import sys # Needed to pass # # syntax-update-2/manifest#syntax-update-other-01 sys.setrecursionlimit(6000) # default is 1000 try: from collections import Counter except: # cheap Counter impl for py 2.5 # not a complete implementation - only good enough for the use here! from collections import defaultdict from operator import itemgetter class Counter(defaultdict): def __init__(self): defaultdict.__init__(self, int) def most_common(self, N): return [x[0] for x in sorted(self.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:10]] import datetime import isodate from rdflib import ( Dataset, Graph, URIRef, BNode) from rdflib.query import Result from import isomorphic from rdflib.plugins import sparql as rdflib_sparql_module from rdflib.plugins.sparql.algebra import ( pprintAlgebra, translateQuery, translateUpdate) from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import parseQuery, parseUpdate from rdflib.plugins.sparql.results.rdfresults import RDFResultParser from rdflib.plugins.sparql.update import evalUpdate from rdflib.py3compat import decodeStringEscape, bopen from import nottest, eq_ from nose import SkipTest from urlparse import urljoin from StringIO import StringIO if sys.version_info[0:2] < (2, 7): from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO assert BytesIO else: from io import BytesIO from manifest import nose_tests, MF, UP from earl import report, add_test def eq(a,b,msg): return eq_(a,b,msg+': (%r!=%r)'%(a,b)) def setFlags(): import rdflib # Several tests rely on lexical form of literals being kept! rdflib.NORMALIZE_LITERALS = False # we need an explicit default graph rdflib_sparql_module.SPARQL_DEFAULT_GRAPH_UNION = False # we obviously need this rdflib.DAWG_LITERAL_COLLATION = True def resetFlags(): import rdflib # Several tests rely on lexical form of literals being kept! rdflib.NORMALIZE_LITERALS = True # we need an explicit default graph rdflib_sparql_module.SPARQL_DEFAULT_GRAPH_UNION = True # we obviously need this rdflib.DAWG_LITERAL_COLLATION = False DEBUG_FAIL = True DEBUG_FAIL = False DEBUG_ERROR = True DEBUG_ERROR = False SPARQL10Tests = True # SPARQL10Tests = False SPARQL11Tests = True # SPARQL11Tests=False RDFLibTests = True DETAILEDASSERT = True # DETAILEDASSERT=False NAME = None fails = Counter() errors = Counter() failed_tests = [] error_tests = [] try: skiptests = dict([(URIRef(x.strip().split( "\t")[0]), x.strip().split("\t")[1]) for x in open("skiptests.list")]) except IOError: skiptests = set() def _fmt(f): if f.endswith(".rdf"): return "xml" return "turtle" def bindingsCompatible(a, b): """ Are two binding-sets compatible. From the spec: A SPARQL implementation passes a query evaluation test if the graph produced by evaluating the query against the RDF dataset (and encoding in the DAWG result set vocabulary, if necessary) is equivalent [RDF-CONCEPTS] to the graph named in the result (after encoding in the DAWG result set vocabulary, if necessary). Note that, solution order only is considered relevant, if the result is expressed in the test suite in the DAWG result set vocabulary, with explicit rs:index triples; otherwise solution order is considered irrelevant for passing. Equivalence can be tested by checking that the graphs are isomorphic and have identical IRI and literal nodes. Note that testing whether two result sets are isomorphic is simpler than full graph isomorphism. Iterating over rows in one set, finding a match with the other set, removing this pair, then making sure all rows are accounted for, achieves the same effect. """ def rowCompatible(x, y): m = {} y = y.asdict() for v1, b1 in x.asdict().iteritems(): if v1 not in y: return False if isinstance(b1, BNode): if b1 in m: if y[v1] != m[b1]: return False else: m[b1] = y[v1] else: # if y[v1]!=b1: # return False try: if y[v1].neq(b1): return False except TypeError: return False return True if not a: if b: return False return True x = iter(a).next() for y in b: if rowCompatible(x, y): if bindingsCompatible(a - set((x,)), b - set((y,))): return True return False def pp_binding(solutions): """ Pretty print a single binding - for less eye-strain when debugging """ return "\n[" + ",\n\t".join("{" + ", ".join("%s:%s" % ( x[0], x[1].n3()) for x in bindings.items()) + "}" for bindings in solutions) + "]\n" @nottest def update_test(t): # the update-eval tests refer to graphs on rdflib_sparql_module.SPARQL_LOAD_GRAPHS = False uri, name, comment, data, graphdata, query, res, syntax = t if uri in skiptests: raise SkipTest() try: g = Dataset() if not res: if syntax: translateUpdate(parseUpdate(bopen(query[7:]))) else: try: translateUpdate(parseUpdate(bopen(query[7:]))) raise