# BUILDING pyparsing uses the [flit](https://flit.readthedocs.io/) build system that is compliant with [PEP 517](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/). Therefore, any PEP 517-compliant tools can be used to build it. ## Building using flit To build the distribution files using flit, type: ``` $ flit build ``` The generated sdist and wheel will be placed in `dist/` directory. ## Building using build [build](https://github.com/pypa/build) is a generic builder for PEP 517 projects. To build the distribution files using build, type: ``` $ pyproject-build ``` The generated sdist and wheel will be placed in `dist/` directory. ## Testing pyparsing uses [tox](https://tox.wiki/en/latest/) to run tests. In order to run the complete test suite, type: ``` $ tox ```