# Copyright 2012 Pinterest.com # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import errno import platform import socket from functools import partial from ssl import SSLContext from types import ModuleType from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from pymemcache import pool from pymemcache.exceptions import ( MemcacheClientError, MemcacheIllegalInputError, MemcacheServerError, MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError, MemcacheUnknownCommandError, MemcacheUnknownError, ) from pymemcache.serde import LegacyWrappingSerde RECV_SIZE = 4096 VALID_STORE_RESULTS = { b"set": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"), b"add": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"), b"replace": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"), b"append": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"), b"prepend": (b"STORED", b"NOT_STORED"), b"cas": (b"STORED", b"EXISTS", b"NOT_FOUND"), } SOCKET_KEEPALIVE_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM = { "Linux", } STORE_RESULTS_VALUE = { b"STORED": True, b"NOT_STORED": False, b"NOT_FOUND": None, b"EXISTS": False, } ServerSpec = Union[Tuple[str, int], str] Key = Union[bytes, str] # Some of the values returned by the "stats" command # need mapping into native Python types def _parse_bool_int(value: bytes) -> bool: return int(value) != 0 def _parse_bool_string_is_yes(value: bytes) -> bool: return value == b"yes" def _parse_float(value: bytes) -> float: return float(value.replace(b":", b".")) def _parse_hex(value: bytes) -> int: return int(value, 8) STAT_TYPES: Dict[bytes, Callable[[bytes], Any]] = { # General stats b"version": bytes, b"rusage_user": _parse_float, b"rusage_system": _parse_float, b"hash_is_expanding": _parse_bool_int, b"slab_reassign_running": _parse_bool_int, # Settings stats b"inter": bytes, b"growth_factor": float, b"stat_key_prefix": bytes, b"umask": _parse_hex, b"detail_enabled": _parse_bool_int, b"cas_enabled": _parse_bool_int, b"auth_enabled_sasl": _parse_bool_string_is_yes, b"maxconns_fast": _parse_bool_int, b"slab_reassign": _parse_bool_int, b"slab_automove": _parse_bool_int, } # Common helper functions. def check_key_helper( key: Key, allow_unicode_keys: bool, key_prefix: bytes = b"" ) -> bytes: """Checks key and add key_prefix.""" if allow_unicode_keys: if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode("utf8") elif isinstance(key, str): try: key = key.encode("ascii") except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError): raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Non-ASCII key: %r" % key) key = key_prefix + key parts = key.split() if len(key) > 250: raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Key is too long: %r" % key) # second statement catches leading or trailing whitespace elif len(parts) > 1 or (parts and parts[0] != key): raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Key contains whitespace: %r" % key) elif b"\00" in key: raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("Key contains null: %r" % key) return key def normalize_server_spec(server: ServerSpec) -> ServerSpec: if isinstance(server, tuple): return server if not isinstance(server, str): raise ValueError(f"Unsupported server specification: {server!r}") if server.startswith("unix:"): return server[5:] if server.startswith("/"): return server if ":" not in server or server.endswith("]"): host, port = server, 11211 else: parts = server.rsplit(":", 1) host, port = parts[0], int(parts[1]) if host.startswith("["): host = host.strip("[]") return (host, port) class KeepaliveOpts: """ A configuration structure to define the socket keepalive. This structure must be passed to a client. The client will configure its socket keepalive by using the elements of the structure. Args: idle: The time (in seconds) the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes. Should be a positive integer most greater than zero. intvl: The time (in seconds) between individual keepalive probes. Should be a positive integer most greater than zero. cnt: The maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection. Should be a positive integer most greater than zero. """ __slots__ = ("idle", "intvl", "cnt") def __init__(self, idle: int = 1, intvl: int = 1, cnt: int = 5) -> None: if idle < 1: raise ValueError("The idle parameter must be greater or equal to 1.") self.idle = idle if intvl < 1: raise ValueError("The intvl parameter must be greater or equal to 1.") self.intvl = intvl if cnt < 1: raise ValueError("The cnt parameter must be greater or equal to 1.") self.cnt = cnt class Client: """ A client for a single memcached server. *Server Connection* The ``server`` parameter controls how the client connects to the memcached server. You can either use a (host, port) tuple for a TCP connection or a string containing the path to a UNIX domain socket. The ``connect_timeout`` and ``timeout`` parameters can be used to set socket timeout values. By default, timeouts are disabled. When the ``no_delay`` flag is set, the ``TCP_NODELAY`` socket option will also be set. This only applies to TCP-based connections. Lastly, the ``socket_module`` allows you to specify an alternate socket implementation (such as `gevent.socket`_). .. _gevent.socket: http://www.gevent.org/api/gevent.socket.html *Keys and Values* Keys must have a __str__() method which should return a str with no more than 250 ASCII characters and no whitespace or control characters. Unicode strings must be encoded (as UTF-8, for example) unless they consist