from rdflib import Graph, Namespace from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from urllib.error import HTTPError from .testutils import SimpleHTTPMock, MockHTTPResponse, ctx_http_server, GraphHelper import unittest """ Test that correct content negoation headers are passed by graph.parse """ xmltestdoc = """ """ n3testdoc = """@prefix : . :a :b :c . """ nttestdoc = " .\n" class ContentNegotiationHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200, "OK") # fun fun fun parsing accept header. acs = self.headers["Accept"].split(",") acq = [x.split(";") for x in acs if ";" in x] acn = [(x, "q=1") for x in acs if ";" not in x] acs = [(x[0], float(x[1].strip()[2:])) for x in acq + acn] ac = sorted(acs, key=lambda x: x[1]) ct = ac[-1] if "application/rdf+xml" in ct: rct = "application/rdf+xml" content = xmltestdoc elif "text/n3" in ct: rct = "text/n3" content = n3testdoc elif "text/plain" in ct: rct = "text/plain" content = nttestdoc self.send_header("Content-type", rct) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content.encode("utf-8")) def log_message(self, *args): pass class TestGraphHTTP(unittest.TestCase): def content_negotiation(self) -> None: EG = Namespace("") expected = Graph() expected.add((EG["a"], EG["b"], EG["c"])) expected_triples = GraphHelper.triple_set(expected) with ctx_http_server(ContentNegotiationHandler) as server: (host, port) = server.server_address url = f"http://{host}:{port}/foo" for format in ("xml", "n3", "nt"): graph = Graph() graph.parse(url, format=format) self.assertEqual(expected_triples, GraphHelper.triple_set(graph)) def test_3xx(self) -> None: EG = Namespace("") expected = Graph() expected.add((EG["a"], EG["b"], EG["c"])) expected_triples = GraphHelper.triple_set(expected) httpmock = SimpleHTTPMock() with ctx_http_server(httpmock.Handler) as server: (host, port) = server.server_address url = f"http://{host}:{port}/" for idx in range(3): httpmock.do_get_responses.append( MockHTTPResponse( 302, "FOUND", "".encode(), {"Location": [f"{url}loc/302/{idx}"]} ) ) for idx in range(3): httpmock.do_get_responses.append( MockHTTPResponse( 303, "See Other", "".encode(), {"Location": [f"{url}loc/303/{idx}"]}, ) ) for idx in range(3): httpmock.do_get_responses.append( MockHTTPResponse( 308, "Permanent Redirect", "".encode(), {"Location": [f"{url}loc/308/{idx}"]}, ) ) httpmock.do_get_responses.append( MockHTTPResponse( 200, "OK", f"<{EG['a']}> <{EG['b']}> <{EG['c']}>.".encode(), {"Content-Type": ["text/turtle"]}, ) ) graph = Graph() graph.parse(location=url, format="turtle") self.assertEqual(expected_triples, GraphHelper.triple_set(graph)) httpmock.do_get_mock.assert_called() assert len(httpmock.do_get_requests) == 10 for request in httpmock.do_get_requests: self.assertRegex(request.headers.get("Accept"), "text/turtle") request_paths = [request.path for request in httpmock.do_get_requests] self.assertEqual( request_paths, [ "/", "/loc/302/0", "/loc/302/1", "/loc/302/2", "/loc/303/0", "/loc/303/1", "/loc/303/2", "/loc/308/0", "/loc/308/1", "/loc/308/2", ], ) def test_5xx(self): httpmock = SimpleHTTPMock() with ctx_http_server(httpmock.Handler) as server: (host, port) = server.server_address url = f"http://{host}:{port}/" response = MockHTTPResponse(500, "Internal Server Error", "".encode(), {}) httpmock.do_get_responses.append(response) graph = Graph() with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as raised: graph.parse(location=url, format="turtle") self.assertEqual(raised.exception.code, 500) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()