AssertionError("Query shouldn't have parsed!") except: pass # negative syntax test return resdata, resgraphdata = res # read input graphs if data: g.default_context.load(data, format=_fmt(data)) if graphdata: for x, l in graphdata: g.load(x, publicID=URIRef(l), format=_fmt(x)) req = translateUpdate(parseUpdate(bopen(query[7:]))) evalUpdate(g, req) # read expected results resg = Dataset() if resdata: resg.default_context.load(resdata, format=_fmt(resdata)) if resgraphdata: for x, l in resgraphdata: resg.load(x, publicID=URIRef(l), format=_fmt(x)) eq(set(x.identifier for x in g.contexts() if x != g.default_context), set(x.identifier for x in resg.contexts() if x != resg.default_context), 'named graphs in datasets do not match') assert isomorphic(g.default_context, resg.default_context), \ 'Default graphs are not isomorphic' for x in g.contexts(): if x == g.default_context: continue assert isomorphic(x, resg.get_context(x.identifier)), \ "Graphs with ID %s are not isomorphic" % x.identifier except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, AssertionError): failed_tests.append(uri) fails[str(e)] += 1 else: error_tests.append(uri) errors[str(e)] += 1 if DEBUG_ERROR and not isinstance(e, AssertionError) or DEBUG_FAIL: print "======================================" print uri print name print comment if not res: if syntax: print "Positive syntax test" else: print "Negative syntax test" if data: print "----------------- DATA --------------------" print ">>>", data print bopen(data[7:]).read() if graphdata: print "----------------- GRAPHDATA --------------------" for x, l in graphdata: print ">>>", x, l print bopen(x[7:]).read() print "----------------- Request -------------------" print ">>>", query print bopen(query[7:]).read() if res: if resdata: print "----------------- RES DATA --------------------" print ">>>", resdata print bopen(resdata[7:]).read() if resgraphdata: print "----------------- RES GRAPHDATA -------------------" for x, l in resgraphdata: print ">>>", x, l print bopen(x[7:]).read() print "------------- MY RESULT ----------" print g.serialize(format='trig') try: pq = translateUpdate(parseUpdate(bopen(query[7:]).read())) print "----------------- Parsed ------------------" pprintAlgebra(pq) # print pq except: print "(parser error)" print decodeStringEscape(unicode(e)) import pdb pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2]) raise @nottest # gets called by generator def query_test(t): uri, name, comment, data, graphdata, query, resfile, syntax = t # the query-eval tests refer to graphs to load by resolvable filenames rdflib_sparql_module.SPARQL_LOAD_GRAPHS = True if uri in skiptests: raise SkipTest() def skip(reason='(none)'): print "Skipping %s from now on." % uri f = bopen("skiptests.list", "a") f.write("%s\t%s\n" % (uri, reason)) f.close() try: g = Dataset() if data: g.default_context.load(data, format=_fmt(data)) if graphdata: for x in graphdata: g.load(x, format=_fmt(x)) if not resfile: # no result - syntax test if syntax: translateQuery(parseQuery( bopen(query[7:]).read()), base=urljoin(query, '.')) else: # negative syntax test try: translateQuery(parseQuery( bopen(query[7:]).read()), base=urljoin(query, '.')) assert False, 'Query should not have parsed!' except: pass # it's fine - the query should not parse return # eval test - carry out query res2 = g.query(bopen(query[7:]).read(), base=urljoin(query, '.')) if resfile.endswith('ttl'): resg = Graph() resg.load(resfile, format='turtle', publicID=resfile) res = RDFResultParser().parse(resg) elif resfile.endswith('rdf'): resg = Graph() resg.load(resfile, publicID=resfile) res = RDFResultParser().parse(resg) elif resfile.endswith('srj'): res = Result.parse(bopen(resfile[7:]), format='json') elif resfile.endswith('tsv'): res = Result.parse(bopen(resfile[7:]), format='tsv') elif resfile.endswith('csv'): res = Result.parse(bopen(resfile[7:]), format='csv') # CSV is lossy, round-trip our own resultset to # lose the same info :) # write bytes, read strings... s = BytesIO() res2.serialize(s, format='csv') res2 = Result.parse(s, format='csv') else: res = Result.parse(bopen(resfile[7:]), format='xml') if not DETAILEDASSERT: eq(res.type, res2.type, 'Types do not match') if res.type == 'SELECT': eq(set(res.vars), set(res2.vars), 'Vars do not match') comp = bindingsCompatible( set(res), set(res2) ) assert comp, 'Bindings do not match' elif res.type == 'ASK': eq(res.askAnswer, res2.askAnswer, 'Ask answer does not match') elif res.type in ('DESCRIBE', 'CONSTRUCT'): assert isomorphic( res.graph, res2.graph), 'graphs are not isomorphic!' else: raise Exception('Unknown result type: %s' % res.type) else: eq(res.type, res2.type, 'Types do not match: %r != %r' % (res.type, res2.type)) if res.type == 'SELECT': eq(set(res.vars), set(res2.vars), 'Vars do not match: %r != %r' % ( set(res.vars), set(res2.vars))) assert bindingsCompatible( set(res), set(res2) ), 'Bindings do not match: \n%s\n!