only of ASCII characters that are neither whitespace nor control characters. Values must have a __str__() method to convert themselves to a byte string. Unicode objects can be a problem since str() on a Unicode object will attempt to encode it as ASCII (which will fail if the value contains code points larger than U+127). You can fix this with a serializer or by just calling encode on the string (using UTF-8, for instance). If you intend to use anything but str as a value, it is a good idea to use a serializer. The pymemcache.serde library has an already implemented serializer which pickles and unpickles data. *Serialization and Deserialization* The constructor takes an optional object, the "serializer/deserializer" ("serde"), which is responsible for both serialization and deserialization of objects. That object must satisfy the serializer interface by providing two methods: `serialize` and `deserialize`. `serialize` takes two arguments, a key and a value, and returns a tuple of two elements, the serialized value, and an integer in the range 0-65535 (the "flags"). `deserialize` takes three parameters, a key, value, and flags, and returns the deserialized value. Here is an example using JSON for non-str values: .. code-block:: python class JSONSerde(object): def serialize(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, str): return value, 1 return json.dumps(value), 2 def deserialize(self, key, value, flags): if flags == 1: return value if flags == 2: return json.loads(value) raise Exception("Unknown flags for value: {1}".format(flags)) .. note:: Most write operations allow the caller to provide a ``flags`` value to support advanced interaction with the server. This will **override** the "flags" value returned by the serializer and should therefore only be used when you have a complete understanding of how the value should be serialized, stored, and deserialized. *Error Handling* All of the methods in this class that talk to memcached can throw one of the following exceptions: * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheUnknownCommandError` * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheClientError` * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheServerError` * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheUnknownError` * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError` * :class:`pymemcache.exceptions.MemcacheIllegalInputError` * :class:`socket.timeout` * :class:`socket.error` Instances of this class maintain a persistent connection to memcached which is terminated when any of these exceptions are raised. The next call to a method on the object will result in a new connection being made to memcached. """ def __init__( self, server: ServerSpec, serde=None, serializer=None, deserializer=None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, no_delay: bool = False, ignore_exc: bool = False, socket_module: ModuleType = socket, socket_keepalive: Optional[KeepaliveOpts] = None, key_prefix: bytes = b"", default_noreply: bool = True, allow_unicode_keys: bool = False, encoding: str = "ascii", tls_context: Optional[SSLContext] = None, ): """ Constructor. Args: server: tuple(hostname, port) or string containing a UNIX socket path. serde: optional serializer object, see notes in the class docs. serializer: deprecated serialization function deserializer: deprecated deserialization function connect_timeout: optional float, seconds to wait for a connection to the memcached server. Defaults to "forever" (uses the underlying default socket timeout, which can be very long). timeout: optional float, seconds to wait for send or recv calls on the socket connected to memcached. Defaults to "forever" (uses the underlying default socket timeout, which can be very long). no_delay: optional bool, set the TCP_NODELAY flag, which may help with performance in some cases. Defaults to False. ignore_exc: optional bool, True to cause the "get", "gets", "get_many" and "gets_many" calls to treat any errors as cache misses. Defaults to False. socket_module: socket module to use, e.g. gevent.socket. Defaults to the standard library's socket module. socket_keepalive: Activate the socket keepalive feature by passing a KeepaliveOpts structure in this parameter. Disabled by default (None). This feature is only supported on Linux platforms. key_prefix: Prefix of key. You can use this as namespace. Defaults to b''. default_noreply: bool, the default value for 'noreply' as passed to store commands (except from cas, incr, and decr, which default to False). allow_unicode_keys: bool, support unicode (utf8) keys encoding: optional str, controls data encoding (defaults to 'ascii'). Notes: The constructor does not make a connection to memcached. The first call to a method on the object will do that. """ self.server = normalize_server_spec(server) self.serde = serde or LegacyWrappingSerde(serializer, deserializer) self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.timeout = timeout self.no_delay = no_delay self.ignore_exc = ignore_exc self.socket_module = socket_module self.socket_keepalive = socket_keepalive user_system = platform.system() if self.socket_keepalive is not None: if user_system not in SOCKET_KEEPALIVE_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM: raise SystemError( "Pymemcache's socket keepalive mechanism doesn't " "support your system ({user_system}). If " "you see this message it mean that you tried to " "configure your socket keepalive on an unsupported " "system. To fix the problem pass `socket_" "keepalive=False` or use a supported system. " "Supported systems are: {systems}".format( user_system=user_system, systems=", ".join(sorted(SOCKET_KEEPALIVE_SUPPORTED_SYSTEM)), ) ) if not isinstance(self.socket_keepalive, KeepaliveOpts): raise ValueError( "Unsupported keepalive options. If you see this message " "it means that you passed an unsupported object within " "the param `socket_keepalive`. To fix it " "please instantiate and pass to socket_keepalive a " "KeepaliveOpts object. That's the only supported type " "of structure." ) self.sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None if isinstance(key_prefix, str): key_prefix = key_prefix.encode("ascii") if not isinstance(key_prefix, bytes): raise TypeError("key_prefix should be bytes.") self.key_prefix = key_prefix self.default_noreply = default_noreply self.allow_unicode_keys = allow_unicode_keys self.encoding = encoding self.tls_context = tls_context def check_key(self, key: Key) -> bytes: """Checks key and add key_prefix.""" return check_key_helper( key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=self.key_prefix ) def _connect(self) -> None: self.close() s = self.socket_module if not isinstance(self.server, tuple): sockaddr = self.server sock = s.socket(s.AF_UNIX, s.SOCK_STREAM) else: sock = None error = None host, port = self.server info = s.getaddrinfo(host, port, s.AF_UNSPEC, s.SOCK_STREAM, s.IPPROTO_TCP) for family, socktype, proto, _, sockaddr in info: try: sock = s.socket(family, socktype, proto) if self.no_delay: sock.setsockopt(s.IPPROTO_TCP, s.TCP_NODELAY, 1) if self.tls_context: context = self.tls_context sock = context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host) except Exception as e: error = e if sock is not None: sock.close() sock = None else: break if error is not None: raise error try: sock.settimeout(self.connect_timeout) if self.socket_keepalive is not None: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) sock.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, self.socket_keepalive.idle ) sock.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, self.socket_keepalive.intvl, ) sock.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, self.socket_keepalive.cnt ) sock.connect(sockaddr) sock.settimeout(self.timeout) except Exception: sock.close() raise self.sock = sock def close(self) -> None: """Close the connection to memcached, if it is open. The next call to a method that requires a connection will re-open it.""" if self.sock is not None: try: self.sock.close() except Exception: pass finally: self.sock = None disconnect_all = close def set( self, key: Key, value: Any, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Optional[bool]: """ The memcached "set" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: If no exception is raised, always returns True. If an exception is raised, the set may or may not have occurred. If noreply is True, then a successful return does not guarantee a successful set. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply # Optional because _store_cmd lookup in STORE_RESULTS_VALUE can return None in some cases. # TODO: refactor to fix return self._store_cmd(b"set", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[key] def set_many( self, values: Dict[Key, Any], expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Key]: """ A convenience function for setting multiple values. Args: values: dict(str, str), a dict of keys and values, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: Returns a list of keys that failed to be inserted. If noreply is True, always returns empty list. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply result = self._store_cmd(b"set", values, expire, noreply, flags=flags) return [k for k, v in result.items() if not v] set_multi = set_many def add( self, key: Key, value: Any, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: """ The memcached "add" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: If ``noreply`` is True (or if it is unset and ``self.default_noreply`` is True), the return value is always True. Otherwise the return value is True if the value was stored, and False if it was not (because the key already existed). """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply response = self._store_cmd(b"add", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[ key ] # For typing, can only be None, if cas command assert response is not None return response def replace( self, key: Key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: """ The memcached "replace" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: If ``noreply`` is True (or if it is unset and ``self.default_noreply`` is True), the return value is always True. Otherwise returns True if the value was stored and False if it wasn't (because the key didn't already exist). """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply response = self._store_cmd( b"replace", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags )[key] # for typing assert response is not None return response def append( self, key: Key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> bool: """ The memcached "append" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: True. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply response = self._store_cmd( b"append", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags )[key] # For typing assert response is not None return response def prepend( self, key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): """ The memcached "prepend" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: True. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply return self._store_cmd(b"prepend", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags)[ key ] def cas( self, key, value, cas, expire: int = 0, noreply=False, flags: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Optional[bool]: """ The memcached "cas" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: str, see class docs for details. cas: int or str that only contains the characters '0'-'9'. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, False to wait for the reply (the default). flags: optional int, arbitrary bit field used for server-specific flags Returns: If ``noreply`` is True (or if it is unset and ``self.default_noreply`` is True), the return value is always True. Otherwise returns None if the key didn't exist, False if it existed but had a different cas value and True if it existed and was changed. """ cas = self._check_cas(cas) return self._store_cmd( b"cas", {key: value}, expire, noreply, flags=flags, cas=cas )[key] def get(self, key: Key, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any: """ The memcached "get" command, but only for one key, as a convenience. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. default: value that will be returned if the key was not found. Returns: The value for the key, or default if the key wasn't found. """ return self._fetch_cmd(b"get", [key], False).get(key, default) def get_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key]) -> Dict[Key, Any]: """ The memcached "get" command. Args: keys: list(str), see class docs for details. Returns: A dict in which the keys are elements of the "keys" argument list and the values are values from the cache. The dict may contain all, some or none of the given keys. """ if not keys: return {} return self._fetch_cmd(b"get", keys, False) get_multi = get_many def gets( self, key: Key, default: Any = None, cas_default: Any = None ) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ The memcached "gets" command for one key, as a convenience. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. default: value that will be returned if the key was not found. cas_default: same behaviour as default argument. Returns: A tuple of (value, cas) or (default, cas_defaults) if the key was not found. """ defaults = (default, cas_default) return self._fetch_cmd(b"gets", [key], True).get(key, defaults) def gets_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key]) -> Dict[Key, Tuple[Any, Any]]: """ The memcached "gets" command. Args: keys: list(str), see class docs for details. Returns: A dict in which the keys are elements of the "keys" argument list and the values are tuples of (value, cas) from the cache. The dict may contain all, some or none of the given keys. """ if not keys: return {} return self._fetch_cmd(b"gets", keys, True) def delete(self, key: Key, noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ The memcached "delete" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). Returns: If ``noreply`` is True (or if it is unset and ``self.default_noreply`` is True), the return value is always True. Otherwise returns True if the key was deleted, and False if it wasn't found. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply cmd = b"delete " + self.check_key(key) if noreply: cmd += b" noreply" cmd += b"\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"delete", noreply) if noreply: return True return results[0] == b"DELETED" def delete_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key], noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ A convenience function to delete multiple keys. Args: keys: list(str), the list of keys to delete. noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). Returns: True. If an exception is raised then all, some or none of the keys may have been deleted. Otherwise all the keys have been sent to memcache for deletion and if noreply is False, they have been acknowledged by memcache. """ if not keys: return True if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply cmds = [] for key in keys: cmds.append( b"delete " + self.check_key(key) + (b" noreply" if noreply else b"") + b"\r\n" ) self._misc_cmd(cmds, b"delete", noreply) return True delete_multi = delete_many def incr( self, key: Key, value: int, noreply: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[int]: """ The memcached "incr" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: int, the amount by which to increment the value. noreply: optional bool, False to wait for the reply (the default). Returns: If noreply is True, always returns None. Otherwise returns the new value of the key, or None if the key wasn't found. """ key = self.check_key(key) val = self._check_integer(value, "value") cmd = b"incr " + key + b" " + val if noreply: cmd += b" noreply" cmd += b"\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"incr", noreply) if noreply: return None if results[0] == b"NOT_FOUND": return None return int(results[0]) def decr( self, key: Key, value: int, noreply: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Optional[int]: """ The memcached "decr" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. value: int, the amount by which to decrement the value. noreply: optional bool, False to wait for the reply (the default). Returns: If noreply is True, always returns None. Otherwise returns the new value of the key, or None if the key wasn't found. """ key = self.check_key(key) val = self._check_integer(value, "value") cmd = b"decr " + key + b" " + val if noreply: cmd += b" noreply" cmd += b"\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"decr", noreply) if noreply: return None if results[0] == b"NOT_FOUND": return None return int(results[0]) def touch(self, key: Key, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ The memcached "touch" command. Args: key: str, see class docs for details. expire: optional int, number of seconds until the item is expired from the cache, or zero for no expiry (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). Returns: True if the expiration time was updated, False if the key wasn't found. