+how\r\nare\r\nyou\r\n" ) conn._parser._stream = MockStream(message, interrupt_every=2) for i in range(100): try: response = await conn.read_response() break except MockStream.TestError: pass else:"didn't receive a response") assert response assert i > 0 @pytest.mark.onlynoncluster @pytest.mark.parametrize( "parser_class", [PythonParser, HiredisParser], ids=["PythonParser", "HiredisParser"] ) async def test_connection_disconect_race(parser_class): """ This test reproduces the case in issue #2349 where a connection is closed while the parser is reading to feed the internal buffer.The stream `read()` will succeed, but when it returns, another task has already called `disconnect()` and is waiting for close to finish. When we attempts to feed the buffer, we will fail since the buffer is no longer there. This test verifies that a read in progress can finish even if the `disconnect()` method is called. """ if parser_class == HiredisParser and not HIREDIS_AVAILABLE: pytest.skip("Hiredis not available") args = {} args["parser_class"] = parser_class conn = Connection(**args) cond = asyncio.Condition() # 0 == initial # 1 == reader is reading # 2 == closer has closed and is waiting for close to finish state = 0 # Mock read function, which wait for a close to happen before returning # Can either be invoked as two `read()` calls (HiredisParser) # or as a `readline()` followed by `readexact()` (PythonParser) chunks = [b"$13\r\n", b"Hello, World!\r\n"] async def read(_=None): nonlocal state async with cond: if state == 0: state = 1 # we are reading cond.notify() # wait until the closing task has done await cond.wait_for(lambda: state == 2) return chunks.pop(0) # function closes the connection while reader is still blocked reading async def do_close(): nonlocal state async with cond: await cond.wait_for(lambda: state == 1) state = 2 cond.notify() await conn.disconnect() async def do_read(): return await conn.read_response() reader = mock.AsyncMock() writer = mock.AsyncMock() writer.transport = mock.Mock() writer.transport.get_extra_info.side_effect = None # for HiredisParser = read # for PythonParser reader.readline.side_effect = read reader.readexactly.side_effect = read async def open_connection(*args, **kwargs): return reader, writer with patch.object(asyncio, "open_connection", open_connection): await conn.connect() vals = await asyncio.gather(do_read(), do_close()) assert vals == [b"Hello, World!", None]