[options.package_data] rdflib = py.typed [flake8] ignore = W806 max-line-length = 88 exclude = host,extras,transform,rdfs,pyRdfa,sparql,results,pyMicrodata [coverage:run] branch = True source = rdflib [coverage:report] # Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration exclude_lines = # Have to re-enable the standard pragma pragma: no cover # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run: if 0: if __name__ == .__main__.: if __name__==.__main__.: [mypy] files = rdflib,test python_version = 3.7 warn_unused_configs = True ignore_missing_imports = True disallow_subclassing_any = False warn_unreachable = True [tool:pytest] addopts = --doctest-modules --ignore=test/translate_algebra --ignore=admin --ignore=rdflib/extras/external_graph_libs.py --ignore-glob=docs/*.py doctest_optionflags = ALLOW_UNICODE filterwarnings = # The below warning is a consequence of how pytest doctest detects mocks and how DefinedNamespace behaves when an undefined attribute is being accessed. ignore:Code. pytest_mock_example_attribute_that_shouldnt_exist is not defined in namespace .*:UserWarning # The below warning is a consequence of how pytest detects fixtures and how DefinedNamespace behaves when an undefined attribute is being accessed. ignore:Code. _pytestfixturefunction is not defined in namespace .*:UserWarning