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply key = self.check_key(key) expire_bytes = self._check_integer(expire, "expire") cmd = b"touch " + key + b" " + expire_bytes if noreply: cmd += b" noreply" cmd += b"\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"touch", noreply) if noreply: return True return results[0] == b"TOUCHED" def stats(self, *args): """ The memcached "stats" command. The returned keys depend on what the "stats" command returns. A best effort is made to convert values to appropriate Python types, defaulting to strings when a conversion cannot be made. Args: *arg: extra string arguments to the "stats" command. See the memcached protocol documentation for more information. Returns: A dict of the returned stats. """ result = self._fetch_cmd(b"stats", args, False) for key, value in result.items(): converter = STAT_TYPES.get(key, int) try: result[key] = converter(value) except Exception: pass return result def cache_memlimit(self, memlimit) -> bool: """ The memcached "cache_memlimit" command. Args: memlimit: int, the number of megabytes to set as the new cache memory limit. Returns: If no exception is raised, always returns True. """ memlimit = self._check_integer(memlimit, "memlimit") self._fetch_cmd(b"cache_memlimit", [memlimit], False) return True def version(self) -> bytes: """ The memcached "version" command. Returns: A string of the memcached version. """ cmd = b"version\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"version", False) before, _, after = results[0].partition(b" ") if before != b"VERSION": raise MemcacheUnknownError(f"Received unexpected response: {results[0]!r}") return after def raw_command( self, command: Union[str, bytes], end_tokens: Union[str, bytes] = "\r\n" ) -> bytes: """ Sends an arbitrary command to the server and parses the response until a specified token is encountered. Args: command: str|bytes: The command to send. end_tokens: str|bytes: The token expected at the end of the response. If the `end_token` is not found, the client will wait until the timeout specified in the constructor. Returns: The response from the server, with the `end_token` removed. """ encoding = "utf8" if self.allow_unicode_keys else "ascii" command = command.encode(encoding) if isinstance(command, str) else command end_tokens = ( end_tokens.encode(encoding) if isinstance(end_tokens, str) else end_tokens ) return self._misc_cmd([b"" + command + b"\r\n"], command, False, end_tokens)[0] def flush_all(self, delay: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ The memcached "flush_all" command. Args: delay: optional int, the number of seconds to wait before flushing, or zero to flush immediately (the default). noreply: optional bool, True to not wait for the reply (defaults to self.default_noreply). Returns: True. """ if noreply is None: noreply = self.default_noreply delay_bytes = self._check_integer(delay, "delay") cmd = b"flush_all " + delay_bytes if noreply: cmd += b" noreply" cmd += b"\r\n" results = self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"flush_all", noreply) if noreply: return True return results[0] == b"OK" def quit(self) -> None: """ The memcached "quit" command. This will close the connection with memcached. Calling any other method on this object will re-open the connection, so this object can be re-used after quit. """ cmd = b"quit\r\n" self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"quit", True) self.close() def shutdown(self, graceful: bool = False) -> None: """ The memcached "shutdown" command. This will request shutdown and eventual termination of the server, optionally preceded by a graceful stop of memcached's internal state machine. Note that the server needs to have been started with the shutdown protocol command enabled with the --enable-shutdown flag. Args: graceful: optional bool, True to request a graceful shutdown with SIGUSR1 (defaults to False, i.e. SIGINT shutdown). """ cmd = b"shutdown" if graceful: cmd += b" graceful" cmd += b"\r\n" # The shutdown command raises a server-side error if the shutdown # protocol command is not enabled. Otherwise, a successful shutdown # is expected to close the remote end of the transport. try: self._misc_cmd([cmd], b"shutdown", False) except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError: pass def _raise_errors(self, line: bytes, name: bytes) -> None: if line.startswith(b"ERROR"): raise MemcacheUnknownCommandError(name) if line.startswith(b"CLIENT_ERROR"): error = line[line.find(b" ") + 1 :] raise MemcacheClientError(error) if line.startswith(b"SERVER_ERROR"): error = line[line.find(b" ") + 1 :] raise MemcacheServerError(error) def _check_integer(self, value: int, name: str) -> bytes: """Check that a value is an integer and encode it as a binary string""" if not isinstance(value, int): raise MemcacheIllegalInputError( f"{name} must