""" A FOAF smushing example. Filter a graph by normalizing all ``foaf:Persons`` into URIs based on their ``mbox_sha1sum``. Suppose I get two `FOAF `_ documents each talking about the same person (according to ``mbox_sha1sum``) but they each used a :class:`rdflib.term.BNode` for the subject. For this demo I've combined those two documents into one file: This filters a graph by changing every subject with a ``foaf:mbox_sha1sum`` into a new subject whose URI is based on the ``sha1sum``. This new graph might be easier to do some operations on. An advantage of this approach over other methods for collapsing BNodes is that I can incrementally process new FOAF documents as they come in without having to access my ever-growing archive. Even if another ``65b983bb397fb71849da910996741752ace8369b`` document comes in next year, I would still give it the same stable subject URI that merges with my existing data. """ from rdflib import Graph, Namespace from rdflib.namespace import FOAF STABLE = Namespace("http://example.com/person/mbox_sha1sum/") if __name__ == "__main__": g = Graph() g.parse("smushingdemo.n3", format="n3") newURI = {} # old subject : stable uri for s, p, o in g.triples((None, FOAF["mbox_sha1sum"], None)): newURI[s] = STABLE[o] out = Graph() out.bind("foaf", FOAF) for s, p, o in g: s = newURI.get(s, s) o = newURI.get(o, o) # might be linked to another person out.add((s, p, o)) print(out.serialize())