from codecs import getreader try: from io import BytesIO, StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO BytesIO = StringIO from rdflib import URIRef, Literal from rdflib.graph import Graph rdf = u"""@prefix skos: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix : . :world rdf:type skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "World"@en. :africa rdf:type skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "Africa"@en; skos:broaderTransitive :world. :CI rdf:type skos:Concept; skos:prefLabel "C\u00f4te d'Ivoire"@fr; skos:broaderTransitive :africa. """ rdf_utf8 = rdf.encode('utf-8') rdf_reader = getreader('utf-8')(BytesIO(rdf.encode('utf-8'))) def test_a(): """Test reading N3 from a unicode objects as data""" g = Graph() g.parse(data=rdf, format='n3') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_b(): """Test reading N3 from a utf8 encoded string as data""" g = Graph() g.parse(data=rdf_utf8, format='n3') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_c(): """Test reading N3 from a codecs.StreamReader, outputting unicode""" g = Graph() # g.parse(source=rdf_reader, format='n3') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_d(): """Test reading N3 from a StringIO over the unicode object""" g = Graph() g.parse(source=StringIO(rdf), format='n3') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_e(): """Test reading N3 from a BytesIO over the string object""" g = Graph() g.parse(source=BytesIO(rdf_utf8), format='n3') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') # this is unicode rdfxml=u""" C\u00f4te d\'Ivoire """ # this is a str rdfxml_utf8 = rdfxml.encode('utf-8') rdfxml_reader = getreader('utf-8')(BytesIO(rdfxml.encode('utf-8'))) def test_xml_a(): """Test reading XML from a unicode object as data""" import platform if platform.system() == 'Java': from nose import SkipTest raise SkipTest('unicode issue for Jython2.5') g = Graph() g.parse(data=rdfxml, format='xml') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_xml_b(): """Test reading XML from a utf8 encoded string object as data""" import platform if platform.system() == 'Java': from nose import SkipTest raise SkipTest('unicode issue for Jython2.5') g = Graph() g.parse(data=rdfxml_utf8, format='xml') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') # The following two cases are currently not supported by Graph.parse # def test_xml_c(): # """Test reading XML from a codecs.StreamReader, outputting unicode""" # g = Graph() # g.parse(source=rdfxml_reader, format='xml') # v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) # assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') # def test_xml_d(): # """Test reading XML from a BytesIO created from unicode object""" # g = Graph() # g.parse(source=BytesIO(rdfxml), format='xml') # v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) # assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr') def test_xml_e(): """Test reading XML from a BytesIO created from utf8 encoded string""" import platform if platform.system() == 'Java': from nose import SkipTest raise SkipTest('unicode issue for Jython2.5') g = Graph() g.parse(source=BytesIO(rdfxml_utf8), format='xml') v = g.value(subject=URIRef(""), predicate=URIRef("")) assert v==Literal(u"C\u00f4te d'Ivoire", lang='fr')