be integer, got bad value: {value!r}" ) return str(value).encode(self.encoding) def _check_cas(self, cas: Union[int, str, bytes]) -> bytes: """Check that a value is a valid input for 'cas' -- either an int or a string containing only 0-9 The value will be (re)encoded so that we can accept strings or bytes. """ # convert non-binary values to binary if isinstance(cas, (int, str)): try: cas = str(cas).encode(self.encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise MemcacheIllegalInputError("non-ASCII cas value: %r" % cas) elif not isinstance(cas, bytes): raise MemcacheIllegalInputError( "cas must be integer, string, or bytes, got bad value: %r" % cas ) if not cas.isdigit(): raise MemcacheIllegalInputError( "cas must only contain values in 0-9, got bad value: %r" % cas ) return cas def _extract_value( self, expect_cas: bool, line: bytes, buf: bytes, remapped_keys: Dict[bytes, Key], prefixed_keys: List[bytes], ) -> Tuple[Key, Union[Any, Tuple[Any, bytes]], bytes]: """ This function is abstracted from _fetch_cmd to support different ways of value extraction. In order to use this feature, _extract_value needs to be overridden in the subclass. """ if expect_cas: _, key, flags, size, cas = line.split() else: try: _, key, flags, size = line.split() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse line {line!r}: {e}") value = None try: # For typing assert self.sock is not None buf, value = _readvalue(self.sock, buf, int(size)) except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError: self.close() raise original_key = remapped_keys[key] value = self.serde.deserialize(original_key, value, int(flags)) if expect_cas: return original_key, (value, cas), buf else: return original_key, value, buf def _fetch_cmd( self, name: bytes, keys: Iterable[Key], expect_cas: bool ) -> Dict[Key, Any]: prefixed_keys = [self.check_key(k) for k in keys] remapped_keys = dict(zip(prefixed_keys, keys)) # It is important for all keys to be listed in their original order. cmd = name if prefixed_keys: cmd += b" " + b" ".join(prefixed_keys) cmd += b"\r\n" try: if self.sock is None: self._connect() # For typing assert self.sock is not None self.sock.sendall(cmd) buf = b"" line = None result: Dict[Key, Any] = {} while True: try: buf, line = _readline(self.sock, buf) except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError: self.close() raise self._raise_errors(line, name) if line == b"END" or line == b"OK": return result elif line.startswith(b"VALUE"): key, value, buf = self._extract_value( expect_cas, line, buf, remapped_keys, prefixed_keys ) result[key] = value elif name == b"stats" and line.startswith(b"STAT"): key_value = line.split() result[key_value[1]] = key_value[2] if len(key_value) > 2 else b"" elif name == b"stats" and line.startswith(b"ITEM"): # For 'stats cachedump' commands key_value = line.split() result[key_value[1]] = b" ".join(key_value[2:]) else: raise MemcacheUnknownError(line[:32]) except Exception: self.close() if self.ignore_exc: return {} raise def _store_cmd( self, name: bytes, values: Dict[Key, Any], expire: int, noreply: bool, flags: Optional[int] = None, cas: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> Dict[Key, Optional[bool]]: cmds = [] keys = [] extra = b"" if cas is not None: extra += b" " + cas if noreply: extra += b" noreply" expire_bytes = self._check_integer(expire, "expire") for key, data in values.items(): # must be able to reliably map responses back to the original order keys.append(key) key = self.check_key(key) data, data_flags = self.serde.serialize(key, data) # If 'flags' was explicitly provided, it overrides the value # returned by the serializer. if flags is not None: data_flags = flags if not isinstance(data, bytes): try: data = str(data).encode(self.encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: raise MemcacheIllegalInputError( "Data values must be binary-safe: %s" % e ) cmds.append( name + b" " + key + b" " + str(data_flags).encode(self.encoding) + b" " + expire_bytes + b" " + str(len(data)).encode(self.encoding) + extra + b"\r\n" + data + b"\r\n" ) if self.sock is None: self._connect() # For typing assert self.sock is not None try: self.sock.sendall(b"".join(cmds)) if noreply: return {k: True for k in keys} results = {} buf = b"" line = None for key in keys: try: buf, line = _readline(self.sock, buf) except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError: self.close() raise self._raise_errors(line, name) if line in VALID_STORE_RESULTS[name]: results[key] = STORE_RESULTS_VALUE[line] else: raise MemcacheUnknownError(line[:32]) return results except Exception: self.close() raise def _misc_cmd( self, cmds: Iterable[bytes], cmd_name: bytes, noreply: Optional[bool], end_tokens=None, ) -> List[bytes]: # If no end_tokens have been given, just assume standard memcached # operations, which end in "\r\n", use regular code for that. _reader: Callable[[socket.socket, bytes], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] if end_tokens: _reader = partial(_readsegment, end_tokens=end_tokens) else: _reader = _readline if self.sock is None: self._connect() # For typing assert self.sock is not None try: self.sock.sendall(b"".join(cmds)) if noreply: return [] results = [] buf = b"" line = None for cmd in cmds: try: buf, line = _reader(self.sock, buf) except MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError: self.close() raise self._raise_errors(line, cmd_name) results.append(line) return results except Exception: self.close() raise def __setitem__(self, key: Key, value): self.set(key, value, noreply=True) def __getitem__(self, key): value = self.get(key) if value is None: raise KeyError return value def __delitem__(self, key): self.delete(key, noreply=True) class PooledClient: """A thread-safe pool of clients (with the same client api). Args: max_pool_size: maximum pool size to use (going above this amount triggers a runtime error), by default this is 2147483648L when not provided (or none). pool_idle_timeout: pooled connections are discarded if they have been unused for this many seconds. A value of 0 indicates that pooled connections are never discarded. lock_generator: a callback/type that takes no arguments that will be called to create a lock or semaphore that can protect the pool from concurrent access (for example a eventlet lock or semaphore could be used instead) Further arguments are interpreted as for :py:class:`.Client` constructor. Note: if `serde` is given, the same object will be used for *all* clients in the pool. Your serde object must therefore be thread-safe. """ #: :class:`Client` class used to create new clients client_class = Client def __init__( self, server: ServerSpec, serde=None, serializer=None, deserializer=None, connect_timeout=None, timeout=None, no_delay=False, ignore_exc=False, socket_module=socket, socket_keepalive=None, key_prefix=b"", max_pool_size=None, pool_idle_timeout=0, lock_generator=None, default_noreply: bool = True, allow_unicode_keys=False, encoding="ascii", tls_context=None, ): self.server = normalize_server_spec(server) self.serde = serde or LegacyWrappingSerde(serializer, deserializer) self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.timeout = timeout self.no_delay = no_delay self.ignore_exc = ignore_exc self.socket_module = socket_module self.socket_keepalive = socket_keepalive self.default_noreply = default_noreply self.allow_unicode_keys = allow_unicode_keys if isinstance(key_prefix, str): key_prefix = key_prefix.encode("ascii") if not isinstance(key_prefix, bytes): raise TypeError("key_prefix should be bytes.") self.key_prefix = key_prefix self.client_pool = pool.ObjectPool( self._create_client, after_remove=lambda client: client.close(), max_size=max_pool_size, idle_timeout=pool_idle_timeout, lock_generator=lock_generator, ) self.encoding = encoding self.tls_context = tls_context def check_key(self, key: Key) -> bytes: """Checks key and add key_prefix.""" return check_key_helper( key, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys, key_prefix=self.key_prefix ) def _create_client(self) -> Client: return self.client_class( self.server, serde=self.serde, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout, timeout=self.timeout, no_delay=self.no_delay, # We need to know when it fails *always* so that we # can remove/destroy it from the pool... ignore_exc=False, socket_module=self.socket_module, socket_keepalive=self.socket_keepalive, key_prefix=self.key_prefix, default_noreply=self.default_noreply, allow_unicode_keys=self.allow_unicode_keys, tls_context=self.tls_context, ) def close(self) -> None: self.client_pool.clear() disconnect_all = close def set( self, key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.set(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags) def set_many( self, values, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.set_many(values, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags) set_multi = set_many def replace( self, key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.replace( key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags ) def append( self, key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.append( key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags ) def prepend( self, key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.prepend( key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags ) def cas( self, key, value, cas, expire: int = 0, noreply=False, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.cas( key, value, cas, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags ) def get(self, key: Key, default: Any = None) -> Any: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: return client.get(key, default) except Exception: if self.ignore_exc: return default else: raise def get_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key]) -> Dict[Key, Any]: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: return client.get_many(keys) except Exception: if self.ignore_exc: return {} else: raise get_multi = get_many def gets(self, key: Key) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: return client.gets(key) except Exception: if self.ignore_exc: return (None, None) else: raise def gets_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key]) -> Dict[Key, Tuple[Any, Any]]: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: return client.gets_many(keys) except Exception: if self.ignore_exc: return {} else: raise def delete(self, key: Key, noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.delete(key, noreply=noreply) def delete_many(self, keys: Iterable[Key], noreply: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.delete_many(keys, noreply=noreply) delete_multi = delete_many def add( self, key: Key, value, expire: int = 0, noreply: Optional[bool] = None, flags: Optional[int] = None, ): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.add(key, value, expire=expire, noreply=noreply, flags=flags) def incr(self, key: Key, value, noreply=False): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.incr(key, value, noreply=noreply) def decr(self, key: Key, value, noreply=False): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.decr(key, value, noreply=noreply) def touch(self, key: Key, expire: int = 0, noreply=None): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.touch(key, expire=expire, noreply=noreply) def stats(self, *args): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: return client.stats(*args) except Exception: if self.ignore_exc: return {} else: raise def version(self) -> bytes: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.version() def flush_all(self, delay=0, noreply=None) -> bool: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.flush_all(delay=delay, noreply=noreply) def quit(self) -> None: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: try: client.quit() finally: self.client_pool.destroy(client) def shutdown(self, graceful: bool = False) -> None: with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: client.shutdown(graceful) def raw_command(self, command, end_tokens=b"\r\n"): with self.client_pool.get_and_release(destroy_on_fail=True) as client: return client.raw_command(command, end_tokens) def __setitem__(self, key: Key, value): self.set(key, value, noreply=True) def __getitem__(self, key): value = self.get(key) if value is None: raise KeyError return value def __delitem__(self, key): self.delete(key, noreply=True) def _readline(sock: socket.socket, buf: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: """Read line of text from the socket. Read a line of text (delimited by "\r\n") from the socket, and return that line along with any trailing characters read from the socket. Args: sock: Socket object, should be connected. buf: Bytes, zero or more characters, returned from an earlier call to _readline or _readvalue (pass an empty byte string on the first call). Returns: A tuple of (buf, line) where line is the full line read from the socket (minus the "\r\n" characters) and buf is any trailing characters read after the "\r\n" was found (which may be an empty byte string). """ chunks: List[bytes] = [] last_char = b"" while True: # We're reading in chunks, so "\r\n" could appear in one chunk, # or across the boundary of two chunks, so we check for both # cases. # This case must appear first, since the buffer could have # later \r\n characters in it and we want to get the first \r\n. if last_char == b"\r" and buf[0:1] == b"\n": # Strip the last character from the last chunk. chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][:-1] return buf[1:], b"".join(chunks) else: token_pos = buf.find(b"\r\n") if token_pos != -1: # Note: 2 == len(b"\r\n") before, after = buf[:token_pos], buf[token_pos + 2 :] chunks.append(before) return after, b"".join(chunks) if buf: chunks.append(buf) last_char = buf[-1:] buf = _recv(sock, RECV_SIZE) if not buf: raise MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError() def _readvalue(sock: socket.socket, buf: bytes, size: int): """Read specified amount of bytes from the socket. Read size bytes, followed by the "\r\n" characters, from the socket, and return those bytes and any trailing bytes read after the "\r\n". Args: sock: Socket object, should be connected. buf: String, zero or more characters, returned from an earlier call to _readline or _readvalue (pass an empty string on the first call). size: Integer, number of bytes to read from the socket. Returns: A tuple of (buf, value) where value is the bytes read from the socket (there will be exactly size bytes) and buf is trailing characters read after the "\r\n" following the bytes (but not including the \r\n). """ chunks = [] rlen = size + 2 while rlen - len(buf) > 0: if buf: rlen -= len(buf) chunks.append(buf) buf = _recv(sock, RECV_SIZE) if not buf: raise MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError() # Now we need to remove the \r\n from the end. There are two cases we care # about: the \r\n is all in the last buffer, or only the \n is in the last # buffer, and we need to remove the \r from the penultimate buffer. if rlen == 1: # replace the last chunk with the same string minus the last character, # which is always '\r' in this case. chunks[-1] = chunks[-1][:-1] else: # Just remove the "\r\n" from the latest chunk chunks.append(buf[: rlen - 2]) return buf[rlen:], b"".join(chunks) def _readsegment( sock: socket.socket, buf: bytes, end_tokens: bytes ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: """Read a segment from the socket. Read a segment from the socket, up to the first end_token sub-string/bytes, and return that segment. Args: sock: Socket object, should be connected. buf: bytes, zero or more bytes, returned from an earlier call to _readline, _readsegment or _readvalue (pass an empty byte-string on the first call). end_tokens: bytes, indicates the end of the segment, generally this is b"\\r\\n" for memcached. Returns: A tuple of (buf, line) where line is the full line read from the socket (minus the end_tokens bytes) and buf is any trailing characters read after the end_tokens was found (which may be an empty bytes object). """ result = bytes() while True: tokens_pos = buf.find(end_tokens) if tokens_pos != -1: before, after = buf[:tokens_pos], buf[tokens_pos + len(end_tokens) :] result += before return after, result buf = _recv(sock, RECV_SIZE) if not buf: raise MemcacheUnexpectedCloseError() def _recv(sock: socket.socket, size: int) -> bytes: """sock.recv() with retry on EINTR""" while True: try: return sock.recv(size) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise