from unittest import TestCase from rdflib.py3compat import b from rdflib.graph import ConjunctiveGraph class EntityTest(TestCase): def test_turtle_namespace_prefixes(self): g = ConjunctiveGraph() n3 = \ """ @prefix _9: . @prefix p_9: . @prefix rdfs: . p_9:a p_9:b p_9:c . a ; rdfs:label "Cecil B. DeMille (Director)"; _9:director_name "Cecil B. DeMille" .""" g.parse(data=n3, format='n3') turtle = g.serialize(format="turtle") # Check round-tripping, just for kicks. g = ConjunctiveGraph() g.parse(data=turtle, format='turtle') # Shouldn't have got to here s=g.serialize(format="turtle") self.assert_(b('@prefix _9') not in s)