# Admin Tools Tools to assist with RDFlib releases, like extracting all merged PRs from GitHub since last release. ## Release procedure 1. merge all PRs for the release 1. pass all tests 1. black everything * use the config, e.g. `black --config black.toml .` in main dir 1. build docs - check for errors/warnings there 1. alter version & date in rdflib/__init__.py 1. update: * CHANGELOG.md * CONTRIBUTORS * use scripts here to generate "PRs since last release" * LICENSE (the date) * setup.py (the long description) 1. update admin steps (here) 1. push to PyPI * `pip3 install twine wheel` * `python3 setup.py bdist_wheel sdist` * `twine upload ./dist/*` 1. Make GitHub release * go to the tagged version, e.g. https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib/releases/tag/6.0.0 * edit the release' notes there (likely copy from CHANGELOG) 1. Build readthedocs docco * `latest` and `stable` need to be built at least * best to make sure the previous (outgoing) release has a number-pegged version, e.g. 5.0.0 1. update the rdflib.dev website page