=\n%s' % ( res.serialize(format='txt', namespace_manager=g.namespace_manager), res2.serialize(format='txt', namespace_manager=g.namespace_manager)) elif res.type == 'ASK': eq(res.askAnswer, res2.askAnswer, "Ask answer does not match: %r != %r" % ( res.askAnswer, res2.askAnswer)) elif res.type in ('DESCRIBE', 'CONSTRUCT'): assert isomorphic( res.graph, res2.graph), 'graphs are not isomorphic!' else: raise Exception('Unknown result type: %s' % res.type) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, AssertionError): failed_tests.append(uri) fails[str(e)] += 1 else: error_tests.append(uri) errors[str(e)] += 1 if DEBUG_ERROR and not isinstance(e, AssertionError) or DEBUG_FAIL: print "======================================" print uri print name print comment if not resfile: if syntax: print "Positive syntax test" else: print "Negative syntax test" if data: print "----------------- DATA --------------------" print ">>>", data print bopen(data[7:]).read() if graphdata: print "----------------- GRAPHDATA --------------------" for x in graphdata: print ">>>", x print bopen(x[7:]).read() print "----------------- Query -------------------" print ">>>", query print bopen(query[7:]).read() if resfile: print "----------------- Res -------------------" print ">>>", resfile print bopen(resfile[7:]).read() try: pq = parseQuery(bopen(query[7:]).read()) print "----------------- Parsed ------------------" pprintAlgebra(translateQuery(pq, base=urljoin(query, '.'))) except: print "(parser error)" print decodeStringEscape(unicode(e)) import pdb pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2]) # pdb.set_trace() # raise testers = { UP.UpdateEvaluationTest: update_test, MF.UpdateEvaluationTest: update_test, MF.PositiveUpdateSyntaxTest11: update_test, MF.NegativeUpdateSyntaxTest11: update_test, MF.QueryEvaluationTest: query_test, MF.NegativeSyntaxTest11: query_test, MF.PositiveSyntaxTest11: query_test, MF.CSVResultFormatTest: query_test, } def test_dawg(): setFlags() if SPARQL10Tests: for t in nose_tests(testers, "test/DAWG/data-r2/manifest-evaluation.ttl"): yield t if SPARQL11Tests: for t in nose_tests(testers, "test/DAWG/data-sparql11/manifest-all.ttl"): yield t if RDFLibTests: for t in nose_tests(testers, "test/DAWG/rdflib/manifest.ttl"): yield t resetFlags() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import time start = time.time() if len(sys.argv) > 1: NAME = sys.argv[1] DEBUG_FAIL = True i = 0 success = 0 skip = 0 for _type, t in test_dawg(): if NAME and not str(t[0]).startswith(NAME): continue i += 1 try: _type(t) add_test(t[0], "passed") success += 1 except SkipTest, e: msg = skiptests.get(t[0], e.args) add_test(t[0], "untested", msg) print "skipping %s - %s" % (t[0], msg) skip += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except AssertionError: add_test(t[0], "failed") except: add_test(t[0], "failed", "error") import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % t[0]) print "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" print "Failed tests:" for f in failed_tests: print f print "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" print "Error tests:" for f in error_tests: print f print "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" print "Most common fails:" for e in fails.most_common(10): e = str(e) print e[:450] + (e[450:] and "...") print "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" if errors: print "Most common errors:" for e in errors.most_common(10): print e else: print "(no errors!)" f = sum(fails.values()) e = sum(errors.values()) if success + f + e + skip != i: print "(Something is wrong, %d!=%d)" % (success + f + e + skip, i) print "\n%d tests, %d passed, %d failed, %d errors, \ %d skipped (%.2f%% success)" % ( i, success, f, e, skip, 100. * success / i) print "Took %.2fs" % (time.time() - start) if not NAME: now = isodate.datetime_isoformat(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) tf = open("testruns.txt", "a") tf.write("%s\n%d tests, %d passed, %d failed, %d errors, %d \ skipped (%.2f%% success)\n\n" % ( now, i, success, f, e, skip, 100. * success / i)) tf.close() earl_report = 'test_reports/rdflib_sparql-%s.ttl' % now report.serialize(earl_report, format='n3') report.serialize('test_reports/rdflib_sparql-latest.ttl', format='n3') print "Wrote EARL-report to '%s'" % earl_report