import unittest import rdflib prefix_data = """ @prefix rdf: . @prefix : . a rdf:class .""" base_data = """ @prefix rdf: . @base . a rdf:class . """ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assertIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None, *args, **kwargs): """Python < v2.7 compatibility. Assert 'obj' is instance of 'cls'""" try: f = super(TestCase, self).assertIsInstance except AttributeError: self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, cls), *args, **kwargs) else: f(obj, cls, *args, **kwargs) class TestBaseAllowsHash(TestCase): """ GitHub Issue 379: """ def setUp(self): self.g = rdflib.Graph() def test_parse_successful_prefix_with_hash(self): """ Test parse of '@prefix' namespace directive to allow a trailing hash '#', as is permitted for an IRIREF: """ self.g.parse(data=prefix_data, format='n3') self.assertIsInstance(self.g.subjects().next(), rdflib.URIRef) def test_parse_successful_base_with_hash(self): """ Test parse of '@base' namespace directive to allow a trailing hash '#', as is permitted for an '@prefix' since both allow an IRIREF: """ self.g.parse(data=base_data, format='n3') self.assertIsInstance(self.g.subjects().next(), rdflib.URIRef) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()