# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). # http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """functional/non regression tests for pylint""" from __future__ import with_statement import collections import contextlib import functools import sys import re from glob import glob from os import linesep from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, isdir, join, splitext from cStringIO import StringIO from logilab.common import testlib from pylint import checkers from pylint.reporters import BaseReporter from pylint.interfaces import IReporter from pylint.lint import PyLinter # Utils SYS_VERS_STR = '%d%d' % sys.version_info[:2] TITLE_UNDERLINES = ['', '=', '-', '.'] PREFIX = abspath(dirname(__file__)) PY3K = sys.version_info[0] == 3 def fix_path(): sys.path.insert(0, PREFIX) def get_tests_info(input_dir, msg_dir, prefix, suffix): """get python input examples and output messages We use following conventions for input files and messages: for different inputs: test for python >= x.y -> input = _pyxy.py test for python < x.y -> input = _py_xy.py for one input and different messages: message for python >= x.y -> message = _pyxy.txt lower versions -> message with highest num """ result = [] for fname in glob(join(input_dir, prefix + '*' + suffix)): infile = basename(fname) fbase = splitext(infile)[0] # filter input files : pyrestr = fbase.rsplit('_py', 1)[-1] # like _26 or 26 if pyrestr.isdigit(): # '24', '25'... if SYS_VERS_STR < pyrestr: continue if pyrestr.startswith('_') and pyrestr[1:].isdigit(): # skip test for higher python versions if SYS_VERS_STR >= pyrestr[1:]: continue messages = glob(join(msg_dir, fbase + '*.txt')) # the last one will be without ext, i.e. for all or upper versions: if messages: for outfile in sorted(messages, reverse=True): py_rest = outfile.rsplit('_py', 1)[-1][:-4] if py_rest.isdigit() and SYS_VERS_STR >= py_rest: break else: # This will provide an error message indicating the missing filename. outfile = join(msg_dir, fbase + '.txt') result.append((infile, outfile)) return result class TestReporter(BaseReporter): """reporter storing plain text messages""" __implements____ = IReporter def __init__(self): self.message_ids = {} self.reset() def reset(self): self.out = StringIO() self.messages = [] def add_message(self, msg_id, location, msg): """manage message of different type and in the context of path """ fpath, module, obj, line, _ = location self.message_ids[msg_id] = 1 if obj: obj = ':%s' % obj sigle = msg_id[0] if PY3K and linesep != '\n': # 2to3 writes os.linesep instead of using # the previosly used line separators msg = msg.replace('\r\n', '\n') self.messages.append('%s:%3s%s: %s' % (sigle, line, obj, msg)) def finalize(self): self.messages.sort() for msg in self.messages: print >> self.out, msg result = self.out.getvalue() self.reset() return result def display_results(self, layout): """ignore layouts""" class Message(collections.namedtuple('Message', ['msg_id', 'line', 'node', 'args'])): def __new__(cls, msg_id, line=None, node=None, args=None): return tuple.__new__(cls, (msg_id, line, node, args)) class UnittestLinter(object): """A fake linter class to capture checker messages.""" def __init__(self): self._messages = [] self.stats = {} def release_messages(self): try: return self._messages finally: self._messages = [] def add_message(self, msg_id, line=None, node=None, args=None): self._messages.append(Message(msg_id, line, node, args)) def is_message_enabled(self, *unused_args): return True def add_stats(self, **kwargs): for name, value in kwargs.iteritems(): self.stats[name] = value return self.stats def set_config(**kwargs): """Decorator for setting config values on a checker.""" def _Wrapper(fun): @functools.wraps(fun) def _Forward(self): for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self.checker.config, key, value) if isinstance(self, CheckerTestCase): # reopen checker in case, it may be interested in configuration change self.checker.open() fun(self) return _Forward return _Wrapper class CheckerTestCase(testlib.TestCase): """A base testcase class for unittesting individual checker classes.""" CHECKER_CLASS = None CONFIG = {} def setUp(self): self.linter = UnittestLinter() self.checker = self.CHECKER_CLASS(self.linter) # pylint: disable=not-callable for key, value in self.CONFIG.iteritems(): setattr(self.checker.config, key, value) self.checker.open() @contextlib.contextmanager def assertNoMessages(self): """Assert that no messages are added by the given method.""" with self.assertAddsMessages(): yield @contextlib.contextmanager def assertAddsMessages(self, *messages): """Assert that exactly the given method adds the given messages. The list of messages must exactly match *all* the messages added by the method. Additionally, we check to see whether the args in each message can actually be substituted into the message string. """ yield got = self.linter.release_messages() msg = ('Expected messages did not match actual.\n' 'Expected:\n%s\nGot:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(repr(m) for m in messages), '\n'.join(repr(m) for m in got))) self.assertEqual(list(messages), got, msg) # Init test_reporter = TestReporter() linter = PyLinter() linter.set_reporter(test_reporter) linter.config.persistent = 0 checkers.initialize(linter) linter.global_set_option('required-attributes', ('__revision__',)) if linesep != '\n': LINE_RGX = re.compile(linesep) def ulines(string): return LINE_RGX.sub('\n', string) else: def ulines(string): return string INFO_TEST_RGX = re.compile(r'^func_i\d\d\d\d$') def exception_str(self, ex): """function used to replace default __str__ method of exception instances""" return 'in %s\n:: %s' % (ex.file, ', '.join(ex.args)) # Test classes class LintTestUsingModule(testlib.TestCase): INPUT_DIR = None DEFAULT_PACKAGE = 'input' package = DEFAULT_PACKAGE linter = linter module = None depends = None output = None _TEST_TYPE = 'module' def shortDescription(self): values = {'mode' : self._TEST_TYPE, 'input': self.module, 'pkg': self.package, 'cls': self.__class__.__name__} if self.package == self.DEFAULT_PACKAGE: msg = '%(mode)s test of input file "%(input)s" (%(cls)s)' else: msg = '%(mode)s test of input file "%(input)s" in "%(pkg)s" (%(cls)s)' return msg % values def test_functionality(self): tocheck = [self.package+'.'+self.module] if self.depends: tocheck += [self.package+'.%s' % name.replace('.py', '') for name, file in self.depends] self._test(tocheck) def _check_result(self, got): self.assertMultiLineEqual(self._get_expected(), got) def _test(self, tocheck): if INFO_TEST_RGX.match(self.module): self.linter.enable('I') else: self.linter.disable('I') try: self.linter.check(tocheck) except Exception, ex: # need finalization to restore a correct state self.linter.reporter.finalize() ex.file = tocheck print ex ex.__str__ = exception_str raise self._check_result(self.linter.reporter.finalize()) def _has_output(self): return not self.module.startswith('func_noerror_') def _get_expected(self): if self._has_output() and self.output: with open(self.output, 'U') as fobj: return fobj.read().strip() + '\n' else: return '' class LintTestUsingFile(LintTestUsingModule): _TEST_TYPE = 'file' def test_functionality(self): importable = join(self.INPUT_DIR, self.module) # python also prefers packages over simple modules. if not isdir(importable): importable += '.py' tocheck = [importable] if self.depends: tocheck += [join(self.INPUT_DIR, name) for name, _file in self.depends] self._test(tocheck) class LintTestUpdate(LintTestUsingModule): _TEST_TYPE = 'update' def _check_result(self, got): if self._has_output(): if got != self._get_expected(): if not self.output: self.output = join(self.MSG_DIR, '%s.txt' % (self.module,)) with open(self.output, 'w') as fobj: fobj.write(got) # Callback def cb_test_gen(base_class): def call(input_dir, msg_dir, module_file, messages_file, dependencies): class LintTC(base_class): module = module_file.replace('.py', '') output = messages_file depends = dependencies or None tags = testlib.Tags(('generated', 'pylint_input_%s' % module)) INPUT_DIR = input_dir MSG_DIR = msg_dir return LintTC return call # Main function def make_tests(input_dir, msg_dir, filter_rgx, callbacks): """generate tests classes from test info return the list of generated test classes """ if filter_rgx: is_to_run = re.compile(filter_rgx).search else: is_to_run = lambda x: 1 tests = [] for module_file, messages_file in ( get_tests_info(input_dir, msg_dir, 'func_', '') ): if not is_to_run(module_file): continue base = module_file.replace('func_', '').replace('.py', '') dependencies = get_tests_info(input_dir, msg_dir, base, '.py') for callback in callbacks: test = callback(input_dir, msg_dir, module_file, messages_file, dependencies) if test: tests.append(test) return tests