path: root/docs
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authorGunnar Aastrand Grimnes <>2013-05-09 13:49:59 +0200
committerGunnar Aastrand Grimnes <>2013-05-09 13:49:59 +0200
commit7698d1b5d1b5bc9df82f5de99a7db3b853a0b2f9 (patch)
treeec80952d7c243513893fa2d95fff3e77e3adb506 /docs
parent01bcf083510b9a94cd9d7cd1fb48b5c5a8682a49 (diff)
doc updates
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
11 files changed, 228 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 3177acb3..e1ad76d1 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc',
'sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.coverage',
'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode']
+autodoc_default_flags = [ "special-members" ]
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
diff --git a/docs/docs.rst b/docs/docs.rst
index dd60ef9f..5996fe0b 100644
--- a/docs/docs.rst
+++ b/docs/docs.rst
@@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ Writing RDFLib Documentation
The docs are generated with Sphinx.
-TODO: Docstrings ...
+Sphinx makes it very easy to pull in doc-strings from modules, classes, methods, etc.
+When writing doc-strings, special reST fields can be used to annotate parameters, returntypes, etc. This make for pretty API docs:
To get N3 and SPARQL syntax highlighting do:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -e git+git://
pip install -e git+git://
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 4c885b16..44cc13f7 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -31,9 +31,13 @@ If you never used RDFLib, click through these
+ RDFLib Examples <apidocs/examples>
In depth
+If you already worked with RDF and need to know the peculiarities of RDFLib, these are for you.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
@@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ In depth
+The nitty-gritty details of everything.
@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ For developers
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
+ :maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/docs/intro_to_creating_rdf.rst b/docs/intro_to_creating_rdf.rst
index 21a8bc04..7d72f540 100644
--- a/docs/intro_to_creating_rdf.rst
+++ b/docs/intro_to_creating_rdf.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,105 @@
-.. _intro_to_creating_rdf: Creating RDF
+.. _intro_to_creating_rdf:
+Creating RDF triples
+Creating Nodes
+RDF is a graph where the nodes are URI references, Blank Nodes or Literals, in RDFLib represented by the classes :class:`~rdflib.term.URIRef`, :class:`~rdflib.term.BNode`, and :class:`~rdflib.term.Literal`. ``URIRefs`` and ``BNodes`` can both be thought of as resources, such a person, a company, a web-site, etc.
+A ``BNode`` is a node where the exact URI is not known.
+``URIRefs`` are also used to represent the properties/predicates in the RDF graph.
+``Literals`` represent attribute values, such as a name, a date, a number, etc.
+Nodes can be created by the constructors of the node classes::
+ >>> from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
+ >>> bob = URIRef("")
+ >>> linda = BNode() # a GUID is generated
+ >>> name = Literal('Bob') # passing a string
+ >>> age = Literal(24) # passing a python int
+ >>> height = Literal(76.5) # passing a python float
+Literals can be created from python objects, these created ``data-typed literals``, for the details on the mapping see :ref:`literals`.
+For creating many ``URIRefs`` in the same ``namespace``, i.e. URIs with the same prefix, RDFLib has the :class:`rdflib.namespace.Namespace` class::
+ >>> from rdflib import Namespace
+ >>> n = Namespace("")
+ >>> n.bob
+ rdflib.term.URIRef(u'')
+ >>> n.eve
+ rdflib.term.URIRef(u'')
+This is very useful for schemas where all properties and classes have the same URI prefix, RDFLib pre-defines Namespaces for the most common RDF schemas::
+ >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, FOAF
+ >>> RDF.type
+ rdflib.term.URIRef(u'')
+ >>> FOAF.knows
+ rdflib.term.URIRef(u'')
+Adding Triples
+We already saw in :doc:`intro_to_parsing`, how triples can be added with with the :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.parse` function.
+Triples can also be added with the :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.add` function:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.add
+ :noindex:
+:meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.add` takes a 3-tuple of RDFLib nodes. Try the following with the nodes and namespaces we defined previously::
+ >>> from rdflib import Graph
+ >>> g = Graph()
+ >>> g.add( (bob, RDF.type, FOAF.Person) )
+ >>> g.add( (bob,, name) )
+ >>> g.add( (bob, FOAF.knows, linda) )
+ >>> g.add( (linda, RDF.type, FOAF.Person) )
+ >>> g.add( (linda,, Literal('Linda') ) )
+ >>> print g.serialize(format='turtle')
+.. code-block:: n3
+ @prefix foaf: <> .
+ @prefix rdf: <> .
+ @prefix rdfs: <> .
+ @prefix xml: <> .
+ <> a foaf:Person ;
+ foaf:knows [ a foaf:Person ;
+ foaf:name "Linda" ] ;
+ foaf:name "Bob" .
+For some properties, only one value per resource makes sense (i.e they are *functional properties*, or have max-cardinality of 1). The :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.set` method is useful for this::
+ >>> g.add( ( bob, FOAF.age, Literal(42) )
+ >>> print "Bob is ", g.value( bob, FOAF.age )
+ Bob is 42
+ >>> g.set( ( bob, age, Literal(43) ) ) # replaces 42 set above
+ >>> print "Bob is now ", g.value( bob, FOAF.age )
+ Bob is now 43
+(:meth:`rdflib.graph.Graph.value` is the matching query method, it will return a single value for a property, optionally raising an exception if there are more.)
+Removing Triples
+Similarly, triples can be removed by a call to :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.remove`:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.remove
+ :noindex:
+When removing, it is possible to leave parts of the triple unspecified (i.e. passing ``None``), this will remove all matching triples::
+ >>> g.remove( (bob, None, None) ) # remove all triples about bob
-Creating RDF with RDFLib
diff --git a/docs/intro_to_graphs.rst b/docs/intro_to_graphs.rst
index 21031dab..eabd55a3 100644
--- a/docs/intro_to_graphs.rst
+++ b/docs/intro_to_graphs.rst
@@ -1,24 +1,76 @@
.. _rdflib_graph: Navigating Graphs
-Navigating RDFLib Graphs
-.. module rdflib.graph
+Navigating Graphs
-The :class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` class
-.. autoclass:: rdflib.graph.Graph
- :members:
- :noindex:
+An RDF Graph is a set of RDF triples, and we try to mirror exactly this in RDFLib, and the graph tries to emulate a container type.
+Graphs as Iterators
+RDFLib graphs override :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.__iter__` in order to support iteration over the contained triples:
+.. code-block:: python
+ for subject,predicate,obj_ in someGraph:
+ assert (subject,predicate,obj_) in someGraph, "Iterator / Container Protocols are Broken!!"
+Set Operations on RDFLib Graphs
+:meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.__iadd__` and :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.__isub__` are overridden to support adding and subtracting Graphs to/from each other (in place):
+* G1 += G1
+* G2 -= G2
-.. autoclass:: rdflib.graph.ConjunctiveGraph
+.. warning: If you are using blank-nodes set-operations on graphs may or may not do what you want,
+Basic Triple Matching
+RDFLib graphs support basic triple pattern matching with a :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.triples` function.
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.triples
-.. autoclass:: rdflib.graph.Dataset
- :members:
+This function is a generator of triples that match the pattern given by the arguments. The arguments of these are RDF terms that restrict the triples that are returned. Terms that are :data:`None` are treated as a wildcard.
+:class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` methods for accessing triples
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.add
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.set
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.label
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.preferredLabel
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.remove
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.triples
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.value
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subjects
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.objects
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.predicates
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subject_objects
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subject_predicates
+ :noindex:
+.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.predicate_objects
-Working with RDFLib graphs
-.. automodule:: rdflib.graph
diff --git a/docs/intro_to_parsing.rst b/docs/intro_to_parsing.rst
index df79cd44..7a585aee 100644
--- a/docs/intro_to_parsing.rst
+++ b/docs/intro_to_parsing.rst
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-.. _intro_to_parsing: Parsing RDF
+.. _intro_to_parsing:
-Parsing RDF into RDFLib graphs
+Loading and saving RDF
Reading an NT file
-RDF data has various syntaxes (``xml``, ``n3``, ``ntriples``, ``trix``, etc) that you might want to read. The simplest format is ``ntriples``. Create the file :file:`demo.nt` in the current directory with these two lines:
+RDF data has various syntaxes (``xml``, ``n3``, ``ntriples``, ``trix``, etc) that you might want to read. The simplest format is ``ntriples``, a line-based format. Create the file :file:`demo.nt` in the current directory with these two lines:
.. code-block:: n3
<> <> <> .
<> <> "Hello world" .
+You need to tell RDFLib what format to parse, use the ``format`` keyword-parameter to :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.parse`, you can pass either a mime-type or the name (a :doc:`list of available parsers <plugin_parsers>` is available).
+If you are not sure what format your file will be, you can use :func:`rdflib.util.guess_format` which will guess based on the file extension.
In an interactive python interpreter, try this:
.. code-block:: pycon
@@ -50,101 +53,5 @@ Reading graphs from the net is just as easy:
The format defaults to ``xml``, which is the common format for .rdf files you'll find on the net.
-Graphs as Iterators
-RDFLib graphs also override :meth:`__iter__` in order to support iteration over the contained triples:
-.. code-block:: python
- for subject,predicate,obj_ in someGraph:
- assert (subject,predicate,obj_) in someGraph, "Iterator / Container Protocols are Broken!!"
-Set Operations on RDFLib Graphs
-:meth:`__iadd__` and :meth:`__isub__` are overridden to support adding and subtracting Graphs to/from each other (in place):
-* G1 += G1
-* G2 -= G2
-Basic Triple Matching
-RDFLib graphs support basic triple pattern matching with a :meth:`triples` function.
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.triples
- :noindex:
-This function is a generator of triples that match the pattern given by the arguments. The arguments of these are RDF terms that restrict the triples that are returned. Terms that are :data:`None` are treated as a wildcard.
-Managing Triples
-Adding Triples
-Triples can be added either of two ways:
-Triples can be added with with the :meth:`parse` function.
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.parse
- :noindex:
-The first argument can be a *source* of many kinds, but the most common is the serialization (in various formats: RDF/XML, Notation 3, NTriples of an RDF graph as a string. The ``format`` parameter is one of ``n3``, ``xml``, or ``ntriples``. ``publicID`` is the name of the graph into which the RDF serialization will be parsed.
-Triples can also be added with the :meth:`add` function:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.add
- :noindex:
-Removing Triples
-Similarly, triples can be removed by a call to :meth:`remove`:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.remove
- :noindex:
-.. module:: rdflib.graph
-:class:`~rdflib.graph.Graph` methods for accessing triples
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.add
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.set
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.label
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.preferredLabel
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.remove
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.triples
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.value
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subjects
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.objects
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.predicates
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subject_objects
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.subject_predicates
- :noindex:
-.. automethod:: rdflib.graph.Graph.predicate_objects
- :noindex:
-Full documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- intro_to_graphs
+RDFLib will also happily read RDF from any file-like object, i.e. anything with a ``.read`` method.
diff --git a/docs/intro_to_sparql.rst b/docs/intro_to_sparql.rst
index 552c9932..b096b409 100644
--- a/docs/intro_to_sparql.rst
+++ b/docs/intro_to_sparql.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-.. _intro_to_using_sparql: Querying with SPARQL
+.. _intro_to_using_sparql:
-SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
+Querying with SPARQL
Create an Rdflib Graph
diff --git a/docs/plugin_parsers.rst b/docs/plugin_parsers.rst
index 235e6dd4..e114958d 100644
--- a/docs/plugin_parsers.rst
+++ b/docs/plugin_parsers.rst
@@ -5,32 +5,32 @@ Plugin parsers
These serializers are available in default RDFLib, you can use them by
-passing the name to graph's :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.parse` method:
-.. code-block:: python
+passing the name to graph's :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.parse` method::
graph.parse(my_url, format='n3')
The ``html`` parser will auto-detect RDFa, HTurtle or Microdata.
-===================== ====================================================================
-Name Class
-===================== ====================================================================
-application/rdf+xml :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.rdfxml.RDFXMLParser`
-application/svg+xml :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
-application/xhtml+xml :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
-html :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.StructuredDataParser`
-hturtle :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.hturtle.HTurtleParser`
-mdata :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.MicrodataParser`
-microdata :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.MicrodataParser`
-n3 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3.N3Parser`
-nquads :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.nquads.NQuadsParser`
-nt :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.nt.NTParser`
-rdfa :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
-rdfa1.0 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFa10Parser`
-rdfa1.1 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
-text/html :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.StructuredDataParser`
-trix :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.trix.TriXParser`
-turtle :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3.TurtleParser`
-xml :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.rdfxml.RDFXMLParser`
-===================== ====================================================================
+It is also possible to pass a mime-type for the ``format`` parameter::
+ graph.parse(my_url, format='application/rdf+xml')
+If you are not sure what format your file will be, you can use :func:`rdflib.util.guess_format` which will guess based on the file extension.
+========= ====================================================================
+Name Class
+========= ====================================================================
+html :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.StructuredDataParser`
+hturtle :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.hturtle.HTurtleParser`
+mdata :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.MicrodataParser`
+microdata :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.MicrodataParser`
+n3 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3.N3Parser`
+nquads :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.nquads.NQuadsParser`
+nt :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.nt.NTParser`
+rdfa :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
+rdfa1.0 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFa10Parser`
+rdfa1.1 :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.structureddata.RDFaParser`
+trix :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.trix.TriXParser`
+turtle :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.notation3.TurtleParser`
+xml :class:`~rdflib.plugins.parsers.rdfxml.RDFXMLParser`
+========= ====================================================================
diff --git a/docs/plugin_serializers.rst b/docs/plugin_serializers.rst
index 41be2fe1..0aedd566 100644
--- a/docs/plugin_serializers.rst
+++ b/docs/plugin_serializers.rst
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ Plugin serializers
These serializers are available in default RDFLib, you can use them by
-passing the name to a graph's :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.serialize` method:
-.. code-block:: python
+passing the name to a graph's :meth:`~rdflib.graph.Graph.serialize` method::
print graph.serialize(format='n3')
+It is also possible to pass a mime-type for the ``format`` parameter::
+ graph.serialize(my_url, format='application/rdf+xml')
========== ===============================================================
Name Class
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index cc7ace38..e982647d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ cls = sys.argv[1]
p = {}
for (name, kind), plugin in _plugins.items():
+ if "/" in name: continue # skip duplicate entries for mimetypes
if cls == kind.__name__:
p[name]="%s.%s"%(plugin.module_path, plugin.class_name)
diff --git a/docs/rdf_terms.rst b/docs/rdf_terms.rst
index 9ab12a7d..5fe883d5 100644
--- a/docs/rdf_terms.rst
+++ b/docs/rdf_terms.rst
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ URIRefs
+.. literals: