Redis Modules Commands ###################### Accessing redis module commands requires the installation of the supported `Redis module `_. For a quick start with redis modules, try the `Redismod docker `_. RedisBloom Commands ******************* These are the commands for interacting with the `RedisBloom module `_. Below is a brief example, as well as documentation on the commands themselves. **Create and add to a bloom filter** .. code-block:: python import redis filter ="bloom", 0.01, 1000) filter.add("bloom", "foo") **Create and add to a cuckoo filter** .. code-block:: python import redis filter ="cuckoo", 1000) filter.add("cuckoo", "filter") **Create Count-Min Sketch and get information** .. code-block:: python import redis r = redis.cms().initbydim("dim", 1000, 5) r.cms().incrby("dim", ["foo"], [5]) r.cms().info("dim") **Create a topk list, and access the results** .. code-block:: python import redis r = redis.topk().reserve("mytopk", 3, 50, 4, 0.9) info = r.topk().info("mytopk) .. automodule:: :members: BFCommands, CFCommands, CMSCommands, TOPKCommands ------ RedisGraph Commands ******************* These are the commands for interacting with the `RedisGraph module `_. Below is a brief example, as well as documentation on the commands themselves. **Create a graph, adding two nodes** .. code-block:: python import redis from redis.graph.node import Node john = Node(label="person", properties={"name": "John Doe", "age": 33} jane = Node(label="person", properties={"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 34} r = redis.Redis() graph = r.graph() graph.add_node(john) graph.add_node(jane) graph.add_node(pat) graph.commit() .. automodule:: redis.commands.graph.node :members: Node .. automodule:: redis.commands.graph.edge :members: Edge .. automodule:: redis.commands.graph.commands :members: GraphCommands ------ RedisJSON Commands ****************** These are the commands for interacting with the `RedisJSON module `_. Below is a brief example, as well as documentation on the commands themselves. **Create a json object** .. code-block:: python import redis r = redis.Redis() r.json().set("mykey", ".", {"hello": "world", "i am": ["a", "json", "object!"]} Examples of how to combine search and json can be found `here `_. .. automodule:: redis.commands.json.commands :members: JSONCommands ----- RediSearch Commands ******************* These are the commands for interacting with the `RediSearch module `_. Below is a brief example, as well as documentation on the commands themselves. **Create a search index, and display its information** .. code-block:: python import redis from import TextField r = redis.Redis() r.ft().create_index(TextField("play", weight=5.0), TextField("ball")) print(r.ft().info()) .. automodule:: :members: SearchCommands ----- RedisTimeSeries Commands ************************ These are the commands for interacting with the `RedisTimeSeries module `_. Below is a brief example, as well as documentation on the commands themselves. **Create a timeseries object with 5 second retention** .. code-block:: python import redis r = redis.Redis() r.ts().create(2, retension_msecs=5000) .. automodule:: redis.commands.timeseries.commands :members: TimeSeriesCommands