# http://travis-ci.org/#!/RDFLib/rdflib os: linux arch: - amd64 - ppc64le language: python branches: only: # only build master and release branches (merge request are built anyhow) - master - /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-.*)?$/ git: depth: 3 python: - 3.6 - 3.7 - 3.8 jobs: include: - python: 3.8 dist: focal before_install: - pip install -U setuptools pip # seems travis comes with a too old setuptools for html5lib - bash .travis.fuseki_install_optional.sh install: - pip install --default-timeout 60 -r requirements.txt - pip install --default-timeout 60 -r requirements.dev.txt - pip install --default-timeout 60 coveralls && export HAS_COVERALLS=1 - python setup.py install before_script: - flake8 --exit-zero rdflib script: - PYTHONWARNINGS=default nosetests --with-timer --timer-top-n 42 --with-coverage --cover-tests --cover-package=rdflib - coverage report after_success: - if [[ $HAS_COVERALLS ]] ; then coveralls ; fi notifications: irc: channels: "chat.freenode.net#rdflib"